13 C.F.R. § 120.882

Current through August 31, 2024
Section 120.882 - Eligible Project costs for 504 loans

Eligible Project costs which may be paid with the proceeds of 504 loans are:

(a) Costs directly attributable to the Project including expenditures incurred by the Borrower (with its own funds or from a loan) to acquire land used in the Project, or for any other expense directly attributable to the Project, prior to applying to SBA for the 504 loan;
(b) In Projects involving construction, a contingency reserve for cost overruns not to exceed 10 percent of construction cost;
(c) Professional fees directly attributable and essential to the Project, such as title insurance, opinion of title, architectural and engineering costs, appraisals, environmental studies, and legal fees related to zoning, permits, or platting; and
(d) Repayment of interim financing including points, fees and interest.
(e) If the project involves expansion of a small business concern, any amount of existing indebtedness that does not exceed 100 percent of the project cost of the expansion may be refinanced and added to the expansion cost if:
(1) Substantially all (85% or more) of the proceeds of the indebtedness were used to acquire land, including a building situated thereon, to construct a building thereon, or to purchase equipment. The assets acquired must be eligible for financing under the 504 loan program. If the acquisition, construction or purchase of the asset was originally financed through a commercial loan that would have satisfied the "substantially all" requirement and that was subsequently refinanced one or more times, with the current commercial loan being the most recent refinancing, the current commercial loan will be deemed to satisfy this paragraph (e)(1).
(2) The existing indebtedness is collateralized by fixed assets. The 504 eligible fixed assets collateralizing any debt to be refinanced or relating to the portion of debt being refinanced in the case of a partial refinance must also collateralize the 504 Loan unless SBA approves a waiver due to extraordinary circumstances. PCLP CDCs may not use their delegated authority to approve a loan requiring this waiver;
(3) The existing indebtedness was incurred for the benefit of the small business concern for which any new Project costs are incurred. Existing 7(a) and 504 loans may be refinanced under this section in accordance with SBA policies or procedures;
(4) The financing will be used only for refinancing existing indebtedness or costs relating to the project financed;
(5) The financing will provide a substantial benefit to the borrower when prepayment penalties, financing fees, and other financing costs are accounted for. For purposes of this paragraph, "substantial benefit" means that the portion of the new installment amount attributable to the debt being refinanced must be at least 10 percent less than the existing installment amount(s). Prepayment penalties, financing fees, and other financing costs must also be added to the amount being refinanced in calculating the percentage reduction in the new installment payment. Exceptions to the 10% reduction requirement may be approved by the D/FA or designee for good cause. PCLP CDCs may not use their delegated authority to approve a loan requiring this exception;
(6) The borrower has been current on all payments due on the existing debt for not less than 1 year preceding the date of refinancing. For purposes of this section, "date of refinancing" refers to the date the 504 loan is approved by SBA. Any unremedied delinquency after approval must be reported to SBA as an adverse change;
(7) The financing under section 504 will provide better terms or rate of interest than the existing indebtedness on the date of refinancing. For purposes of this paragraph, "better terms or rate of interest" may include longer maturity (but always commensurate with the assets' useful life), a lower interest rate committed on the Third Party Lender Loan or projected on the 504 loan, improved collateral conditions, or less restrictive loan covenants.
(8) The authority to approve the refinancing of same institution debt must be approved by SBA and is not delegated to the PCLP CDCs. For the purposes of this paragraph, "same institution debt" means any debt of the CDC or the Third Party Lender financing the new project, or of affiliates of either.
(f) For the purposes of paragraph (e), the phrase "project involves expansion of a small business concern" includes any project that involves the acquisition, construction or improvement of land, building or equipment for use by the small business concern.
(g) SBA may approve a Refinancing Project of a qualified debt subject to the following conditions and requirements:
(1) The Refinancing Project does not involve the expansion of a small business;
(2) The applicant for the refinancing available under this paragraph (g) has been in operation for all of the 2 year period ending on the date of application;
(3) A loan that is subject to a guarantee by a Federal agency or department may be refinanced under the following conditions and requirements:
(i) An existing 504 loan may be refinanced if both the Third Party Loan and the 504 Loan are being refinanced or the Third Party Loan has been paid in full. If the 504 Loan being refinanced received approval through another CDC, the CDC working on the current refinancing must provide advance notice to the other CDC in writing (by email or letter).
(ii) An existing 7(a) loan may be refinanced if the CDC notifies the 7(a) lender in advance in writing (by email or letter).
(iii) The refinancing will provide a substantial benefit to the borrower. For purposes of this paragraph (g)(3)(iii), "substantial benefit" means that the portion of the new installment amount attributable to the debt being refinanced must be at least 10 percent less than the existing installment amount(s). Prepayment penalties (including subsidy recoupment fees), financing fees, and other financing costs must be added to the amount being refinanced in calculating the percentage reduction in the new installment payment, but the portion of the new installment amount attributable to Eligible Business Expenses (as described in paragraph (g)(6)(ii) of this section) is not included in this calculation. Exceptions to the 10 percent reduction requirement may be approved by the Director, Office of Financial Assistance (D/FA) or designee for good cause. PCLP CDCs may not use their delegated authority to approve a loan requiring the exception in this paragraph (g)(3)(iii).
(4) In addition to the annual guarantee fee assessed under § 120.971(d)(2) , Borrower must pay SBA a supplemental annual guarantee fee to cover the additional cost attributable to the refinancing in an amount established by SBA each fiscal year.
