15 C.F.R. § 742.6

Current through August 31, 2024
Section 742.6 - Regional stability
(a)License requirements. The following controls are maintained in support of U.S. foreign policy to maintain regional stability:
(1)RS Column 1 license requirements in general. A license is required for exports and reexports to all destinations, except Australia, Canada, or the United Kingdom, for all items in ECCNs on the CCL that include RS Column 1 in the Country Chart column of the "License Requirements" section. Transactions described in paragraph (a)(2), (3), or (9) of this section are subject to the RS Column 1 license requirements set forth in those paragraphs rather than the license requirements set forth in this paragraph (a)(1).
(2)Special RS Column 1 license requirements applicable to certain thermal imaging cameras.
(i) As indicated in the CCL and in RS Column 1 of the Commerce Country Chart, cameras described in 6A003.b.4.b require a license to all destinations other than Australia, Canada, or the United Kingdom if such cameras have a frame rate greater than 60 Hz.
(ii) Except as noted in paragraph (a)(2)(iii) of this section, as indicated in the CCL and in RS Column 1 of the Commerce Country Chart, cameras described in 6A003.b.4.b require a license to all destinations other than Australia, Canada, or the United Kingdom if such cameras incorporate a focal plane array with more than 111,000 elements and a frame rate of 60 Hz or less, or cameras described in 6A003.b.4.b that are being exported or reexported to be embedded in a civil product.
(iii) BIS may issue licenses for cameras subject to the license requirement of paragraph (a)(2)(ii) of this section that are fully-packaged for use as consumer-ready civil products that, in addition to the specific transactions authorized by such license, authorize exports and reexports of such cameras without a license to any civil end-user to whom such exports or reexport are not otherwise prohibited by U.S. law in a destination in Country Group A:1 (see supplement no. 1 to part 740 of the EAR). The license requirements of this paragraph (a)(2) shall not apply to exports or reexports so authorized. In this paragraph, the term "civil end-user" means any entity that is not a national armed service (army, navy, marine, air force, or coast guard), national guard, national police, government intelligence organization or government reconnaissance organization, or any person or entity whose actions or functions are intended to support "military end-uses" as defined in § 744.17(d) of the EAR.
(iv) Except as noted in paragraph (a)(2)(v) of this section, as indicated in the CCL and in RS Column 1 of the Commerce Country Chart, cameras described in 6A003 b.4.b require a license to all destinations other than Australia, Canada, or the United Kingdom if such cameras incorporate a focal plane array with 111,000 elements or less and a frame rate of 60 Hz or less and are being exported or reexported to be embedded in a civil product.
(v) BIS may also issue licenses for the cameras described in paragraph (a)(2)(iv) of this section that, in addition to the specific transactions authorized by such license, authorize exports and reexports to authorized companies described in the license for the purpose of embedding such cameras into a completed product that will be distributed only in countries in Country Group A:1 (see supplement no. 1 to part 740 of the EAR). The license requirements of this paragraph (a)(2) shall not apply to exports or reexports so authorized. In this paragraph, the term "authorized companies" means companies that have been previously licensed for export, are not the subject of relevant negative intelligence or open source information, have not been the subject of a Department of Commerce or Department of State enforcement action within the past two years, have demonstrable production capacity, and do not pose an unacceptable risk of diversion.
(3)Special RS Column 1 license requirement applicable to military commodities. A license is required for reexports to all destinations except Australia, Canada, or the United Kingdom for items classified under ECCN 0A919 except when such items are being reexported as part of a military deployment by a unit of the government of a country in Country Group A:1 (see supplement no. 1 to part 740 of the EAR) or the United States.
(4)RS Column 2 license requirements -
(i)License requirements applicable to most RS Column 2 items. As indicated in the CCL and in RS Column 2 of the Commerce Country Chart (see supplement no. 1 to part 738 of the EAR), a license is required to any destination except those in Country Group A:1 (see supplement no. 1 to part 740 of the EAR) and India for all items in ECCNs on the CCL that include RS Column 2 in the Country Chart column of the "License Requirements" section. A license continues to be required for items controlled under ECCNs 6A003.b.4.b and 9A515.e for RS Column 2 reasons when destined to India.
