18 C.F.R. § 1304.203

Current through September 30, 2024
Section 1304.203 - Vegetation management

No vegetation management shall be approved on TVA-owned Residential Access Shoreland until a Vegetation Management Plan meeting the vegetation management standards contained in this section is submitted to and approved by TVA.

(a) Except for the mowing of lawns established and existing before November 1, 1999, all vegetation management activities on TVA-owned property subject to this subpart (including all such activities described in paragraphs (b) through (m) of this section as "allowed" and all activities undertaken in connection with a section 26a permit obtained before September 8, 2003) require TVA's advance written permission. Special site circumstances such as the presence of wetlands may result in a requirement for mitigative measures or alternative vegetation management approaches.
(b) Vegetation may be cleared to create and maintain an access corridor up to but not exceeding 20 feet wide. The corridor will extend from the common boundary between TVA and the adjacent landowner to the water-use facility.
(c) The access corridor will be located to minimize removal of trees or other vegetation on the TVA land.
(d) Grass may be planted and mowed within the access corridor, and stone, brick, concrete, mulch, or wooden paths, walkways and/or steps are allowed. Pruning of side limbs that extend into the access corridor from trees located outside the access corridor is allowed.
(e) A 50-foot-deep shoreline management zone (SMZ) shall be designated by TVA on TVA property; provided, however, that where TVA ownership is insufficient to establish a 50-foot-deep SMZ, the SMZ shall consist only of all of the TVA land at the location (private land shall not be included within the SMZ). Within the SMZ, no trees may be cut or vegetation removed, except that which is preapproved by TVA within the access corridor.
(f) Within the 50-foot SMZ and elsewhere on TVA land as defined in § 1304.201 , clearing of specified understory plants (poison ivy, Japanese honeysuckle, kudzu, and other exotic plants on a list provided by TVA) is allowed.
(g) On TVA land situated above the SMZ, selective thinning of trees or other vegetation under three inches in diameter at the ground level is allowed.
(h) Removal of trees outside of the access corridor but within the SMZ may be approved to make the site suitable for approved shoreline erosion control projects.
(i) Vegetation removed for erosion control projects must be replaced with native species of vegetation.
(j) The forest floor must be left undisturbed, except as specified in this section. Mowing is allowed only within the access corridor.
(k) Planting of trees, shrubs, wildflowers, native grasses, and ground covers within the SMZ is allowed to create, improve, or enhance the vegetative cover, provided native plants are used.
(l) Fertilizers and herbicides shall not be applied within the SMZ or elsewhere on TVA land, except as specifically approved in the Vegetative Management Plan.
(m) Restricted use herbicides and pesticides shall not be applied on TVA-owned shoreland except by a State certified applicator. All herbicides and pesticides shall be applied in accordance with label requirements.

18 C.F.R. §1304.203