12 C.F.R. § 1808.102

Current through September 30, 2024
Section 1808.102 - Definitions

For purposes of this part, capitalized terms used herein and not defined elsewhere are defined as follows:

(a)Act means the Small Business Jobs Act of 2010, Pub. L. 111-240 , sections 1134 and 1703 , 12 U.S.C. 4713a;
(b)Affiliate means any entity that Controls, is Controlled by, or is under common Control with, another entity. Control is defined as:
(1) Ownership, control or power to vote 25 percent or more of the outstanding shares of any class of Voting Securities (as that term is defined in 12 CFR 1805.104(mm) ) of any legal entity, directly or indirectly or acting through one or more other persons; or
(2) Control in any manner over the election of a majority of the directors, trustees, or general partners (or individuals exercising similar functions) of any legal entity; or
(3) The power to exercise, directly or indirectly, a controlling influence, as determined by the CDFI Fund, over the management, credit decisions, investment decisions, or policies of any legal entity;
(c)Agency Administrative Fee means a fee in an amount equal to 10 basis points (0.1 percent) of the amount of the unpaid principal of the Bond Issue, payable annually to the CDFI Fund by a Qualified Issuer;
(d)Agreement to Guarantee means the written agreement between the Guarantor and the Qualified Issuer which sets forth the terms and conditions on which the Guarantor will provide the Guarantee;
(e)Appropriate Federal Banking Agency has the same meaning as in section 3 of the Federal Deposit Insurance Act, 12 U.S.C. 1813(q) , and includes, with respect to an Insured Credit Union (as such term is defined in 12 CFR 1805.104(bb) ), the National Credit Union Administration;
(f)Appropriate State Agency means an agency or instrumentality of a State that regulates and/or insures the member accounts of a State-Insured Credit Union (as such term is defined in 12 CFR 1805.104(e) ) ;
(g)Bond means a security in the form of a draw-down bond or note issued by the Qualified Issuer, with each advance of funds thereunder bearing interest at an applicable Bond Rate established by the Bond Purchaser in accordance with section 1808.300 of this part, and sold to the Bond Purchaser, the proceeds of which will be used for Eligible Purposes, and which benefit from a Guarantee;
(h)Bond Documents mean, for each Bond, the respective Bond, Bond Trust Indenture, Agreement to Guarantee, Bond purchase agreement, and all other instruments and documentation pertaining to the issuance of the Bond;
(i)Bond Issuance Fees mean amounts paid by an Eligible CDFI for reasonable and appropriate expenses, administrative costs, and fees for services incurred in connection with the issuance of the Bond (but not including the Agency Administrative Fee) and the making of the Bond Loan;
(j)Bond Issue means at least $100,000,000, and no more than $1,000,000,000, in aggregate principal amount of Bonds secured by a single Guarantee; each Bond (or series of Bonds) in the Bond Issue being in the minimum principal amount of at least $10,000,000;
(k)Bond Issue Date means the date on which the Bond is deemed to be issued or originated;
(l)Bond Loan means a loan of Bond Proceeds by a Qualified Issuer to an Eligible CDFI. A Bond Loan must be in an initial principal amount that is not less than $10,000,000, and Bond Loan proceeds must be used for Eligible Purposes;
(m)Bond Loan Payment Default Rate means, in the event of a Bond Loan payment default, the applicable interest rate on any overdue amount from its due date to the date of actual payment and shall be calculated in the same manner as a late charge rate is calculated in the underlying Bond;
(n)Bond Loan Rate means the rate of interest for each advance of funds under a Bond Loan, which shall be the same as the Bond Rate;
(o)Bond Loan Requirements means the credit criteria, established by the CDFI Fund, for assessing the creditworthiness and capacity of each Eligible CDFI applicant to receive a Bond Loan;
(p)Bond Proceeds means the funds that are advanced by the Bond Purchaser to the Qualified Issuer under a Bond;
(q)Bond Purchaser (or Bondholder) means the Federal Financing Bank, the body corporate and instrumentality of the Federal Government created by the Federal Financing Bank Act of 1973 (12 U.S.C. 2281 et seq.);
(r)Bond Rate means the rate of interest for each advance of funds under a Bond;