(ii)Special RS Column 2 license requirements applicable only to certain cameras. As indicated by the CCL, and RS column 2 and footnote number 4 to the Commerce Country Chart, a license is required to any destination except a country in Country Group A:1 (see supplement no. 1 to part 740 of the EAR) for fully-packaged thermal imaging cameras for use as consumer-ready civil products controlled by 6A003.b.4.b when incorporating "focal plane arrays" that have not more than 111,000 elements and a frame rate of 60Hz or less and that are not being exported or reexported to be embedded in a civil product.
(5)RS requirements that apply to Iraq. As indicated on the CCL, a license is required for the export or reexport to Iraq or transfer within Iraq of the following items controlled for RS reasons on the CCL: 0B999, 0D999, 1B999, 1C992, 1C995, 1C997, 1C999 and 6A992. The Commerce Country Chart is not designed to determine RS licensing requirements for these ECCNs.
(6)RS requirement that applies to advanced computing and semiconductor manufacturing items -
(i)Exports, reexports, transfers (in-country) to or within Macau or Country Group D:5. A license is required for items specified in ECCNs 3B001.a.4, c, d, f.1.b, j to p, 3B002.b and c; and associated software and technology in 3D001 (for 3B001.a.4, c, d, f.1.b, j to p, 3B002.b and c), 3D002 (for 3B001a.4, c, d, f.1.b, j to p, 3B002.b and c), and 3E001 (for 3B001a.4, c, d, f.1.b, j to p, 3B002.b and c) being exported, reexported, or transferred (in-country) to or within Macau or a destination specified in Country Group D:5 in supplement no. 1 to part 740 of the EAR.
(ii)Exports from abroad originating in either Macau or a destination specified in Country Group D:5. A license is also required for the export from abroad originating in either Macau or a destination specified in Country Group D:5 to any destination worldwide excluding any destination also specified in Country Groups A:5 or A:6, of 3E001 (for 3A090) technology developed by an entity headquartered in, or whose ultimate parent company is headquartered in, either Macau or a destination specified in Country Group D:5 that is the direct product of software subject to the EAR and is for the "production" of commodities identified in ECCNs 3A090, 4A090, 3A001.z, 4A003.z, 4A004.z, 4A005.z, 5A002.z, 5A004.z, or 5A992.z, consistent with § 734.9(h)(1)(i)(B) (1) and (h)(2)(ii) of the EAR.
(iii)Exports, reexports, transfers (in-country) to or within destinations specified in Country Groups D:1, D:4, and D:5, excluding destinations also specified in Country Groups A:5 or A:6. A license is required for items specified in ECCNs 3A001.z; 3A090; 3D001 (for "software" for commodities controlled by 3A001.z, 3A090); 3E001 (for "technology" for commodities controlled by 3A001.z, 3A090); 4A003.z; 4A004.z; 4A005.z; 4A090; 4D001 (for "software" for commodities controlled by 4A003.z, 4A004.z, and 4A005.z); 4D090 (for "software" for commodities controlled by 4A090); 4E001 (for "technology" for commodities controlled by 4A003.z, 4A004.z, 4A005.z, 4A090 or "software" specified by 4D001 (for 4A003.z, 4A004.z, and 4A005.z), 4D090 (for "software" for commodities controlled by 4A090)); 5A002.z; 5A004.z; 5A992.z; 5D002.z; 5D992.z; 5E002 (for "technology" for commodities controlled by 5A002.z or 5A004.z or "software" specified by 5D002 (for 5A002.z or 5A004.z commodities)); or 5E992 (for "technology" for commodities controlled by 5A992.z or "software" controlled by 5D992.z) being exported, reexported, or transferred (in-country) to or within a destination specified in Country Groups D:1, D:4, and D:5, excluding destinations also specified in Country Groups A:5 or A:6, in supplement no. 1 to part 740 of the EAR.
