14 C.F.R. § 1241.30

Current through September 30, 2024
Section 1241.30 - Program participation and claims submission
(a)General program participation. An eligible individual, or their authorized representative, who seek to participate in this program must provide the information set forth in paragraph (e)(2) of this section to NASA. The JSC Flight Medicine Clinic will assist eligible individuals through these processes.
(b)NASA's occupationally related medical monitoring services.
(1) Eligible individuals will receive an annual invitation from NASA to participate in NASA's occupational surveillance program;
(2) [Reserved]
(c)Primary payer coverage of diagnosis and treatment services.
(1)Former Civil Servants. Eligible individuals who were civil servant employees during their active astronaut or payload specialist career who believe they have sustained a spaceflight-associated condition and are seeking coverage for medical treatment under this part must submit a notice of injury and claim for compensation through their agency to the Department of Labor, Office of the Workers' Compensation Programs Division of Federal Employees' Compensation (DFEC) consistent with 5 U.S.C. Chapter 81 and 20 CFR part 10 before making a claim under the TREAT Astronauts Act.
(2)Members of the Uniformed Services. Eligible individuals who were members of the Uniformed Services during their active astronaut or payload specialist career, or who are otherwise determined to be eligible by their Uniformed Service and who believe they have sustained a spaceflight-associated condition must contact their Service to determine eligibility for health and dental care and/or coverage through the Military Health System of the Department of Defense, consistent with 10 U.S.C. Chapter 55 and 32 CFR part 199 before making a claim under the TREAT Astronauts Act.
(3)Former Civil Servants who were also Members of the Uniformed Services. Eligible individuals whose active astronaut career spanned both military and civil service will first submit a notice to the Department of Labor who will work with the Department of Defense.
(4)Eligible individuals with claims denied or partially covered. If the eligible individual's claim under paragraphs (c)(1), (2), or (3) of this section is either denied or covered only in part by the primary payer, the eligible individual can apply for medical monitoring, diagnosis, and treatment under this program.
(d)Diagnosis and Treatment or Other Benefits-Veterans. An eligible individual who is enrolled, or eligible to be enrolled, in the U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs (VA) health care system may opt instead to seek his or her care and services through the VA. Under the TREAT Astronauts program, the eligible individual may seek reimbursement from NASA for any out-of-pocket copayment(s) he or she paid to VA for care of a condition that NASA determines is associated with spaceflight. The individual may also apply for disability compensation with the Department of Veterans Affairs, Veterans Benefits Administration, pursuant to 38 CFR part 3 .
(e)Submitting claims for medical monitoring, diagnosis, and treatment under this program -
(1)Claim required.
(i) No medical diagnosis and treatment may be extended under the TREAT Astronauts Act without submission of a complete claim form to the JSC Flight Medicine Clinic.
(ii) NASA will provide specific forms appropriate for making a claim for medical monitoring, diagnosis, and treatment. Claim forms may be obtained from the JSC Flight Medicine Clinic. Contact information can be found at: https://www.nasa.gov/hhp/treat-act.
(2)Information required. Each claim for medical monitoring, diagnosis, and treatment under this program will be in writing and include, at a minimum:
(i) Statement of eligibility describing the employment and spaceflight history that justifies medical monitoring, diagnosis, and treatment under this program;
(ii) History and diagnosis of medical or psychological condition;
(iii) Medical documentation in support of the claim. Healthcare providers must be licensed and permitted to practice under state law and not be on the Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS) List of Excluded Individuals and Entities, found at: https://healthdata.gov/dataset/list-excluded-individuals-and-entities;
(iv) Documentation of the decisions and/or payments made by the primary payer (i.e., other U.S. Government agencies and/or private health insurer) regarding the claim;
(v) Justification for determination that the psychological or medical condition is associated with spaceflight;
(vi) Expenses for which they are seeking reimbursement, to include documentation of all out-of-pocket costs; and
(vii) The signature of the eligible individual or their authorized representative.
(3)Responsibility for perfecting claim. It is the responsibility of the eligible individual, authorized representative, or the authorized provider acting on behalf of the eligible individual to perfect a claim for submission. NASA will assist eligible individuals with claims submission, but is not authorized to prepare a claim on behalf of the eligible individual.

14 C.F.R. §1241.30

85 FR 15357, 3/18/2020