21 C.F.R. § 870.3600

Current through August 31, 2024
Section 870.3600 - External pacemaker pulse generator
(a)Identification. An external pacemaker pulse generator (EPPG) is a prescription device that has a power supply and electronic circuits that produce a periodic electrical pulse to stimulate the heart. This device, which is used outside the body, is used as a temporary substitute for the heart's intrinsic pacing system until a permanent pacemaker can be implanted, or to control irregular heartbeats in patients following cardiac surgery or a myocardial infarction. The device may have adjustments for impulse strength, duration, R-wave sensitivity, and other pacing variables.
(b)Classification. Class II (special controls). The special controls for this device are:
(1) Appropriate analysis/testing must validate electromagnetic compatibility (EMC) within a hospital environment.
(2) Electrical bench testing must demonstrate device safety during intended use. This must include testing with the specific power source (i.e., battery power, AC mains connections, or both).
(3) Non-clinical performance testing data must demonstrate the performance characteristics of the device. Testing must include the following:
(i) Testing must demonstrate the accuracy of monitoring functions, alarms, measurement features, therapeutic features, and all adjustable or programmable parameters as identified in labeling;
(ii) Mechanical bench testing of material strength must demonstrate that the device and connection cables will withstand forces or conditions encountered during use;
(iii) Simulated use analysis/testing must demonstrate adequate user interface for adjustable parameters, performance of alarms, display screens, interface with external devices (e.g. data storage, printing), and indicator(s) functionality under intended use conditions; and
(iv) Methods and instructions for cleaning the pulse generator and connection cables must be validated.
(4) Appropriate software verification, validation, and hazard analysis must be performed.
(5) Labeling must include the following:
(i) The labeling must clearly state that these devices are intended for use in a hospital environment and under the supervision of a clinician trained in their use;
(ii) Connector terminals should be clearly, unambiguously marked on the outside of the EPPG device. The markings should identify positive (+) and negative (-) polarities. Dual chamber devices should clearly identify atrial and ventricular terminals;
(iii) The labeling must list all pacing modes available in the device;
(iv) Labeling must include a detailed description of any special capabilities (e.g., overdrive pacing or automatic mode switching); and
(v) Appropriate electromagnetic compatibility information must be included.

21 C.F.R. §870.3600

81 FR 22529, Apr. 18, 2016
81 FR 22529, 4/18/2016