12 C.F.R. § 1808.619

Current through September 30, 2024
Section 1808.619 - Reporting requirements

The Bond Documents and Bond Loan documents shall specify such monitoring and financial reporting requirements as deemed appropriate by the CDFI Fund including, but not limited to the following:

(a)Data-General. As long as the Bonds remain outstanding, a Qualified Issuer shall provide such reports and shall maintain such records as may be prescribed by the CDFI Fund that are necessary to:
(1) Disclose the manner in which Bond Proceeds are used, including providing documentation to demonstrate proceeds of the Bond Loans were used for Eligible Purposes;
(2) Demonstrate compliance with the requirements of this part and the Bond Documents;
(3) Evaluate the impact of the CDFI Bond Guarantee Program;
(4) Ensure the Qualified Issuer meets the performance standards over the life of the facilities; and
(5) Accomplish such other purposes that the CDFI Fund may deem appropriate.
(b)Customer profiles. The Qualified Issuer shall require each Eligible CDFI to compile such data on the gender, race, ethnicity, national origin, or other information on individuals and entities that utilize its products and services as the CDFI Fund shall prescribe and as is permissible under applicable law. In general, such data will be used to determine whether residents of Investment Area(s) or members of Targeted Population(s) are adequately served and to evaluate the impact of the CDFI Bond Guarantee Program.
(c)Audits; Access to records.
(1) The CDFI Fund may, if it deems appropriate, audit Qualified Issuers, Eligible CDFIs, Program Administrators, Servicers, and/or the Master Servicer/Trustee, or provide for or require an audit, at least annually. Portfolio management and loan monitoring will also employ risk-based, on-site verification of the Eligible CDFI's lending activities to Secondary Borrowers and compliance with the terms in Secondary Lending Requirements.
(2) Qualified Issuers, Eligible CDFIs, Program Administrators, Servicers, the Master Servicer/Trustee, as applicable, must submit such financial and activity reports, records, statements, and documents at such times, in such forms, and accompanied by such reporting data, as required by the CDFI Fund to ensure compliance with the requirements of this interim rule and to evaluate the impact of the CDFI Bond Guarantee Program.
(3) The Federal Government, including the U.S. Department of the Treasury, the Comptroller General, and their duly authorized representatives, shall have full and free access to such entities' offices and facilities and all books, documents, records, and financial statements relating to the Guarantee and may copy such documents as they deem appropriate
(4) The CDFI Fund, if it deems appropriate, may prescribe audit and access to record requirements for Eligible CDFIs and Secondary Borrowers.
(d)Retention of records. Qualified Issuers, Eligible CDFIs, Program Administrators, the Master Servicer/Trustee, and Servicers shall comply with all record retention requirements as set forth in OMB Circular A-110 (as applicable).
(e)Data collection and reporting. Qualified Issuers, Eligible CDFIs, the Program Administrator, the Master Servicer/Trustee, and Servicers, as applicable, shall submit to the CDFI Fund, monthly, quarterly, and annually, as specified in the Bond Documents, and as long as the Bond shall remain outstanding, such information and documentation that will permit the CDFI Fund to review compliance with the Capital Distribution Plan and the terms and conditions of the Bond Documents, and to perform adequate portfolio management and loan monitoring. The information and documentation may include, but not be limited to, the following:
(1) Financial statements, including but not limited to:
(i) Annual financial statements for the Qualified Issuer and each Eligible CDFI that have been audited in conformity with generally accepted auditing principles; and
(ii) With respect to any nonprofit Qualified Issuer and any Eligible CDFI that is required to have its financial statements audited pursuant to OMB Circular A-133 Audits of States, Local Governments and Non-Profit Organizations, annual A-133 audited financial statements. Non-profit Qualified Issuers and Eligible CDFIs that are not required to have financial statements audited pursuant to OMB Circular A-133 must submit to the CDFI Fund a statement signed by the Qualified Issuer or Eligible CDFI's authorized representative or certified public accountant, asserting that a single audit pursuant OMB Circular A-133 is not required;
(2) Pro forma projection of the Qualified Issuer's and Eligible CDFI's respective balance sheet, income statement, and statement of cash flows over the ensuing five years, or such other time period as specified by the CDFI Fund;
(3) Such institution-level and transaction-level reports as may be required by the CDFI Fund;
(4) Information necessary to measure the financial condition of the Eligible CDFI. This includes, but is not limited to, measuring solvency by collecting data on fixed charge coverage, capital adequacy, debt coverage, and measuring liquidity by collecting data on core financial ratios, including current ratios, quick ratios, working capital, and operating liquidity ratio. This will also include credit reporting, financial statement analysis, trend analysis of financial conditions, market valuation, loan performance (30/60/90 payment history) of Bond Loans and Secondary Loans, valuation and eligibility of Secondary Loan collateral, and management and organization changes;
(5) Information necessary to assess Program impact performance and outcome measures, including information necessary to evaluate the credit-worthiness of loan applicants; and
(6) Other such information and reports as may be requested by the CDFI Fund.
(f)Qualified Issuer reports. Qualified Issuers are responsible for the timely and complete submission of all required information and reports, even if all or a portion of the documents actually are completed by the Eligible CDFI. The CDFI Fund reserves the right to contact the Qualified Issuer or Eligible CDFI and require that additional information and documentation be provided.
(g)Regulator information. The CDFI Fund's review of a regulated Qualified Issuer's or regulated Eligible CDFI's performance or compliance with the Bond Documents may also include information provided by the Appropriate Federal Banking Agency or Appropriate State Agency, as the case may be.
(h)Public inspection. The CDFI Fund shall make reports described in this section available for public inspection after deleting any materials necessary to protect privacy or proprietary interests pursuant to all applicable laws and regulations.
(i)Availability of referenced publications. The publications referenced in this section are available as follows:
(1) OMB Circulars may be obtained from the Office of Administration, Publications Office, 725 17th Street NW., Room 2200, New Executive Office Building, Washington, DC 20503 or on the Internet ( http://www.whitehouse.gov/omb/grants_circulars/ ); and
(2) Government Accountability Office materials may be obtained from GAO Distribution, 700 4th Street NW., Suite 1100, Washington, DC 20548.

12 C.F.R. § 1808.619