32 C.F.R. § 158.5

Current through September 30, 2024
Section 158.5 - Procedures
(a)Planning considerations and requirements; requirements for publication. CCDRs will make management policies and specific OCS requirements for contractual support available to affected contractor personnel. The Geographic Combatant Commander (GCC) OCS web page will set forth the following:
(1) Theater business clearance (TBC) requirements for contracts currently being performed and delivering contracted support in the CCDR's AOR.
(2) Restrictions imposed by applicable local laws, international law, status of forces agreements (SOFAs), and other agreements with the HN.
(3) CAAF-related deployment requirements, including, but not limited to:
(i) Pre-deployment and required individual protective equipment (IPE) training.
(ii) Physical health standards.
(iii) Immunization and medical requirements.
(iv) Deployment procedures and theater reception.
(4) Reporting requirements for accountability and visibility of contractor personnel and associated contracts.
(5) Operational security (OPSEC) plans and restrictions.
(6) Force protection policies.
(7) Personnel recovery procedures.
(8) Availability of medical and other authorized U.S. Government support (AGS).
(9) Redeployment procedures, including disposition of U.S. Government-furnished equipment.
(b)Contractual relationships. The contract provides the only legal basis for the contractual relationship between the DoD and the contractor. The contracting officer is the only individual with the legal authority to enter into such a binding relationship with the contractor.
(1) Commanders have the ability to restrict installation access, and contractor personnel must comply with applicable CCDR and local commander force protection policies. However, military commanders or unit personnel do not have contracting authority over contractors or contractor personnel and may not direct contractors or contractor personnel to perform contractual tasks. Moreover, the contract does not provide a basis for commanders to exercise operational control or tactical control over contractors or their personnel or to assign or attach contractors or their personnel to a command or organization.
(2) The contract must specify:
(i) The terms and conditions under which the contractor is to perform, including minimum acceptable professional and technical standards.
(ii) The method by which the contracting officer will notify the contractor of the deployment procedures to process contractor personnel who are deploying to the operational area.
(iii) The specific contractual support terms and agreement between the contractor and DoD.
(iv) The appropriate flow-down of provisions and clauses to subcontractors and state that the service performed by contractor personnel is not considered to be active duty or active service. For more information, see paragraph (c) in appendix A to this part, and 38 U.S.C. 106 , "Active Duty Service Determinations for Civilian or Contractual Groups."
(3) The contract must contain applicable clauses to ensure efficient deployment, accountability, visibility, protection, and redeployment of contractor personnel and detail authorized levels of health service, sustainment, and other support that is authorized to be provided to contractor personnel supporting applicable operations outside the United States.
(c)Restrictions on contractors performing inherently governmental functions.
(1) Paragraph (b) of appendix A of this part, 48 CFR subpart 7.5, 48 CFR subpart 207.5; Public Law 105-270 and Office of Management and Budget Circular No. A-76 (available at https://www.whitehouse.gov/sites/whitehouse.gov/files/omb/circulars/A76/a76_incl_tech_correction.pdf) bar inherently governmental functions and duties from private sector performance.
(2) Contractor personnel may provide support during applicable operations, including, but not limited to:
(i) Transporting munitions and other supplies.
(ii) Providing communications support.
(iii) Performing maintenance functions for military equipment.
(iv) Providing force protection and private security services.
(v) Providing foreign language interpretation and translation services.
(vi) Providing logistics services, such as billeting and messing.
(vii) Intelligence surveillance and reconnaissance support.
(viii) Commercial air assets.
(3) The requiring official will review each service performed by contractor personnel in applicable operations on a case-by-case basis to ensure compliance with paragraph (b) of appendix A of this part and applicable laws and international agreements.
(4) Restrictions on use of contractor personnel for private security services. A contractor may be authorized to provide private security services only if such authorization is consistent with applicable U.S., local, and international law, including applicable agreements with the HN or other applicable international agreements, and 32 CFR part 159 . For more information, see paragraph (b) of appendix A of this part and 48 CFR subpart 252.2, which provide specific procedures and guidance.
(d)Combating trafficking in persons. Trafficking in persons is a violation of U.S. law and internationally recognized human rights, and is incompatible with DoD core values.
(1) 48 CFR subpart 222.17 and 48 CFR 52.222-50 also known and referred to as Combating Trafficking in Persons, describe how contractors, contracting officers and their representatives, and commanders must deter activities such as prostitution, forced labor, and other related activities contributing to trafficking in persons. For more information, see paragraph (d) of appendix A to this part.
(2) Contracts in support of applicable operations will include terms and provisions that require that the contractor remove personnel from the performance of the contract and return any of its personnel who have been determined to have engaged in any of the activities mentioned in paragraph (h)(4)(v)(H) of this section from the operational area to the home of record, point of origin, or an authorized location at the end of contract performance or sooner as directed by the contracting officer. Once notified of such an incident, the contracting officer will notify the commander responsible in the AOR and provide any information required to support an investigation. For more information, see 48 CFR subpart 222.17 and 48 CFR subpart 42.15.
