32 C.F.R. § 855 app Attachment 4 to Part 855

Current through August 31, 2024
Appendix Attachment 4 to Part 855 - Sample Joint-Use Agreement

Joint-Use Agreement Between an Airport Sponsor and the United States Air Force

This Joint Use Agreement is made and entered into this ____ day of ____ 19__, by and between the Secretary of the Air Force, for and on behalf of the United States of America ("Air Force") and an airport sponsor ("Sponsor") a public body eligible to sponsor a public airport.

WHEREAS, the Air Force owns and operates the runways and associated flight facilities (collectively "flying facilities") located at Warbucks Air Force Base, USA ("WAFB"); and

WHEREAS, Sponsor desires to use the flying facilities at WAFB to permit operations by general aviation aircraft and commercial air carriers (scheduled and nonscheduled) jointly with military aircraft; and

WHEREAS, the Air Force considers that this Agreement will be in the public interest, and is agreeable to joint use of the flying facilities at WAFB; and

WHEREAS, this Agreement neither addresses nor commits any Air Force real property or other facilities that may be required for exclusive use by Sponsor to support either present or future civil aviation operations and activities in connection with joint use; and

WHEREAS, the real property and other facilities needed to support civil aviation operations are either already available to or will be diligently pursued by Sponsor;

NOW, THEREFORE, it is agreed:

1. Joint Use

a. The Air Force hereby authorizes Sponsor to permit aircraft equipped with two-way radios capable of communicating with the WAFB Control Tower to use the flying facilities at WAFB, subject to the terms and conditions set forth in this Agreement and those Federal Aviation Regulations (FAR) applicable to civil aircraft operations. Civil aircraft operations are limited to 20,000 per calendar year. An operation is a landing or a takeoff. Civil aircraft using the flying facilities of WAFB on official Government business as provided in Air Force Instruction (AFI) 10-1001, Civil Aircraft Landing Permits, are not subject to this Agreement.

b. Aircraft using the flying facilities of WAFB under the authority granted to Sponsor by this Agreement shall be entitled to use those for landings, takeoffs, and movement of aircraft and will normally park only in the area made available to Sponsor and designated by them for that purpose.

c. Government aircraft taking off and landing at WAFB will have priority over all civil aircraft at all times.

d. All ground and air movements of civil aircraft using the flying facilities of WAFB under this Agreement, and movements of all other vehicles across Air Force taxiways, will be controlled by the WAFB Control Tower. Civil aircraft activity will coincide with the WAFB Control Tower hours of operation. Any additional hours of the WAFB Control Tower or other essential airfield management, or operational requirements beyond those needed by the Air Force, shall be arranged and funded (or reimbursed) by Sponsor. These charges, if any, shall be in addition to the annual charge in paragraph 2 and payable not less frequently than quarterly.

e. No civil aircraft may use the flying facilities for training.

f. Air Force-owned airfield pavements made available for use under this Agreement shall be for use on an "as is, where is" basis. The Air Force will be responsible for snow removal only as required for Government mission accomplishment.

g. Dust or any other erosion or nuisance that is created by, or arises out of, activities or operations by civil aircraft authorized use of the flying facilities under this Agreement will be corrected by Sponsor at no expense to the Air Force, using standard engineering methods and procedures.

h. All phases of planning and construction of new runways and primary taxiways on Sponsor property must be coordinated with the WAFB Base Civil Engineer. Those intended to be jointly used by Air Force aircraft will be designed to support the type of military aircraft assigned to or commonly transient through WAFB.

i. Coordination with the WAFB Base Civil Engineer is required for planning and construction of new structures or exterior alteration of existing structures that are owned or leased by Sponsor.

j. Sponsor shall comply with the procedural and substantive requirements established by the Air Force, and Federal, State, interstate, and local laws, for the flying facilities of WAFB and any runway and flight facilities on Sponsor property with respect to the control of air and water pollution; noise; hazardous and solid waste management and disposal; and hazardous materials management.

k. Sponsor shall implement civil aircraft noise mitigation plans and controls at no expense to and as directed by the Air Force, pursuant to the requirements of the WAFB Air Installation Compatible Use Zone (AICUZ) study; the FAA part 150 study; and environmental impact statements and environmental assessments, including supplements, applicable to aircraft operations at WAFB.

l. Sponsor shall comply, at no expense to the Air Force, with all applicable FAA security measures and procedures as described in the Airport Security Program for WAFB.

m. Sponsor shall not post any notices or erect any billboards or signs, nor authorize the posting of any notices or the erection of any billboards or signs at the airfield of any nature whatsoever, other than identification signs attached to buildings, without prior written approval from the WAFB Base Civil Engineer.

n. Sponsor shall neither transfer nor assign this Agreement without the prior written consent of the Air Force.

