22 C.F.R. § 201.01

Current through August 31, 2024
Section 201.01 - Definitions

As used in this part, the following terms shall have the meanings indicated below:

(a)The Act means the Foreign Assistance Act of 1961, as amended from time to time.
(b)USAID means the U.S. Agency for International Development or any successor agency, including when applicable, each USAID Mission abroad.
(c)USAID Geographic Code means a code in the USAID Geographic Code Book which designates a country, a group of countries, or an otherwise defined area. Principal USAID geographic codes are described in § 201.11(b)(4) of this part.
(d)USAID/W means the USAID in Washington, DC 20523, including any office thereof.
(e)Approved applicant means the individual or organization designated by the borrower/grantee to establish credits with banks in favor of suppliers or to instruct banks to make payments to suppliers, and includes any agent acting on behalf of such approved applicant.
(f)Bank means a banking institution organized under the laws of the United States, or any State, commonwealth, territory, or possession thereof, or the District of Columbia.
(g)Borrower/grantee means the government of any cooperating country, or any agency, instrumentality or political subdivision thereof, or any private entity, to which USAID directly makes funds available by loan or grant.
(h)Commission means any payment or allowance made or agreed to be made by a supplier to any person for the contribution which that person has made to securing the sale for the supplier or which the person makes to securing similar sales on a continuing basis for the supplier.
(i)Commodity means any material, article, supply, goods, or equipment.
(j)Commodity Approval Application means the Application for Approval of Commodity Eligibility (Form AID 11) which appears as appendix B to this part 201.
(k)Commodity-related services means delivery services and/or incidental services.
(l)Cooperating country means the country receiving the USAID assistance subject to provisions of this part 201.
(m)Delivery means the transfer to, or for the account of, an importer of the right to possession of a commodity, or, with respect to a commodity-related service, the rendering to, or for the account of, an importer of any such service.
(n)Delivery service means any service customarily performed in a commercial export transaction which is necessary to effect a physical transfer of commodities to the cooperating country. Examples of such services are the following: export packing, local drayage in the source country (including waiting time at the dock), ocean and other freight, loading, heavy lift, wharfage, tollage, switching, dumping and trimming, lighterage, insurance, commodity inspection services, and services of a freight forwarder. Delivery services may also include work and materials necessary to meet USAID marking requirements.
(o)Implementing document means any document, including a letter of commitment, issued by USAID which authorizes the use of USAID funds for the procurement of commodities and/or commodity related services and which specifies conditions which will apply to such procurement.
(p)Importer means any person or organization, governmental or otherwise, in the cooperating country who is authorized by the borrower/grantee to use USAID funds under this Regulation for the procurement of commodities, and includes any borrower/grantee who undertakes such procurement.
(q)Incidental services means the installation or erection of USAID-financed equipment, or the training of personnel in the maintenance, operation and use of such equipment.
(r)Mission means the USAID Mission or representative in a cooperating country.
(s)Non-vessel-operating common carrier (NVOCC) under Section 3(17) of the Shipping Act of 1984 means a common carrier pursuant to Section 3(6) of such Act that does not operate any of the vessels by which the ocean transportation is provided, and is a shipper in its relationship with an ocean carrier.
(t)Purchase contract means any contract or similar arrangement under which a supplier furnishes commodities and/or commodity-related services financed under this part.
(u)Responsible bidder is one who has the technical expertise, management capability, workload capacity, and financial resources to perform the work successfully.
(v)Responsive bid is a bid that complies with all the terms and conditions of the invitation for bids without material modification. A material modification is a modification which affects the price, quantity, quality, delivery or installation date of the commodity or which limits in any way responsibilities, duties, or liabilities of the bidder or any rights of the importer or USAID as any of the foregoing have been specified or defined in the invitation for bids.
(w)Schedule B means the "Schedule B, Statistical Classification of Domestic and Foreign Commodities Exported from the United States" issued and amended from time to time by the U.S. Bureau of the Census, Department of Commerce and available as stated in 15 CFR 30.92 .
(x)Source means the country from which a commodity is shipped to the cooperating country, or the cooperating country if the commodity is located therein at the time of the purchase. Where, however, a commodity is shipped from a free port or bonded warehouse in the form in which received therein, source means the country from which the commodity was shipped to the free port or bonded warehouse.
(y)State means the District of Columbia or any State, commonwealth, territory or possession of the United States.
(z)Supplier means any person or organization, governmental or otherwise, who furnishes commodities and/or commodity-related services financed under this part 201.
(aa)Supplier's Certificate means Form AID 282 "Supplier's Certificate and Agreement with the Agency for International Development," including the "Invoice and Contract Abstract" on the reverse of such form (which appears as appendix A to this part 201), or any substitute form which may be prescribed in the letter of commitment or other pertinent implementing document.
(bb)United States means the United States of America, any State(s) of the United States, the District of Columbia, and areas of U.S. associated sovereignty, including commonwealths, territories and possessions.
(cc)Vessel operating common carrier (VOCC) means an ocean common carrier pursuant to section 3(18) of the Shipping Act of 1984 which operates the vessel by which ocean transportation is provided.

22 C.F.R. §201.01