26 C.F.R. §§ 1.1061-4

Current through September 30, 2024
Section 1.1061-4 - Section 1061 computations
(a)Computations -
(1)Recharacterization Amount. The Recharacterization Amount is the amount that an Owner Taxpayer must treat as short-term capital gain under section 1061(a). The Recharacterization Amount equals-
(i) The Owner Taxpayer's One Year Gain Amount; less
(ii) The Owner Taxpayer's Three Year Gain Amount.
(2)One Year Gain Amount and Three Year Gain Amount -
(i)One Year Gain Amount. The Owner Taxpayer's One Year Gain Amount is the sum of-
(A) The Owner Taxpayer's combined net API One Year Distributive Share Amount from all APIs held during the taxable year; and
(B) The Owner Taxpayer's API One Year Disposition Amount.
(ii)Three Year Gain Amount. The Owner Taxpayer's Three Year Gain Amount is the sum of-
(A) The Owner Taxpayer's combined net API Three Year Distributive Share Amount from all APIs held during the taxable year; and
(B) The Owner Taxpayer's API Three Year Disposition Amount.
(3)API One Year Distributive Share Amount and API Three Year Distributive Share Amount -
(i)API One Year Distributive Share Amount. The API One Year Distributive Share Amount equals-
(A) The API Holder's distributive share of net long-term capital gain or loss from the partnership for the taxable year (including capital gain or loss on the disposition of Distributed API Property by an API Holder that is a Passthrough Entity or the disposition of all or a part of an API by an API Holder that is a Passthrough Entity), with respect to the partnership interest held by the API Holder calculated without the application of section 1061; less
(B) To the extent included in the amount determined under paragraph (a)(3)(i)(A) of this section, the aggregate of-
(1) Amounts that are not taken into account for purposes of section 1061 under paragraph (b)(7) of this section; and
(2) Capital Interest Gains and Losses as determined under § 1.1061-3(c)(2) .
(ii)API Three Year Distributive Share Amount. The API Three Year Distributive Share Amount equals the API One Year Distributive Share Amount, less-
(A) Items included in the API One Year Distributive Share Amount that would not be treated as a long-term gain or loss if three years is substituted for one year in paragraphs (3) and (4) of section 1222; and
(B) Any adjustments resulting from the application of the Lookthrough Rule under paragraph (b)(9)(ii) of this section when an API is disposed of by an API Holder that is a Passthrough Entity.
(4)API One Year Disposition Amount and API Three Year Disposition Amount -
(i)API One Year Disposition Amount. The API One Year Disposition Amount is the combined net amount of-
(A) Long-term capital gains and losses recognized during the taxable year by an Owner Taxpayer, including long-term capital gain computed under the installment method that is taken into account for the taxable year, on the disposition of all or a portion of an API that has been held for more than one year, including a disposition to which the Lookthrough Rule applies;
(B) Long-term capital gain and loss recognized by an Owner Taxpayer due to a distribution with respect to an API during the taxable year that is treated under section 731(a) as gain or loss from the sale or exchange of a partnership interest held for more than one year; and,
(C) Long-term capital gains and losses recognized by an Owner Taxpayer on the disposition of Distributed API Property (taking into account deemed exchanges under section 751(b)) during the taxable year that has a holding period of more than one year but not more than three years to the distributee Owner Taxpayer on the date of disposition, excluding items described in paragraph (b)(7) of this section.
(ii)API Three Year Disposition Amount. The API Three Year Disposition Amount is the combined net amount of-
(A) Long-term capital gains and losses recognized during the taxable year by an Owner Taxpayer, including long-term capital gain computed under the installment method that is taken into account for the taxable year, on the disposition of all or a portion of an API that has been held for more than three years and to which the Lookthrough Rule does not apply;
(B) Long-term capital gains and losses recognized by an Owner Taxpayer on the disposition during the taxable year of all or a portion of an API that has been held for more than three years in a transaction to which the Lookthrough Rule in paragraph (b)(9) of this section applies, less any adjustments required under the Lookthrough Rule in paragraph (b)(9)(ii) of this section; and
(C) Long-term capital gains and losses recognized on a distribution with respect to an API during the taxable year that is treated under sections 731(a) as gain or loss from the sale or exchange of a partnership interest held for more than three years.
