32 C.F.R. § 634.32

Current through August 31, 2024
Section 634.32 - Traffic violation reports
(a) Most traffic violations occurring on DOD installations (within the UNITED STATES or its territories) should be referred to the proper U.S. Magistrate. (Army, see AR 190-29; DLA, see DLAI 5720.4; and Air Force, see AFI 51-905). However, violations are not referred when-
(1) The operator is driving a Government vehicle at the time of the violation.
(2) A Federal Magistrate is either not available or lacks jurisdiction to hear the matter because the violation occurred in an area where the Federal Government has only proprietary legislative jurisdiction.
(3) Mission requirements make referral of offenders impractical.
(4) A U.S. Magistrate is available but the accused refuses to consent to the jurisdiction of the court and the U.S. Attorney refuses to process the case before a U.S. District Court. For the Navy, DUI and driving under the influence of drugs cases will be referred to the Federal Magistrate.
(b) Installation commanders will establish administrative procedures for processing traffic violations.
(1) All traffic violators on military installations will be issued either a DD Form 1408 (Armed Forces Traffic Ticket) or a DD Form 1805 (United States District Court Violation Notice), as appropriate. Unless specified otherwise by separate Service/DLA policy, only on-duty law enforcement personnel (including game wardens) designated by the installation law enforcement officer may issue these forms. Air Force individuals certified under the Parking Traffic Warden Program may issue DD Form 1408 in areas under their control.
(2) A copy of all reports on military personnel and DOD civilian employees apprehended for intoxicated driving will be forwarded to the installation alcohol and drug abuse facility.
(c) Installation commanders will establish procedures used for disposing of traffic violation cases through administrative or judicial action consistent with the Uniform Code of Military Justice (UCMJ) and Federal law.
(d) DD Form 1805 will be used to refer violations of State traffic laws made applicable to the installation (Assimilative Crimes Act ( 18 U.S.C. 13 ) and the delegation memorandum in DoDD 5525.4, enclosure 1, and other violations of Federal law) to the U.S. Magistrate. (Army users, see AR 190-29.)
(1) A copy of DD Form 1805 and any traffic violation reports on military personnel and DOD civilian employees will be forwarded to the commander or supervisor of the violator. DA form 3975 may be used to forward the report.
(2) Detailed instructions for properly completing DD Form 1805 are contained in separate Service policy directives.
(3) The assimilation of State traffic laws as Federal offenses should be identified by a specific State code reference in the CODE SECTION block of the DD Form 1805 (or in a complaint filed with the U.S. Magistrate).
(4) The Statement of Probable Cause on the DD Form 1805 will be used according to local staff judge advocate and U.S. Magistrate court policy. The Statement of Probable Cause is required by the Federal misdemeanor rules to support the issuance of a summons or arrest warrant.
(5) For cases referred to U.S. Magistrates, normal distribution of DD Form 1805 will be as follows:
(i) The installation law enforcement official will forward copy 1 (white) and copy 2 (yellow) to the U.S. District Court (Central Violation Bureau).
(ii) The installation law enforcement office will file copy 3 (pink).
(iii) Law enforcement personnel will provide copy 4 (envelope) to the violator.
(e) When DD Form 1408 is used, one copy (including written warnings) will be forwarded through command channels to the service member's commander, to the commander of the military family member's sponsor, or to the civilian's supervisor or employer as the installation commander may establish.
(1) Previous traffic violations committed by the offender and points assessed may be shown.
(2) For violations that require a report of action taken, the DD Form 1408 will be returned to the office of record through the reviewing authority as the installation commander may establish.
(3) When the report is received by the office of record, that office will enter the action on the violator's driving record.

32 C.F.R. § 634.32