(e)Law of war compliance. Contract work statements for contractors and their subcontractors must comply with the policies in paragraph (gg) of appendix A to this part and require contractors that engage in activities governed by the law of war to implement effective programs to prevent violations of the law of war by their employees and subcontractors, including programs for law of war dissemination and periodic training commensurate with each individual's duties and responsibilities. Paragraph (gg) of appendix A includes, among others, DoD policy that "[a]ll military and U.S. civilian employees, contractor personnel, and subcontractors assigned to or accompanying a DoD Component must report through their chain of command all reportable incidents, including those involving allegations of non-DoD personnel having violated the law of war." Contracts in support of applicable operations must include provisions to require contractor employees to report reportable incidents as defined in paragraph (gg) of appendix A to this part to the appropriate Commander (e.g., the commander of the unit they are accompanying or the installation to which they are assigned) or command-designated office.
(f)CAAF designation, legal status, credentialing, and security clearance requirements -
(1)CAAF designation.
(i) CAAF designation is provided to contractor personnel, including all tiers of subcontractor personnel, through a letter of authorization (LOA). CAAF generally include all U.S. citizen and third country national (TCN) employees not normally residing within the operational area whose area of performance is in the direct vicinity of the U.S. Armed Forces and who routinely are co-located with the U.S. Armed Forces, especially in non-permissive environments. Personnel co-located with the U.S. Armed Forces will be afforded CAAF status through an LOA.
(ii) In some cases, CCDRs or subordinate commanders may designate mission-essential HN or LN contractor personnel as CAAF unless otherwise precluded by HN law, a SOFA, or other agreement. In general, LNs are only afforded CAAF status when they assume great personal risk to perform an essential function.
(iii) Personnel who do not receive a CAAF designation are referred to as non-CAAF. Individuals' CAAF status may change depending on where their employers or the provisions of their contract details them to work. CAAF designation may affect, but does not necessarily affect, a person's legal status under the law of war and the treatment to which that person is entitled under the 1949 Geneva Conventions if that person falls into the power of the enemy during international armed conflict. Although CAAF are regarded as "persons authorized to accompany the armed forces," personnel who are not CAAF may also receive this status under the law of war. For more information, see section 4.15 of paragraph (e) of appendix A of this part. In addition, although CAAF designation and access to AGS often coincide, CAAF status does not determine AGS provided.
(2)Legal status. In implementing this part, the DoD Component heads must abide by applicable laws, regulations, international agreements, and DoD policy as they relate to contractor personnel performing contractual support in support of applicable operations.
(i)HN and third country laws. All contractor personnel must comply with applicable HN and third country laws. The applicability of HN and third country laws may be affected by international agreements (e.g., agreements between the United States and the HN) and customary international law (e.g., limits imposed by customary international law on the reach of third country laws).
(A) The United States, HN, or other countries may hire contractor personnel whose status may change (e.g., from non-CAAF to CAAF) depending on where in the operational AOR their employers or the provisions of their contracts detail them to work.
(B) CCDRs, as well as subordinate commanders, Military Service Component commanders, the Directors of the Defense Agencies, and Directors of DoD Field Activities should recognize limiting factors regarding the employment of LN and TCN personnel. Limiting factors include, but are not limited to:
(1) Imported labor worker permits.
(2) Workforce and hour restrictions.
(3) Medical, life, and disability insurance coverage.
(4) Taxes, customs, and duties.
(5) Cost of living allowances.
(6) Hardship differentials.
(7) Access to classified information.
(8) Hazardous duty pay.
(ii)U.S. laws. U.S. citizens and CAAF, with some exceptions, are subject to U.S. laws and U.S. Government regulations.
(A) All U.S. citizen and TCN CAAF are subject to potential prosecutorial action under the criminal jurisdiction of the United States, including, but not limited to, 18 U.S.C. 3261 , also known and referred to in this part as the Military Extraterritorial Jurisdiction Act of 2000 (MEJA). MEJA extends U.S. federal criminal jurisdiction to certain contractor personnel for offenses committed outside U.S. territory.
(B) The March 10, 2008, Secretary of Defense Memorandum states that contractor personnel are subject to prosecution pursuant to 10 U.S.C. Chapter 47, also known and referred to in this part as the Uniform Code of Military Justice (UCMJ), when serving overseas in support of a declared war or contingency, and provides guidance to commanders on the exercise of this UCMJ jurisdiction.
(C) Other U.S. law may allow prosecution of offenses by contractor personnel (e.g.,18 U.S.C. 7 ).
(3)1949 Geneva Conventions. The 1949 Geneva Conventions, including the Geneva Convention Relative to the Treatment of Prisoners of War, may be applicable to certain contractor personnel who fall into the power of the enemy during international armed conflict.
(i) All contractor personnel may be at risk of injury or death incidental to enemy actions while supporting military operations.
(ii) Contractor personnel with CAAF status and other contractor personnel who have been authorized to accompany the U.S. Armed Forces and who are at risk of capture and detention by the enemy as prisoners of war will receive an appropriate identification card required by the Geneva Convention Relative to the Treatment of Prisoners of War, consistent with paragraph (f) of appendix A to this part.
(iii) CAAF may be used in support of applicable operations, consistent with the terms of U.S. Government authorization. If they fall into the power of the enemy during international armed conflict, contractor personnel with CAAF status are entitled to prisoner of war status.
(4)Credentialing. Contracts must require CAAF to receive an identification card with the Geneva Convention's category of persons authorized to accompany the armed forces. For more information, see paragraphs (f) through (h) of appendix A to this part. At the time of identification card issuance, CAAF must present their SPOT-ES-generated LOA as proof of eligibility.
