26 C.F.R. § 1.951A-1

Current through August 31, 2024
Section 1.951A-1 - General provisions
(a)Overview -
(1)In general. This section and §§ 1.951A-2 through 1.951A-7 (collectively, the section 951A regulations) provide rules to determine a United States shareholder's income inclusion under section 951A, describe certain consequences of an income inclusion under section 951A with respect to controlled foreign corporations and their United States shareholders, and define certain terms for purposes of section 951A and the section 951A regulations. This section provides general rules for determining a United States shareholder's inclusion of global intangible low-taxed income, including a rule relating to the application of section 951A and the section 951A regulations to domestic partnerships and their partners. Section 1.951A-2 provides rules for determining a controlled foreign corporation's tested income or tested loss. Section 1.951A-3 provides rules for determining a controlled foreign corporation's qualified business asset investment. Section 1.951A-4 provides rules for determining a controlled foreign corporation's tested interest expense and tested interest income. Section 1.951A-5 provides rules relating to the treatment of the inclusion of global intangible low-taxed income for certain purposes. Section 1.951A-6 provides certain adjustments to earnings and profits and basis of a controlled foreign corporation related to a tested loss. Section 1.951A-7 provides dates of applicability.
(2)Scope. Paragraph (b) of this section provides the general rule requiring a United States shareholder to include in gross income its global intangible low-taxed income for a U.S. shareholder inclusion year. Paragraph (c) of this section provides rules for determining the amount of a United States shareholder's global intangible low-taxed income for the U.S. shareholder inclusion year, including a rule for the application of section 951A and the section 951A regulations to consolidated groups. Paragraph (d) of this section provides rules for determining a United States shareholder's pro rata share of certain items for purposes of determining the United States shareholder's global intangible low-taxed income. Paragraph (e) of this section provides rules for the treatment of a domestic partnership and its partners for purposes of section 951A and the section 951A regulations. Paragraph (f) of this section provides additional definitions for purposes of this section and the section 951A regulations.
(b)Inclusion of global intangible low-taxed income. Each person who is a United States shareholder of any controlled foreign corporation and owns section 958(a) stock of any such controlled foreign corporation includes in gross income in the U.S. shareholder inclusion year the shareholder's GILTI inclusion amount, if any, for the U.S. shareholder inclusion year.
(c)Determination of GILTI inclusion amount -
(1)In general. Except as provided in paragraph (c)(4) of this section, the term GILTI inclusion amount means, with respect to a United States shareholder and a U.S. shareholder inclusion year, the excess (if any) of-
(i) The shareholder's net CFC tested income (as defined in paragraph (c)(2) of this section) for the year, over
(ii) The shareholder's net deemed tangible income return (as defined in paragraph (c)(3) of this section) for the year.
(2)Definition of net CFC tested income. The term net CFC tested income means, with respect to a United States shareholder and a U.S. shareholder inclusion year, the excess (if any) of-
(i) The aggregate of the shareholder's pro rata share of the tested income of each tested income CFC (as defined in § 1.951A-2(b)(1) ) for a CFC inclusion year that ends with or within the U.S. shareholder inclusion year, over
(ii) The aggregate of the shareholder's pro rata share of the tested loss of each tested loss CFC (as defined in § 1.951A-2(b)(2) ) for a CFC inclusion year that ends with or within the U.S. shareholder inclusion year.
(3)Definition of net deemed tangible income return -
(i)In general. The term net deemed tangible income return means, with respect to a United States shareholder and a U.S. shareholder inclusion year, the excess (if any) of-
(A) The shareholder's deemed tangible income return (as defined in paragraph (c)(3)(ii) of this section) for the U.S. shareholder inclusion year, over
(B) The shareholder's specified interest expense (as defined in paragraph (c)(3)(iii) of this section) for the U.S. shareholder inclusion year.
(ii)Definition of deemed tangible income return. The term deemed tangible income return means, with respect to a United States shareholder and a U.S. shareholder inclusion year, 10 percent of the aggregate of the shareholder's pro rata share of the qualified business asset investment (as defined in § 1.951A-3(b) ) of each tested income CFC for a CFC inclusion year that ends with or within the U.S. shareholder inclusion year.
