26 C.F.R. § 1.6038A-2

Current through September 30, 2024
Section 1.6038A-2 - Requirement of return
(a)Forms required -
(1)Form 5472. Each reporting corporation as defined in § 1.6038A-1(c) (or members of an affiliated group filing together as described in § 1.6038A-1(k) ) shall make a separate annual information return on Form 5472 with respect to each related party as defined in § 1.6038A-1(d) with which the reporting corporation (or any group member joining in a consolidated Form 5472) has had any reportable transaction during the taxable year. The information required by section 6038A and this section must be furnished even though it may not affect the amount of any tax due under the Code.
(2)Reportable transaction. A reportable transaction is any transaction of the types listed in paragraphs (b)(3) and (4) of this section, and, in the case of a reporting corporation that is an applicable taxpayer, as defined under § 1.59A-2(b) , any other arrangement that, to prevent avoidance of the purposes of section 59A, is identified on Form 5472 as a reportable transaction. However, except as the Secretary may prescribe otherwise for an applicable taxpayer, the transaction is not a reportable transaction if neither party to the transaction is a United States person as defined in section 7701(a)(30) (which, for purposes of section 6038A, includes an entity that is a reporting corporation as a result of being treated as a corporation under § 301.7701-2(c)(2)(vi) of this chapter) and the transaction-
(i) Will not generate in any taxable year gross income from sources within the United States or income effectively connected, or treated as effectively connected, with the conduct of a trade or business within the United States, and
(ii) Will not generate in any taxable year any expense, loss, or other deduction that is allocable or apportionable to such income.
(3)Form 8991. Each reporting corporation that is an applicable taxpayer, as defined under § 1.59A-2(b) , must make an annual information return on Form 8991. The obligation of an applicable taxpayer to report on Form 8991 does not depend on applicability of tax under section 59A or obligation to file Form 5472.
(b)Contents of return -
(1)Reporting corporation. Form 5472 must provide the following information in the manner the form prescribes with respect to each reporting corporation:
(i) Its name, address (including mailing code), and U.S. taxpayer identification number; each country in which the reporting corporation files an income tax return as a resident under the tax laws of that country; its country or countries of organization, and incorporation; its total assets for U.S. reporting corporation; the places where it conducts its business; and its principal business activity.
(ii) The name, address, and U.S. taxpayer identification number, if applicable, of all its direct and indirect foreign shareholders (for an indirect 25-percent foreign shareholder, explain the attribution of ownership); whether any 25-percent foreign shareholder is a surrogate foreign corporation under section 7874(a)(2)(B) or a member of an expanded affiliated group as defined in section 7874(c)(1); each country in which each 25-percent foreign shareholder files an income tax return as a resident under the tax laws of that country; the places where each 25-percent shareholder conducts its business; and the country or countries of organization, citizenship, and incorporation of each 25-percent foreign shareholder.
(iii) The number of Forms 5472 filed for the taxable year and the aggregate value in U.S. dollars of gross payments as defined in § 1.6038A-1(h)(2) made with respect to all foreign related party transactions reported on all Forms 5472.
(2)Related party. The reporting corporation must provide information on Form 5472, set forth in the manner the form prescribes, about each related party, whether foreign or domestic, with which the reporting corporation had a transaction of the types described in paragraphs (b) (3) and (4) of this section during its taxable year, including the following information:
(i) The name, U.S. taxpayer identification number, if applicable, and address of the related party.
(ii) The nature of the reated party's business and the principal place or places where it conducts its business.
(iii) Each country in which the related party files an income tax return as a resident under the tax laws of that country.
(iv) The relationship of the reporting corporation to the related party (including, to the extent the form may prescribe, any intermediate relationships).
(3)Foreign related party transactions for which only monetary consideration is paid or received by the reporting corporation. If the related party is a foreign person, the reporting corporation must set forth on Form 5472 the dollar amounts of all reportable transactions for which monetary consideration (including U.S. and foreign currency) was the sole consideration paid or received during the taxable year of the reporting corporation. The total amount of such transactions, as well as the separate amounts for each type of transaction described below, and, to the extent the form may prescribe, any further description, categorization, or listing of transactions within these types, must be reported on Form 5472, in the manner the form or its instructions may prescribe. Where actual amounts are not determinable, a reasonable estimate (as described in paragraph (b)(6) of this section) is permitted. The types of transactions described in this paragraph are:
(i) Sales and purchases of stock in trade (inventory);
(ii) Sales and purchases of tangible property other than stock in trade;
(iii) Rents and royalties paid and received (other than amounts reported under paragraph (b)(3)(iv) of this section);
(iv) Sales, purchases, and amounts paid and received as consideration for the use of all intangible property, including (but not limited to) copyrights, designs, formulas, inventions, models, patents, processes, trademarks, and other similar intangible property rights;
(v) Consideration paid and received for technical, managerial, engineering, construction, scientific, or other services;
(vi) Commissions paid and received;
(vii) Amounts loaned and borrowed (except open accounts resulting from sales and purchases reported under other items listed in this paragraph (b)(3) that arise and are collected in full in the ordinary course of business), to be reported as monthly averages or outstanding balances at the beginning and end of the taxable year, as the form shall prescribe;
(viii) Interest paid and received;
(ix) Premiums paid and received for insurance and reinsurance;
(x) Other amounts paid or received not specifically identified in this paragraph (b)(3) to the extent that such amounts are taken into account for the determination and computation of the taxable income of the reporting corporation; and
(xi) With respect to an entity that is a reporting corporation as a result of being treated as a corporation under § 301.7701-2(c)(2)(vi) of this chapter, any other transaction as defined by § 1.482-1(i)(7) , such as amounts paid or received in connection with the formation, dissolution, acquisition and disposition of the entity, including contributions to and distributions from the entity.