(s)Bond Trust Indenture means the agreement between the Qualified Issuer and the Master Servicer/Trustee that sets forth the rights, duties, responsibilities and remedies of the Qualified Issuer and Master Servicer/Trustee with respect to the Bonds, to include responsibilities regarding the management of the collateral, the management of the funds and accounts, the repayment and redemption of the Bonds, and the circumstances and processes surrounding any default;
(t)Capital Distribution Plan means the component of the Guarantee Application that demonstrates the Qualified Issuer's comprehensive plan for lending, disbursing, servicing, and monitoring each Bond Loan and that meets the requirements of § 1808.401 of this interim rule and such other requirements as may be designated in the applicable Notice of Guarantee Availability. The Capital Distribution Plan includes, among other components (specified in § 1808.401 of this interim rule), a Statement of Proposed Sources and Uses of Funds, and shall include one or more Secondary Capital Distribution Plans;
(u)CDFI Bond Guarantee Program (or Program) means the program of providing Guarantees for Bonds issued as part of a Bond Issue by Qualified Issuers to make Bond Loans to Eligible CDFIs for Eligible Purposes, as authorized by subsections 1134 and 1703 of the Act (12 U.S.C. 4713a ), and implemented under this part;
(v)Certified Community Development Financial Institution (or Certified CDFI ) means a financing entity that has a primary mission of promoting community development and that has been certified by the CDFI Fund as meeting the eligibility requirements set forth in 12 CFR 1805.201 ;
(w)Community Development Financial Institutions Fund (or CDFI Fund ) means the Community Development Financial Institutions Fund, a wholly owned government corporation within the U.S. Department of the Treasury, established under the Riegle Community Development Banking and Financial Institutions Act of 1994 (12 U.S.C. 4701 et seq.), as amended;
(x)Credit Enhancement means such instrument or document proffered by an Eligible CDFI to enhance the credit quality of a Bond and/or Bond Loan. Credit Enhancements may include, but are not limited to, pledges of financial resources and lines and letters of credit issued by: an Eligible CDFI; an Affiliate; a regulated financial institution; a foundation; or another entity. The Risk-Share Pool is not a form of Credit Enhancement;
(y)Department Opinion means an internal opinion by the CDFI Fund regarding compliance by the Qualified Issuer with the requirements for approval of a Guarantee;
(z)Designated Bonding Authority (or DBA) means a Qualified Issuer selected by the CDFI Fund to issue Bonds on behalf of certain Eligible CDFIs and make Bond Loans to such Eligible CDFIs, pursuant to this interim rule;
(aa)Eligible Community Development Financial Institution (or Eligible CDFI) means a Certified CDFI that has submitted an application to a Qualified Issuer for a Bond Loan, has been deemed creditworthy based on the Bond Loan Requirements, and has received a Bond Loan;
(bb)Eligible Community or Economic Development Purpose (or Eligible Purpose) means the allowable uses of Bond Proceeds and Bond Loan proceeds, which includes financing or Refinancing for community or economic development purposes described in 12 U.S.C. 4707(b) , including but not limited to community or economic development purposes in Low-Income Areas or Underserved Rural Areas, as deemed eligible by the CDFI Fund in its sole discretion; Bond Issuance Fees in an amount not to exceed one percent of Bond Loan proceeds; and capitalization of Loan Loss Reserves in an amount that is up to five percent of the par amount of the Bond Loan, or such other amount that is determined by the CDFI Fund in its sole discretion;
(cc)Guarantee means the guarantee by the Guarantor, pursuant to an Agreement to Guarantee, of the repayment of 100 percent of the Verifiable Losses of Principal, Interest, and Call Premium, if any, on the corresponding Bonds issued as part of a Bond Issue; each Guarantee shall be for a Bond Issue of at least $100,000,000, plus the related interest and call premiums;
(dd)Guarantee Application means the application document that a Qualified Issuer submits in order to apply for a Guarantee;
(ee)Guarantor means the Secretary of the Treasury or the Secretary's designee;
(ff)Investment Area means a geographic area meeting the requirements of 12 CFR 1805.201(b)(3)(ii) ;
