14 C.F.R. § 1204.1404

Current through September 30, 2024
Section 1204.1404 - Requests for use of NASA airfield facilities
(a) Request for use of a NASA airfield, whether on a one time or recurring basis, must be in writing and addressed to the appropriate NASA facility, namely:
(1) [Reserved]
(2)Wallops Airport. Director of Suborbital Projects and Operations, Goddard Space Flight Center, Wallops Flight Facility, Wallops Island, Virginia 23337.
(3) [Reserved]
(b) Such requests will:
(1) Fully identify the prospective user and aircraft.
(2) State the purpose of the proposed use and the reason why the use of the NASA airfield is proposed rather than a commercial airport.
(3) Indicate the expected annual use, to include number and approximate date(s) and time(s) of such proposed use.
(4) State that the prospective user is prepared to fully comply with the terms of this subpart 14 and the use permit which may be issued.
(c) Upon receipt of the written request for permission to use the airport, the NASA official designated by each facility will request additional information, if necessary, and forward both this regulation and the required Hold Harmless Agreement for execution by the requestor or forward, where appropriate, a denial of the request.
(d) The signed original of the Hold Harmless Agreement shall be returned to the designated NASA official, and a copy retained in the aircraft at all times. Such copy shall be exhibited upon proper demand by any designated NASA official.
(e) At the same time that the prospective user returns the executed original of the Hold Harmless Agreement, the user shall forward to the designated NASA official the required Certificate of Insurance and waiver of rights to subrogation. Such certificate shall evidence that during any period for which a permit to use is being requested, the prospective user has in force a policy of insurance covering liability in amounts not less than those listed in the Hold Harmless Agreement.
(f) When the documents (in form and substance) required by paragraphs b through e of this section have been received, they will be forwarded with a proposed use permit to the approving authority for action.
(g) The designated NASA official will forward the executed use permit or notification of denial thereof to the prospective user after the approving authority has acted.

14 C.F.R. §1204.1404

56 FR 35812, July 29, 1991, as amended at 60 FR 37568, July 21, 1995; 86 FR 50624, Sept. 10, 2021
86 FR 50624, 11/9/2021