(4)Foreign related party transactions involving nonmonetary consideration or less than full consideration. If the related party is a foreign person, the reporting corporation must provide on Form 5472 a description of any reportable transaction, or group of reportable transactions, listed in paragraph (b)(3) of this section, for which any part of the consideration paid or received was not monetary consideration, or for which less than full consideration was paid or received. A description required under paragraph (b)(4) of this section shall include sufficient information from which to determine the nature and approximate monetary value of the transaction or group of transactions, and shall include:
(i) A description of all property (including monetary consideration), rights, or obligations transferred from the reporting corporation to the foreign related party and from the foreign related party to the reporting corporation;
(ii) A description of all services performed by the reporting corporation for the foreign related party and by the foreign related party for the reporting corporation; and
(iii) A reasonable estimate of the fair market value of all properties and services exchanged, if possible, or some other reasonable indicator of value.

If, for any transaction, the entire consideration received includes both tangible and intangible property and the consideration paid is solely monetary consideration, the transaction should be reported under paragraph (b)(3) of this section if the intangible property was related and incidental to the transfer of the tangible property (for example, a right to warranty services.)

(5)Additional information. In addition to the information required under paragraphs (b) (3) and (4) of this section, a reporting corporation must provide on Form 5472, in the manner the form prescribes, the following information:
(i) If the reporting corporation imports goods from a foreign related party, whether the costs taken into account in computing the basis or inventory cost of such goods are greater than the costs taken into account in computing the valuation of the goods for customs purposes, adjusted pursuant to section 1059A and the regulations thereunder, and if so, the reasons for the difference.
(ii) If the costs taken into account in computing the basis or inventory cost of such goods are greater than the costs taken into account in computing the valuation of the goods for customs purposes, whether the documents supporting the reporting corporation's treatment of the items set forth in paragraph (b)(5)(i) of this section are in existence and available in the United States at the time Form 5472 is filed.
(iii) If, for the taxable year, a reporting corporation pays or accrues interest or royalties for which a deduction is disallowed under section 267A and the regulations in this part under section 267A, then the reporting corporation must provide such information about the disallowance in the form and manner and to the extent prescribed by Form 5472 (or successor form), instruction, publication, or other guidance.
(iv) If, for the taxable year, the reporting corporation has a deduction under section 250 (by reason of having foreign-derived intangible income) with respect to any amount required to be reported under paragraph (b)(3) or (4) of this section, the reporting corporation will provide on Form 5472 (or any successor form) such information about the deduction in the form and manner and to the extent prescribed by Form 5472 (or any successor form), instructions to the form, publication, or other guidance published in the Internal Revenue Bulletin.
(6)Compilation of reportable transactions across multiple related parties. A reporting corporation must, to the extent and in the manner Form 5472 or its instructions may prescribe, include a schedule tabulating information with respect to related parties for which the reporting corporation is required to file Forms 5472. The schedule will not require information (beyond totaling) that is not required for the individual Forms 5472. The schedule may include the following:
(i) The identity and status of the related parties;
(ii) The reporting corporation's relationship to the related parties;
(iii) The reporting corporation's reportable transactions with the related parties; and
(iv) Other items required to be reported on Form 5472.