(gg)Loan Loss Reserves means the use of Bond Loan proceeds (secured by a Principal Loss Collateral Provision) for a set aside in the form of cash reserves that serve as a safeguard to protect the Eligible CDFI against future losses for any loans for community or economic development purposes described in 12 U.S.C. 4707(b) , including community or economic development purposes in Low-Income Areas or Underserved Rural Areas, within the Eligible CDFI's portfolio;
(hh)Low-Income means an income, adjusted for family size, of not more than:
(1) for Metropolitan Areas, 80 percent of the area median family income; and
(2) for non-Metropolitan Areas, the greater of: (1) 80 percent of the area median family income; or (2) 80 percent of the Statewide non-Metropolitan Area median family income;
(ii)Low-Income Area means a census tract or block numbering area in which the median income does not exceed 80 percent of the median income for the area in which such census tract or block numbering area is located. With respect to a census tract or block numbering area located within a Metropolitan Area, the median family income shall be at or below 80 percent of the Metropolitan Area median family income or the national Metropolitan Area median family income, whichever is greater. In the case of a census tract or block numbering area located outside of a Metropolitan Area, the median family income shall be at or below 80 percent of the statewide non-Metropolitan Area median family income or the national non-Metropolitan Area median family income, whichever is greater;
(jj)Master Servicer/Trustee means a third party trust company or financial institution that is in the business of administering facilities similar to the Bonds and Bond Loans, has been deemed acceptable by the CDFI Fund, and whose duties include, among others, exercising fiduciary powers to enforce the terms of Bonds and Bond Loans pursuant to the Bond Trust Indenture entered into by and between the Master Servicer/Trustee and the Qualified Issuer, overseeing the activities of Servicers, and facilitating Bond principal and interest payments to the Bond Purchaser;
(kk)Metropolitan Area means an area that contains an urban core based statistical area of 50,000 or more population and is designated as such by the Office of Management and Budget pursuant to 44 U.S.C. 3504(e) , 31 U.S.C. 1104(d) and Executive Order 10253 (3 CFR, 1949-1953 Comp., p. 758), as amended;
(ll)Notice of Guarantee Availability (or NOGA) means the notice, published by the CDFI Fund, that announces to all interested parties the opportunity to submit Qualified Issuer Applications and Guarantee Applications pursuant sections 1808.400 and 1808.401 of this interim rule;
(mm)Principal Loss Collateral Provision means a cash or cash equivalent guarantee or facility provided in lieu of pledged collateral set forth in the Bond Documents and Bond Loan documents;
(nn)Program Administrator means the Qualified Issuer, or an entity designated by the Qualified Issuer and approved by the CDFI Fund, that performs certain administrative duties related to application preparation, compliance monitoring, and reporting, as well as other duties set forth under section 1808.606 of this interim rule;
(oo)Qualified Issuer means a Certified CDFI, or any entity designated by a Certified CDFI to issue Bonds on its behalf, that meets the qualification requirements set forth in section 1808.200 of this interim rule, and that has been approved as such by the CDFI Fund pursuant to review and evaluation of the Qualified Issuer Application;
(pp)Qualified Issuer Application means the application document that a Certified CDFI (or any entity designated by a Certified CDFI to issue Bonds on its behalf) submits to the CDFI Fund in order to be approved as a Qualified Issuer prior to, or simultaneously with, a Guarantee Application;
(qq)Qualified Secondary Loan Receivable means payment receivables from the Secondary Loan(s) relating to the corresponding Bond Loan;
(rr)Refinance (or Refinancing) means the use of Bond Proceeds to refinance an Eligible CDFI's or Secondary Borrower's existing loan, which must have been used for an Eligible Purpose;
(ss)Relending Fund means the fund maintained by the Master Servicer/Trustee to allow an Eligible CDFI to relend Secondary Loan repayments for Eligible Purposes, not to exceed 10 percent of the principal amount outstanding of the Bonds, minus the Risk Share Pool; the Relending Fund will include a Relending Account for each Bond Issue; and each Relending Account will include a Relending Subaccount for each Bond Loan;