(b)Special rules for calculating the One Year Gain Amount and the Three Year Gain Amount -
(1)One Year Gain Amount equals zero or less. If an Owner Taxpayer's One Year Gain Amount is zero or results in a loss, the Recharacterization Amount for the taxable year is zero and section 1061(a) does not apply.
(2)Three Year Gain Amount equals zero or less. If an Owner Taxpayer's Three Year Gain Amount is less than or equal to $0, the Three Year Gain Amount is zero for purposes of calculating the Recharacterization Amount.
(3)One Year Gain Amount less than Three Year Gain Amount. If the One Year Gain Amount and the Three Year Gain Amount are both greater than zero but the One Year Gain Amount is less than the Three Year Gain Amount, none of the One Year Gain Amount is included in the Recharacterization Amount for the taxable year.
(4)Installment sale gain. The One Year Gain Amount under paragraph (a)(2)(i) of this section and the Three Year Gain Amount, as determined under paragraph (a)(2)(ii) of this section include long-term capital gains from installment sales. This includes long-term capital gain or loss recognized with respect to an API after December 31, 2017, with respect to an installment sale that occurred on or before December 31, 2017. The holding period of the asset upon the date of disposition is used for purposes of determining whether capital gain is included in the taxpayer's One Year Gain Amount or the Three Year Gain Amount.
(5)Special rules for capital gain dividends from regulated investment companies (RICs) and real estate investment trusts (REITs) -
(i)API One Year Distributive Share Amount. If a RIC or REIT reports or designates a dividend as a capital gain dividend and provides the One Year Amounts Disclosure as defined in § 1.1061-6(c)(1)(i) , the amount provided in the One Year Amounts Disclosure is included in the calculation of an API One Year Distributive Share Amount. If the RIC or REIT does not provide the One Year Amounts Disclosure, the full amount of the RIC's or REIT's capital gain dividend must be included in the calculation of an API One Year Distributive Share Amount.
(ii)API Three Year Distributive Share Amount. If a RIC or REIT reports or designates a dividend as a capital gain dividend and provides the Three Year Amounts Disclosure as defined in § 1.1061-6(c)(1)(ii) , the amount provided in the Three Year Amounts Disclosure is used for the calculation of an API Three Year Distributive Share Amount. If the RIC or REIT does not provide the Three Year Amounts Disclosure, no amount of the RIC's or REIT's capital gain dividend may be used for the calculation of an API Three Year Distributive Share Amount.
(iii)Loss on sale or exchange of stock. If a RIC or REIT provides the Three Year Amounts Disclosure as provided in paragraph (b)(5)(ii) of this section, any loss on the sale or exchange of shares of a RIC or REIT held for six months or less is treated as a capital loss on an asset held for more than three years, to the extent of the amount of the Three Year Amounts Disclosure from that RIC or REIT.
(6)Pro rata share of qualified electing fund (QEF) net capital gain -
(i)One year QEF net capital gain. The calculation of an API One Year Distributive Share Amount includes an Owner Taxpayer's inclusion under section 1293(a)(1)(B) as limited by section 1293(e)(2) with respect to a passive foreign investment company (as defined in section 1297(a)) for which a QEF election (as described in section 1295(a)) is in effect for the taxable year. The amount of the inclusion may be reduced by the amount of long-term capital gain that is not taken into account for purposes of section 1061 as provided in paragraph (b)(7) of this section and may be reduced by the Owner Taxpayer's share of the excess, if any, of the Capital Interest Gain over Capital Interest Loss with respect to the QEF, provided in each case that the relevant information is provided by the QEF. See § 1.1061-6 for reporting rules.
(ii)Three year QEF net capital gain adjustment. For purposes of calculating an Owner Taxpayer's API Three Year Distributive Share Amount, the entire amount determined under paragraph (b)(6)(i) of this section, after any allowed reduction, is included as an item in paragraph (a)(3)(ii)(A) of this section unless the QEF provides information to determine the amount of the inclusion that would constitute net capital gain (as defined in § 1.1293-1(a)(2) , as limited by section 1293(e)(2)) if the QEF's net capital gain for the taxable year were calculated under section 1222(11) applying paragraphs (3) and (4) of section 1222 by substituting three years for one year. If such information is provided, the amount included as an item in paragraph (a)(3)(ii)(A) of this section is the amount determined under paragraph (b)(6)(i) of this section that would not be treated as long-term gain if three years were substituted for one year in paragraphs (3) and (4) of section 1222. See § 1.1061-6 for reporting rules.
