22 C.F.R. § 211.8

Current through August 31, 2024
Section 211.8 - Disposition of commodities unfit for authorized use
(a)Prior to delivery to cooperating sponsor at discharge port or point of entry. If the commodity is damaged prior to delivery to a governmental cooperating sponsor at discharge port or point of entry overseas, USAID or the Diplomatic Post shall immediately arrange for inspection by a public health official or other competent authority. A nongovernmental cooperating sponsor shall arrange for such an inspection under these circumstances. Commodity that is determined to be unfit for authorized use shall be disposed of in accordance with the priority set forth in paragraph (b). Expenses incidental to the handling and disposition of the damaged commodity shall be paid by USAID or the Diplomatic Post from the sales proceeds, from CCC Account No. 20FT401 or from the special title II, Public Law 480 Agricultural Commodity Account. The net proceeds of sales shall be deposited with the U.S. Disbursing Officer American Embassy, for the credit of CCC Account No. 20FT401.
(b)After delivery to cooperating sponsor.
(1) If after arrival in a foreign country it appears that all or part of the commodities, may be unfit for the use authorized in the Operational Plan or TA, the cooperating sponsor shall immediately arrange for inspection of the commodity by a public health official or other competent authority approved by USAID or the Diplomatic Post. If no competent local authority is available, USAID or the Diplomatic Post may determine whether the commodities are unfit, and if so, may direct disposal in accordance with paragraphs (b) (1) through (4) of this section. The cooperating sponsor shall arrange for the recovery for authorized use of that part designated during the inspection as suitable for program use. If, after inspection, the commodity (or any part thereof) is determined to be unfit for authorized use the cooperating sponsor shall notify USAID or the Diplomatic Post of the circumstances pertaining to the loss or damage as prescribed in § 211.9(f) .
(2) A cooperating sponsor shall dispose of commodities determined to be unfit for authorized use in the order of priority described in paragraphs (b)(2) (i) through (iv) of this section. The concurrence of USAID or the Diplomatic Post should be requested for disposition of commodities valued at $500 or more. If the USAID or Diplomatic Post does not respond to the cooperating sponsor's request for concurrence within 15 days, the cooperating sponsor may dispose of the commodities in the manner described in its request and inform the USAID or Diplomatic Post of its action taken in accordance with this section.
(i) Sale for the most appropriate use, i.e., animal feed, fertilizer, or industrial use, at the highest obtainable price. When the commodity is sold, all U.S. Government markings shall be obliterated, removed or crossed out.
(ii) Transfer to an approved Food for Peace program for use as livestock feed. AID/W shall be advised promptly of any such transfer so that shipments from the United States to the livestock feeding program can be reduced by an equivalent amount.
(iii) Donation to a governmental or charitable organization for use as animal feed or for other nonfood use.
(iv) If the commodity is unfit for any use or if disposal in accordance with paragraphs (b)(2) (i), (ii) or (iii) of this section is not possible, the commodity shall be destroyed in such manner as to prevent its use for any purpose. Commodities valued at $500 or more shall be destroyed under the observation of a representative of the USAID or Diplomatic Post if practicable. When the cooperating sponsor informs the USAID or Diplomatic Post of its intention to destroy commodities, the cooperating sponsor shall indicate the kind and amount of commodities that will be destroyed, the manner of destruction, the representative(s) of local authorities who will witness the destruction, and the date when the commodities will be destroyed. The date shall be established on the basis of programmatic need, but an effort should be made to provide a reasonable opportunity for a representative of the USAID or Diplomatic Post to attend. The commodities may be destroyed on the date indicated even if there is no representative of the USAID or Diplomatic Post to observe this action.
(3) Expenses incidental to the handling and disposition of the damaged commodity shall be paid by the cooperating sponsor unless it is determined by USAID or the Diplomatic Post that the damage could not have been prevented by the proper exercise of the cooperating sponsor's responsibility under the terms of the Operational Plan or TA. Actual expenses incurred, including third party costs, in selling the commodities may be deducted from the sales proceeds and, except for monetization programs, the net proceeds shall be deposited with the U.S. Disbursing Officer, American Embassy, with instructions to credit the deposit to CCC Account No. 20FT401. In monetization programs, net proceeds shall be deposited in the special account used for the approved program.
(4) The cooperating sponsor shall furnish USAID or the Diplomatic Post a written report in accordance with § 211.9(f) , and the report shall enclose a certification by a public health official or other competent authority of
(i) The exact quantity of the damaged commodity disposed of because it was determined to be unfit for any use and
(ii) The manner in which the commodities were destroyed.

22 C.F.R. §211.8