(tt)Risk-Share Pool means an account maintained by the Master Servicer/Trustee throughout the term of a Guarantee to cover losses before the Guarantee is exercised; the Risk-Share Pool is capitalized by pro rata payments equal to three percent of the amount disbursed on the Bonds from all Eligible CDFIs within a Bond Issue; payments must be funded at each disbursement under the Bond and associated Bond Loan; amounts in the Risk-Share Pool will not be returned to the Eligible CDFIs until maturity of all of the Bonds, and termination of all Bond Loans, within a Bond Issue;
(uu)Secondary Borrower means an entity that has made application to the Eligible CDFI for a Secondary Loan, been deemed creditworthy by the Eligible CDFI, meets the criteria set forth in the applicable Secondary Loan Requirements to receive a Secondary Loan, and has received a Secondary Loan;
(vv)Secondary Capital Distribution Plan means the component of the Capital Distribution Plan that pertains to the making of Secondary Loans, demonstrates the Eligible CDFI's comprehensive plan for lending, disbursing, servicing and monitoring Secondary Loans, includes a description of how the proposed Secondary Loan will meet Eligible Purposes and meets such other the requirements as may be designated in the applicable Notice of Guarantee Availability;
(ww)Secondary Loan means the use of Bond Loan proceeds by an Eligible CDFI to finance or Refinance a loan to a Secondary Borrower for Eligible Purposes, which meets the applicable Secondary Loan Requirements;
(xx)Secondary Loan Requirements mean the minimum required criteria used by each Eligible CDFI (in addition to the Eligible CDFI's underwriting criteria) to evaluate a request by a Secondary Borrower applicant for a Secondary Loan. The Secondary Loan Requirements will be established by the CDFI Fund and incorporated into the Bond Loan documents;
(yy)Servicer means the Qualified Issuer, or an entity designated by the Qualified Issuer and approved by the CDFI Fund, to perform various Bond Loan servicing duties, as set forth in this part;
(zz)Special Servicer means the Master Servicer/Trustee, or an entity designated by the Master Servicer/Trustee and approved by the CDFI Fund, that performs certain administrative duties related to the restructuring of Bond Loans that are in or about to enter into an event of default as well as other duties set forth under section 1808.606(d) of this interim rule;
(aaa)State means any of the States of the United States, the District of Columbia, the Commonwealth of Puerto Rico, the Commonwealth of the Northern Mariana Island, Guam, the Virgin Islands, American Samoa, the Trust Territory of the Pacific Islands, and any other territory of the United States;
(bbb)Statement of Proposed Sources and Uses of Funds means the component of the Guarantee Application that describes the proposed uses of Bond Proceeds and the proposed sources of funds to repay principal and interest on the Bonds and the Bond Loans;
(ccc)Targeted Population means individuals or an identifiable group of individuals who are Low-Income persons or lack adequate access to Financial Products or Financial Services and meet the requirements of 12 CFR 1805.201(b)(3)(iii) ;
(ddd)Trust Estate means the Bond Loan agreement and promissory notes evidencing the Bond Loan, all funds and accounts related to the Bonds and held by the Master Servicer/Trustee pursuant to the Bond Trust Indenture including, but not limited to, the Revenue Accounts and the Relending Accounts (as such terms are defined in subsection 1808.606(f) ), and any additional collateral pledged directly by the Eligible CDFI;
(eee)Underserved Rural Area means an area that has significant unmet needs for loans, Equity Investments, or Financial Services (as those terms are defined in 12 CFR 1805.104 ) and is not contained within either a Consolidated Metropolitan Statistical Areas (CMSA) or Primary Metropolitan Statistical Areas (PMSA), as such areas are defined in OMB Bulletin No. 99-04 (Revised Statistical Definitions of Metropolitan Areas (MAs) and Guidance on Uses of MA Definitions); and
(fff)Verifiable Losses of Principal, Interest, and Call Premium means any portion of required debt payments related to or arising out of a Bond and Bond Loan, or the enforcement of either of them, that the Qualified Issuer is unable satisfy.

12 C.F.R. §1808.102