17 C.F.R. § 3.60

Current through September 30, 2024
Section 3.60 - Procedure to deny, condition, suspend, revoke or place restrictions upon registration pursuant to sections 8a(2), 8a(3) and 8a(4) of the Act
(a)Notice. On the basis of information obtained by the Commission, the Commission may at any time give written notice to any applicant for registration or any registrant in any capacity under the Act that:
(1) The Commission alleges and is prepared to prove that the registrant or applicant is subject to one or more of the statutory disqualifications set forth in section 8a(2), 8a(3) or 8a(4) of the Act;
(2) The allegations set forth in the notice, if true, constitute a basis upon which registration may be denied, granted upon conditions, suspended, revoked or restricted;
(3) The applicant or registrant is entitled to file a response within thirty days of the date of service of the notice to challenge the evidentiary basis of the statutory disqualification set forth in the notice or show cause why, notwithstanding the accuracy of those allegations, registration should nevertheless be granted, or granted upon condition, or should not be conditioned, suspended, revoked or restricted; and
(4) If the applicant or registrant does not file a timely response to the notice:
(i) The applicant or registrant will be deemed to have waived his right to a hearing on all issues and the facts stated in the notice shall be deemed to be true and conclusive for the purpose of finding that the applicant or registrant is subject to a statutory disqualification under sections 8a(2), 8a(3) or 8a(4) of the Act; and
(ii) A presiding officer may thereafter decide whether to issue an order of default in accordance with paragraph (g) of this section to deny, condition, suspend, revoke, or place restrictions upon registration based solely upon the facts set forth in the notice.
(b)Response. Within thirty days after service upon the applicant or registrant of a notice issued in accordance with the provisions of paragraph (a) of this section, the applicant or registrant shall file a response with the Proceedings Clerk and serve a copy of the response on the Division of Enforcement.
(1) In the response, the applicant or registrant shall state whether he challenges the evidentiary basis of the statutory disqualification set forth in the notice. The grounds for such a challenge shall include evidence as to:
(i) The applicant's or registrant's identity,
(ii) The existence of a clerical error in any record documenting the statutory disqualification,
(iii) The nature or date of the statutory disqualification,
(iv) The post-conviction modification of any record of conviction, or
(v) The favorable disposition of any appeal.

The applicant or registrant shall state the nature of each challenge and submit a verified statement or affidavit to support facts material to each challenge raised in the response.

