26 C.F.R. § 1.338-2

Current through September 30, 2024
Section 1.338-2 - Nomenclature and definitions; mechanics of the section 338 election
(a)Scope. This section prescribes rules relating to elections under section 338.
(b)Nomenclature. For purposes of the regulations under section 338 (except as otherwise provided):
(1) T is a domestic target corporation that has only one class of stock outstanding. Old T refers to T for periods ending on or before the close of T's acquisition date; new T refers to T for subsequent periods.
(2) P is the purchasing corporation.
(3) The P group is an affiliated group of which P is a member.
(4) P1, P2, etc., are domestic corporations that are members of the P group.
(5) T1, T2, etc., are domestic corporations that are target affiliates of T. These corporations (T1, T2, etc.) have only one class of stock outstanding and may also be targets.
(6) S is a domestic corporation (unrelated to P and B) that owns T prior to the purchase of T by P. (S is referred to in cases in which it is appropriate to consider the effects of having all of the outstanding stock of T owned by a domestic corporation.)
(7) A, a U.S. citizen or resident, is an individual (unrelated to P and B) who owns T prior to the purchase of T by P. (A is referred to in cases in which it is appropriate to consider the effects of having all of the outstanding stock of T owned by an individual who is a U.S. citizen or resident. Ownership of T by A and ownership of T by S are mutually exclusive circumstances.)
(8) B, a U.S. citizen or resident, is an individual (unrelated to T, S, and A) who owns the stock of P.
(9) F, used as a prefix with the other terms in this paragraph (b), connotes foreign, rather than domestic, status. For example, FT is a foreign corporation (as defined in section 7701(a)(5)) and FA is an individual other than a U.S. citizen or resident.
(10) CFC, used as a prefix with the other terms in this paragraph (b) referring to a corporation, connotes a controlled foreign corporation (as defined in section 957, taking into account section 953(c)). A corporation identified with the prefix F may be a controlled foreign corporation. (The prefix CFC is used when the corporation's status as a controlled foreign corporation is significant.)
(c)Definitions. For purposes of the regulations under section 338 (except as otherwise provided):
(1)Acquisition date. The term acquisition date has the same meaning as in section 338(h)(2).
(2)Acquisition date assets. Acquisition date assets are the assets of the target held at the beginning of the day after the acquisition date (but see § 1.338-1(d) (regarding certain transactions on the acquisition date)).
(3)Affiliated group. The term affiliated group has the same meaning as in section 338(h)(5). Corporations are affiliated on any day they are members of the same affiliated group.
(4)Common parent. The term common parent has the same meaning as in section 1504.
(5)Consistency period. The consistency period is the period described in section 338(h)(4)(A) unless extended pursuant to § 1.338-8(j)(1) .
(6)Deemed asset sale. The deemed asset sale is the transaction described in § 1.338-1(a)(1) that is deemed to occur for purposes of subtitle A of the Internal Revenue Code if a section 338 election is made.
(7)Deemed sale tax consequences. Deemed sale tax consequences refers to, in the aggregate, the Federal income tax consequences (generally, the income, gain, deduction, and loss) of the deemed asset sale. Deemed sale tax consequences also refers to the Federal income tax consequences of the transfer of a particular asset in the deemed asset sale.
(8)Deemed sale return. The deemed sale return is the return on which target's deemed sale tax consequences are reported that does not include any other items of target. Target files a deemed sale return when a section 338 election (but not a section 338(h)(10) election) is filed for target and target is a member of a selling group (defined in paragraph (c)(16) of this section) that files a consolidated return for the period that includes the acquisition date. See § 1.338-10 . If target is an S corporation for the period that ends on the day before the acquisition date and a section 338 election (but not a section 338(h)(10) election) is filed for target, see § 1.338-10(a)(3) .
(9)Domestic corporation. A domestic corporation is a corporation-
(i) That is domestic within the meaning of section 7701(a)(4) or that is treated as domestic for purposes of subtitle A of the Internal Revenue Code (e.g., to which an election under section 953(d) or 1504(d) applies); and
(ii) That is not a DISC, a corporation described in section 1248(e), or a corporation to which an election under section 936 applies.