(7)Items not taken into account for purposes of section 1061. The following items of long-term capital gain and loss are excluded from the calculation of the API One Year Distributive Share Amount in paragraph (a)(3)(i) of this section and the API Three Year Distributive Share Amount in paragraph (a)(3)(ii) of this section-
(i) Long-term capital gain and long-term capital loss determined under section 1231;
(ii) Long-term capital gain and long-term capital loss determined under section 1256;
(iii) Qualified dividends included in net capital gain for purposes of section 1(h)(11)(B); and
(iv) Capital gains and losses that are characterized as long-term or short-term without regard to the holding period rules in section 1222, such as certain capital gains and losses characterized under the mixed straddle rules described in section 1092(b) and §§ 1.1092(b)-3T, 1.1092(b)-4T, and 1.1092(b)-6.
(8)Holding period determination -
(i)Determination of holding period for purposes of the Three Year Gain Amount. For purposes of computing the Three Year Gain Amount, the relevant holding period of either an asset or an API is determined under all provisions of the Code or regulations that are relevant to determining whether the asset or the API has been held for the long-term capital gain holding period by applying those provisions as if the holding period were three years instead of one year.
(ii)Relevant holding period. The relevant holding period is the direct owner's holding period in the asset sold. Accordingly, for purposes of determining an API Holder's Taxpayer's API One Year Distributive Share Amount and API Three Year Distributive Share Amount for the taxable year under paragraph (a)(3) of this section, the partnership's holding period in the asset being sold or disposed of (whether a directly held asset or a partnership interest) is the relevant holding period for purposes of section 1061.
(9)Lookthrough Rule for certain API dispositions -
(i)Determination that the Lookthrough Rule applies -
(A)In general. The Lookthrough Rule will apply if, at the time of disposition of an API held for more than three years-
(1) The API would have a holding period of three years or less if the holding period of such API were determined by not including any period before the date that an Unrelated Non-Service Partner is legally obligated to contribute substantial money or property directly or indirectly to the Passthrough Entity to which the API relates. This paragraph (b)(9)(i)(A) does not apply to the disposition of an API to the extent that the gain recognized upon the disposition of the API is attributable to any asset not held for portfolio investment on behalf of third party investors (as defined in section 1061(c)(5)). Solely for the purpose of this paragraph (b)(9)(i)(A), a substantial legal obligation to contribute money or property is an obligation to contribute a value that is at least 5 percent of the partnership's total capital contributions as of the time of the API disposition; or
(2) A transaction or series of transactions has taken place with a principal purpose of avoiding potential gain recharacterization under section 1061(a).
(B)Determination that the Lookthrough Rule applies to the disposition of a Passthrough Interest. Paragraph (b)(9)(i)(A) of this section similarly applies with respect to a Passthrough Interest issued by an S corporation or a PFIC to the extent that the Passthrough Interest is treated as an API.
(ii)Application of the Lookthrough Rule. If the Lookthrough Rule applies, for purposes of computing an Owner Taxpayer's Recharacterization Amount, as described in paragraph (a) of this section-
(A) The Owner Taxpayer must include the entire amount of capital gain recognized on the disposition of an API by the Owner Taxpayer in the Owner Taxpayer's API One Year Disposition Amount; and
(B) The Owner Taxpayer must include in its Three Year Disposition Amount an amount equal its One Year Disposition Amount (determined under paragraph (b)(9)(ii)(A) of this section) reduced by the Owner Taxpayer's share of the amount of any gain, directly or indirectly, from assets held for three years or less that would have been allocated to the Owner Taxpayer (to the extent attributable to the transferred API) by the partnership if the partnership had sold all of its property in a fully taxable transaction for cash in an amount equal to the fair market value of such property (taking into account section 7701(g)) immediately prior to the Owner Taxpayer's transfer of the API.
(C) In the case of an API disposition by an API Holder that is a Passthrough Entity and not an Owner Taxpayer, the principles set forth in paragraph (b)(9)(ii)(A) of this section must be applied to determine the amount to include in the Owner Taxpayer's One Year Distributive Amount and in paragraph (b)(9)(ii)(B) of this section to determine the amounts included in the Owner Taxpayer's Three Year Distributive Share Amount.
(10)Section 83. Except with respect to any portion of the interest that is a capital interest under § 1.1061-3(c) , this section applies regardless of whether an Owner Taxpayer or Passthrough Entity has made an election under section 83(b) or included amounts in gross income under section 83.