(5) The funding for the Refinancing Project must come from three sources based on the current fair market value of the fixed assets serving as collateral for the Refinancing Project, including a Third Party Loan that is at least as much as the 504 loan, not less than 10% from the Borrower (excluding administrative costs), and not more than 40% from the 504 loan. If the Refinancing Project involves a limited or single purpose building or structure, the Borrower must contribute not less than 15% (excluding administrative costs), unless SBA determines, in its discretion, and publishes a notice in the FEDERAL REGISTER, that due to an economic recession, as determined by the National Bureau of Economic Research or its equivalent, Borrowers may contribute not less than 10% for Refinancing Projects involving a limited or single purpose property during the recession. The lower required contribution by the Borrower will be in effect until the first day of the calendar quarter following the end of the economic recession as determined by the National Bureau of Economic Research or its equivalent. SBA will publish a notice in the FEDERAL REGISTER announcing the date on which the requirement of the lower Borrower contribution ended. In addition to a cash contribution, the Borrower's contribution may be satisfied as set forth in § 120.910 or by the equity in any other fixed assets that are acceptable to SBA as collateral for the Refinancing Project, provided that there is an independent appraisal of the fair market value of the asset;
(i) The portion of the Refinancing Project provided by the 504 loan and the Third Party Loan may be no more than 90% of the fair market value of the fixed assets that will serve as collateral, except that if the Borrower's application includes a request to finance the Eligible Business Expenses described in paragraph (g)(6)(ii) of this section, the portion of the Refinancing Project provided by the 504 loan and the Third Party Loan may be no more than 85% of the fair market value of the fixed assets that will serve as collateral and the Borrower may receive no more than 20% of the fair market value of the Eligible Fixed Asset(s) securing the Qualified Debt for Eligible Business Expenses;
(ii) The Borrower's application may include a request to finance eligible business expenses as part of the Refinancing Project if the amount of cash funds that will be provided for the Refinancing Project exceeds the amount to be paid to the lender of the Qualified Debt. The Borrower's application must include a specific description of the business expenses for which the financing is requested and an itemization of the amount of each expense. For the purposes of this paragraph (g), "Eligible Business Expenses" are limited to the operating expenses of the business that were incurred but not paid prior to the date of application or that will become due for payment within 18 months after the date of application. These expenses may include salaries, rent, utilities, inventory, and other expenses of the business that are not capital expenditures. Debt is not included as an Eligible Business Expense, except debt that was incurred with a credit card or a business line of credit may be included if the credit card or business line of credit is issued in the name of the small business and the Applicant certifies that the debt being refinanced was incurred exclusively for business related purposes. Loan proceeds must not be used to refinance any personal expenses. Both the CDC and the Borrower must certify in the application that the funds will be used to cover Eligible Business Expenses. Borrower must, upon request, substantiate the use of the funds provided for business expenses through, for example, bank statements, invoices marked "paid," cleared checks, or any other documents that demonstrate that a business obligation was satisfied with the funds provided.
(7) If the qualified debt is not fully satisfied by the funding provided by the Refinancing Project, the lender of the qualified debt must take one of the following actions, or some combination thereof, to address the deficiency:
(i) Forgiveness of all or part of the deficiency;
(ii) Acceptance of payment by the Borrower, or
(iii) Acceptance of a Note executed by the Borrower for the balance, or any portion of the balance. Such Note must be subordinate to the 504 loan if the Note and the 504 loan are secured by any of the same collateral. The Note is subject to any other restrictions that SBA may establish to protect its creditor position, including standby requirements;
(8) The Third Party Lender must have a first lien position, and the 504 loan must have a second lien position, on all Eligible Fixed Assets securing the Refinancing Project. Any other lien must be junior in priority to these lien positions. For other fixed assets serving as collateral for the Refinancing Project, the lien positions of the Third Party Lender and the 504 loan may be junior to any existing liens acceptable to SBA;
(9) Eligible Project costs which may be paid with the proceeds of the 504 loan are the amount used to refinance the qualified debt and other costs under § 120.882(c) and (d) and eligible administrative costs under § 120.883 ;
(10) A CDC must limit the amount of its loans under this paragraph (g) so that, during any Federal fiscal year, the amount of the new loans approved under this paragraph (g) does not exceed 50% of the total dollar amount of the CDC's 504 loans approved (including the loans approved under this paragraph (g)) during the previous fiscal year. This limitation may be waived upon application by the CDC and upon a determination by SBA that the 504 loan is needed for good cause.
(11) PCLP CDCs may not approve the refinancing of same institution debt under their delegated authority and must submit the application to SBA for approval.
(12) The 504 loans approved under this paragraph (g) must be disbursed within 9 months after loan approval. The Director, Office of Financial Assistance, or his or her designee, may approve a request for extension of the disbursement period for an additional 6 months for good cause.
(13) The Third Party Loan may not be sold on the secondary market as a part of a pool guaranteed under subpart J of this part, or any successor to this program, when the debt being refinanced is same institution debt;
(14) The Third Party Lender must certify that it would not refinance the qualified debt except for the assistance provided under this paragraph (g);
(15) Notwithstanding § 120.860 , a debt may be refinanced under this paragraph (g) if it does not meet the job creation or other economic development objectives set forth in § 120.861 or § 120.862 . In such case, the 504 loan may not exceed the product obtained by multiplying the number of employees of the Borrower by $90,000. The number of employees of the Borrower is equal to the sum of:
(i) The number of full-time employees of the Borrower on the date of the application; and
(ii) The product obtained by multiplying:
(A) The number of part-time employees of the Borrower on the date of the application; by
(B) The quotient obtained by dividing the average number of hours each part-time employee of the Borrower works each week by 40.

