23 C.F.R. § 1327.3

Current through August 31, 2024
Section 1327.3 - Definitions
(a)Any officer, chief warrant officer, or enlisted member of the Coast Guard or Coast Guard Reserve includes a cadet or an applicant for appointment or enlistment of any of the foregoing and any member of a uniformed service who is assigned to the Coast Guard.
(b)Driver history record means a detailed description of an individual's driver record, used in the American Association of Motor Vehicle Administrators' Commercial Driver's License Information System (CDLIS).
(c)Driver improvement purposes means information requests made by chief driver licensing officials in connection with the control and rehabilitation of drivers who are, based on their records, suspected of being or known to be problem drivers.
(d)Driver license abstract means the complete driver history of a driver's convictions, revocations, suspensions, denials, cancellations, accidents and interactions with the driver control and driver improvement authorities. Also known as Motor Vehicle Record (MVR) or Transcript.
(e)Driver licensing purposes means information requests made by chief driver licensing officials to determine if individuals applying for original, renewal, temporary, or duplicate licenses have had their driving privileges withdrawn in some other State.
(f)Driver status response means a response which indicates whether a driver currently holds a valid license.
(g)Employers or prospective employers of motor vehicle operators means persons that hire one or more individuals to operate motor vehicles on a regular basis during their normal course of employment.
(h)For cause as used in § 1327.5(a) means that an adverse action taken by a State against an individual was based on a violation listed in Appendix A, Part I, an Abridged Listing of the American Association of Motor Vehicle Administrators (AAMVA) Violations Exchange Code, which is used by the NDR for recording license denials and withdrawals.
(i)Fully electronic register system means an NDR system in which all States that are participating in the NDR have been certified by the agency as participating States.
(j)Interactive communication means an active two-way computer connection which allows requesters to receive a response from the NDR almost immediately.
(k)Match means the occurrence when the personal identifying information in an inquiry compares with the personal identifying information on a record in the NDR file such that there is a high probability that the individual identified on both records is the same person. See Probable Identification.
(l)Non-minimum age driver license applicant means a driver license applicant who is past the minimum age to apply for a license in the State making an NDR inquiry.
(m)Non-PDPS State means a State which operates under the old NDR by submitting complete substantive adverse driver licensing data to the NDR.
(n)Participating State means a State that has notified the agency of its intention to participate in the PDPS and has been certified by the agency as being in compliance with the requirements of Section 30304 of Title 49, United States Code and § 1327.5 of this part.
(o) Personnel security investigation means an investigation of an individual for the purpose of assisting in the determination of the eligibility of the individual for access to national security information under the authority of Executive Order No. 12968, or any successor Executive order, or for Federal employment in a position requiring access to national security information under the authority of Executive Order No. 10450, or any successor Executive order.
(p)Pointer record means a report containing the following data:
(1) The legal name, date of birth (including month, day, and year), sex, (and if the State collects such data) height, weight, and color of eyes;
(2) The name of the State transmitting such information; and
(3) The social security account number, if used by the reporting State for driver record or motor vehicle license purposes, and the motor vehicle operator's license number of such individual (if that number is different from the operator's social security account number).
(q)Probable identification means the occurrence when the personal identifying information in an inquiry compares with the identifying information on a record in the NDR file such that there is a high probability that the individual identified on both records is the same person. See Match.
(r)Problem Driver Pointer System (PDPS) means a system whereby the NDR causes information regarding the motor vehicle driving records of individuals to be exchanged between the State which took adverse action against a driver (State of Record) and the State requesting the information (State of Inquiry).
(s)PDPS State means a State which participates in the PDPS by submitting pointer records for inclusion in the NDR file and by providing information to States of Inquiry as a State of Record.
(t)Rapid Response System means an interactive inquiry capability of the NDR system used by non-PDPS States.
(u)Remote job entry means an automated communication method in which information is transmitted in batches (usually a large number of records) and responses are also transmitted in batches, all within a 24-hour period.
(v)State of inquiry means the State submitting an inquiry to the NDR to determine if it contains information regarding a driver license applicant.
(w)State of record means the State which took an adverse action against a driver and transmitted identification data regarding the driver to the NDR, in accordance with § 1327.5(a) of this part.
(x)Substantive adverse action data, substantive adverse driver licensing data and substantive data mean data which give the details regarding a State's revocation, suspension, denial or cancellation of a driver's license, or the conviction of a driver, such as date, reason, eligible/restoration date, etc.
(y)Transportation safety purposes means information requests submitted on behalf of other parties authorized by the NDR Act of 1982, as amended, to receive NDR information.
(z)Transition period means the period which began on July 11, 1985 and will continue until a fully electronic register system is established, but not later than April 30, 1995.

23 C.F.R. §1327.3

56 FR 41403, Aug. 20, 1991, as amended at 62 FR 63657, Dec. 2, 1997; 70 FR 43755, July 29, 2005; 70 FR 52298, Sept. 2, 2005