(i) Sponsorship must incorporate the processes for confirming eligibility for an identification card. The sponsor is the person affiliated with the DoD or another Federal agency that takes responsibility for verifying and authorizing an applicant's need for a Geneva Convention identification card. A DoD official or employee must sponsor applicants for a common access card (CAC).
(ii) Individuals who have multiple DoD personnel category codes (e.g., an individual who is both a reservist and a contractor) will receive a separate identification card in each personnel category for which they are eligible. Individuals under a single personnel category code may not hold multiple current identification cards of the same form.
(5)Security clearance requirements. To the extent necessary, the contract must require the contractor to provide personnel who have the appropriate security clearance or who are able to satisfy the appropriate background investigation requirements to obtain access required to perform contractual requirements in support of the applicable operation.
(g)Considerations for support to contractors -
(1)U.S. Government support. Generally, contracts supporting applicable operations must require contractors to provide to their personnel all life, mission, medical, and administrative support necessary to perform the contractual requirements and meet CCDR guidance posted on the GCC OCS web page. In some operations, especially those in which conditions are austere, uncertain, or non-permissive, the CCDR may decide it is in the U.S. Government's interest for the DoD to allow contractor personnel access, consistent with DoD regulations, to selected AGS. The contract must state the level of access to AGS in its terms and conditions.
(i) In operations where conditions are austere, uncertain, or non-permissive, the contracting officer will consult with the requiring activity to determine if it is in the U.S. Government's interests to allow for selected life, mission, medical, and administrative support to certain contractor personnel.
(ii) The solicitation and contract must specify the level of AGS that the U.S. Government will provide to contractor personnel and what support provided to the contractor personnel is reimbursable to the U.S. Government.
(iii) Access to DoD benefits facilitated by the identification card may be granted to contractors under certain circumstances. For more information, see paragraph (i) of appendix A to this part.
(2)IPE. When necessary or directed by the CCDR, the contracting officer will include language in the contract authorizing the issuance of military IPE (e.g., chemical, biological, radiological, nuclear (CBRN) protective ensemble, body armor, ballistic helmet) to contractor personnel as part of AGS.
(i) Typically, IPE will be issued by the central issue facility at the deployment center before deployment to the designated operational area and must be accounted for and returned to the U.S. Government or otherwise accounted for, in accordance with appropriate DoD Component regulations, directives, and instructions.
(ii) Contractor personnel deployment training will include training on the proper care, fitting, and maintenance of protective equipment, whether issued by the U.S. Government or provided by the contractor in accordance with the contractual requirements. This training will include practical exercises within mission-oriented protective posture levels.
(iii) When the terms and conditions of a contract require a contractor to provide IPE, such IPE must meet minimum standards as defined by the contract.
(3)Clothing. Contractors, or their personnel, must provide their own personal clothing, including casual and work clothing required to perform the contract requirements.
(i) Generally, CCDRs will not authorize the issuance of military clothing to contractor personnel or will not allow the wearing of military or military look-alike uniforms. Contractor personnel are prohibited from wearing military clothing unless specifically authorized in writing by the CCDR. However, a CCDR or subordinate joint force commander (JFC) deployed forward may authorize contractor personnel to wear standard uniform items for operational reasons. Contracts must include terms and clauses that require that this authorization be provided in writing by the CCDR and that the uniforms are maintained in the possession of authorized contractor personnel at all times.
(ii) When commanders issue any type of standard uniform item to contractor personnel, care must be taken to ensure that contractor personnel are distinguishable from military personnel through the use of distinctive patches, arm bands, nametags, or headgear, consistent with force protection measures, and that contractor personnel carry the CCDR's written authorization with them at all times.
(4)Weapons. Contractor personnel are not authorized to possess or carry firearms or ammunition during applicable operations, except as provided in paragraph (h)(2)(ii) of this section and 32 CFR part 159. The contract will provide the terms and conditions governing the possession of firearms by contractor personnel. Information on all weapons authorized for contractors and their personnel will be entered into the SPOT-ES database.
(5)Mortuary affairs. The DoD Mortuary Affairs Program, as described in paragraph (j) of appendix A to this part, covers all CAAF who die while performing contractual requirements in support of the U.S. Armed Forces. Mortuary affairs support and transportation will be provided on a reimbursable basis for the recovery, identification, and disposition of remains and personal effects of CAAF.
(i) Every effort must be made to identify remains and account for un-recovered remains of contractor personnel and their dependents who die in military operations, training accidents, and other incidents. The remains of contractor personnel who die as the result of an incident in support of military operations are afforded the same dignity and respect afforded to remains of service members. For more information, see paragraph (k) of appendix A to this part.
(ii) The DoD may provide mortuary affairs support and transportation on a reimbursable basis for the recovery, identification, and disposition of remains and personal effects of non-CAAF at the request of the Department of State (DOS) and in accordance with this rule, applicable agreements with the HN, and applicable contract provisions. The Under Secretary of Defense for Personnel and Readiness (USD(P&R)) will coordinate this support with the DOS, including for cost reimbursement to the DoD Component for the provision of this support.