(i) In the response, if the person is not an associated person, a floor broker or a floor trader or an applicant for registration in any of those capacities, the applicant or registrant shall also state whether he or she intends to show that registration would not pose a substantial risk to the public despite the existence of the disqualification set forth in the notice. If the person is an associated person, a floor broker or a floor trader or an applicant for registration in any of those capacities, the applicant or registrant shall also state whether he or she intends to show that full, conditioned or restricted registration would not pose a substantial risk to the public despite the existence of the disqualification set forth in the notice. If the person is an associated person or an applicant for registration as an associated person and intends to make such a showing, he or she must also submit a letter signed by an officer or general partner authorized to bind the sponsor whereby the sponsor agrees to sign a Supplemental Sponsor Certification Statement and supervise compliance with any conditions or restrictions that may be imposed on the applicant or registrant as a result of a statutory disqualification proceeding under this section; if the person is a floor broker or a floor trader or an applicant for registration in either capacity and intends to make such a showing, he or she must, in the case of a floor broker or applicant for registration as a floor broker, also submit a letter signed by his employer or if he or she has no employer by another floor broker or, in the case of a floor trader or applicant for registration as a floor trader, also submit a letter signed by an officer of the floor trader's clearing member, if such officer is a registrant or a principal of a registrant, or the chief operating officer of each contract market or swap execution facility that has granted trading privileges, whereby the employer or floor broker, appropriate registrant, principal or chief operating officer (on behalf of the contract market or swap execution facility) agrees to sign a Supplemental Sponsor Certification Statement and supervise compliance with any conditions or restrictions that may be imposed on the applicant or registrant as a result of a statutory disqualification proceeding under this section; provided, that, with respect to such sponsor, supervising employer or floor broker, supervising registrant or principal:
(A) An adjudicatory proceeding pursuant to the provisions of sections 6(c), 6(d), 6c, 6d, 8a or 9 of the Act is not pending; and
(B) In the case of a sponsor which is a futures commission merchant, a retail foreign exchange dealer or a leverage transaction merchant, the sponsor is not subject to the reporting requirements of § 1.12(b) , § 5.6(b) or § 31.7(b) of this chapter, respectively; and
(C) Such person is not barred from service on self-regulatory organization governing boards or committees based on disciplinary history in accordance with § 1.63 of this chapter.
(ii) If, in the response, the applicant or registrant states that he intends to make the showing referred to in paragraph (b)(2)(i) of this section, he shall also, within fifteen days after filing his initial response under paragraph (b) of this section, file with the Proceedings Clerk and serve a copy on the Division of Enforcement a submission which includes a statement of the applicant, registrant or his attorney identifying and summarizing the testimony of each witness whom the applicant or registrant intends to have testify in support of facts material to his showing, and copies of all documents which the applicant or registrant intends to introduce to support facts material to his showing. The factors forming the basis for a disqualified applicant's or registrant's showing referred to in paragraph (b)(2)(i) of this section may include:
(A) Evidence mitigating the seriousness of the wrongdoing underlying the statutory disqualification set forth in the notice;
(B) Evidence that the applicant or registrant has undergone rehabilitation since the time of the wrongdoing underlying the statutory disqualification; and
(C) If the person is an associated person, floor broker or floor trader or an applicant for registration in any of those capacities, evidence that the applicant's or registrant's registration on a conditioned or restricted basis would be subject to supervisory controls likely both to detect future wrongdoing by the applicant or registrant and protect the public from any harm arising from the applicant's or registrant's future wrongdoing, including proposed conditions or restrictions.
(c)Reply. Within thirty days after the latter of the date the applicant or registrant serves a copy of the response on the Division of Enforcement (if no further submission is to be made in accordance with paragraph (b)(2)(ii) of this section), or the date the applicant or registrant serves a copy of the further submission made in accordance with paragraph (b)(2)(ii) of this section on the Division of Enforcement, the Division of Enforcement shall file a reply thereto with the Proceedings Clerk and serve a copy of the reply on the applicant or registrant. The Division of Enforcement's reply shall include either:
(1) A motion for summary disposition stating that there are no genuine issues of material fact to be determined and that registration should be denied or revoked, based upon the applicant's or registrant's response and further submission, if any, and any other materials which are attached to the reply and would be admissible under § 10.91 of this chapter; or
(2) A description of factual issues raised in the applicant's or registrant's response and further submission, if any, that the Division of Enforcement regards as material and disputed. Such a reply shall also include the identity and a summary of the expected testimony of each witness whom the Division intends to have testify, and copies of all documents which the Division intends to introduce.
(d)Oral Presentation. Within thirty days of the date the Division of Enforcement files its reply in accordance with the provisions of paragraph (c) of this section to the applicant's or registrant's response and further submission, if any, the Administrative Law Judge shall issue an order:
(1) If the Administrative Law Judge finds, based on the motion for summary disposition, that a party is entitled to judgment as a matter of law, granting, denying, suspending, or revoking the registration of an applicant or registrant, or dismissing the notice issued in accordance with paragraph (a) of this section, and such order shall be made in accordance with the standards set forth in paragraphs (e) and (f) of this section; or
(2) Notifying the parties of a time and place of hearing. At such hearing, the parties shall be limited to presentation of witnesses and documents listed in previous filings except, for good cause shown, the parties may request that the witness and document lists be supplemented for purposes of rebuttal. Such oral hearing shall be conducted in accordance with §§ 10.61-10 .81 and 10.83 of this chapter. The Administrative Law Judge shall file an initial decision after completion of the oral hearing in accordance with the standards set forth in paragraphs (e) and (f) of this section.