2. Payment

a. For the purpose of reimbursing the Air Force for Sponsor's share of the cost of maintaining and operating the flying facilities of WAFB as provided in this Agreement, Sponsor shall pay, with respect to civil aircraft authorized to use those facilities under this Agreement, the sum of (specify sum) annually. Payment shall be made quarterly, in equal installments.

b. All payments due pursuant to this Agreement shall be payable to the order of the Treasurer of the United States of America, and shall be made to the Accounting and Finance Officer, WAFB, within thirty (30) days after each quarter. Quarters are deemed to end on December 31, March 31, June 30, and September 30. Payment shall be made promptly when due, without any deduction or setoff. Interest at the rate prescribed by the Secretary of the Treasury of the United States shall be due and payable on any payment required to be made under this Agreement that is not paid within ten (10) days after the date on which such payment is due and end on the day payment is received by the Air Force.

3. Services

Sponsor shall be responsible for providing services, maintenance, and emergency repairs for civil aircraft authorized to use the flying facilities of WAFB under this Agreement at no cost to the Air Force. If Air Force assistance is required to repair an aircraft, Sponsor shall reimburse the Air Force for all expenses of such services. Any required reimbursement shall be paid not less frequently than quarterly. These charges are in addition to the annual charge specified in paragraph 2.

4. Fire Protection and Crash Rescue

a. The Air Force maintains the level of fire fighting, crash, and rescue capability required to support the military mission at WAFB. The Air Force agrees to respond to fire, crash, and rescue emergencies involving civil aircraft outside the hangars or other structures within the limits of its existing capabilities, equipment, and available personnel, only at the request of Sponsor, and subject to subparagraphs b, c, and d below. Air Force fire fighting, crash, and rescue equipment and personnel shall not be routinely located in the airfield movement area during nonemergency landings by civil aircraft.

b. Sponsor shall be responsible for installing, operating, and maintaining, at no cost to the Air Force, the equipment and safety devices required for all aspects of handling and support for aircraft on the ground as specified in the FARs and National Fire Protection Association procedures and standards.

c. Sponsor agrees to release, acquit, and forever discharge the Air Force, its officers, agents, and employees from all liability arising out of or connected with the use of or failure to supply in individual cases, Air Force fire fighting and or crash and rescue equipment or personnel for fire control and crash and rescue activities pursuant to this Agreement. Sponsor further agrees to indemnify, defend, and hold harmless the Air Force, its officers, agents, and employees against any and all claims, of whatever description, arising out of or connected with such use of, or failure to supply Air Force fire fighting and or crash and rescue equipment or personnel.

d. Sponsor will reimburse the Air Force for expenses incurred by the Air Force for fire fighting and or crash and rescue materials expended in connection with providing such service to civil aircraft. The Air Force may, at its option, with concurrence of the National Transportation Safety Board, remove crashed civil aircraft from Air Force-owned pavements or property and shall follow existing Air Force directives and or instructions in recovering the cost of such removal.

e. Failure to comply with the above conditions upon reasonable notice to cure or termination of this Agreement under the provisions of paragraph 7 may result in termination of fire protection and crash and rescue response by the Air Force.

f. The Air Force commitment to assist Sponsor with fire protection shall continue only so long as a fire fighting and crash and rescue organization is authorized for military operations at WAFB. The Air Force shall have no obligation to maintain or provide a fire fighting, and crash and rescue organization or fire fighting and crash and rescue equipment; or to provide any increase in fire fighting and crash and rescue equipment or personnel; or to conduct training or inspections for purposes of assisting Sponsor with fire protection.