(7)Information on Form 5472 and Form 8991 regarding base erosion payments. If any reporting corporation is an applicable taxpayer, as defined under § 1.59A-2(b) , it must report the information required by Form 8991 and by any Form 5472 it is required to file (including the information required by their accompanying instructions), regarding:
(i) Determination of whether a taxpayer is an applicable taxpayer;
(ii) Computation of base erosion minimum tax amount, including computation of regular tax liability as adjusted for purposes of computing base erosion minimum tax amount;
(iii) Computation of modified taxable income;
(iv) Base erosion tax benefits;
(v) Base erosion percentage calculation;
(vi) Base erosion payments;
(vii) Amounts with respect to services as described in § 1.59A-3(b)(3)(i) , including a breakdown of the amount of the total services cost and any mark-up component;
(viii) Arrangements or transactions described in § 1.59A-9 ;
(ix) Any qualified derivative payment, including:
(A) The aggregate amount of qualified derivative payments for the taxable year; and
(B) A representation that all payments satisfy the requirements of § 1.59A-6(b)(2) ; and
(x) Any other information necessary to carry out section 59A.
(8)Reasonable estimate -
(i)Estimate within 25 percent of actual amount. Any amount reported under this section is considered to be a reasonable estimate if it is at least 75 percent and not more than 125 percent of the actual amount.
(ii)Other estimates. If any amount reported under this paragraph (b) of this section fails to meet the reasonable estimate test of paragraph (b)(6)(i) of this section, the reporting corporation nevertheless may show that such amount is a reasonable estimate by making an affirmative showing of relevant facts and circumstances in a written statement containing a declaration that it is made under the penalties of perjury. The District Director shall determine whether the amount reported was a reasonable estimate.
(9)Small amounts. If any actual amount required under this section does not exceed $50,000, the amount may be reported as "$50,000 or less."
(10)Accrued payments and receipts. For purposes of this section, a reporting corporation that uses an accrual method of accounting shall use accrued payments and accrued receipts for purposes of computing the total amount of each of the types of transactions listed in this section.
(11)Examples. The following examples illustrate the application of paragraph (b)(3) of this section:
Example 1.
(i) In year 1, W, a foreign corporation, forms and contributes assets to X, a domestic limited liability company that does not elect to be treated as a corporation under § 301.7701-3(c) of this chapter. In year 2, W contributes funds to X. In year 3, X makes a payment to W. In year 4, X, in liquidation, distributes its assets to W.
(ii) In accordance with § 301.7701-3(b)(1)(ii) of this chapter, X is disregarded as an entity separate from W. In accordance with § 301.7701-2(c)(2)(vi) of this chapter, X is treated as an entity separate from W and classified as a domestic corporation for purposes of section 6038A. In accordance with paragraphs (a)(2) and (b)(3) of this section, each of the transactions in years 1 through 4 is a reportable transaction with respect to X. Therefore, X has a section 6038A reporting and record maintenance requirement for each of those years.
Example 2.
(i) The facts are the same as in Example 1 of this paragraph (b)(9) except that, in year 1, W also forms and contributes assets to Y, another domestic limited liability company that does not elect to be treated as a corporation under § 301.7701-3(c) of this chapter. In year 1, X and Y form and contribute assets to Z, another domestic limited liability company that does not elect to be treated as a corporation under § 301.7701-3(c) of this chapter. In year 2, X transfers funds to Z. In year 3, Z makes a payment to Y. In year 4, Z distributes its assets to X and Y in liquidation.
(ii) In accordance with § 301.7701-3(b)(1)(ii) of this chapter, Y and Z are disregarded as entities separate from each other, W, and X. In accordance with § 301.7701-2(c)(2)(vi) of this chapter, Y, Z and X are treated as entities separate from each other and W, and are classified as domestic corporations for purposes of section 6038A. In accordance with paragraph (b)(3) of this section, each of the transactions in years 1 through 4 involving Z is a reportable transaction with respect to Z. Similarly, W's contribution to Y and Y's contribution to Z in year 1, the payment to Y in year 3, and the distribution to Y in year 4 are reportable transactions with respect to Y. Moreover, X's contribution to Z in Year 1, X's funds transfer to Z in year 2, and the distribution to X in year 4 are reportable transactions with respect to X. Therefore, Z has a section 6038A reporting and record maintenance requirement for years 1 through 4; Y has a section 6038A reporting and record maintenance requirement for years 1, 3, and 4; and X has a section 6038A reporting and record maintenance requirement in years 1, 2, and 4 in addition to its section 6038A reporting and record maintenance described in Example 1 of this paragraph (b)(9).
(c)Method of reporting. All statements required on or with the Form 5472 or Form 8991 under this section and § 1.6038A-5 must be in the English language. All amounts required to be reported under paragraph (b) of this section must be expressed in United States currency, with a statement of the exchange rates used, and, to the extent the forms may require, must indicate the method by which the amount of a reportable transaction or item was determined.
(d)Time for filing returns. A Form 5472 and Form 8991 required under this section must be filed with the reporting corporation's income tax return for the taxable year by the due date (including extensions) of that return. In the case of an entity that is a reporting corporation as a result of being treated as a corporation under § 301.7701-2(c)(2)(vi) of this chapter, Form 5472 must be filed at such time and in such manner as the Commissioner may prescribe in forms or instructions.