(c)Examples -
(1)Recharacterization rules. The rules of paragraph (a) of this section are illustrated by the following examples. Unless otherwise stated, all gains and losses are long-term capital gains and losses, none of the long-term capital gain or loss in this section is capital gain or loss not taken into account for purposes of section 1061 under paragraph (b)(7) of this section, and neither the Lookthrough Rule nor section 751 is applicable.
(i)Example 1: Determination of API One Year and Three Year Distributive Share Amounts -
(A)Facts. A holds an API in PRS but has no capital interest in PRS and is not entitled to a Capital Interest Allocation with respect to PRS. During the taxable year, PRS allocates to A $20 of long-term capital gain from the sale of capital asset X (which had been held by PRS for two years) and $40 of long-term capital gain from the sale of capital asset Y (which had held by PRS for five years). A has no other items of long-term capital gain or loss with respect to its interest in PRS during the taxable year. A has no other long-term capital gains or losses with respect to any other API during the taxable year.
(B)Determination of A's API One Year Distributive Share Amount. Under paragraph (a)(3)(i) of this section, A has an API One Year Distributive Share Amount of $60. This amount is the sum of the $20 of the long-term capital gain allocated to A from PRS's sale of capital asset X and the $40 of long-term capital gain allocated to A from PRS's sale of capital asset Y.
(C)Determination of A's API Three Year Distributive Share Amount.
(1) Under paragraph (a)(3)(ii) of this section, A's API Three Year Distributive Share Amount is equal to A's API One Year Distributive Amount, $60, less the sum of:
(i) The items included in the API One Year Distributive Share Amount that would not be treated as a long-term gain or loss if three years is substituted for one year in paragraphs (3) and (4) of section 1222, $20; and
(ii) Adjustments resulting from the application of the Lookthrough Rule under paragraph (b)(9)(ii) of this section, which under the facts in paragraph (c)(1)(i)(A) of this section, is inapplicable.
(2) Thus, A's API Three Year Distributive Share Amount is $40.
(D)Determination of A's Recharacterization Amount. Under paragraph (a)(2)(i) of this section, A's One Year Gain Amount is equal to A's API One Year Distributive Share Amount, $60. A's Three Year Gain Amount is equal to A's API Three Year Distributive Share Amount, $40. Under paragraph (a)(1) of this section, A's Recharacterization Amount is A's One Year Gain Amount, minus A's Three Year Gain Amount, or $20.
(ii)Example 2: API One Year and Three Year Disposition Amounts -
(A)Facts. During the taxable year, A disposes of an API that A has held for four years for a $100 gain. Additionally, A sells Distributed API Property for a $300 gain at a time when A has a two-year holding period in such property. A has no other items of long-term capital gain or loss with respect to any API in the year.
(B)Determination of A's API One Year and Three Year Disposition Amounts. Under paragraph (a)(4)(i) of this section, A's API One Year Disposition Amount is $400. This amount is the sum of A's $300 of long-term capital gain on A's disposition of the Distributed API Property and A's $100 of long-term capital gain on the disposition of the API. Under paragraph (a)(4)(ii) of this section, A's API Three Year Disposition Amount is $100, which is the amount of long-term capital gain that A recognized upon disposition of the API held for more than three years. Under paragraph (a)(2) of this section, A's One Year Gain Amount is $400 and A's Three Year Gain Amount is $100.
(C)Determination of A's Recharacterization Amount. Under paragraph (a)(1) of this section, A's Recharacterization Amount is $300, which is the difference between A's One Year Gain Amount and Three Year Gain Amount.
(iii)Example 3: Determination of One Year Gain Amount, Three Year Gain Amount, and Recharacterization Amount -
(A)Facts. A holds an API in each of PRS1 and PRS2. With respect to PRS1, A's API One Year Distributive Share Amount is $100 and A's API Three Year Distributive Share Amount is ($200). With respect to PRS2, A's API One Year Distributive Share Amount is $600 and A's API Three Year Distributive Share Amount is $300. During the taxable year, A also has an API One Year Disposition Amount of $200 of gain. A has no other items of long-term capital gain or loss with respect to an API for the taxable year.
(B)Determination of A's One Year Gain Amount. Under paragraph (a)(2) of this section, A's One Year Gain Amount is $900, which is an amount equal to A's $100 API One Year Distributive Share Amount from PRS1 and A's $600 API One Year Distributive Share Amount from PRS2 (a combined net API One Year Distributive Share Amount of $700) plus A's $200 API One Year Disposition Amount.