(iv)Deemed exports and reexports. The license requirements in paragraphs (a)(6)(i) through (iii) of this section do not apply to deemed exports or deemed reexports.
(7)RS requirement that applies to the People's Republic of China (China), Russia, or Venezuela. A license is required to export or reexport to China, Russia, or Venezuela any item described in a .y paragraph of a 9x515 or "600 series" ECCN, except for exports or reexports to Russia for use in, with, or for the International Space Station (ISS), including launch to the ISS. (See § 740.11(e)(1) of the EAR for a definition of the ISS.)
(8)RS Column 1 license requirements and related policies for ECCN 0Y521 items -
(i)Scope. This paragraph (a)(8) supplements the information in the 0Y521 ECCNs and in Supplement No. 5 to part 774 (Items Classified Under ECCNs 0A521, 0B521, 0C521, 0D521 and 0E521). This paragraph alerts exporters, reexporters and transferors to the procedures that apply to items classified under the 0Y521 ECCNs.
(ii)0Y521 Items. Items subject to the EAR that are not listed elsewhere in the CCL, but which the Department of Commerce, with the concurrence of the Departments of Defense and State, has determined should be controlled for export because the items provide at least a significant military or intelligence advantage to the United States or for foreign policy reasons are classified under ECCNs 0A521, 0B521, 0C521, 0D521 and 0E521. These items are typically emerging technologies (including emerging commodities, software and technology) that are not yet included in the CCL, so such items are listed on the CCL in 0Y521 ECCNs while the U.S. Government determines whether classification under a revised or new ECCN, or an EAR 99 designation, is appropriate. The list of items classified under a 0Y521 ECCN is limited to those listed in supplement no. 5 to part 774.
(iii)Requirement to be classified under another ECCN within one calendar year of classification under ECCN 0Y521. Items classified under an ECCN 0Y521 entry must be re-classified under another ECCN within one calendar year from the date they are listed in supplement no. 5 to part 774 of the EAR. If such re-classification does not occur within that period, classification under an ECCN 0Y521 entry expires, and such items are designated as EAR99 items unless either the CCL is amended to impose a control on such items under another ECCN or the ECCN 0Y521 classification is extended. BIS may extend an item's ECCN 0Y521 classification for two one-year periods, provided that the U.S. Government has submitted a proposal to the relevant multilateral regime(s) to obtain multilateral controls over the item. Further extension beyond three years may occur only if the Under Secretary for Industry and Security makes a determination that such extension is in the national security or foreign policy interests of the United States. Any extension or re-extension of control of an ECCN 0Y521 item, including the determination by the Under Secretary, shall be published in the FEDERAL REGISTER.
(9)Special RS Column 1 license requirement applicable to certain spacecraft and related items. A license is required for all destinations, including Australia, Canada, and the United Kingdom, for spacecraft and related items classified under ECCN 9A515.a.1, .a.2., .a.3., .a.4., .g, and ECCN 9E515.f.
(b)Licensing policy -
(1)Licensing policy for RS Column 1 items.
(i) Applications for exports and reexports of ECCN 0A501, 0A502, 0A504, 0A505, 0A506, 0A507, 0A508, 0A509, 0B501, 0B505, 0D501, 0D505, 0E501, 0E504, and 0E505 items, 9x515, and "600 series" items will be reviewed under the following policies:
(A) Applications for exports and reexports of ECCN 0A501, 0A502, 0A504, 0A505, 0A506, 0A507, 0A508, 0A509, 0B501, 0B505, 0D501, 0D505, 0E501, 0E504, and 0E505 items; 9x515 and "600 series" items will be reviewed on a case-by-case basis to determine whether the transaction is contrary to the national security or foreign policy interests of the United States, including the foreign policy interest of promoting the observance of human rights throughout the world.
(B) Other applications for exports and reexports described in paragraph (a)(1), (2), (6), or (8) of this section will be reviewed on a case-by-case basis to determine whether the export or reexport could contribute directly or indirectly to any country's military capabilities in a manner that would alter or destabilize a region's military balance contrary to the foreign policy interests of the United States.