(10)Old target's final return. Old target's final return is the income tax return of old target for the taxable year ending at the close of the acquisition date that includes the deemed sale tax consequences. However, if a deemed sale return is filed for old target, the deemed sale return is considered old target's final return.
(11)Purchasing corporation. The term purchasing corporation has the same meaning as in section 338(d)(1). The purchasing corporation may also be referred to as purchaser. Unless otherwise provided, any reference to the purchasing corporation is a reference to all members of the affiliated group of which the purchasing corporation is a member. See sections 338(h)(5) and (8). Also, unless otherwise provided, any reference to the purchasing corporation is, with respect to a deemed purchase of stock under section 338(a)(2), a reference to new target with respect to its own deemed purchase of stock in another target.
(12)Qualified stock purchase. The term qualified stock purchase has the same meaning as in section 338(d)(3).
(13)Related persons. Two persons are related if stock in a corporation owned by one of the persons would be attributed under section 318(a) (other than section 318(a)(4)) to the other.
(14)Section 338 election. A section 338 election is an election to apply section 338(a) to target. A section 338 election is made by filing a statement of section 338 election pursuant to paragraph (d) of this section. The form on which this statement is filed is referred to in the regulations under section 338 as the Form 8023, "Elections Under Section 338 For Corporations Making Qualified Stock Purchases."
(15)Section 338(h)(10) election. A section 338(h)(10) election is an election to apply section 338(h)(10) to target. A section 338(h)(10) election is made by making a joint election for target under § 1.338(h)(10) -1 on Form 8023.
(16)Selling group. The selling group is the affiliated group (as defined in section 1504) eligible to file a consolidated return that includes target for the taxable period in which the acquisition date occurs. However, a selling group is not an affiliated group of which target is the common parent on the acquisition date.
(17)Target; old target; new target. Target is the target corporation as defined in section 338(d)(2). Old target refers to target for periods ending on or before the close of target's acquisition date. New target refers to target for subsequent periods.
(18)Target affiliate. The term target affiliate has the same meaning as in section 338(h)(6) (applied without section 338(h)(6)(B)(i)). Thus, a corporation described in section 338(h)(6)(B)(i) is considered a target affiliate for all purposes of section 338. If a target affiliate is acquired in a qualified stock purchase, it is also a target.
(19)12-month acquisition period. The 12-month acquisition period is the period described in section 338(h)(1), unless extended pursuant to § 1.338-8(j)(2) .
(d)Time and manner of making election. The purchasing corporation makes a section 338 election for target by filing a statement of section 338 election on Form 8023 in accordance with the instructions to the form. The section 338 election must be made not later than the 15th day of the 9th month beginning after the month in which the acquisition date occurs. A section 338 election is irrevocable. See § 1.338(h)(10) -1(c)(2) for section 338(h)(10) elections.
(e)Special rules for foreign corporations or DISCs -
(1)Elections by certain foreign purchasing corporations -
(i)General rule. A qualifying foreign purchasing corporation is not required to file a statement of section 338 election for a qualifying foreign target before the earlier of 3 years after the acquisition date and the 180th day after the close of the purchasing corporation's taxable year within which a triggering event occurs.
(ii)Qualifying foreign purchasing corporation. A purchasing corporation is a qualifying foreign purchasing corporation only if, during the acquisition period of a qualifying foreign target, all the corporations in the purchasing corporation's affiliated group are foreign corporations that are not subject to United States tax.
(iii)Qualifying foreign target. A target is a qualifying foreign target only if target and its target affiliates are foreign corporations that, during target's acquisition period, are not subject to United States tax (and will not become subject to United States tax during such period because of a section 338 election). A target affiliate is taken into account for purposes of the preceding sentence only if, during target's 12-month acquisition period, it is or becomes a member of the affiliated group that includes the purchasing corporation.
(iv)Triggering event. A triggering event occurs in the taxable year of the qualifying foreign purchasing corporation in which either that corporation or any corporation in its affiliated group becomes subject to United States tax.