Example 1 to paragraph (g)(15): 30 full-time employees and 35 part-time employees working 20 hours per week is calculated as follows: 30 + (35 * (20/40)) = 47.5. The maximum amount of the 504 loan would be 47.5 multiplied by $90,000, or $4,275,000.

(16) For the purposes of this paragraph (g), the terms below are defined as follows:

Date of application refers to the date the 504 loan application is received by SBA.

Eligible Fixed Assets are one or more long-term fixed assets, such as land, buildings, machinery, and equipment, acquired, constructed or improved by a small business for use in its business operations.

Fair market value refers to the current appraised value of an asset that is established by an independent appraiser in accordance with the standards established by SBA in its SOPs.

Qualified debt is a commercial loan:

(A) That was incurred not less than 6 months before the date of the application for refinancing available under this paragraph (g).
(B) Substantially all (75% or more) of which was for an Eligible Fixed Asset. If the Eligible Fixed Asset was originally financed through a commercial loan that would have satisfied the "substantially all" standard (the "original loan") and that was subsequently refinanced one or more times, with the current commercial loan being the most recent refinancing, the current commercial loan will be deemed to satisfy this paragraph (B). If the original loan was for the construction of a new building, or the acquisition, renovation, or reconstruction of an existing building, and such loan would not have satisfied the leasing policies set forth in §§ 120.131 and 120.870(b), the current commercial loan will be deemed to satisfy these policies, provided that Borrower demonstrates compliance with § 120.131(b) for existing buildings as of the date of application.
(C) That was for the benefit of the small business concern;
(D) That is collateralized by Eligible Fixed Assets; and
(E) That is not a Third Party Loan that is part of an existing 504 Project, except as allowed under paragraph (g)(3) of this section.

Refinancing Project means the fair market value of the Eligible Fixed Asset(s) securing the qualified debt and any other fixed assets acceptable to SBA, except that if the Refinancing Project includes the financing of Eligible Business Expenses, SBA will not accept as collateral any fixed assets other than the Eligible Fixed Asset(s) securing the Qualified Debt.

Same institution debt means any debt of the CDC or the Third Party Lender, or an affiliate of either, that is providing funds for the refinancing.

13 C.F.R. §120.882

61 FR 3235, Jan. 31, 1996, as amended at 68 FR 57987, Oct. 7, 2003; 74 FR 29591, June 23, 2009; 76 FR 9218, Feb. 17, 2011; 76 FR 63155, Oct. 12, 2011; 79 FR 15650, Mar. 21, 2014; 81 FR 33125, May 25, 2016; 83 FR 19920, May 7, 2018; 86 FR 40779, July 29, 2021
81 FR 33125, 6/24/2016; 83 FR 19920, 6/6/2018; 86 FR 40779, 7/29/2021; 88 FR 70585, 11/13/2023