(iii) The responsibility for coordinating the transfer of non-CAAF remains to the HN or affected nation resides with the GCC in coordination with the DOS, through the respective embassies, or through the International Committee of the Red Cross, the International Federation of the Red Cross or Red Crescent Societies, as appropriate, and in accordance with applicable contract clauses.
(6)Medical support and evacuation. Generally, the DoD will provide only resuscitative care, stabilization, and hospitalization at military medical treatment facilities (MTFs) and assistance with patient movement in emergencies where loss of life, limb, or eyesight could occur. The DoD Foreign Clearance Guide (FCG) and the GCC OCS web pages contain theater-specific contract language to provide contract terms to clarify available healthcare for contractor personnel. During operations in austere, uncertain, or hostile environments, CAAF may encounter situations in which they cannot access adequate medical support in the local area.
(i) All costs associated with the treatment and transportation of contractor personnel to the selected civilian facility are reimbursable to the U.S. Government and are the responsibility of contractor personnel, their employers, or their health insurance providers. For more information, see paragraph (l) of appendix A to this part. Nothing in this paragraph is intended to affect the allowability of costs incurred under a contract.
(ii) Medical support and evacuation procedures:
(A) All CAAF will normally be afforded emergency medical and dental care if injured while supporting applicable operations. Additionally, non-CAAF who are injured while in the vicinity of the U.S. Armed Forces while supporting applicable operations also normally will receive emergency medical and dental care. Emergency medical and dental care includes medical care situations in which life, limb, or eyesight is jeopardized. Examples of emergency medical and dental care include:
(1) Examination and initial treatment of victims of sexual assault.
(2) Refills of prescriptions for life-dependent drugs.
(3) Repair of broken bones, lacerations, and infections.
(4) Traumatic injuries to the teeth.
(B) MTFs normally will not authorize or provide primary medical or dental care to CAAF. When required and authorized by the CCDR or subordinate JFC, this support must be specifically authorized under the terms and conditions of the contract and detailed in the corresponding LOA. Primary care is not authorized for non-CAAF. Primary care includes:
(1) Routine inpatient and outpatient services.
(2) Non-emergency evacuation.
(3) Pharmaceutical support (with the exception of emergency refills of prescriptions for life-dependent drugs).
(4) Non-emergency dental services.
(5) Other medical support, as determined by the CCDR or JFC based on recommendations from the cognizant medical authority and the existing capabilities of the forward-deployed MTFs.
(C) The DoD will not provide long-term care to contractor personnel.
(D) The CCDR or subordinate commander has the authority to quarantine or restrict movement of contractor personnel. For more information, see paragraph (m) of appendix A to this part.
(E) When CAAF are evacuated for medical reasons from the designated operational area to MTFs funded by the Defense Health Program, normal reimbursement policies will apply for services rendered by the facility. If CAAF require medical evacuation outside the United States, the sending MTF staff will assist the CAAF in making arrangements for transfer to a civilian facility of the CAAF's choice. When U.S. forces provide emergency medical care to LN contractor personnel, these patients will use HN transportation means, when possible, for evacuation or transportation to their local medical systems. For more information, see paragraph (n) of appendix A to this part.
(7)Other AGS. 48 CFR subpart 225.3 lists types of support that may be authorized for contractor personnel who are deployed with or otherwise provide support to applicable operations, which may include transportation to and within the operational area, mess operations, quarters, phone service, religious support, and laundry.
(i) Contractor personnel of U.S. owned-contractors who are supporting DoD activities may be authorized the use of the military postal service. For more information, see paragraph (o) of appendix A to this part. The extent of postal support will be set forth in the contract. The provisions for postal support in such contracts must be reviewed and approved by the applicable CCDR, or the designated representative, and the Military Department concerned before execution of the contract.
(ii) Morale, welfare, and recreation and exchange services are authorized for contractor personnel who are U.S. citizens supporting DoD activities outside the United States. For more information, see paragraphs (p) and (q) of appendix A to this part.
(h)Accountability and visibility of contracts and contractor personnel.
(1) During applicable operations, contractors will use SPOT-ES as follows:
(i) All CAAF will register in SPOT-ES by name.
(ii) Non-CAAF will be registered in SPOT-ES by name if they are performing on a DoD contract for at least 30 consecutive days unless a lesser number of days is requested by the CCDR or if they require access to a U.S. or coalition-controlled installation. Contracting officers will ensure non-CAAF who require access to U.S. or coalition-controlled installations are registered in SPOT-ES before requesting or receiving installation access.
(iii) All private security contractor personnel and all other contractor personnel authorized to carry weapons, regardless of the length of the performance or contract value, will register in SPOT-ES by name.
(iv) During operations other than contingency operations, humanitarian assistance, or peace operations, contractors will use SPOT-ES in situations required by the CCDR and as follows:
(2) To account for:
(i) All U.S. citizen and TCN contractor personnel.
(ii) All private security contractor personnel and all other contractor personnel authorized to carry weapons, where the designated area and place of performance are outside the United States, regardless of the length of performance or contract value.
(3) The contracting officer will account for an estimated total number of LNs employed under the contract, by country or on a monthly basis.
(4) Contract linguists will register in SPOT-ES in the same manner as other contractor personnel and will also be tracked using the Contract Linguist Enterprise-wide Database. For more information, see paragraph (r) of appendix A to this part.
(5) LNs should be registered in SPOT-ES by name to improve data quality and reduce confusion during a transition to accountability requirements during a contingency operation, which will require by-name accountability.
