32 C.F.R. § 250.5

Current through September 30, 2024
Section 250.5 - Procedures

All determinations to disseminate or withhold technical data subject to this part shall be consistent both with the policies set forth in § 250.4 of this part, and with the following procedures:

(a) Requests for technical data shall be processed in accordance with DoD Directive 5230.24 and DoD Instruction 5200.21. FOIA requests for technical data subject to this part shall be handled in accordance with the procedures established in DoD 5400.7-R. Such FOIA requests for technical data currently determined to be subject to the withholding authority effected by this part shall be denied under citing the third exemption to mandatory disclosure, and the requester shall be referred to the provisions of this part permitting access by qualified U.S. contractors.
(b) Upon receipt of a request for technical data in the possession of, or under the control of, the Department of Defense, the controlling DoD office shall determine whether such data are governed by this part. The determination shall be based on the following:
(1) The office's finding that such data would require an approval, authorization, or license for export under E.O. 12470 or the Arms Export Control Act and that such data may not be exported pursuant to a general, unrestricted license (15 CFR 379.3 , EAR) (see § 250.7 ) or exemption (22 CFR 125.11 , ITAR) (see § 250.8 ).
(2) The office's judgment that the technical data under consideration disclose critical technology with military or space application. For purposes of making this determination, the Militarily Critical Technologies List (MCTL) shall be used as general guidance. The controlling DoD office may request assistance in making such a determination from the Office of the Under Secretary of Defense for Research and Engineering (OUSDR&E) in accordance with procedures established by that office.
(c) The controlling DoD office shall ensure that technical data determined to be governed by this part are marked in accordance with DoD Directive 5230.24.
(d) The controlling DoD office shall authorize release of technical data governed by this part to currently qualified U.S. contractors only, as defined in § 250.3(a) of this part, unless one of the following apply:
(1) The qualification of the U.S. contractor concerned has been temporarily revoked in accordance with § 250.5(e) of this part; or
(2) The requested data are judged to be unrelated to the purpose for which the qualified U.S. contractor is certified. When release of technical data is denied in accordance with this section, the controlling DoD office shall request additional information sufficient to explain the intended use of the requested data and, if appropriate, request a new certification (see § 250.3(a) above) describing the intended use of the requested data; or
(3) The technical data are being requested for a purpose other than to permit the requester to bid or perform on a contract with the Department of Defense or other U.S. Government agency, in which case the controlling DoD office shall withhold such data if it has been determined by the DoD Component focal point (see § 250.5(e)(5) ) that the significance of such data for military purposes is such that release for purpose other than direct support of DoD-approved activities may jeopardize an important technological or operational military advantage of the United States.
(e) Upon receipt of credible and sufficient information that a qualified U.S. contractor has
(1) violated U.S. export control law,
(2) violated its certification,
(3) made a certification in bad faith, or
(4) made an omission or misstatement of material fact, the DoD Component shall revoke temporarily the U.S. contractor's qualification. Such revocations having the potential for compromising a U.S. Government investigation may be delayed. Immediately upon such revocation, the DoD Component shall notify the contractor and the OUSDR&E. Such contractor shall be given an opportunity to respond in writing to the information upon which the temporary revocation is based before being disqualified. Any U.S. contractor whose qualification has been revoked temporarily may be reinstated upon presentation of sufficient information showing that the basis for such revocation was in error or has been remedied.
(f) When the basis for a contractor's temporary revocation cannot be removed within 20 working days, the DoD Component shall recommend to the OUSDR&E that the contractor be disqualified.
(g) Charges for copying, certifying, and searching records rendered to requesters shall be levied in accordance with DoD Instruction 7230.7. Normally, only one copy of the same record or document will be provided to each requester. Any release to qualified U.S. contractors of technical data controlled by this part shall be accompanied by a notice to the recipient as set forth in § 250.9 .
(h) Qualified U.S. contractors who receive technical data governed by this part may disseminate such data for purposes consistent with their certification without prior permission of the controlling DoD office or when such dissemination is:
(1) To any foreign recipient for which the data are approved, authorized, or licensed under E.O. 12470 or the Arms Export Control Act.
(2) To another currently qualified U.S. contractor (as defined in § 250.3(a) above, including existing or potential subcontractors, but only within the scope of the certified legitimate business purpose of such recipient.
(3) To the Departments of State and Commerce, for purposes of applying for appropriate approvals, authorizations, or licenses for export under the Arms Export Control Act or E.O. 12470. Any such application shall include a statement that the technical data for which such approval, authorization, or license is sought are controlled by the Department of Defense in accordance with this part.
(4) To Congress or any Federal, State, or local governmental agency for regulatory purposes, or otherwise as may be required by law or court order. Any such dissemination shall include a statement that the technical data are controlled by the Department of Defense in accordance with this part.
(i) A qualified U.S. contractor desiring to disseminate technical data subject to this part in a manner not permitted expressly by the terms of this part shall seek authority to do so from the controlling DoD office.
(j) Any requester denied technical data, or any qualified U.S. contractor denied permission to redisseminate such data, pursuant to this part, shall be provided promptly a written statement of reasons for that action, and advised of the right to make a written appeal of such determination to a specifically identified appellate authority within the DoD Component. Appeals of denials made under DoD 5400.7-R (reference (e)) shall be handled in accordance with procedures established therein. Other appeals shall be processed as directed by the OUSDR&E.
(k) Denials shall cite 10 U.S.C. 140c as implemented by this part, and, in the case of FOIA denials made in reliance on this statutory authority, 5 U.S.C. 552(b)(3) . Implementing procedures shall provide for resolution of any appeal within 20 working days.

32 C.F.R. §250.5