23 C.F.R. § 645.113

Current through August 31, 2024
Section 645.113 - Agreements and authorizations
(a) On Federal-aid and direct Federal projects involving utility relocations, the utility and the TD shall agree in writing on their separate responsibilities for financing and accomplishing the relocation work. When Federal participation is requested, the agreement shall incorporate this regulation by reference and designate the method to be used for performing the work (by contract or force account) and for developing relocation costs. The method proposed by the utility for developing relocation costs must be acceptable to both the TD and the FHWA. The preferred method for the development of relocation costs by a utility is on the basis of actual direct and related indirect costs accumulated in accordance with a work order accounting procedure prescribed by the applicable Federal or State regulatory body.
(b) When applicable, the written agreement shall specify the terms and amounts of any contribution or repayments made or to be made by the utility to the TD in connection with payments by the TD to the utility under the provisions of § 645.107 of this regulation.
(c) The agreement shall be supported by plans, specifications when required, and itemized cost estimates of the work agreed upon, including appropriate credits to the project, and shall be sufficiently informative and complete to provide the TD and the FHWA with a clear description of the work required.
(d) When the relocation involves both work to be done at the TD's expense and work to be done at the expense of the utility, the written agreement shall state the share to be borne by each party.
(e) In the event there are changes in the scope of work, extra work or major changes in the planned work covered by the approved agreement, plans, and estimates, Federal participation shall be limited to costs covered by a modification of the agreement, a written change, or extra work order approved by the TD and the FHWA.
(f) When proposed utility relocation and adjustment work on a project for a specific utility company can be clearly defined and the cost can be accurately estimated, the FHWA may approve an agreement between the TD and the utility company for a lump-sum payment without later confirmation by audit of actual costs.
(g) Except as otherwise provided by § 645.113(h) , authorization by the FHWA to the STD to proceed with the physical relocation of a utility's facilities may be given after:
(1) The utility relocation work, or the right-of-way, or physical construction phase of the highway construction work is included in an approved Statewide transportation improvement program,
(2) The appropriate environmental evaluation and public hearing procedures required by 23 CFR part 771 , Environmental Impact and Related Procedures, have been satisfied.
(3) The FHWA has reviewed and approved the plans, estimates, and proposed or executed agreements for the utility work and is furnished a schedule for accomplishing the work.
(h) The FHWA may authorize the physical relocation of utility facilities before the requirements of § 645.113(g)(2) are satisfied when the relocation or adjustment of utility facilities meets the requirements of § 645.107(i) of this regulation.
(i) Whenever the FHWA has authorized right-of-way acquisition under the hardship and protective buying provisions of 23 CFR 710.503 , the FHWA may authorize the physical relocation of utility facilities located in whole or in part on such right-of-way.
(j) When all efforts by the TD and utility fail to bring about written agreement of their separate responsibilities under the provisions of this regulation, the STD shall submit its proposal and a full report of the circumstances to the FHWA. Conditional authorizations for the relocation work to proceed may be given by the FHWA to the STD with the understanding that Federal funds will not be paid for work done by the utility until the STD proposal has been approved by the FHWA.
(k) The FHWA will consider for approval any special procedure under State law, or appropriate administrative or judicial order, or under blanket master agreements with the utilities, that will fully accomplish all of the foregoing objectives and accelerate the advancement of the construction and completion of projects.

23 C.F.R. §645.113

50 FR 20345, May 15, 1985, as amended at 60 FR 34850, July 5, 1995; 64 FR 71289, Dec. 21, 1999; 65 FR 70311, Nov. 22, 2000