20 C.F.R. § 802.202

Current through August 31, 2024
Section 802.202 - Appearances by attorneys and other authorized persons; denial or authority to appear
(a)Appearances. Any party or intervenor or any representative duly authorized pursuant to § 802.201(b) may appear before and/or submit written argument to the Board by attorney or any other person, including any representative of an employee organization, duly authorized pursuant to paragraph (d)(2) of this section.
(b) Any individual petitioner or respondent or his duly authorized representative pursuant to § 802.201(b) or an officer of any corporate party or a member of any partnership or joint venture which is a party may participate in the appeal on his or her own behalf, or on behalf of such business entity.
(c) For each instance in which appearance before the Board is made by an attorney or duly authorized person other than the party or his legal guardian, committee, or representative, there shall be filed with the Board a notice of appearance. Any attorney or other duly authorized person of record who intends to withdraw from representation shall file prior written notice of intent to withdraw from representation of a party or of substitution of counsel or other representative.
(d)Qualifications -
(1)Attorneys. An attorney at law who is admitted to practice before the Federal courts or before the highest court of any State, the District of Columbia, or any territory or commonwealth of the United States, may practice before the Board unless he or she has been disqualified from representing claimants under the Act pursuant to 33 U.S.C. 931(b)(2)(C) , or unless authority to appear has been denied pursuant to § 802.202(e)(1) and (3) . An attorney's own representation that he or she is in good standing before any of such courts shall be sufficient proof thereof, unless otherwise ordered by the Board.
(2)Persons not attorneys. Any person who is not an attorney at law may be admitted to appear in a representative capacity unless he or she has been disqualified from representing claimants under the Act pursuant to 33 U.S.C. 931(b)(2)(C) . An application by a person not an attorney at law for admission to appear in a proceeding shall be submitted in writing to the Board at the time such person's appearance is entered. The application shall state such person's name, address, telephone number, general education, any special training or experience in claims representation, and such person's relationship, if any, to the party being represented. The Board may, at any time, make further inquiry as to the qualification or ability of such person to render assistance. In the event of a failure to make application for admission to appear, the Board shall issue an order to show cause why admission to appear should not be denied. Admission to appear in a particular case shall not be deemed a blanket authorization to appear in other cases.
(e)Denial of authority to appear -
(1)Attorneys. The Board may deny the privilege of appearing to any attorney, within applicable statutory constraints, e.g., 5 U.S.C. 555 , who has been disbarred or suspended from the practice of law; who has surrendered his or her license while under investigation or under threat of disciplinary action; or who, after notice of an opportunity for hearing in the matter is found by the Board to have engaged in any conduct which would result in the loss of his or her license. No provision hereof shall apply to any attorney who appears on his or her own behalf.
(2)Persons not attorneys. The Board may deny the privilege of appearing to any person who, in the Board's judgment, lacks sufficient qualification or ability to render assistance. No provision hereof shall apply to any person who appears on his or her own behalf.
(3) Denial of authority to appear may be considered, after notice of and opportunity for a hearing, by the panel (constituted pursuant to § 801.301 ) which is assigned to decide the appeal in which the attorney or other person has entered an appearance. If such proceeding reveals facts suggesting that one of the circumstances described in 33 U.S.C. 931(b)(2)(C) exists, the Board shall refer that information to the Director, OWCP, for further proceedings pursuant to 33 U.S.C. 931(b)(2)(C) and 907(j). An attorney or other person may appeal a panel's decision to deny authority to appear to the entire permanent Board sitting en banc.

20 C.F.R. §802.202

52 FR 27292, July 20, 1987, as amended at 53 FR 16519, May 9, 1988