31 C.F.R. § 1 app H to Subpart C of Part 1

Current through September 30, 2024
Appendix H to Subpart C of Part 1 - Financial Crimes Enforcement Network

1. In general. This appendix applies to the Financial Crimes Enforcement Network (FinCEN). It sets forth specific notification and access procedures with respect to particular systems of records, and identifies the officers designated to make the initial determinations with respect to notification and access to records and accountings of disclosures of records. This appendix also sets forth the specific procedures for requesting amendment of records and identifies the officers designated to make the initial and appellate determinations with respect to requests for amendment of records. It identifies the officers designated to grant extensions of time on appeal, the officers with whom "Statements of Disagreement" may be filed, the officer designated to receive service of process and the addresses for delivery of requests, appeals, and service of process. In addition, it references the notice of systems of records and notices of the routine uses of the information in the system required by 5 U.S.C. 552a(e)(4) and (11) and published biennially by the Office of the Federal Register in "Privacy Act Issuances."

2. Requests for notification and access to records and accountings of disclosures. Initial determinations under § 1.26 , whether to grant requests for notification and access to records and accountings of disclosures for FinCEN will be made by the Freedom of Information/Privacy Act Officer, FinCEN. Requests may be mailed to: Privacy Act Request, Financial Crimes Enforcement Network, Post Office Box 39, Vienna, VA 22183.

3. Requests for amendments of records. Initial determinations under § 1.27(a) through (d) whether to grant requests to amend records maintained by FinCEN will be made by the Freedom of Information/Privacy Act Officer, FinCEN. Requests may be mailed to: Privacy Act Request, Financial Crimes Enforcement Network, Post Office Box 39, Vienna, VA 22183.

4. Verification of identity. An individual seeking notification or access to records, or seeking to amend a record, or seeking an accounting of disclosures, must satisfy one of the following identification requirements before action will be taken by FinCEN on any such request:

(i) An individual may establish identity through the mail by a signature, address, and one other identifier such as a photocopy of a driver's license or other official document bearing the individual's signature.

(ii) Notwithstanding paragraph 4(i) of this section, an individual may establish identity by providing a notarized statement, swearing or affirming to such individual's identity and to the fact that the individual understands the penalties provided in 5 U.S.C. 552a(i)(3) for requesting or obtaining access to records under false pretenses.

(iii) Notwithstanding paragraphs 4(i) and (ii) of this appendix, the Freedom of Information Act/Privacy Act Officer or other designated official may require additional proof of an individual's identity before action will be taken on any request, if such official determines that it is necessary to protect against unauthorized disclosure of information in a particular case. In addition, a parent of any minor or a legal guardian of any individual will be required to provide adequate proof of legal relationship before such person may act on behalf of such minor or such individual.

5. Administrative appeal of initial determinations refusing amendment of records. Appellate determinations refusing amendment of records under § 1.27(e) including extensions of time on appeal with respect to the records of FinCEN will be made by the Director of FinCEN or the delegate of the Director. Appeals should be addressed to: Privacy Act Amendment Appeal, Financial Crimes Enforcement Network, Post Office Box 39, Vienna, VA 22183.

6. Statements of Disagreement. "Statements of Disagreement" as described in § 1.27(e)(4) shall be filed with the official signing the notification of refusal to amend at the address indicated in the letter of notification within 35 days of the date of such notification and should be limited to one page.

7. Service of Process. Service of process will be received by the Chief Counsel of FinCEN and shall be delivered to the following location: Office of Chief Counsel, Financial Crimes Enforcement Network, Post Office Box 39, Vienna, VA 22183.

8. Biennial notice of systems of records. The biennial notice of systems of records is published by the Office of the Federal Register, as specified in 5 U.S.C. 552a(f) . The publication is entitled "Privacy Act Issuances." Any specific requirements for access, including identification requirements, in addition to the requirements set forth in §§ 1.26 and 1.27 and section 4 of this appendix are indicated in the notice for the pertinent system.

31 C.F.R. 1 app H to Subpart C of Part 1

87 FR 63905, 11/21/2022