32 C.F.R. § 634.9

Current through August 31, 2024
Section 634.9 - Suspension or revocation of driving or privately owned vehicle registration privileges

The installation commander or designee may for cause, or any lawful reason, administratively suspend or revoke driving privileges on the installation. The suspension or revocation of installation driving privileges or POV registrations, for lawful reasons unrelated to traffic violations or safe vehicle operation, is not limited or restricted by this part.

(1) Driving privileges are usually suspended when other measures fail to improve a driver's performance. Measures should include counseling, remedial driving training, and rehabilitation programs if violator is entitled to the programs. Driving privileges may also be suspended for up to 6 months if a driver continually violates installation parking regulations. The commander will determine standards for suspension based on frequency of parking violations and publish those standards. Aboard Navy installations, any vehicle parked in a fire lane will be towed at the owner's expense. Any vehicle parked without authorization in an area restricted due to force protection measures may subject the driver to immediate suspension by the installation commanding officer. Vehicle will be towed at the owner/operator's expense.
(2) The installation commander has discretionary power to withdraw the authorization of active duty military personnel, DOD civilian employees, and nonappropriated funds (NAF) employees, contractors and subcontractors to operate Government vehicles.
(3) Immediate suspension of installation or overseas command POV driving privileges pending resolution of an intoxicated driving incident is authorized for active duty military personnel, family members, retired members of the military services, DOD civilian personnel, and others with installation or overseas command driving privileges, regardless of the geographic location of the intoxicated driving incident. Suspension is authorized for non-DOD affiliated civilians only with respect to incidents occurring on the installation or in areas subject to military traffic supervision. After a review of available information as specified in § 634.11 , installation driving privileges will be immediately suspended pending resolution of the intoxicated driving accident in the following circumstances:
(i) Refusal to take or complete a lawfully requested chemical test to determine contents of blood for alcohol or other drugs.
(ii) Operating a motor vehicle with a blood alcohol content (BAC) of .08 percent by volume (.08 grams per 100 milliliters) or higher or in violation of the law of the jurisdiction that is being assimilated on the military installation.
(iii) Operating a motor vehicle with a BAC of 0.05 percent by volume but less than 0.08 percent blood alcohol by volume in violation of the law of the jurisdiction in which the vehicle is being operated if the jurisdiction imposes a suspension solely on the basis of the BAC level (as measured in grams per 100 milliliters).
(iv) On an arrest report or other official documentation of the circumstances of an apprehension for intoxicated driving.
(1) The revocation of installation or overseas command POV driving privileges is a severe administrative measure to be exercised for serious moving violations or when other available corrective actions fail to produce the desired driver improvement. Revocation of the driving privilege will be for a specified period, but never less than 6 months, applies at all military installations, and remains in effect upon reassignment.
(2) Driving privileges are subject to revocation when an individual fails to comply with any of the conditions requisite to the granting privilege (see § 634.6 ). Revocation of installation driving and registration privileges is authorized for military personnel, family members, civilian employees of DOD, contractors, and other individuals with installation driving privileges. For civilian guests, revocation is authorized only with respect to incidents occurring on the installation or in the areas subject to military traffic supervision.
(3) Driving privileges will be revoked for a mandatory period of not less than 1 year in the following circumstances:
(i) The installation commander or designee has determined that the person lawfully apprehended for driving under the influence refused to submit to or complete a test to measure the alcohol content in the blood, or detect the presence of any other drug, as required by the law of the jurisdiction, or installation traffic code, or by Service directive.
(ii) A conviction, nonjudicial punishment, or a military or civilian administrative action resulting in the suspension or revocation of driver's license for intoxicated driving. Appropriate official documentation of such conviction is required as the basis for revocation.
(4) When temporary suspensions under paragraph (a)(3) of this section are followed by revocations, the period of revocation is computed beginning from the date the original suspension was imposed, exclusive of any period during which full driving privileges may have been restored pending resolution of charges. (Example: privileges were initially suspended on January 1, 2000 for a charge of intoxicated driving with a BAC of 0.14 percent. A hearing was held, extreme family hardship was substantiated, and privileges were restored on February 1 pending resolution of the charge. On March 1, 2000, the driver was convicted for intoxicated driving. The mandatory 1-year revocation period will consist of January 2000 plus March 2000 through January 2001, for a total of 12 months with no installation driving privileges).
(c) Army provost marshals will use the automated VRS to develop and maintain records showing that an individual's driving privileges have been revoked.

32 C.F.R. §634.9