(e)Exceptions -
(1)No reportable transactions. A reporting corporation is not required to file Form 5472 if it has no transactions of the types listed in paragraphs (b) (3) and (4) of this section during the taxable year with any related party.
(2)Transactions solely with a domestic reporting corporation. If all of a foreign reporting corporation's reportable transactions are with one or more related domestic reporting corporations that are not members of the same affiliated group, the foreign reporting corporation shall furnish on Form 5472 only the information required under paragraphs (b) (1) and (2) of this section, if the domestic reporting corporations provide the information required under paragraphs (b) (3) through (5) of this section. Such a foreign reporting corporation nonetheless is subject to the record maintenance requirements of § 1.6038A-3 and the requirements of §§ 1.6038A-5 and 1.6038A-6 . The name, address, and taxpayer identification number of each domestic reporting corporation that provided such information must be indicated on Form 5472 in the space provided for the information under paragraphs (b) (1) and (2) of this section.
(3)Transactions with a corporation subject to reporting under section 6038. A reporting corporation (other than an entity that is a reporting corporation as a result of being treated as a corporation under § 301.7701-2(c)(2)(vi) of this chapter) is not required to make a return of information on Form 5472 with respect to a related foreign corporation for a taxable year for which a U.S. person that controls the foreign related corporation makes a return of information on Form 5471 that is required under section 6038 and this section, if that return contains information required under § 1.6038-2(f)(11) with respect to the reportable transactions between the reporting corporation and the related corporation for that taxable year. Such a reporting corporation also is not subject to §§ 1.6038A-3 and 1.6038A-5 . It remains subject to the general record maintenance requirements of section 6001.
(4)Transactions with a foreign sales corporation. A reporting corporation (other than an entity that is a reporting corporation as a result of being treated as a corporation under § 301.7701-2(c)(2)(vi) of this chapter) is not required to make a return of information on Form 5472 with respect to a related corporation that qualifies as a foreign sales corporation for a taxable year for which the foreign sales corporation files Form 1120-FSC.
(f)Filing Form 5472 when transactions with related parties engaged in by a partnership are attributed to a reporting corporation. If transactions engaged in by a partnership are attributed under § 1.6038A-1(e)(2) to a reporting corporation, the reporting corporation need report on Form 5472 only the percentage of the value of the transaction or transactions equal to the percentage of its partnership interest. Thus, for example, if a partnership buys $1000 of widgets from the foreign parent of a reporting corporation whose partnership interest in the partnership equals 50 percent of the partnership interests (and the remaining 50 percent is held by unrelated parties), the reporting corporation must report $500 of purchases from a foreign related party on Form 5472.
(g)Effective/applicability date. Except as otherwise provided, for applicability dates for this section for certain reporting corporations, see § 1.6038A-1(n) . Paragraph (b)(10) of this section applies with respect to information for annual accounting periods beginning on or after June 21, 2006. Paragraph (b)(7)(ix) of this section applies to taxable years beginning on or after June 7, 2021. Before these final regulations are applicable, a taxpayer will be treated as satisfying the reporting requirement described in § 1.59A-6(b)(2) only to the extent that it reports the aggregate amount of qualified derivative payments on Form 8991. See§ 1.59A-6(b)(2)(iv) (transition period for qualified derivative payment reporting). Paragraph (b)(5)(iii) of this section applies with respect to information for annual accounting periods beginning on or after December 20, 2018. Paragraph (b)(5)(iv) of this section applies with respect to information for annual accounting periods beginning on or after March 4, 2019.

26 C.F.R. §1.6038A-2

T.D. 8353, 56 FR 28063, June 19, 1991, as amended by T.D. 9113, 69 FR 5932, Feb. 9, 2004; T.D. 9161, 69 FR 55500, Sept. 15, 2004; T.D. 9268, 71 FR 35526, June 21, 2006; T.D. 9338, 72 FR 38476, July 13, 2007; T.D. 9529, 76 FR 33999, June 10, 2011; T.D. 9667, 78 FR 32645, June 6, 2014; T.D. 9707, 79 FR 77389, Dec. 24, 2014; T.D. 9796, 81 FR 89851, Dec. 13, 2016; T.D. 9885, 84 FR 67044, Dec. 6, 2019; T.D. 9885, 85 FR 9370, Feb. 19, 2020; T.D. 9896, 85 FR 19857, Apr. 8, 2020; T.D. 9901, 85 FR 43117, July 15, 2020
T.D. 9796, 81 FR 89851, 12/13/2016; T.D. 9885, 84 FR 67044, 12/6/2019; T.D. 9885, 85 FR 9370, 2/19/2020; T.D. 9896, 85 FR 19857, 4/8/2020; 85 FR 43117, 9/14/2020