28 C.F.R. § 51.28

Current through August 31, 2024
Section 51.28 - Supplemental contents

Review by the Attorney General will be facilitated if the following information, where pertinent, is provided in addition to that required by §51.27.

(a)Demographic information.
(1) Total and voting age population of the affected area before and after the change, by race and language group. If such information is contained in publications of the U.S. Bureau of the Census, reference to the appropriate volume and table is sufficient.
(2) The number of registered voters for the affected area by voting precinct before and after the change, by race and language group.
(3) Any estimates of population, by race and language group, made in connection with the adoption of the change.
(4) Demographic data provided on magnetic media shall be based upon the Bureau of the Census Public Law 94-171 file unique block identity code of state, county, tract, and block.
(5) Demographic data on electronic media that are provided in conjunction with a redistricting plan shall be contained in an ASCII, comma delimited block equivalency import file with two fields as detailed in the following table. A separate import file shall accompany each redistricting plan:

Field No.DescriptionTotal lengthComments
1PL 94-171 reference number: GEOID1015
2District Number3No leading zeroes.

(i)Field 1: The PL 94-171 /GEOID10 reference number is the state, county, tract, and block reference numbers concatenated together and padded with leading zeroes so as to create a 15-digit character field; and
(ii)Field 2: The district number is a 3 digit character field with no padded leading zeroes.

Example: 482979501002099,1 482979501002100,3 482979501004301,10 482975010004305,23 482975010004302,101

(6) Demographic data on magnetic media that are provided in conjunction with a redistricting can be provided in shapefile (.shp) spatial data format.
(i) The shapefile shall include at a minimum the main file, index file, and dBASE table.
(ii) The dBASE table shall contain a row for each census block. Each census block will be identified by the state, county, tract and block identifier [GEOID10] as specified by the Bureau of Census. Each row shall identify the district assignment and relevant population for that specific row.
(iii) The shapefile should include a projection file (.prj).
(iv) The shapefile should be sent in NAD 83 geographic projection. If another projection is used, it should be described fully.
(b)Maps. Where any change is made that revises the constituency that elects any office or affects the boundaries of any geographic unit or units defined or employed for voting purposes (e.g., redistricting, annexation, change from district to at-large elections) or that changes voting precinct boundaries, polling place locations, or voter registration sites, maps in duplicate of the area to be affected, containing the following information:
(1) The prior and new boundaries of the voting unit or units.
(2) The prior and new boundaries of voting precincts.
(3) The location of racial and language minority groups.
(4) Any natural boundaries or geographical features that influenced the selection of boundaries of the prior or new units.
(5) The location of prior and new polling places.
(6) The location of prior and new voter registration sites.
(c)Annexations. For annexations, in addition to that information specified elsewhere, the following information:
(1) The present and expected future use of the annexed land ( e.g., garden apartments, industrial park).
(2) An estimate of the expected population, by race and language group, when anticipated development, if any, is completed.
(3) A statement that all prior annexations (and deannexations) subject to the preclearance requirement have been submitted for review, or a statement that identifies all annexations (and deannexations) subject to the preclearance requirement that have not been submitted for review. See §51.61(b).
(4) To the extent that the jurisdiction elects some or all members of its governing body from single-member districts, it should inform the Attorney General how the newly annexed territory will be incorporated into the existing election districts.
(d)Election returns. Where a change may affect the electoral influence of a racial or language minority group, returns of primary and general elections conducted by or in the jurisdiction, containing the following information:
(1) The name of each candidate.
(2) The race or language group of each candidate, if known.
(3) The position sought by each candidate.
(4) The number of votes received by each candidate, by voting precinct.
(5) The outcome of each contest.
(6) The number of registered voters, by race and language group, for each voting precinct for which election returns are furnished. Information with respect to elections held during the last ten years will normally be sufficient.
(7) Election related data containing any of the information described above that are provided on magnetic media shall conform to the requirements of §51.20(b) through (e). Election related data that cannot be accurately presented in terms of census blocks may be identified by county and by precinct.
(e)Language usage. Where a change is made affecting the use of the language of a language minority group in the electoral process, information that will enable the Attorney General to determine whether the change is consistent with the minority language requirements of the Act. The Attorney General's interpretation of the minority language requirements of the Act is contained in Interpretative Guidelines: Implementation of the Provisions of the Voting Rights Act Regarding Language Minority Groups, 28 CFR part 55.
(f)Publicity and participation. For submissions involving controversial or potentially controversial changes, evidence of public notice, of the opportunity for the public to be heard, and of the opportunity for interested parties to participate in the decision to adopt the proposed change and an account of the extent to which such participation, especially by minority group members, in fact took place. Examples of materials demonstrating public notice or participation include:
(1) Copies of newspaper articles discussing the proposed change.
(2) Copies of public notices that describe the proposed change and invite public comment or participation in hearings and statements regarding where such public notices appeared (e.g., newspaper, radio, or television, posted in public buildings, sent to identified individuals or groups).
(3) Minutes or accounts of public hearings concerning the proposed change.
(4) Statements, speeches, and other public communications concerning the proposed change.
(5) Copies of comments from the general public.
(6) Excerpts from legislative journals containing discussion of a submitted enactment, or other materials revealing its legislative purpose.
(g)Availability of the submission.
(1) Copies of public notices that announce the submission to the Attorney General, inform the public that a complete duplicate copy of the submission is available for public inspection (e.g., at the county courthouse) and invite comments for the consideration of the Attorney General and statements regarding where such public notices appeared.
(2) Information demonstrating that the submitting authority, where a submission contains magnetic media, made the magnetic media available to be copied or, if so requested, made a hard copy of the data contained on the magnetic media available to be copied.
(h)Minority group contacts. For submissions from jurisdictions having a significant minority population, the names, addresses, telephone numbers, and organizational affiliation (if any) of racial or language minority group members residing in the jurisdiction who can be expected to be familiar with the proposed change or who have been active in the political process.

28 C.F.R. § 51.28

52 FR 490, 1/6/1987, as amended by Order No. 1536-91, 56 FR 51836, 10/16/1991; Order 3262-2011, 76 FR 21245, 4/15/2011