26 C.F.R. § 48.4082-1T

Current through August 31, 2024
Section 48.4082-1T - Diesel fuel and kerosene; exemption for dyed fuel (temporary)
(a) through (c) [Reserved]. For further guidance, see § 48.4082-1(a) through (c) .
(d)Time and method for adding dye -
(1)In general. Except as provided by paragraph (d)(6) of this section, diesel fuel or kerosene satisfies the dyeing requirements of this paragraph (d) only if the dye required by § 48.4082-1(b) is combined with the diesel fuel or kerosene by means of a mechanical injection system that is approved by the Commissioner for use at the facility where the dyeing occurs. Application for approval must be made in the form and manner required by the Commissioner. Rules similar to the rules of § 48.4101-1(g) apply to the Commissioner's action on the applications.
(2)Mechanical injection system; requirements. The Commissioner will approve a mechanical injection system only if-
(i) The system has features that automatically inject an amount of dye that satisfies the concentration requirements of § 48.4082-1(b) into diesel fuel or kerosene as the diesel fuel or kerosene is delivered from the bulk transfer/terminal system into the transport compartment of a truck, trailer, railroad car, or other means of nonbulk transfer;
(ii) The system has calibrated devices that accurately measure and record the amount of dye and the amount of diesel fuel and kerosene that is dispensed for each removal;
(iii) The system has automatic shut-off devices that prevent the removal of more than 100 gallons of undyed diesel fuel or kerosene in the case of a system malfunction;
(iv) The system is secured by either-
(A) Unbroken seals that are issued, installed, and maintained by the terminal operator and secure the measurement devices, shut-off devices, and other access points to the injection system; or
(B) A secured container that controls access to the measurement devices, shut-off devices, and other access points and is secured by an unbroken seal issued, installed, and maintained by the terminal operator;
(v) Each seal securing the system bears a unique identifying number or code and is produced in a manner that provides adequate assurance against duplication; and
(vi) The operator of the facility has written procedures in place for complying with its duty, described in paragraph (d)(4) of this section, to maintain the system's security standards.
(3)Mechanical injection system; basis for approval. In determining whether to approve a mechanical injection system, the Commissioner will take into account the individual circumstances of each facility, including local fire and safety codes, to ensure that the cost of acquiring and maintaining the appropriate levels of security are reasonable for that facility.
(4)Mechanical injection system; duty of the operator of a mechanical injection system to maintain the system's security standards. Each operator of a mechanical injection system must-
(i) Maintain a record for each seal, including its identifying number or code, the location of the seal, the date(s) on which the seal was issued and installed, and the reason for the installation;
(ii) Visually inspect each installed seal not less than once during every 24 hour period to ascertain that each seal and lock mechanism, if applicable, has not been physically altered;
(iii) Check the identifying number or code for each seal against the records maintained by the terminal operator no less frequently than once during each seven day period and record each inspection and verification;
(iv) Promptly notify the Commissioner if inspection of a seal reveals any inconsistency in the records pertaining to that seal, or if the seal has been damaged or removed (other than a removal authorized by the operator for testing or maintenance);
(v) Maintain a record of each seal that has been replaced to include the seal number or code, the date the seal was issued, the location of the seal, the date the seal was replaced, and the reason the seal was replaced;
(vi) Promptly destroy and replace seals that have been removed from the system;
(vii) Restrict access to unused seal inventory to individuals specifically designated by the operator and maintain a record of such individuals;
(viii) Maintain a record of each installation, inspection, and destruction described in this paragraph (d)(4), including the name of the individual who conducts the installation, inspection, or destruction;
(ix) Make available for the Commissioner's immediate inspection the seals and records described in this paragraph (d)(4); and
(x) Promptly notify the Commissioner if, and when, the dye injection system is placed out of service.
(5)Mechanical injection system; revocation or suspension of approval. The Commissioner may revoke or suspend its approval of a dye injection system if the Commissioner determines that the system does not meet the standards of paragraph (d)(2) of this section or if the operator of the system has not complied with the requirements of paragraph (d)(4) of this section.
(6)Sales and entries. For purposes of determining whether tax is imposed by section 4081 on a sale or entry of diesel fuel or kerosene, such fuel satisfies the dyeing requirements of this paragraph (d) only if the dye required by § 48.4082-1(b) is combined with the fuel before the sale or entry and the seller or enterer has in its records evidence (such as a certificate from the terminal operator providing the fuel) establishing that the dye was combined with the fuel by means of a mechanical injection system. Thus, for example, diesel fuel or kerosene that is entered into the United States by means of nonbulk transfer (such as a railroad car) does not satisfy the requirements of this paragraph (d) if the required dye and marker are combined with diesel fuel or kerosene after the diesel fuel or kerosene has been entered into the United States.
(7)Cross reference. For the penalty relating to mechanical dye injection systems, see section 6715A.
(e) and (e)(1) [Reserved]. For further guidance, see § 48.4082-1(e) and (e)(1) .
(2) This section is applicable on October 24, 2005.

26 C.F.R. §48.4082-1T

T.D. 9199, 70 FR 21333, Apr. 26, 2005