15 C.F.R. § 921.11

Current through August 31, 2024
Section 921.11 - Site selection and feasibility
(a) A coastal state may use Federal funds to establish and implement a site selection process which is approved by NOAA.
(b) In addition to the requirements set forth in subpart I, a request for Federal funds for site selection must contain the following programmatic information:
(1) A description of the proposed site selection process and how it will be implemented in conformance with the biogeographic classification scheme and typology (§ 921.3 ) ;
(2) An identification of the site selection agency and the potential management agency; and
(3) A description of how public participation will be incorporated into the process (see § 921.11(d) ) .
(c) As part of the site selection process, the state and NOAA shall evaluate and select the final site(s). NOAA has final authority in approving such sites. Site selection shall be guided by the following principles:
(1) The site's contribution to the biogeographical and typological balance of the National Estuarine Research Reserve System. NOAA will give priority consideration to proposals to establish Reserves in biogeographic regions or subregions or incorporating types that are not represented in the system. (see the biogeographic classification scheme and typology set forth in § 921.3 and appendices I and II);
(2) The site's ecological characteristics, including its biological productivity, diversity of flora and fauna, and capacity to attract a broad range of research and educational interests. The proposed site must be a representative estuarine ecosystem and should, to the maximum extent possible, be an estuarine ecosystem minimally affected by human activity or influence (see § 921.1(e) ) .
(3) Assurance that the site's boundaries encompass an adequate portion of the key land and water areas of the natural system to approximate an ecological unit and to ensure effective conservation. Boundary size will vary greatly depending on the nature of the ecosystem. Reserve boundaries must encompass the area within which adequate control has or will be established by the managing entity over human activities occurring within the Reserve. Generally, Reserve boundaries will encompass two areas: Key land and water areas (or "core area") and a buffer zone. Key land and water areas and a buffer zone will likely require significantly different levels of control (see § 921.13(a)(7) ) . The term "key land and water areas" refers to that core area within the Reserve that is so vital to the functioning of the estuarine ecosystem that it must be under a level of control sufficient to ensure the long-term viability of the Reserve for research on natural processes. Key land and water areas, which comprise the core area, are those ecological units of a natural estuarine system which preserve, for research purposes, a full range of significant physical, chemical and biological factors contributing to the diversity of fauna, flora and natural processes occurring within the estuary. The determination of which land and water areas are "key" to a particular Reserve must be based on specific scientific knowledge of the area. A basic principle to follow when deciding upon key land and water areas is that they should encompass resources representative of the total ecosystem, and which if compromised could endanger the research objectives of the Reserve. The term buffer zone refers to an area adjacent to or surrounding key land and water areas and essential to their integrity. Buffer zones protect the core area and provide additional protection for estuarine-dependent species, including those that are rare or endangered. When determined appropriate by the state and approved by NOAA, the buffer zone may also include an area necessary for facilities required for research and interpretation. Additionally, buffer zones should be established sufficient to accommodate a shift of the core area as a result of biological, ecological or geomorphological change which reasonably could be expected to occur. National Estuarine Research Reserves may include existing Federal or state lands already in a protected status where mutual benefit can be enhanced. However, NOAA will not approve a site for potential National Estuarine Research Reserve status that is dependent primarily upon the inclusion of currently protected Federal lands in order to meet the requirements for Reserve status (such as key land and water areas). Such lands generally will be included within a Reserve to serve as a buffer or for other ancillary purposes; and may be included, subject to NOAA approval, as a limited portion of the core area;
(4) The site's suitability for long-term estuarine research, including ecological factors and proximity to existing research facilities and educational institutions;
(5) The site's compatibility with existing and potential land and water uses in contiguous areas as well as approved coastal and estuarine management plans; and
(6) The site's importance to education and interpretive efforts, consistent with the need for continued protection of the natural system.
(d) Early in the site selection process the state must seek the views of affected landowners, local governments, other state and Federal agencies and other parties who are interested in the area(s) being considered for selection as a potential National Estuarine Research Reserve. After the local government(s) and affected landowner(s) have been contacted, at least one public meeting shall be held in the vicinity of the proposed site. Notice of such a meeting, including the time, place, and relevant subject matter, shall be announced by the state through the area's principal newspaper at least 15 days prior to the date of the meeting and by NOAA in the FEDERAL REGISTER.
(e) A state request for NOAA approval of a proposed site (or sites in the case of a multi-site Reserve) must contain a description of the proposed site(s) in relationship to each of the site selection principals (§ 921.11(c) ) and the following information:
(1) An analysis of the proposed site(s) based on the biogeographical scheme/typology discussed in § 921.3 and set forth in appendices I and II;
(2) A description of the proposed site(s) and its (their) major resources, including location, proposed boundaries, and adjacent land uses. Maps are required;
(3) A description of the public participation process used by the state to solicit the views of interested parties, a summary of comments, and, if interstate issues are involved, documentation that the Governor(s) of the other affected state(s) has been contacted. Copies of all correspondence, including contact letters to all affected landowners must be appended;
(4) A list of all sites considered and a brief statement of the reasons why a site was not preferred; and
(5) A nomination of the proposed site(s) for designation as a National Estuarine Research Reserve by the Governor of the coastal state in which the state is located.
(f) A state proposing to reactivate an inactive site, previously approved by NOAA for development as an Estuarine Sanctuary or Reserve, may apply for those funds remaining, if any, provided for site selection and feasibility (§ 921.11a ) ) to determine the feasibility of reactivation. This feasibility study must comply with the requirements set forth in § 921.11(c) through (e) .

15 C.F.R. §921.11