(iii)Definition of specified interest expense. The term specified interest expense means, with respect to a United States shareholder and a U.S. shareholder inclusion year, the excess (if any) of-
(A) The aggregate of the shareholder's pro rata share of the tested interest expense (as defined in § 1.951A-4(b)(1) ) of each controlled foreign corporation for a CFC inclusion year that ends with or within the U.S. shareholder inclusion year, over
(B) The aggregate of the shareholder's pro rata share of the tested interest income (as defined in § 1.951A-4(b)(2) ) of each controlled foreign corporation for a CFC inclusion year that ends with or within the U.S. shareholder inclusion year.
(4)Determination of GILTI inclusion amount for consolidated groups. For purposes of section 951A and the section 951A regulations, a member of a consolidated group (as defined in § 1.1502-1(h) ) determines its GILTI inclusion amount taking into account the rules provided in § 1.1502-51 .
(d)Determination of pro rata share -
(1)In general. For purposes of paragraph (c) of this section, each United States shareholder that owns section 958(a) stock of a controlled foreign corporation as of a hypothetical distribution date determines its pro rata share (if any) of each tested item of the controlled foreign corporation for the CFC inclusion year that includes the hypothetical distribution date and ends with or within the U.S. shareholder inclusion year. Except as otherwise provided in this paragraph (d), a United States shareholder's pro rata share of each tested item is determined independently of its pro rata share of each other tested item. In no case may the sum of the pro rata share of any tested item of a controlled foreign corporation for a CFC inclusion year allocated to stock under this paragraph (d) exceed the amount of such tested item of the controlled foreign corporation for the CFC inclusion year. Except as modified in this paragraph (d), a United States shareholder's pro rata share of any tested item is determined under the rules of section 951(a)(2) and § 1.951-1(b) and (e) in the same manner as those provisions apply to subpart F income. Under section 951(a)(2) and § 1.951-1(b) and (e) , as modified by this paragraph (d), a United States shareholder's pro rata share of any tested item for a U.S. shareholder inclusion year is determined with respect to the section 958(a) stock of the controlled foreign corporation owned by the United States shareholder on a hypothetical distribution date with respect to a CFC inclusion year that ends with or within the U.S. shareholder inclusion year. A United States shareholder's pro rata share of any tested item is translated into United States dollars using the average exchange rate for the CFC inclusion year of the controlled foreign corporation. Paragraphs (d)(2) through (5) of this section provide rules for determining a United States shareholder's pro rata share of each tested item of a controlled foreign corporation.
(2)Tested income -
(i)In general. Except as provided in paragraph (d)(2)(ii) of this section, a United States shareholder's pro rata share of the tested income of each tested income CFC for a U.S. shareholder inclusion year is determined under section 951(a)(2) and § 1.951-1(b) and (e) , substituting "tested income" for "subpart F income" each place it appears, other than in § 1.951-1(e)(1)(ii)(B) and the denominator of the fraction described in § 1.951-1(b)(1)(ii)(A) .
(ii)Special rule for prior allocation of tested loss. In any case in which tested loss has been allocated to any class of stock in a prior CFC inclusion year under paragraph (d)(4)(iii) of this section, tested income is first allocated to each such class of stock in the order of its liquidation priority to the extent of the excess (if any) of the sum of the tested loss allocated to each such class of stock for each prior CFC inclusion year under paragraph (d)(4)(iii) of this section, over the sum of the tested income allocated to each such class of stock for each prior CFC inclusion year under this paragraph (d)(2)(ii). Paragraph (d)(2)(i) of this section applies for purposes of determining a United States shareholder's pro rata share of the remainder of the tested income, except that, for purposes of the hypothetical distribution of section 951(a)(2)(A) and § 1.951-1(b)(1)(i) and (e)(1)(i) , the amount of allocable earnings and profits of the tested income CFC is reduced by the amount of tested income allocated under the first sentence of this paragraph (d)(2)(ii). For an example of the application of this paragraph (d)(2), see paragraph (d)(4)(iv)(B) of this section (Example 2).
