25 C.F.R. § 213.43

Current through September 30, 2024
Section 213.43 - Relinquishment of Government supervision

All oil and gas leases hereafter executed shall contain the following relinquishment of supervision clause and terms operative after such relinquishment, or other provisions similar in substance:

Relinquishment of supervision by the Secretary of the Interior.-Should the Secretary of the Interior, at any time during the life of this instrument, relinquish supervision as to all or part of the acreage covered hereby, such relinquishment shall not bind lessee until said Secretary shall have given 30 days' written notice. Until said requirements are fulfilled, lessee shall continue to make all payments due hereunder as heretofore in section 3(c). After notice of relinquishment has been received by lessee, as herein provided this lease shall be subject to the following further conditions:

(a) All rentals and royalties thereafter accruing shall be paid in the following manner: Rentals and royalties shall be paid to lessor or his successors in title, or to a trustee appointed under the provision of section 9 hereof. Rentals and royalties shall be paid directly to lessor, his successors in title, or to said trustee as the case may be.
(b) If, at the time supervision is relinquished by the Secretary of the Interior, lessee shall have made all payments then due hereunder, and shall have fully performed all obligations on its part to be performed up to the time of such relinquishment, then the bond given to secure the performance hereof, on file in the Indian Office, shall be of no further force or effect.
(c) Should such relinquishment affect only part of the acreage, then lessee may continue to drill and operate the land covered hereby as an entirety: Provided, That lessee shall pay in the manner prescribed by section 3(c), for the benefit of lessor such proportion of all rentals and royalties due hereunder as the acreage retained under the supervision of the Secretary of the Interior bears to the entire acreage of the lease, the remainder of such rentals and royalties to be paid directly to lessor or his successors in title or said trustee as the case may be, as provided in subdivision (a) of this section.

Division of fee. It is covenanted and agreed that should the fee of said land be divided into separate parcels, held by different owners, or should the rental or royalty interests hereunder be so divided in ownership, after the execution of this lease and after the Secretary of the Interior relinquishes supervision hereof, the obligations of lessee hereunder shall not be added to or changed in any manner whatsoever save as specifically provided by the terms of this lease. Notwithstanding such separate ownership, lessee may continue to drill and operate said premises as an entirety: Provided, That each separate owner shall receive such proportion of all rentals and royalties accruing after the vesting of his title as the acreage of the fee, or rental or royalty interest, bears to the entire acreage covered by the lease; or to the entire rental and royalty interest as the case may be: Provided further, That, if, at any time after departmental supervision hereof is relinquished, in whole or in part, there shall be four or more parties entitled to rentals or royalties hereunder, whether said parties are so entitled by virtue of undivided interests or by virtue of ownership of separate parcels of the land covered hereby, lessee at his election may withhold the payment of further rentals or royalties (except as to the portion due the Indian lessor while under restriction), until all of said parties shall agree upon and designate in writing and in a recordable instrument a trustee to receive all payments due hereunder on behalf of said parties and their respective successors in title. Payments to said trustee shall constitute lawful payments hereunder, and the sole risk of an improper or unlawful distribution of said funds by said trustee shall rest upon the parties naming said trustee and their respective successors in title. (The above provisions are copied from oil and gas mining lease Form 5-154h, revised April 24, 1935.)

For information relative to obtaining Form 5-154h, see § 211.30 .

25 C.F.R. §213.43