(3) Upon notice that the Administrative Law Judge has concluded that an oral presentation is appropriate, the parties may elect to participate by telephone in accordance with the terms set forth in § 12.209(b) of this chapter. To effect such an election, the party shall file a notice with the Proceedings Clerk and serve a copy on all opposing parties within fifteen days of the date the Administrative Law Judge's notice is served. The filing of an election to participate by telephone will be deemed a waiver of the party's right to a full oral hearing on the parties' material disputes of fact. The Administrative Law Judge shall schedule a telephonic hearing only if all parties to the proceeding elect such a procedure. The Administrative Law Judge shall conduct such a hearing in accordance with § 12.209(b) of this chapter. Following the hearing, the Administrative Law Judge shall issue a written decision in accordance with the standards set forth in paragraphs (e) and (f) of this section.
(e)Determination by Administrative Law Judge-Standards of Proof. The Administrative Law Judge's written determination shall specifically consider whether the Division of Enforcement has shown by a preponderance of the evidence that the applicant or registrant is subject to the statutory disqualification set forth in the notice issued by the Commission and, where appropriate:
(1) In actions involving statutory disqualifications set forth in section 8a(2) of the Act, whether the applicant or registrant has made a clear and convincing showing that full, conditioned or restricted registration would not pose a substantial risk to the public despite the existence of the statutory disqualification; or
(2) In actions involving statutory disqualifications set forth in sections 8a(3) or 8a(4) of the Act, whether the applicant or registrant has shown by a preponderance of the evidence that full, conditioned or restricted registration would not pose a substantial risk to the public despite the existence of the statutory disqualification.
(f)Determination of Administrative Law Judge-Findings. In making his written determination, the Administrative Law Judge shall set forth the facts material to his conclusion and provide an explanation of his decision in light of the statutory disqualification set forth in the notice and, where appropriate, his findings regarding:
(1) Evidence mitigating the seriousness of the wrongdoing underlying the applicant's or registrant's statutory disqualification;
(2) Evidence that the applicant or registrant has undergone rehabilitation since the time of the wrongdoing underlying the statutory disqualification; and
(3) If the person is an associated person, a floor broker or a floor trader or an applicant for registration in any of those capacities, evidence that the applicant's or registrant's registration on a conditioned or restricted basis would be subject to supervisory controls likely both to detect future wrongdoing by the applicant or registrant and protect the public from any harm arising from future wrongdoing by the applicant or registrant. Any decision providing for a conditioned or restricted registration shall take into consideration the applicant's or registrant's statutory disqualification and the time period remaining on such statutory disqualification, and shall fix a time period after which the registrant and his or her sponsor, supervising employer or floor broker, or supervising registrant, principal, contract market, or swap execution facility may petition to lift or modify the conditions or restrictions in accordance with § 3.64 .
(g)Default. The procedures for obtaining a default order and the setting aside of a default order in a proceeding instituted under this section shall follow the procedures set forth in §§ 10.93 and 10.94 of this chapter.
(h)Settlements -
(1)When offers may be made. Parties may, at any time during the course of the proceeding, propose offers of settlement. All offers of settlement shall be in writing.
(2)Content of offer. Each offer of settlement made by a respondent shall:
(i) Acknowledge service of the notice;
(ii) Admit the jurisdiction of the Commission with respect to the matters set forth in the notice;
(iii) Include a waiver of:
(A) A hearing,
(B) All post-hearing procedures,
(C) Judicial review, and
(D) Any objection to the staff's participation in the Commission's consideration of the offer;
(iv) Stipulate the record basis on which an order may be entered, which may consist solely of the notice and any findings contained in the offer of settlement; and
(v) Consent to the entry of an order reflecting the terms of settlement agreed upon, including, where appropriate:
(A) Findings that the respondent is subject to statutory disqualification under sections 8a(2), 8a(3), or 8a(4) of the Act, and
(B) The revocation, suspension, denial or granting of full registration or imposition of conditioned or restricted registration.
(3)Submission of offer. Offers of settlement made by a respondent shall be submitted in writing to the Division of Enforcement, which shall present them to the Commission with the Division's recommendation. The respondent will be informed if the recommendation will be unfavorable, in which event the offer shall not be presented to the Commission unless the respondent so requests. Any offer of settlement not presented to the Commission shall be null and void with respect to any acknowledgment, admission, waiver, stipulation or consent contained in the offer and shall not be used in any manner in the proceeding by any party thereto.
(4)Acceptance of offer. The offer of settlement will only be deemed accepted upon issuance by the Commission of an opinion and order based on the offer. Upon issuance of the opinion and order, the proceeding shall be terminated as to the respondent involved and so noted on the docket by the Proceedings Clerk.
(5)Rejection of offer. When an offer of settlement is rejected, the party making the offer shall be notified by the Division of Enforcement and the offer of settlement shall be deemed withdrawn. A rejected offer of settlement and any documents relating thereto shall not constitute a part of the record in the proceeding; and the offer will be null and void with respect to any acknowledgment, admission, waiver, stipulation or consent contained in the offer and shall not be used in any manner in the proceeding by any party thereto.
(i)Effect of the Administrative Law Judge's Determination. The Administrative Law Judge's written determination shall become the final decision of the Commission thirty days following the date the Proceedings Clerk serves the determination on the parties unless:
(1) One or more of the parties files and serves a timely notice of appeal in accordance with § 10.102 of this chapter; or
(2) The Commission issues an order staying the effective date of the determination and notifying the parties of its intention to undertake sua sponte review in accordance with § 10.105 of this chapter.
(j)Appeal. Following the filing of a notice of appeal, the rules of appellate procedure set forth in §§ 10.102 , 10.103 , 10.104 , 10.106 , 10.107 and 10.109 of this chapter shall apply to any proceeding brought under this section.
(k) With the exception of §§ 10.2 through 10.5 , 10.7 through 10.12(a) (1), 10.12(a) (3) through 10.12(g), 10.26(a)-(d), 10.34, 10.43, 10.44 and 10.84 of this chapter, or unless otherwise provided in §§ 3.50 through 3.64 of this part, the provisions of the Commission's Rules of Practice in part 10 of this chapter shall not apply in any proceeding brought under this part to deny, suspend, revoke, restrict or condition registration pursuant to sections 8a(2), 8a(3) or 8a(4) of the Commodity Exchange Act.
(l) The failure of any sponsor, supervising employer or floor broker, or supervising registrant, principal, contract market, or swap execution facility to fulfill its obligations with respect to supervision or monitoring of a conditioned or restricted registrant as agreed to in the Supplemental Sponsor Certification Statement shall be deemed a violation of this rule under the Act.

17 C.F.R. §3.60

57 FR 23152, June 2, 1992, as amended at 58 FR 19596, Apr. 15, 1993; 60 FR 54801, Oct. 26, 1995; 75 FR 55428, Sept. 10, 2010; 77 FR 51908, Aug. 28, 2012