(3)Qualified business asset investment -
(i)In general. Except as provided in paragraphs (d)(3)(ii) of this section, a United States shareholder's pro rata share of the qualified business asset investment of a tested income CFC for a U.S. shareholder inclusion year bears the same ratio to the total qualified business asset investment of the tested income CFC for the CFC inclusion year as the United States shareholder's pro rata share of the tested income of the tested income CFC for the U.S. shareholder inclusion year bears to the total tested income of the tested income CFC for the CFC inclusion year.
(ii)Special rule for excess hypothetical tangible return -
(A)In general. If the tested income of a tested income CFC for a CFC inclusion year is less than the hypothetical tangible return of the tested income CFC for the CFC inclusion year, a United States shareholder's pro rata share of the qualified business asset investment of the tested income CFC for a United States shareholder inclusion year bears the same ratio to the qualified business asset investment of the tested income CFC as the United States shareholder's pro rata share of the hypothetical tangible return of the CFC for the U.S. shareholder inclusion year bears to the total hypothetical tangible return of the CFC for the CFC inclusion year.
(B)Determination of pro rata share of hypothetical tangible return. For purposes of paragraph (d)(3)(ii)(A) of this section, a United States shareholder's pro rata share of the hypothetical tangible return of a CFC for a CFC inclusion year is determined in the same manner as the United States shareholder's pro rata share of the tested income of the CFC for the CFC inclusion year under paragraph (d)(2) of this section by treating the amount of the hypothetical tangible return as the amount of tested income.
(C)Definition of hypothetical tangible return. For purposes of this paragraph (d)(3)(ii), the term hypothetical tangible return means, with respect to a tested income CFC for a CFC inclusion year, 10 percent of the qualified business asset investment of the tested income CFC for the CFC inclusion year.
(iii)Examples. The following examples illustrate the application of paragraphs (d)(2) and (3) of this section. See also § 1.951-1(e)(7)(vii) (Example 6) (illustrating a United States shareholder's pro rata share of tested income).
(A)Example 1 -
(1)Facts. FS, a controlled foreign corporation, has outstanding 70 shares of common stock and 30 shares of 4% nonparticipating, cumulative preferred stock with a par value of $10x per share. P Corp, a domestic corporation and a United States shareholder of FS, owns all of the common shares. Individual A, a United States citizen and a United States shareholder, owns all of the preferred shares. Individual A, FS, and P Corp use the calendar year as their taxable year. Individual A and P Corp are shareholders of FS for all of Year 4. At the beginning of Year 4, FS had no dividend arrearages with respect to its preferred stock. For Year 4, FS has $100x of earnings and profits, $120x of tested income, and no subpart F income within the meaning of section 952. FS also has $750x of qualified business asset investment for Year 4.
(2)Analysis -
(i)Determination of pro rata share of tested income. For purposes of determining P Corp's pro rata share of FS's tested income under paragraph (d)(2) of this section, the amount of FS's allocable earnings and profits for purposes of the hypothetical distribution described in § 1.951-1(e)(1)(i) is $120x, the greater of its earnings and profits as determined under section 964 ($100x) and the sum of its subpart F income and tested income ($0 + $120x). Under paragraph (d)(2) of this section and § 1.951-1(e)(3) , the amount of FS's allocable earnings and profits distributed in the hypothetical distribution with respect to Individual A's preferred shares is $12x (0.04 * $10x * 30) and the amount distributed with respect to P Corp's common shares is $108x ($120x - $12x). Accordingly, under paragraph (d)(2) of this section and § 1.951-1(e)(1) , Individual A's pro rata share of FS's tested income is $12x, and P Corp's pro rata share of FS's tested income is $108x for Year 4.