(6) The DoD has designated SPOT-ES as the joint web-based database to assist the CCDRs in maintaining awareness of the nature, extent, and potential risks and capabilities associated with contracted support for contingency operations, humanitarian assistance, and peacekeeping operations, or military exercises designated by the CCDR. To facilitate integration of contractors and other personnel, as directed by the USD(A&S) or the CCDR, and to ensure the accurate forecasting and provision of accountability, visibility, force protection, medical support, personnel recovery, and other related support, the following procedures will help establish, maintain, and validate the accuracy of information in the database.
(i) SPOT-ES will:
(A) Serve as the central repository for deployment status and reporting on the contractor personnel as well as other U.S. Government agency contractor personnel, as applicable. For additional information, see paragraph (s) of appendix A to this part.
(B) Track information for all DoD contracts that are awarded in support of applicable operations outside of the United States, in accordance with the SPOT Business Rules and as directed by the USD(A&S), 48 CFR subpart 225.3, or the CCDR. SPOT-ES will collect and report on:
(1) The total number of contractor personnel working under contracts entered into as of the end of each calendar quarter.
(2) The total number of contractor personnel performing security functions under contracts entered into with the DoD.
(3) The total number of contractor personnel killed or wounded who were performing under any contracts entered into with the DoD.
(C) Provide personnel accountability via unique identifier (e.g., Electronic Data Interchange Personnel Identifier or Foreign Identification Number) of contractor personnel and other personnel, as directed by the USD(A&S), 48 CFR subpart 225.3, or the CCDR.
(D) Contain, or link to, minimum contract information necessary to:
(1) Establish and maintain accountability of the personnel in paragraph (g) of this section.
(2) Maintain information on specific equipment related to the performance of private security contracts.
(3) Maintain oversight information on the contracted support in applicable operations.
(E) Comply with:
(1) The personnel identity protection program requirements found in paragraphs (t) and (u) of appendix A to this part.
(2) The DoD Information Enterprise architecture. For more information, see paragraph (v) of appendix A to this part.
(3) The interoperability and secure sharing of information requirements found in paragraphs (w) through (y) of appendix A to this part.
(ii) Before registering in SPOT-ES, contracting officers, company administrators, and U.S. Government administrators or authorities must meet minimum training requirements in the SPOT Business Rules.
(iii) The contractor must enter all required data into SPOT-ES before its employees may deploy to or enter a theater of operations, and maintain such data, as directed by the USD(A&S), 48 CFR subpart 225.3, or the CCDR.
(iv) The contracting officer will enter the DoD contract services or capabilities for all contracts that are awarded in support of applicable operations, including theater support, external support, and systems support contracts, into SPOT-ES consistent with 48 CFR 252.225-7040 .
(v) In accordance with applicable acquisition policy and regulations and under the terms and conditions of each affected contract, all contractors awarded contracts that support applicable operations must input employee data and maintain accountability, by name, of designated contractor personnel in SPOT-ES as required by 48 CFR 252.225-7040 .
(A) Contractors must maintain current status of the daily location of their employees and, when requested, submit to the COR up-to-date, real-time information reflecting all personnel deployed or to be deployed in support of applicable operations.
(B) Prime contractors must enter up-to-date information regarding their subcontractors at all tiers into SPOT-ES.
(vi) In all cases, users providing classified information in response to the requirements of this part must report and maintain that information on systems approved for the level of classification of the information provided.
(7) The contracting officer or his or her designee will ensure a SPOT-ES-generated LOA has been issued to all CAAF who are approved to deploy, as required by 48 CFR 252.225-7040 , and selected non-CAAF (e.g., LN and non-LN employees who are permanent residents in the operational area, or TCNs not routinely residing with the U.S. Armed Forces who perform support functions away from the close proximity of, and do not reside with, the U.S. Armed Forces, and private security contractors), pursuant to 48 CFR subpart 225.3, or as otherwise designated by the CCDR.
(i) The contract will require that all contractor personnel issued an LOA carry the LOA with them at all times.
(ii) [Reserved].
(i)Theater admission requirements. Special area, country, and theater personnel clearance documents must be current, in accordance with the DoD FCG, and coordinated with affected agencies to ensure that entry requirements do not adversely affect accomplishment of mission requirements.
(1) CAAF employed in support of DoD missions are considered DoD-sponsored personnel for DoD FCG purposes.
(2) Contracting officers must ensure contracts include a requirement for contractor personnel to meet theater personnel clearance requirements and obtain personnel clearances through the Aircraft and Personnel Automated Clearance System before entering a designated theater of operations. For more information, see paragraph (z) of appendix A to this part.
(3) Contracts must require contractor personnel to obtain proper identification credentials, such as passports, visas, and other documents required to enter and exit a designated operational area, and have a required Geneva Conventions identification card, or other appropriate DoD credential from the deploying center.
(j)Deployment procedures. Contracts must contain terms and conditions that detail the need for contractors to follow these credentialing requirements, as required by 48 CFR subpart 225.3, 48 CFR 252.225-7040 , and as outlined in the DoD FCG. At a minimum, contracting officers must ensure that contracts address operational area-specific contract requirements and the means by which the DoD will inform contractor personnel of the requirements and procedures applicable to their deployment.
