31 C.F.R. § 501.705

Current through September 30, 2024
Section 501.705 - Service and filing
(a)Service of Prepenalty Notice, Penalty Notice, Acknowledgment of Hearing Request and Order Instituting Proceedings. The Director shall cause any Prepenalty Notice, Penalty Notice, Acknowledgment of Hearing Request, Order Instituting Proceedings, and other related orders and decisions, or any amendments or supplements thereto, to be served upon the respondent.
(1)Service on individuals. Service shall be complete:
(i) Upon the date of mailing by first class (regular) mail to the respondent at the respondent's last known address, or to a representative authorized to receive service, including qualified representatives noticed to the Director pursuant to § 501.704 . Absent satisfactory evidence in the administrative record to the contrary, the Director may presume that the date of mailing is the date stamped on the first page of the notice or order. The respondent may rebut the presumption that a notice or order was mailed on the stamped mailing date only by presenting evidence of the postmark date on the envelope in which the notice or order was mailed;
(ii) Upon personal service on the respondent; or leaving a copy at the respondent's place of business with a clerk or other person in charge thereof; or leaving a copy at the respondent's dwelling house or usual place of abode with a person at least 18 years of age then residing therein; or with any other representative authorized by appointment or by law to accept or receive service for the respondent, including representatives noticed to the Director pursuant to § 501.704 ; and evidenced by a certificate of service signed and dated by the individual making such service, stating the method of service and the identity of the individual with whom the notice or order was left; or
(iii) Upon proof of service on a respondent who is not resident in the United States by any method of service permitted by the law of the jurisdiction in which the respondent resides or is located, provided the requirements of such foreign law satisfy due process requirements under United States law with respect to notice of administrative proceedings, and where applicable laws or intergovernmental agreements or understandings make the methods of service set forth in paragraphs (a)(1)(i) and (ii) of this section inappropriate or ineffective for service upon the nonresident respondent.
(2)Service on corporations and other entities. Service is complete upon delivering a copy of the notice or order to a partner, bona fide officer, director, managing or general agent, or any other agent authorized by appointment or by law to receive such notice, by any method specified in paragraph (a)(1) of this section.
(b)Service of responses to Prepenalty Notice, Penalty Notice, and requests for a hearing. A respondent shall serve a response to a Prepenalty Notice and any request for a hearing on the Director through the Chief of Civil Penalties, Office of Foreign Assets Control, U.S. Treasury Department, 1500 Pennsylvania Avenue, NW., Washington DC 20220, with the envelope prominently marked "Urgent: Part 501 Action." Service shall be complete upon the date of mailing, as evidenced by the post-mark date on the envelope, by first class (regular) mail.
(c)Service or filing of papers in connection with any hearing by an Administrative Law Judge or review by the Secretary's designee -
(1)Service on the Director and/or each respondent.
(i) Each paper, including each notice of appearance, written motion, brief, petition for review, statement in opposition to petition for review, or other written communication, shall be served upon the Director and/or each respondent in the proceeding in accordance with paragraph (a) of this section; provided, however, that no service shall be required in the case of documents that are the subject of a motion seeking a protective order to limit or prevent disclosure to another party.
(ii) Service upon the Director shall be made through the Chief Counsel (Foreign Assets Control), U.S. Treasury Department, 1500 Pennsylvania Avenue, NW., Washington, DC 20220, with the envelope prominently marked "Urgent: Part 501 Proceeding."
(iii) Service may be made:
(A) As provided in paragraph (a) of this section;
(B) By mailing the papers through the U.S. Postal Service by Express Mail; or
(C) By transmitting the papers by facsimile machine where the following conditions are met:
(1) The persons serving each other by facsimile transmission have agreed to do so in a writing, signed by each party, which specifies such terms as they deem necessary with respect to facsimile machine telephone numbers to be used, hours of facsimile machine operation, the provision of non-facsimile original or copy, and any other such matters; and
(2) Receipt of each document served by facsimile is confirmed by a manually signed receipt delivered by facsimile machine or other means agreed to by the parties.
(iv) Service by U.S. Postal Service Express Mail is complete upon delivery as evidenced by the sender's receipt. Service by facsimile is complete upon confirmation of transmission by delivery of a manually signed receipt.
(2)Filing with the Administrative Law Judge. Unless otherwise provided, all briefs, motions, objections, applications or other filings made during a proceeding before an Administrative Law Judge, and all requests for review by the Secretary's designee, shall be filed with the Administrative Law Judge.
(3)Filing with the Secretary's designee. And all briefs, motions, objections, applications or other filings made during a proceeding before the Secretary's designee shall be filed with the Secretary's designee.
(4)Certificate of service. Papers filed with an Administrative Law Judge or Secretary's designee shall be accompanied by a certificate stating the name of each person served, the date of service, the method of service and the mailing address or facsimile telephone number to which service was made, if not made in person. If the method of service to any person is different from the method of service to any other person, the certificate shall state why a different means of service was used.
(5)Form of briefs. All briefs containing more than 10 pages shall, to the extent applicable, include a table of contents, an alphabetized table of cases, a table of statutes, and a table of other authorities cited, with references to the pages of the brief wherein they are cited.
(6)Specifications. All original documents shall be filed with the Administrative Law Judge or Secretary's designee, as appropriate. Papers filed in connection with any proceeding shall:
(i) Be on one grade of unglazed white paper measuring 8.5 * 11 inches, except that, to the extent that the reduction of larger documents would render them illegible, such documents may be filed on larger paper;
(ii) Be typewritten or printed in either 10- or 12-point typeface or otherwise reproduced by a process that produces permanent and plainly legible copies;
(iii) Include at the head of the paper, or on a title page, the title of the proceeding, the name(s) of each respondent, the subject of the particular paper or pleading, and the file number assigned to the proceeding;
(iv) Be formatted with all margins at least 1 inch wide;
(v) Be double-spaced, with single-spaced footnotes and single-spaced indented quotations; and
(vi) Be stapled, clipped or otherwise fastened in the upper left corner.
(7)Signature requirement and effect. All papers must be dated and signed by a member of the Office of Chief Counsel, or other counsel assigned by the General Counsel to represent the Director, or a respondent or respondent's representative, as appropriate. If a filing is signed by a respondent's representative it shall state that representative's mailing address and telephone number. A respondent who represents himself or herself shall sign his or her individual name and state his or her address and telephone number on every filing. A witness deposition shall be signed by the witness.
(i)Effect of signature. The signature shall constitute a certification that:
(A) The person signing the filing has read the filing;
(B) To the best of his or her knowledge, information, and belief, formed after reasonable inquiry, the filing is well grounded in fact and is warranted by existing law or a good faith argument for the extension, modification, or reversal of existing law; and
(C) The filing is not made for any improper purpose, such as to harass or to cause unnecessary delay or needless increase in the cost of adjudication.
(ii) If a filing is not signed, the Administrative Law Judge (or the Secretary's designee) shall strike the filing, unless it is signed promptly after the omission is called to the attention of the person making the filing.
(d) Service of written orders or decisions issued by the Administrative Law Judge or Secretary's designee. Written orders or decisions issued by the Administrative Law Judge or the Secretary's designee shall be served promptly on each respondent and the Director pursuant to any method of service authorized under paragraph (a) of this section. Service of such orders or decisions shall be made by the Administrative Law Judge or the Secretary's designee, as appropriate.

31 C.F.R. §501.705