(ii)Determination of pro rata share of qualified business asset investment. The special rule of paragraph (d)(3)(ii)(A) of this section does not apply because FS's tested income of $120x is not less than FS's hypothetical tangible return of $75x, which is 10% of FS's qualified business asset investment of $750x. Accordingly, under the general rule of paragraph (d)(3)(i) of this section, Individual A's and P Corp's respective pro rata shares of FS's qualified business asset investment bears the same ratio to FS's total qualified business asset investment as their respective pro rata shares of FS's tested income bears to FS's total tested income. Thus, Individual A's pro rata share of FS's qualified business asset investment is $75x ($750x * $12x/$120x), and P Corp's pro rata share of FS's qualified business asset investment is $675x ($750x * $108x/$120x).
(B)Example 2 -
(1)Facts. The facts are the same as in paragraph (d)(3)(iv)(A)(1) of this section (the facts in Example 1 of this section), except that FS has $1,500x of qualified business asset investment for Year 4.
(2)Analysis -
(i)Determination of pro rata share of tested income. The analysis and the result are the same as in paragraph (d)(3)(iv)(A)(2)(i) of this section (paragraph (i) of the analysis in Example 1 of this section).
(ii)Determination of pro rata share of qualified business asset investment. The special rule of paragraph (d)(3)(ii)(A) of this section applies because FS's tested income of $120x is less than FS's hypothetical tangible return of $150x, which is 10% of FS's qualified business asset investment of $1,500x. Under paragraph (d)(3)(ii)(A) of this section, Individual A's and P Corp's respective pro rata shares of FS's qualified business asset investment bears the same ratio to FS's qualified business asset investment as their respective pro rata shares of the hypothetical tangible return of FS bears to the total hypothetical tangible return of FS. Under paragraph (d)(3)(ii)(B) of this section, P Corp's and Individual A's respective pro rata share of FS's hypothetical tangible return is determined under paragraph (d)(2) of this section in the same manner as their respective pro rata shares of the tested income of FS by treating the hypothetical tangible return as the amount of tested income. The amount of FS's allocable earnings and profits for purposes of the hypothetical distribution described in § 1.951-1(e)(1)(i) is $150x, the greater of its earnings and profits as determined under section 964 ($100x) and the sum of its subpart F income and hypothetical tangible return ($0 + $150x). The amount of FS's allocable earnings and profits distributed in the hypothetical distribution is $12x (.04 * $10x * 30) with respect to Individual A's preferred shares and $138x ($150x - $12x) with respect to P Corp's common shares. Accordingly, Individual A's pro rata share of FS's qualified business asset investment is $120x ($1,500x * $12x/$150x), and P Corp's pro rata share of FS's qualified business asset investment is $1,380x ($1,500x * $138x/$150x).
(C)Example 3 -
(1)Facts. P Corp, a domestic corporation and a United States shareholder, owns 100% of the only class of stock of FS, a controlled foreign corporation, from January 1 of Year 1, until May 26 of Year 1. On May 26 of Year 1, P Corp sells all of its FS stock to R Corp, a domestic corporation that is not related to P Corp, and recognizes no gain or loss on the sale. R Corp, a United States shareholder of FS, owns 100% of the stock of FS from May 26 through December 31 of Year 1. For Year 1, FS has $50x of earnings and profits, $50x of tested income, and no subpart F income within the meaning of section 952. FS also has $1,500x of qualified business asset investment for Year 1. On May 1 of Year 1, FS distributes a $20x dividend to P Corp. P Corp, R Corp, and FS all use the calendar year as their taxable year.
(2)Analysis -
(i)Determination of pro rata share of tested income. For purposes of determining R Corp's pro rata share of FS's tested income under paragraph (d)(2) of this section, the amount of FS's allocable earnings and profits for purposes of the hypothetical distribution described in § 1.951-1(e)(1)(i) is $50x, the greater of its earnings and profits as determined under section 964 ($50x) or the sum of its subpart F income and tested income ($0 + $50x). Under paragraph (d)(2) of this section and § 1.951-1(e)(1) , FS's allocable earnings and profits of $50x are distributed in the hypothetical distribution pro rata to each share of stock. R Corp's pro rata share of FS's tested income for Year 1 is its pro rata share under section 951(a)(2)(A) and § 1.951-1(b)(1)(i) ($50x), reduced under section 951(a)(2)(B) and § 1.951-1(b)(1)(ii) by $20x, which is the lesser of $20x, the dividend received by P Corp during Year 1 with respect to the FS stock acquired by R Corp ($20x), multiplied by a fraction, the numerator of which is the tested income ($50x) of FS for Year 1 and the denominator of which is the sum of the subpart F income ($0) and the tested income ($50x) of FS for Year 1 ($20x * $50x/$50x), and $20x, which is P Corp's pro rata share (100%) of the amount which bears the same ratio to FS's tested income for Year 1 ($50x) as the period during which R Corp did not own (within the meaning of section 958(a)) the FS stock (146 days) bears to the entire taxable year (1 * $50x * 146/365). Accordingly, R Corp's pro rata share of tested income of FS for Year 1 is $30x ($50x - $20x).
