28 C.F.R. § 12.22

Current through September 30, 2024
Section 12.22 - Material contents of registration statement

The registration statement shall include the following, all of which shall be regarded as material for the purposes of the act:

(a) The registrant's name, principal business address, and all other business addresses in the United States or elsewhere, and all residence addresses.
(b) The registrant's citizenship status and how such status was acquired.
(c) A detailed statement setting forth the nature of the registrant's knowledge of the espionage, counterespionage, or sabotage service or tactics of a foreign government or foreign political party, and the manner in which, place where, and date when such knowledge was obtained.
(d) A detailed statement as to any instruction or training received by the registrant in the espionage, counterespionage, or sabotage service or tactics of a foreign government or foreign political party, including a description of the type of instruction or training received, a description of any courses taken, the dates when such courses commenced and when they ceased, and the name and official title of the instructor or instructors under whose supervision the courses were received as well as the name and location of schools and other institutions attended, the dates of such attendance, and the names of the directors of the schools and institutions attended.
(e) A detailed statement describing any assignment received in the espionage, counterespionage, or sabotage service or tactics of a foreign government or foreign political party, including the type of assignment, the date when each assignment began, the date of completion of each assignment, name and title of the person or persons under whose supervision the assignment was executed, and a complete description of the nature of the assignment and the execution thereof.
(f) A detailed statement of any relationship which may exist at the time of registration, other than through employment, between the registrant and any foreign government or foreign political party.
(g) Such other statements, information, or documents pertinent to the purposes and objectives of the act as the Attorney General, having due regard for the national security and the public interest, may require by this part or amendments thereto.

28 C.F.R. § 12.22