5. Liability and Insurance

a. Sponsor will assume all risk of loss and or damage to property or injury to or death of persons by reason of civil aviation use of the flying facilities of WAFB under this Agreement, including, but not limited to, risks connected with the provision of services or goods by the Air Force to Sponsor or to any user under this Agreement. Sponsor further agrees to indemnify and hold harmless the Air Force against, and to defend at Sponsor expense, all claims for loss, damage, injury, or death sustained by any individual or corporation or other entity and arising out of the use of the flying facilities of WAFB and or the provision of services or goods by the Air Force to Sponsor or to any user, whether the claims be based in whole, or in part, on the negligence or fault of the Air Force or its contractors or any of their officers, agents, and employees, or based on any concept of strict or absolute liability, or otherwise.

b. Sponsor will carry a policy of liability and indemnity insurance satisfactory to the Air Force, naming the United States of America as an additional insured party, to protect the Government against any of the aforesaid losses and or liability, in the sum of not less than (specify sum) bodily injury and property damage combined for any one accident. Sponsor shall provide the Air Force with a certificate of insurance evidencing such coverage. A new certificate must be provided on the occasion of policy renewal or change in coverage. All policies shall provide that: (1) No cancellation, reduction in amount, or material change in coverage thereof shall be effective until at least thirty (30) days after receipt of notice of such cancellation, reduction, or change by the installation commander at WAFB, (2) any losses shall be payable notwithstanding any act or failure to act or negligence of Sponsor or the Air Force or any other person, and (3) the insurer shall have no right of subrogation against the United States.

6. Term of Agreement

This Agreement shall become effective immediately and shall remain in force and effect for a term of 25 years, unless otherwise renegotiated or terminated under the provisions of paragraph 7, but in no event shall the Agreement survive the termination or expiration of Sponsor's right to use, by license, lease, or transfer of ownership, of the land areas used in connection with joint use of the flying facilities of WAFB.

7. Renegotiation and Termination

a. If significant change in circumstances or conditions relevant to this Agreement should occur, the Air Force and Sponsor may enter into negotiations to revise the provisions of this Agreement, including financial and insurance provisions, upon sixty (60) days written notice to the other party. Any such revision or modification of this Agreement shall require the written mutual agreement and signatures of both parties. Unless such agreement is reached, the existing agreement shall continue in full force and effect, subject to termination or suspension under this section.

b. Notwithstanding any other provision of this Agreement, the Air Force may terminate this Agreement: (1) At any time by the Secretary of the Air Force, giving ninety (90) days written notice to Sponsor, provided that the Secretary of the Air Force determines, in writing, that paramount military necessity requires that joint use be terminated, or (2) at any time during any national emergency, present or future, declared by the President or the Congress of the United States, or (3) in the event that Sponsor ceases operation of the civil activities at WAFB for a period of one (1) year, or (4) in the event Sponsor violates any of the terms and conditions of this Agreement and continues and persists therein for thirty (30) days after written notification to cure such violation. In addition to the above rights, the Air Force may at any time suspend this agreement if violations of its terms and conditions by Sponsor create a significant danger to safety, public health, or the environment at WAFB.

c. The failure of either the Air Force or Sponsor to insist, in any one or more instances, upon the strict performance of any of the terms, conditions, or provisions of this Agreement shall not be construed as a waiver or relinquishment of the right to the future performance of any such terms, conditions, or provisions. No provision of this Agreement shall be deemed to have been waived by either party unless such waiver be in writing signed by such party.

8. Notices

a. No notice, order, direction, determination, requirement, consent, or approval under this Agreement shall be of any effect unless it is in writing and addressed as provided herein.

b. Written communication to Sponsor shall be delivered or mailed to Sponsor addressed: The Sponsor, 9000 Airport Blvd, USA.

c. Written communication to the Air Force shall be delivered or mailed to the Air Force addressed: Commander, WAFB, USA.

9. Other Agreements not Affected

This Agreement does not affect the WAFB-Sponsor Fire Mutual Aid Agreement.

IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the respective duly authorized representatives of the parties hereto have executed this Agreement on the date set forth below opposite their respective signatures.


Date: _______________________________

By: _______________________________

Deputy Assistant Secretary of the Air Force (Installations)

Date: _______________________________

By: _______________________________

Sponsor Representative

32 C.F.R. 855 app Attachment 4 to Part 855