(ii)Determination of pro rata share of qualified business asset investment. The special rule of paragraph (d)(3)(ii) of this section applies because FS's tested income of $50x is less than FS's hypothetical tangible return of $150x, which is 10% of FS's qualified business asset investment of $1,500x. Under paragraph (d)(3)(ii) of this section, R Corp's pro rata share of FS's qualified business asset investment is the amount that bears the same ratio to FS's qualified business asset investment as R Corp's pro rata share of the hypothetical tangible return of FS bears to the total hypothetical tangible return of FS. R Corp's pro rata share of FS's hypothetical tangible return is its pro rata share under section 951(a)(2)(A) and § 1.951-1(b)(1)(i) ($150x), reduced under section 951(a)(2)(B) and § 1.951-1(b)(1)(ii) by $20x, which is the lesser of $20x, the dividend received by P Corp during Year 1 with respect to the FS stock acquired by R Corp ($20x) multiplied by a fraction, the numerator of which is the hypothetical tangible return ($150x) of FS for Year 1 and the denominator of which is the sum of the subpart F income ($0) and the hypothetical tangible return ($150x) of FS for Year 1 ($20x * $150x/$150x), and $60x, which is P Corp's pro rata share (100%) of the amount which bears the same ratio to FS's hypothetical tangible return for Year 1 ($150x) as the period during which R Corp did not own (within the meaning of section 958(a)) the FS stock (146 days) bears to the entire taxable year (1 * $150x * 146/365). Accordingly, R Corp's pro rata share of the hypothetical tangible return of FS for Year 1 is $130x ($150x - $20x), and R Corp's pro rata share of FS's qualified business asset investment is $1,300x ($1,500x * $130x/$150x).
(4)Tested loss -
(i)In general. A United States shareholder's pro rata share of the tested loss of each tested loss CFC for a U.S. shareholder inclusion year is determined under section 951(a)(2) and § 1.951-1(b) and (e) with the following modifications-
(A) "Tested loss" is substituted for "subpart F income" each place it appears;
(B) For purposes of the hypothetical distribution described in section 951(a)(2)(A) and § 1.951-1(b)(1)(i) and (e)(1)(i) , the amount of allocable earnings and profits of a controlled foreign corporation for a CFC inclusion year is treated as being equal to the tested loss of the tested loss CFC for the CFC inclusion year;
(C) Except as provided in paragraphs (d)(4)(ii) and (iii) of this section, the hypothetical distribution described in section 951(a)(2)(A) and § 1.951-1(b)(1)(i) and (e)(1)(i) is treated as made solely with respect to the common stock of the tested loss CFC; and
(D) In lieu of applying section 951(a)(2)(B) and § 1.951-1(b)(1)(ii) , the United States shareholder's pro rata share of the tested loss allocated to section 958(a) stock of the tested loss CFC is reduced by an amount that bears the same ratio to the amount of the tested loss as the part of such year during which such shareholder did not own (within the meaning of section 958(a)) such stock bears to the entire taxable year.
(ii)Special rule in case of accrued but unpaid dividends. If a tested loss CFC's earnings and profits that have accumulated since the issuance of preferred shares are reduced below the amount necessary to satisfy any accrued but unpaid dividends with respect to such preferred shares, then the amount by which the tested loss reduces the earnings and profits below the amount necessary to satisfy the accrued but unpaid dividends is allocated in the hypothetical distribution described in section 951(a)(2)(A) and § 1.951-1(b)(1)(i) and (e)(1)(i) to the preferred stock of the tested loss CFC and the remainder of the tested loss is allocated in the hypothetical distribution to the common stock of the tested loss CFC.