(C)Determination of A's Three Year Gain Amount. Under paragraph (a)(2) of this section, A's Three Year Gain Amount is $100, which is equal to A's combined net API Three Year Distributive Share Amount for the taxable year (A's $200 API Three Year Distributive Share Amount loss from PRS1 plus A's API Three Year Distributive Share Amount of $300 from PRS2). A does not have an API Three Year Disposition Amount.
(D)Determination of A's Recharacterization Amount. Under paragraph (a)(1) of this section, A's Recharacterization Amount is $800. (A's One Year Gain Amount of $900 less A's Three Year Gain Amount of $100.)
(2)Special rules examples. The principles of paragraph (b) of this section are illustrated by the following examples.
(i)Example 1: Lookthrough Rule. On July 1, 2021, A and B form partnership PRS. At the time of PRS's formation, A agrees to provide substantial services to PRS in exchange for a 20% profits interest in PRS, and B, a partner that is an Unrelated Non-Service Partner, contributes $1 million in exchange for an interest in PRS and PRS immediately uses the capital to purchase marketable securities. On July 1, 2023, C, another Unrelated Non-Service Partner becomes legally obligated to contribute capital to PRS ($75 million) for the purposes of investing in and developing Specified Assets and is admitted into PRS. On July 3, 2023, and after C makes a contribution of $75 million, PRS uses this capital to acquire stock in portfolio company Z. On July 1, 2025, when Z has a value of $500 million and the value of the marketable securities is $2 million, A sells its API in PRS for $85.2 million. As a result of this sale, the Lookthrough Rule applies because B's contribution was non-substantial under paragraph (b)(9)(i)(A)(1) of this section. Therefore, A includes $85.2 million in its API One Year Disposition Amount and under paragraph (b)(9)(ii)(B) of this section, $200,000 (20% share of $1 million gain in marketable securities) in its API Three Year Disposition Amount. Accordingly, under paragraph (a)(1) of this section, A's Recharacterization Amount is $85 million.
(ii)Example 2: Installment sale gain. On December 22, 2021, A disposed of A's API in an installment sale. At the time of the disposition, A had held its API for two years. A received a payment with respect to the installment sale during A's 2022 taxable year, causing A to recognize $200 of long-term capital gain. The $200 long-term capital gain recognized in 2022 is subject to section 1061 because it is recognized after December 31, 2017. Accordingly, the $200 of long-term capital gain recognized by A in 2022 is included in A's API One Year Disposition Amount. The $200 of long-term capital gain is not in A's API Three Year Disposition Amount because the API was not held for more than three years at the time of its disposition.
(iii)Example 3: REIT capital gain dividend. During the taxable year, A holds an API in PRS. PRS holds an interest in REIT. During the taxable year, REIT distributes a $1,000 capital gain dividend to PRS of which 50% is allocable to A's API. Part of the capital gain dividend for the year results from section 1231 gain. In accordance with § 1.1061-6(c)(1)(i) , REIT discloses to PRS the One Year Amounts Disclosure of $400, which is the $1,000 capital gain dividend reduced by the $600 of section 1231 capital gain dividend included in that amount. Part of the One Year Amounts Disclosure for the year results from gain from property held for three years or less. In accordance with § 1.1061-6(c)(1)(ii) , REIT also discloses the Three Year Amounts Disclosure of $150, which is the $400 One Year Amounts Disclosure reduced by the $250 of gain attributable to property held for three years or less. PRS includes a $200 gain in determining A's API One Year Distributive Share Amount and a $75 gain in determining A's API Three Year Distributive Share Amount. See paragraphs (b)(5)(i) and (ii) of this section.
(d)Applicability date. The provisions of this section apply to taxable years of Owner Taxpayers and Passthrough Entities beginning on or after January 19, 2021. An Owner Taxpayer or Passthrough Entity may choose to apply this section to a taxable year beginning after December 31, 2017, provided that they apply the Section 1061 Regulations in their entirety to that year and all subsequent years.

26 C.F.R. §§1.1061-4

T.D. 9945, 86 FR 5480, Jan. 19, 2021, as amended by T.D. 9945, 89 FR 50525, June 14, 2024
T.D. 9945, 86 FR 5480, 1/19/2021; as amended by T.D. 9945, 89 FR 50525, 6/14/2024