(C) Applications for reexports of items described in paragraph (a)(3) of this section will be reviewed applying the policies for similar commodities that are subject to the ITAR.
(D) Applications for export or reexport of items classified under ECCNs 0A501, 0A502, 0A505, 0A506, 0A507, 0A508, or 0A509, or any 9x515 or "600 series" ECCN requiring a license in accordance with paragraph (a)(1) or (9) of this section, will also be reviewed consistent with United States arms embargo policies in § 126.1 of the ITAR (22 CFR 126.1 ), if destined to a country set forth in Country Group D:5 in Supplement No. 1 to part 740 of the EAR.
(E) Applications for export or reexport of "parts," "components," "accessories," "attachments," "software," or "technology" "specially designed" or otherwise required for the F-14 aircraft will generally be denied.
(F) Applications for exports and reexports of items classified under ECCNs 0A501, 0A502, 0A504, 0A505, 0A506, 0A507, 0A508, 0A509, 0B501, 0B505, 0D501, 0D505, 0E501, 0E504, or 0E505, or any 9x515 ECCN will be subject to a policy of denial, when destined to China or a country listed in E:1 in Supplement No. 1 to part 740 of the EAR.
(G) Applications for exports and reexports of ECCNs 0A501, 0A502, 0A504, 0A505, 0A506, 0A507, 0A508, 0A509, 0B501, 0B505, 0D501, 0D505, 0E501, 0E504, and 0E505 items will be subject to a policy of denial when there is reason to believe the transaction involves criminal organizations, rebel groups, street gangs, or other similar groups or individuals, that may be disruptive to regional stability, including within individual countries.
(ii) Applications for exports and reexports to a country listed in Country Group D:5 (in supplement no. 1 to part 740 of the EAR) of technology controlled under 6E001 for the development of focal plane arrays, read-out integrated circuits (ROICs) or image intensifier tubes described in 6A002 or technology controlled under 6E002 for the production of focal plane arrays, read-out integrated circuits (ROICs) or image intensifier tubes described in 6A002 will be reviewed with a presumption of denial.
(2)Licensing policy for RS Column 2 items.
(i) Except as described in paragraph (b)(2)(ii), applications to export and reexport commodities described in paragraph (a)(4) of this section will generally be considered favorably on a case-by-case basis unless there is evidence that the export or reexport would contribute significantly to the destabilization of the region to which the equipment is destined.
(ii) Applications to export and reexport items controlled under ECCNs 2A984, 2D984 and 2E984 will be reviewed under a presumption of approval when exported or reexported to Austria, Cyprus, Finland, Ireland, Israel, Malta, Mexico, Singapore or Sweden, provided the items to be exported or reexported are being made to a government end-user or to a person designated by the government end-user pursuant to contract. License applications to export to a designated person must include a statement from the government end-user that the person is so designated. See supplement no. 2 to part 748, paragraph (k)(2).
(3) For terrorist-designated countries, the applicable licensing policies are found in parts 742 and 746 of the EAR.
(4) See § 746.3(b) of the EAR for the applicable licensing policies for items controlled for RS reasons to Iraq.
(5)Spacecraft for launch.
(i) Applications to export or reexport a "spacecraft" controlled under ECCN 9A515.a for launch in or by a country that is not a member of the North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO) or a major non-NATO ally of the United States (as defined in 22 CFR 120.31 and 120.32 ), will require a technology transfer control plan approved by the Department of Defense, an encryption technology control plan approved by the National Security Agency, and Department of Defense monitoring of all launch activities.
(ii) Applications to export or reexport a "spacecraft" controlled under ECCN 9A515.a for launch in or by a country that is a member of the North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO) or a major non-NATO ally of the United States (as defined in 22 CFR 120.31 and 120.32 ), may require a technology transfer control plan approved by the Department of Defense, an encryption technology control plan approved by the National Security Agency, or Department of Defense monitoring of launch activities.