(iii)Special rule for stock with no liquidation value. If a tested loss CFC's common stock has a liquidation value of zero and there is at least one other class of equity with a liquidation preference relative to the common stock, then the tested loss is allocated in the hypothetical distribution described in section 951(a)(2)(A) and § 1.951-1(b)(1)(i) and (e)(1)(i) to the most junior class of equity with a positive liquidation value to the extent of such liquidation value. Thereafter, tested loss is allocated to the next most junior class of equity to the extent of its liquidation value and so on. All determinations of liquidation value are to be made as of the beginning of the CFC inclusion year of the tested loss CFC.
(iv)Examples. The following examples illustrate the application of this paragraph (d)(4). See also § 1.951-1(e)(7) (viii) (Example 7) (illustrating a United States shareholder's pro rata share of subpart F income and tested loss).
(A)Example 1 -
(1)Facts. FS, a controlled foreign corporation, has outstanding 70 shares of common stock and 30 shares of 4% nonparticipating, cumulative preferred stock with a par value of $10x per share. P Corp, a domestic corporation and a United States shareholder of FS, owns all of the common shares. Individual A, a United States citizen and a United States shareholder, owns all of the preferred shares. FS, Individual A, and P Corp all use the calendar year as their taxable year. Individual A and P Corp are shareholders of FS for all of Year 5. At the beginning of Year 5, FS had earnings and profits of $120x, which accumulated after the issuance of the preferred stock. At the end of Year 5, the accrued but unpaid dividends with respect to the preferred stock are $36x. For Year 5, FS has a $100x tested loss, and no other items of income, gain, deduction or loss. At the end of Year 5, FS has earnings and profits of $20x.
(2)Analysis. FS is a tested loss CFC for Year 5. Before taking into account the tested loss in Year 5, FS had sufficient earnings and profits to satisfy the accrued but unpaid dividends of $36x. The amount of the reduction in earnings below the amount necessary to satisfy the accrued but unpaid dividends attributable to the tested loss is $16x ($36x - ($120x - $100x)). Accordingly, under paragraph (d)(4)(ii) of this section, $16x of the tested loss is allocated to Individual A's preferred stock in the hypothetical distribution described in section 951(a)(2)(A) and § 1.951-1(b)(1)(i) and (e)(1)(i) , and $84x ($100x - $16x) of the tested loss is allocated to P Corp's common shares in the hypothetical distribution.
(B)Example 2 -
(1)Facts. FS, a controlled foreign corporation, has outstanding 100 shares of common stock and 50 shares of 4% nonparticipating, cumulative preferred stock with a par value of $100x per share. P Corp, a domestic corporation and a United States shareholder of FS, owns all of the common shares. Individual A, a United States citizen and a United States shareholder, owns all of the preferred shares. FS, Individual A, and P Corp all use the calendar year as their taxable year. Individual A and P Corp are shareholders of FS for all of Year 1 and Year 2. At the beginning of Year 1, the common stock has no liquidation value and the preferred stock has a liquidation value of $5,000x and no accrued but unpaid dividends. In Year 1, FS has a tested loss of $1,000x and no other items of income, gain, deduction, or loss. In Year 2, FS has tested income of $3,000x and no other items of income, gain, deduction, or loss. FS has earnings and profits of $3,000x for Year 2. At the end of Year 2, FS has accrued but unpaid dividends of $400x with respect to the preferred stock, the sum of $200x for Year 1 (0.04 * $100x * 50) and $200x for Year 2 (0.04 * $100x * 50).
