31 C.F.R. § 28.625

Current through September 30, 2024
Section 28.625 - Decisions and notices
(a)Decisions by hearing officers. After a hearing is held by a hearing officer such hearing officer shall either make an initial decision, if so authorized, or certify the entire record including recommended findings and proposed decision to the reviewing authority for a final decision, and a copy of such initial decision or certification shall be mailed to the applicant or recipient and to the complainant, if any. Where the initial decision referred to in this paragraph or in paragraph (c) of this section is made by the hearing officer, the applicant or recipient or the counsel for the Department may, within the period provided for in the rules of procedure issued by the designated agency official, file with the reviewing authority exceptions to the initial decision, with the reasons therefor. Upon the filing of such exceptions the reviewing authority shall review the initial decision and issue its own decision thereof including the reasons therefor. In the absence of exceptions the initial decision shall constitute the final decision, subject to the provisions of paragraph (e) of this section.
(b)Decisions on record or review by the reviewing authority. Whenever a record is certified to the reviewing authority for decision or it reviews the decision of a hearing officer pursuant to paragraph (a) or (c) of this section, the applicant or recipient shall be given reasonable opportunity to file with it briefs or other written statements of its contentions, and a copy of the final decision of the reviewing authority shall be given in writing to the applicant or recipient and to the complainant, if any.
(c)Decisions on record where a hearing is waived. Whenever a hearing is waived pursuant to § 28.620 , the reviewing authority shall make its final decision on the record or refer the matter to a hearing officer for an initial decision to be made on the record. A copy of such decision shall be given in writing to the applicant or recipient, and to the complainant, if any.
(d)Rulings required. Each decision of a hearing officer or reviewing authority shall set forth a ruling on each finding, conclusion, or exception presented, and shall identify the requirement or requirements imposed by or pursuant to these Title IX regulations with which it is found that the applicant or recipient has failed to comply.
(e)Review in certain cases by the Secretary of the Treasury. If the Secretary has not personally made the final decision referred to in paragraph (a), (b), or (c) of this section, a recipient or applicant or the counsel for the Department may request the Secretary to review a decision of the reviewing authority in accordance with rules of procedure issued by the designated agency official. Such review is not a matter of right and shall be granted only where the Secretary determines there are special and important reasons therefor. The Secretary may grant or deny such request, in whole or in part. The Secretary also may review such a decision upon his own motion in accordance with rules of procedure issued by the designated agency official. In the absence of a review under this paragraph (e), a final decision referred to in paragraph (a), (b), or (c) of this section shall become the final decision of the Department when the Secretary transmits it as such to congressional committees with the report required under 20 U.S.C. 1682 . Failure of an applicant or recipient to file an exception with the reviewing authority or to request review under this paragraph (e) shall not be deemed a failure to exhaust administrative remedies for the purpose of obtaining judicial review.
(f)Content of orders. The final decision may provide for suspension or termination of, or refusal to grant or continue Federal financial assistance, in whole or in part, to which these Title IX regulations apply, and may contain such terms, conditions, and other provisions as are consistent with and will effectuate the purposes of Title IX and these Title IX regulations, including provisions designed to assure that no Federal financial assistance to which these Title IX regulations apply will thereafter be extended under such law or laws to the applicant or recipient determined by such decision to be in default in its performance of an assurance given by it pursuant to these Title IX regulations, or to have otherwise failed to comply with these Title IX regulations unless and until it corrects its noncompliance and satisfies the designated agency official that it will fully comply with these Title IX regulations.
(g)Post-termination proceedings.
(1) An applicant or recipient adversely affected by an order issued under paragraph (f) of this section shall be restored to full eligibility to receive Federal financial assistance if it satisfies the terms and conditions of that order for such eligibility or if it brings itself into compliance with these Title IX regulations and provides reasonable assurance that it will fully comply with these Title IX regulations. An elementary or secondary school or school system that is unable to file an assurance of compliance shall be restored to full eligibility to receive Federal financial assistance if it files a court order or a plan for desegregation that meets the applicable requirements and provides reasonable assurance that it will comply with the court order or plan.
(2) Any applicant or recipient adversely affected by an order entered pursuant to paragraph (f) of this section may at any time request the designated agency official to restore fully its eligibility to receive Federal financial assistance. Any such request shall be supported by information showing that the applicant or recipient has met the requirements of paragraph (g)(1) of this section. If the designated agency official determines that those requirements have been satisfied, the official shall restore such eligibility.
(3) If the designated agency official denies any such request, the applicant or recipient may submit a request for a hearing in writing, specifying why it believes such official to have been in error. It shall thereupon be given an expeditious hearing, with a decision on the record, in accordance with rules of procedure issued by the designated agency official. The applicant or recipient will be restored to such eligibility if it proves at such hearing that it satisfied the requirements of paragraph (g)(1) of this section. While proceedings under this paragraph (g) are pending, the sanctions imposed by the order issued under paragraph (f) of this section shall remain in effect.

31 C.F.R. §28.625

65 FR 52884, Aug. 30, 2000