(6)Remote sensing spacecraft. Applications to export or reexport a "spacecraft" described in ECCN 9A515.a.1,.a.2, a.3, or .a.4, sensitive remote sensing components described in 9A515.g, or "technology" described in ECCN 9E515.f may require a government-to-government agreement at the discretion of the U.S. Government.
(7) For India, there is a general policy of approval for license applications to export, reexport, or transfer items, including "600 series" items, for civil or military end uses in India, for ultimate end use by the Government of India, for reexport to countries in Country Group A:5, or for return to the United States, so long as such items are not for use in nuclear, "missile," or chemical or biological weapons activities.
(8)China or Venezuela. Applications to export or reexport items described in paragraph (a)(7) of this section to China or Venezuela will be reviewed on a case-by-case basis to determine whether the transaction is contrary to the national security or foreign policy interests of the United States, including the foreign policy interest of promoting the observance of human rights throughout the world. Such applications will also be reviewed consistent with United States arms embargo policies in § 126.1 of the ITAR (22 CFR 126.1 ). When destined to China, items classified under any 9x515.y ECCN will be subject to a policy of denial consistent with paragraph (b)(1) of this section.
(9)Russia or Belarus. Applications to export or reexport items described in paragraph (a)(7) of this section will be reviewed pursuant to the licensing policy set forth in § 746.8(b) of the EAR, as well as the foreign policy interest of promoting the observance of human rights throughout the world and consistent with United States arms embargo policies in § 126.1 of the ITAR (22 CFR 126.1 ).
(10)Advanced computing and semiconductor manufacturing items -
(i)License review policy for paragraphs (a)(6)(i) and (ii) of this section. License applications for items specified in paragraphs (a)(6)(i) and (ii) of this section will be reviewed consistent with license review policies in § 744.23(d) of the EAR, except applications will be reviewed on a case-by-case basis if no license would be required under part 744 of the EAR.
(ii)License review policy for paragraph (a)(6)(iii) of this section. License applications for items specified in paragraph (a)(6)(iii) of this section to or within destinations not specified in Country Group D:5 (except Macau) will be reviewed on a presumption of approval basis, unless the export, reexport, or transfer (in-country) is to an entity headquartered in, whose ultimate parent company is headquartered in, either Macau or a destination specified in Country Group D:5, in which case license applications will be reviewed under a presumption of denial. License applications for items to or within Macau or destinations specified in Country Group D:5 for items specified in paragraph (a)(6)(iii) will be reviewed under a presumption of denial.
(1)Contract sanctity date: March 21, 2003. This contract sanctity date applies only to items controlled under ECCNs 2A983, 2D983 and 2E983 destined for countries not listed in Country Group E (supplement 1 to part 740). See parts 742 and 746 for the contract sanctity requirements applicable to exports and reexports to countries listed in Country Group E.
(2)Contract sanctity date: March 19, 2010. This contract sanctity date applies only to items controlled under ECCNs 2A984, 2D984 and 2E984 destined for countries not listed in Country Group E (supplement 1 to part 740). See parts 742 and 746 for the contract sanctity requirements applicable to exports and reexports to countries listed in Country Group E.
(d)U.S. controls. Although the United States seeks cooperation from like-minded countries in maintaining regional stability controls, at this time these controls are maintained only by the United States.

15 C.F.R. §742.6

61 FR 12786, Mar. 25, 1996
82 FR 2881, 1/10/2017; 82 FR 6220, 1/19/2017; 83 FR 53750, 10/24/2018; 85 FR 4176, 3/9/2020; 85 FR 23462, 6/29/2020; 85 FR 83769, 12/23/2020; 87 FR 12238, 3/3/2022; 87 FR 13059, 3/8/2022; 87 FR 62198, 62199, 10/13/2022; 88 FR 2825, 1/18/2023; 88 FR 73448, 73493, 11/17/2023; 89 FR 23885, 4/4/2024; 89 FR 28599, 4/19/2024; 89 FR 34704, 5/30/2024

For FEDERAL REGISTER citations affecting § 742.6, see the List of CFR Sections Affected, which appears in the Finding Aids section of the printed volume and at www.govinfo.gov.