(1)Deployment center designation. A formally designated group, joint, or Military Department deployment center will be used to conduct deployment and redeployment processing for CAAF, unless contractor-performed theater admission preparation is authorized or waived by the CCDR or designee pursuant to DoDI 3020.41, "Operational Contract Support (OCS)." If the contract contains clauses that specify another U.S. Government-authorized process that incorporates all the functions of a deployment center, such process may also be used by a contractor to conduct deployment and redeployment processing for CAAF.
(2)Medical preparation.
(i) In accordance with § 158.6 , contracts must require that contractors provide medically and physically qualified contractor personnel to perform duties in applicable operations, as outlined in the contract.
(A) Any CAAF deemed unsuitable to deploy during the deployment process due to medical or dental reasons will not be authorized to deploy.
(B) The Secretary of Defense may direct immunizations as mandatory for CAAF performing essential contractor services.
(C) For contracts that employ CAAF who are U.S. citizens, the contract must require that contractors make available the medical and dental records of deploying employees who authorize release for this purpose based on this section, applicable cognizant medical authority guidance, and relevant Military Department policy. These records should include current panographic x-rays. For more information, see paragraph (aa) of appendix A to this part.
(ii) U.S. Government personnel may not involuntarily immunize contractor personnel or require contractor personnel to involuntarily disclose their medical records. Therefore, the contracting officer will provide contractors time to notify and/or hire employees who voluntarily consent to U.S. Government medical requirements, including to receiving U.S. Government-required immunizations and disclosing their private medical information to the U.S. Government.
(iii) All CAAF will receive medical threat pre-deployment briefings at the deployment center to communicate health risks and countermeasures in the designated operational area. For more information, see paragraph (bb) of appendix A to this part.
(A) In accordance with GCC or JFC plans and orders, contracts must include terms and conditions that fully specify health readiness and force health protection capability, either as a responsibility of the contractor or the DoD Components, to ensure appropriate medical staffing in the operational area.
(B) Health surveillance activities must include plans for CAAF. For more information, see paragraphs (bb) and (cc) of appendix A to this part. Section 158.6 of this rule further addresses deoxyribonucleic acid (DNA) collection and other medical requirements.
(3)Training. Joint training policy and guidance applies to both members of the Military Services and contractor personnel. For more information, see paragraph (dd) of appendix A to this part. CCDRs will place standing training requirements on the GCC OCS web pages for reference by contractors. Other training requirements that are specific to an applicable operation will be placed on the GCC OCS web pages shortly after identifying the requirement so that contracting officers can incorporate the training requirement into the appropriate contracts as soon as possible. Training requirements:
(i) Must be included, or incorporated by reference, in contracts employing contractor personnel supporting applicable operations.
(ii) Include specific requirements established by the CCDR and training required in accordance with this rule, 32 CFR part 159, and paragraphs (ee) through (hh) of appendix A to this part.
(4)Deployment center procedures. Affected contracts must require that all CAAF deploying from outside the operational area process through a designated deployment center or a U.S. Government-authorized, contractor-performed deployment processing facility before deploying to an applicable operation and redeploy in the same manner. Upon receiving the contracted company's certification that employees meet deployability requirements, the contracting officer or representative will digitally sign the LOA, which CAAF will then present to officials at the deployment center. The deployment process includes, but is not limited to:
(i) Verifying registration in SPOT-ES.
(ii) Issuing applicable U.S. Government-furnished equipment.
(iii) Verifying the completion of medical and dental screening before arrival.
(iv) Administering required theater-specific immunizations and medications not available through healthcare providers in the general public.
(v) Verifying and, when necessary, providing required training, country and cultural awareness briefings, and other training and briefings, as required by the CCDR. Examples of required training include, but are not limited to:
(A) Law of war, including the 1949 Geneva Conventions and DoD policy to implement the law of war.
(B) Law and policy applicable to detainee operations and intelligence interrogation operations, as appropriate.
(C) General orders.
(D) Standards of conduct.
(E) Force protection.
(F) Personnel recovery.
(G) First aid.
(H) Combating trafficking in persons.
(J) Anti-terrorism.
(K) Counterintelligence reporting.
(L) The use of CBRN protective ensemble.
(M) Deployment health threats briefing.
(5)Certification. Contracts supporting applicable operations must include terms and conditions requiring contractors to certify to the authorized U.S. Government representative, before deployment, that each individual has completed all required deployment processing actions.
(6)Legal. Contractor personnel are not entitled to military legal assistance in-theater or at the deployment center. Individual contractor personnel must have their personal legal affairs in order (e.g., preparing and completing powers of attorney, wills, trusts, and estate plans) before reporting to deployment centers.
(7)Waivers. For required contracted support of 17 days or less in an operational area, the CCDR or designee may waive a portion of the formal procedural requirements pursuant to DoDI 3020.41, "Operational Contract Support (OCS)," which may include the CCDR or designee waiving the requirement in writing for processing through a deployment center. However, the CCDR or designee may not waive the requirements to possess proper identification cards and to establish and maintain accountability for all contractor personnel, or any medical requirement without the prior approval of the cognizant medical authority or their designee. If a contract authorizes contractor personnel to be armed, the requirements of paragraphs (c)(4) and (k)(2) of this section may not be waived.
(k)Reception -
(1)Designated reception site. In applicable operations, all CAAF must enter into the operational area through a designated reception site.