(2)Analysis -
(i)Year 1. FS is a tested loss CFC in Year 1. The common stock of FS has liquidation value of zero, and the preferred stock has a liquidation preference relative to the common stock. The tested loss ($1,000x) does not exceed the liquidation value of the preferred stock ($5,000x). Accordingly, under paragraph (d)(4)(iii) of this section, the tested loss is allocated to the preferred stock in the hypothetical distribution described in section 951(a)(2)(A) and § 1.951-1(b)(1)(i) and (e)(1)(i) . Individual A's pro rata share of the tested loss is $1,000x, and P Corp's pro rata share of the tested loss is $0.
(ii)Year 2. FS is a tested income CFC in Year 2. Because $1,000x of tested loss was allocated to the preferred stock in Year 1 under paragraph (d)(4)(iii) of this section, the first $1,000x of tested income in Year 2 is allocated to the preferred stock under paragraph (d)(2)(ii) of this section. P Corp's and Individual A's pro rata shares of the remaining $2,000x of tested income are determined under the general rule of paragraph (d)(2)(i) of this section, except that for purposes of the hypothetical distribution the amount of FS's allocable earnings and profits is reduced by the tested income allocated under paragraph (d)(2)(ii) of this section to $2,000x ($3,000x - $1,000x). Accordingly, under paragraph (d)(2)(i) of this section and § 1.951-1(e) , the amount of FS's allocable earnings and profits distributed in the hypothetical distribution with respect to Individual A's preferred stock is $400x ($400x of accrued but unpaid dividends) and with respect to P Corp's common stock is $1,600x ($2,000x - $400x). Individual A's pro rata share of the tested income is $1,400x ($1,000x + $400x), and P Corp's pro rata share of the tested income is $1,600x.
(5)Tested interest expense. A United States shareholder's pro rata share of tested interest expense of a controlled foreign corporation for a U.S. shareholder inclusion year is equal to the amount by which the tested interest expense reduces the shareholder's pro rata share of tested income of the controlled foreign corporation for the U.S. shareholder inclusion year, increases the shareholder's pro rata share of tested loss of the controlled foreign corporation for the U.S. shareholder inclusion year, or both.
(6)Tested interest income. A United States shareholder's pro rata share of tested interest income of a controlled foreign corporation for a U.S. shareholder inclusion year is equal to the amount by which the tested interest income increases the shareholder's pro rata share of tested income of the controlled foreign corporation for the U.S. shareholder inclusion year, reduces the shareholder's pro rata share of tested loss of the controlled foreign corporation for the U.S. shareholder inclusion year, or both.
(e)Stock owned through domestic partnerships. See § 1.958-1(d) for rules regarding the ownership of stock of a foreign corporation through a domestic partnership for purposes of section 951A and for purposes of any provision that specifically applies by reference to section 951A or the section 951A regulations.
(f)Definitions. This paragraph (f) provides additional definitions that apply for purposes of this section and the section 951A regulations. Other definitions relevant to the section 951A regulations are included in §§ 1.951A-2 through 1.951A-4 .
(1)CFC inclusion year. The term CFC inclusion year means any taxable year of a foreign corporation beginning after December 31, 2017, at any time during which the corporation is a controlled foreign corporation.
(2)Controlled foreign corporation. The term controlled foreign corporation has the meaning set forth in section 957(a).
(3)Hypothetical distribution date. The term hypothetical distribution date has the meaning set forth in § 1.951-1(e)(1)(i) .
(4)Section 958(a) stock. The term section 958(a) stock means stock of a controlled foreign corporation owned (directly or indirectly) by a United States shareholder within the meaning of section 958(a), as modified by paragraph (e)(1) of this section.
(5)Tested item. The term tested item means tested income, tested loss, qualified business asset investment, tested interest expense, or tested interest income.
(6)United States shareholder. The term United States shareholder has the meaning set forth in section 951(b).
(7)U.S. shareholder inclusion year. The term U.S. shareholder inclusion year means any taxable year of a United States shareholder in which or with which a CFC inclusion year of a controlled foreign corporation ends.

26 C.F.R. §1.951A-1

T.D. 9866, 84 FR 29341, June 21, 2019, as amended by T.D. 9960, 87 FR 3654, Jan. 25, 2022
T.D. 9866, 84 FR 29341, 6/21/2019; as amended by T.D. 9960, 87 FR 3654, 1/25/2022