26 C.F.R. § 1.6046-3

Current through September 30, 2024
Section 1.6046-3 - Returns as to formation or reorganization of foreign corporations prior to September 15, 1960
(a)Requirement of returns. Every attorney, accountant, fiduciary, bank, trust company, financial institution, or other person, who, on or before September 14, 1960, aids, assists, counsels, or advises in, or with respect to, the formation, organization, or reorganization of any foreign corporation shall file an information return on Form 959 (as in use prior to the October 1960 revision). The return must be filed in every such case regardless of:
(1) The nature of the counsel or advice given, whether for or against the formation, organization, or reorganization of the foreign corporation, or the nature of the aid or assistance rendered, and
(2) The action taken upon the advice or counsel, that is, whether the foreign corporation is actually formed, organized or reorganized.
(b)Special provisions -
(1)Employers. In the case of aid, assistance, counsel, or advice in, or with respect to, the formation, organization, or reorganization of a foreign corporation given by a person in whole or in part through the medium of employees (including, in the case of a corporation, the officers thereof), the return made by the employer must set forth in detail the information required by this section including that which, as an incident to such employment, is within the possession or knowledge or under the control of such employees.
(2)Employees. The obligation of an employee (including, in the case of a corporation, the officers thereof) to file a return with respect to any aid, assistance, counsel, or advice in or with respect to the formation, organization, or reorganization of a foreign corporation, given as an incident to his employment, will be satisfied if a return as prescribed by this section is duly filed by the employer. Clerks, stenographers, and other employees rendering aid or assistance solely of a clerical or mechanical character in or with respect to the formation, organization, or reorganization of a foreign corporation are not required to file returns by reason of such services.
(3)Partners. In the case of aid, assistance, counsel, or advice in, or with respect to, the formation, organization, or reorganization of a foreign corporation given by one or more members of a partnership in the course of its business, the obligation of each such individual member to file a return will be satisfied if a return as prescribed by this section is duly filed by the partnership executed by all the members of the firm who gave any such aid, assistance, counsel, or advice. If, however, the partnership has been dissolved at the time the return is due, individual returns must be filed by each member of the former partnership who gave any such aid, assistance, counsel, or advice.
(4)Return jointly made. If two or more persons aid, assist, counsel, or advise in, or with respect to, the formation, organization, or reorganization of a particular foreign corporation, any two or more of such persons may, in lieu of filing several returns, jointly execute and file one return.
(5)Separate return for each corporation. If a person aids, assists, counsels, or advises in, or with respect to, the formation, organization, or reorganization of more than one foreign corporation, a separate return must be filed with respect to each foreign corporation.
(c)Information required to be shown on return. The return required by section 6046, prior to its amendment by section 7(a) of the Act of September 14, 1960, and this section shall set forth the following information to the extent the information is within the possession or knowledge, or under the control, of the person filing the return:
(1) The name and address of the person (or persons) to whom, and the person (or persons) for whom, or on whose behalf, the aid, assistance, counsel, or advice was given;
(2) The name and address of the foreign corporation and the country under the laws of which it was formed, organized, or reorganized;
(3) The month and year when the foreign corporation was formed, organized, or reorganized;
(4) A statement of the manner in which the formation, organization, or reorganization of the foreign corporation was effected;
(5) A complete statement of the reasons for, and the purposes sought to be accomplished by, the formation, organization, or reorganization of the foreign corporation;
(6) A statement showing the classes and kinds of assets transferred to the foreign corporation in connection with its formation, organization, or reorganization, including a detailed list of any stock or securities included in such assets, and a statement showing the names and addresses of the persons who were the owners of such assets immediately prior to the transfer;
(7) The names and addresses of the shareholders of the foreign corporation at the time of the completion of its formation, organization, or reorganization, showing the classes of stock and number of shares held by each and, in the case of Forms 959 filed after December 31, 1958, the names and addresses of the subscribers to the stock of the foreign corporation and the number of shares subscribed to by each;
(8) The name and address of the person (or persons) having custody of the books of account and records of the foreign corporation; and
(9) Such other information as is required by the return form.
(d)Privileged communications. An attorney-at-law is not required to file a return with respect to any advice given or information obtained through the relationship of attorney and client.
(e)Time and place for filing return -
(1)Time for filing. Returns required by section 6046, prior to its amendment by section 7(a) of the Act of September 14, 1960, and this section shall be filed within 30 days after the first performance of any of the functions referred to in paragraph (a) of this section. If in a particular case, the aid, assistance, counsel, or advice given by any person extends over a period of more than one day, such person, to avoid multiple filing of returns, shall file a return within 30 days after either of the following events:
(i) The formation, organization, or reorganization of the foreign corporation, or
(ii) The termination of his aid, assistance, counsel, or advice in, or with respect to, the formation, organization, or reorganization of the foreign corporation.
(2)Place for filing. Returns required by section 6046 of the Internal Revenue Code of 1954 and this section shall be filed with the Internal Revenue Service Center designated in the instructions of the applicable form.
(f)Penalties. For criminal penalties for failure to file a return and filing a false or fraudulent return, see sections 7203, 7206, and 7207.

26 C.F.R. §1.6046-3

T.D. 6500, 25 FR 12108, Nov. 26, 1960, as amended by T.D. 6623, 27 FR 11882, Dec. 1, 1962; T.D. 7322, 39 FR 30932, Aug. 27, 1974