(v)Subject to United States tax. For purposes of this paragraph (e)(1), a foreign corporation is considered subject to United States tax-
(A) For the taxable year for which that corporation is required under § 1.6012-2(g) (other than § 1.6012-2(g)(2)(i)(B) (2)) to file a United States income tax return; or
(B) For the period during which that corporation is a controlled foreign corporation, a passive foreign investment company for which an election under section 1295 is in effect, a foreign investment company, or a foreign corporation the stock ownership of which is described in section 552(a)(2).
(2)Acquisition period. For purposes of this paragraph (e), the term acquisition period means the period beginning on the first day of the 12-month acquisition period and ending on the acquisition date.
(3)Statement of section 338 election may be filed by United States shareholders in certain cases. The United States shareholders (as defined in section 951(b)) of a foreign purchasing corporation that is a controlled foreign corporation (as defined in section 957 (taking into account section 953(c))) may file a statement of section 338 election on behalf of the purchasing corporation if the purchasing corporation is not required under § 1.6012-2(g) (other than § 1.6012-2(g)(2)(i)(B) (2)) to file a United States income tax return for its taxable year that includes the acquisition date. Form 8023 must be filed as described in the form and its instructions and also must be attached to the Form 5471, "Information Returns of U.S. Persons With Respect to Certain Foreign Corporations," filed with respect to the purchasing corporation by each United States shareholder for the purchasing corporation's taxable year that includes the acquisition date (or, if paragraph (e)(1)(i) of this section applies to the election, for the purchasing corporation's taxable year within which it becomes a controlled foreign corporation). The provisions of § 1.964-1(c) (including § 1.964-1(c)(7) ) do not apply to an election made by the United States shareholders.
(4)Notice requirement for U.S. persons holding stock in foreign target -
(i)General rule. If a target subject to a section 338 election was a controlled foreign corporation, a passive foreign investment company, or a foreign personal holding company at any time during the portion of its taxable year that ends on its acquisition date, the purchasing corporation must deliver written notice of the election (and a copy of Form 8023, its attachments and instructions) to-
(A) Each U.S. person (other than a member of the affiliated group of which the purchasing corporation is a member (the purchasing group member)) that, on the acquisition date of the foreign target, holds stock in the foreign target; and
(B) Each U.S. person (other than a purchasing group member) that sells stock in the foreign target to a purchasing group member during the foreign target's 12-month acquisition period.
(ii)Limitation. The notice requirement of this paragraph (e)(4) applies only where the section 338 election for the foreign target affects income, gain, loss, deduction, or credit of the U.S. person described in paragraph (e)(4)(i) of this section under section 551, 951, 1248, or 1293.
(iii)Form of notice. The notice to U.S. persons must be identified prominently as a notice of section 338 election and must-
(A) Contain the name, address, and employer identification number (if any) of, and the country (and, if relevant, the lesser political subdivision) under the laws of which are organized the purchasing corporation and the relevant target (i.e., the target the stock of which the particular U.S. person held or sold under the circumstances described in paragraph (e)(4)(i) of this section);
(B) Identify those corporations as the purchasing corporation and the foreign target, respectively; and
(C) Contain the following declaration (or a substantially similar declaration):


(iv)Timing of notice. The notice required by this paragraph (e)(4) must be delivered to the U.S. person on or before the later of the 120th day after the acquisition date of the particular target or the day on which Form 8023 is filed. The notice is considered delivered on the date it is mailed to the proper address (or an address similar enough to complete delivery), unless the date it is mailed cannot be reasonably determined. The date of mailing will be determined under the rules of section 7502. For example, the date of mailing is the date of U.S. postmark or the applicable date recorded or marked by a designated delivery service.
(v)Consequence of failure to comply. A statement of section 338 election is not valid if timely notice is not given to one or more U.S. persons described in this paragraph (e)(4). If the form of notice fails to comply with all requirements of this paragraph (e)(4), the section 338 election is valid, but the waiver rule of § 1.338-10(b)(1) does not apply.
(vi)Good faith effort to comply. The purchasing corporation will be considered to have complied with this paragraph (e)(4), even though it failed to provide notice or provide timely notice to each person described in this paragraph (e)(4), if the Commissioner determines that the purchasing corporation made a good faith effort to identify and provide timely notice to those U.S. persons.

26 C.F.R. §1.338-2

T.D. 8940, 66 FR 9929, Feb. 13, 2001