(i) Based upon a visual inspection of the LOA, the site will verify that contractor personnel are entered in SPOT-ES and meet theater-specific entry requirements.
(ii) Contractor personnel already in the designated operational area when a contingency is declared must report to the designated reception site as soon as it is operational based on the terms and conditions of the contract.
(iii) When entering a designated reception site for theater entry processing, if any CAAF does not have the proper documentation to perform in an area, he or she will be refused entry into the theater, and the contracting officer will notify the contractor to take the necessary action to resolve the issue. Should the contractor fail to take action, the CAAF individual will be sent back to his or her departure point, or directed to report to the Military Service Component command or Defense Agency responsible for that specific contract, for theater entrance processing.
(2)Contractor integration. It is critical that CAAF brought into an operational area are properly integrated into the military operation through a formal reception process. At a minimum, they will:
(i) Meet theater entry requirements and be authorized to enter the theater.
(ii) Be accounted for in SPOT-ES.
(iii) Possess any required IPE, including CBRN protective ensemble.
(iv) Be authorized any contractually required AGS and force protection.
(l)In-theater management -
(1)Conduct and discipline. Contract terms and conditions must require that CAAF comply with CCDR theater orders, applicable directives, laws, and regulations. Non-CAAF who require base access to perform contractual requirements must follow base force protection and security-related procedures, as applicable.
(i) The contracting officer may appoint a designee (usually a COR) as a liaison between the contracting officer and the contractor and requiring activity. This designee monitors and reports contractor performance and requiring activity concerns to the contracting officer. In emergency situations (e.g., enemy or terrorist actions or natural disaster), the cognizant military commander may recommend or issue warnings or messages urging contractor personnel to take emergency actions to remove themselves from harm's way or to take other appropriate self-protective measures. During armed conflict, contractor personnel are not exempt from the authority that commanders may exercise to control the movement of persons and vehicles within the immediate vicinity of operations. For more information, see sections , 13.8 , and 14.6 of paragraph (e) of appendix A to this part.
(ii) The contractor is responsible for disciplining contractor personnel, as necessary and appropriate. However, in accordance with 48 CFR 252.225-7040 (h)(1), the contracting officer may direct the contractor, at its own expense, to remove and replace any contractor personnel who jeopardize or interfere with mission accomplishment, who threaten force protection measures, or who fail to comply with or violate applicable requirements of the contract. Such action may:
(A) Include contractor personnel whose actual field performance (certification or professional standard) is below the contractual requirement.
(B) Be taken at U.S. Government discretion without prejudice to the contractor's rights under any other provision of the contract. A commander also has the authority to take certain actions affecting contractor personnel, such as the ability to revoke or suspend security access or impose restrictions from access to military installations or specific worksites.
(iii) CAAF, or individuals employed by or accompanying the Military Services outside the United States, are subject to potential prosecutorial action under the criminal jurisdiction of the United States, pursuant to sections 7, 2441, 2442, or 3261 of Title 18, U.S.C., or other provisions of U.S. law, including the UCMJ.
(A) Commanders possess significant authority to act whenever criminal acts are committed by anyone subject to the MEJA and UCMJ that relates to or affects the commander's responsibilities. This includes situations in which the alleged offender's precise identity or actual affiliation is undetermined. The March 10, 2008, Secretary of Defense Memorandum provides guidance to commanders on the exercise of this UCMJ jurisdiction over DoD contractor personnel serving with or accompanying the U.S. Armed Forces overseas during declared war and in contingency operations.
(B) Contracting officers will ensure that contractors are aware of their employees' status and liabilities as CAAF and the required training associated with this status.
(C) CCDRs retain authority to respond to an incident, restore safety and order, investigate, apprehend suspected offenders, and otherwise address the immediate needs of the situation.
(iv) The Department of Justice may prosecute misconduct under applicable Federal laws, including MEJA and 18 U.S.C. 2441 . Contractor personnel also are normally subject to the domestic criminal law of the local country. When confronted with disciplinary problems involving contractor personnel, commanders should seek the assistance of their legal staff, the contracting officer responsible for the contract, and the contractor's management team.
(v) In the event of an investigation of reported offenses allegedly committed by or against contractor personnel, appropriate investigative authorities will keep the contracting officer informed, to the extent possible without compromising the investigation, if the alleged offense has a potential contract performance implication.
(2)Force protection and weapons issuance. CCDRs must include contractor personnel in their force protection planning and communicate the results to contracting activities and contractors via the GCC OCS web page. In general, contractors are responsible for the security of their own personnel. Contractor personnel working within a U.S. military facility or in close proximity to the U.S. Armed Forces may receive incidentally the benefits of measures taken to protect the U.S. Armed Forces. For more information, see paragraph (ee) of appendix A to this part. However, where additional security is needed to achieve force protection, and it is not operationally or cost effective for contractors to do so individually, the commander may determine it is in the interests of the U.S. Government to provide security for contractor personnel. When security is provided through military means, contractor personnel should receive a level of force protection equal to that of DoD civilian employees.
(i) When the CCDR deems military force protection and legitimate civil authority are unavailable or insufficient, he or she may authorize, in writing, contractor personnel to be armed for self-defense purposes only. In authorizing contractor personnel to be armed, the contractor, the armed contractor personnel, and the U.S. military must adhere to:
(A) Applicable U.S., HN, and international law;
(B) Relevant SOFAs and other agreements;
(C) Other arrangements with local authorities; and
(D) The rules for the use of force, and guidance and orders regarding the possession, use, safety, accountability of weapons and ammunition that are issued by the CCDR.
(ii) Depending on the operational situation and the specific circumstances of contractor personnel, the contractor may apply for its personnel to be armed for self-defense purposes on a case-by-case basis. The appropriate Staff Judge Advocate (or their designee) to the CCDR will review all applications to ensure there is a legal basis for approval. In reviewing applications, CCDRs will apply the criteria mandated for arming contractor personnel for private security services consistent with 32 CFR part 159 .
(A) In such cases, the contractor will validate to the contracting officer, or designee, that the contractor personnel have received weapons familiarization, qualification, and briefings regarding the rules for the use of force, in accordance with CCDR policies.
(B) Acceptance of weapons by contractor personnel is voluntary. In accordance with paragraph (j) of 48 CFR 252.225-7040 , the contract must require contractors to ensure that applicable U.S. law does not prohibit personnel from possessing firearms.
(C) Contracts must require all contractor personnel to comply with applicable CCDR and local commander force protection policies. When armed for personal protection, the contract may only authorize contractor personnel to use force for self-defense and must require contractors to ensure that U.S. law does not prohibit its personnel from possessing firearms, in accordance with 48 CFR 252.225-7040 (j). Unless not subject to local laws or HN jurisdiction by virtue of an international agreement or customary international law, the contract must include terms and conditions setting forth that the inappropriate use of force could subject contractor personnel to U.S. and/or local or HN prosecution and civil liability.
(3)Personnel recovery, missing persons, and casualty reporting.
(i) The DoD personnel recovery program applies to all CAAF regardless of their citizenship. For more information, see paragraph (ii) of appendix A to this part. If a CAAF individual becomes isolated or unaccounted for, the contractor must promptly file a search and rescue incident report to the theater's personnel recovery architecture (e.g., the component personnel recovery coordination cell or the CCMD joint personnel recovery center).
(ii) Upon recovery following an isolating event, a CAAF returnee must enter the first of the three phases of reintegration. For more information, see paragraph (jj) of appendix A to this part. The contractor must offer the additional phases of reintegration to the returnee to ensure his or her physical and psychological well-being while adjusting to the post-captivity environment.
(iii) The contractor must report all CAAF and non-CAAF casualties. For more information, see paragraph (s) of appendix A to this part.
(m)Redeployment procedures. The considerations in this section apply during the redeployment of CAAF. At the end of the performance period of a contract, or in cases of early redeployment, CAAF must complete the redeployment process to adjust AGS requirements and turn in U.S. Government-provided equipment.
(1)Preparation for redeployment. CAAF must complete intelligence out-briefs and customs and immigration briefings and inspections in accordance with CCDR policy and applicable HN law. CAAF are subject to customs and immigration processing procedures at all designated stops and their final destination during their redeployment. CAAF returning to the United States are subject to U.S. reentry customs requirements in effect at the time of reentry.
(2)Transportation out of theater. The terms and conditions of the contract will state whether the U.S. Government will provide transportation out of theater.
(i) Upon completion of the deployment or other authorized release, the U.S. Government must provide contractor personnel transportation from the theater of operations to the location from which they deployed, in accordance with each individual's LOA and unless otherwise directed. If commercial transportation is not available, it should be stated in the LOA in accordance with paragraph (l) of appendix A to this part. CAAF are also required to depart from the operational area through the designated reception site.
(ii) Before redeployment, the contractor personnel, through his or her contractor, will coordinate exit times and transportation with the continental U.S. replacement center or designated reception site.
(3)Redeployment center procedures. In most instances, the deployment center or site that prepared the CAAF for deployment will serve as the return processing center. As part of CAAF redeployment processing, the designated reception site personnel will screen contractor records, recover U.S. Government-issued identification cards and equipment, and conduct debriefings, as appropriate. The returning CAAF will spend the minimum amount of time possible at the return processing center in order to complete the necessary administrative procedures.
(i) Contractor personnel must return all U.S. Government-issued identification and access badges (e.g., badges, key cards, and other access devices, including CACs).
(ii) Contractor personnel must return any issued clothing and equipment and report any lost, damaged, or destroyed clothing and equipment in accordance with procedures of the issuing facility. Contractor personnel also will receive a post-deployment medical briefing on signs and symptoms of potential diseases (e.g., tuberculosis (TB)). As some countries hosting an intermediate staging base may not permit certain items to enter their territory, certain clothing and equipment, whether issued by the contractor, purchased by the employee, or provided by the DoD, may not be permitted to be removed from the AOR. In this case, CCDR or JFC guidance and contract terms and conditions will provide alternate methods of accounting for U.S. Government-issued equipment and clothing.
(4)Update to SPOT-ES. Contracting officers or their designated representatives must verify that contractors have updated SPOT-ES to reflect their employee's change in status within three days of a contractor employee's redeployment, close out the deployment, and collect or revoke the LOA.
(5)Transportation to home destination. Transportation of CAAF from the deployment center or site to their home destinations is the employer's responsibility.

32 C.F.R. §158.5

88 FR 26480, 5/31/2023