12 C.F.R. § 1282.32

Current through September 30, 2024
Section 1282.32 - Underserved Markets Plan
(a)General. Each Enterprise must submit to FHFA an Underserved Markets Plan describing the activities and objectives it will undertake to meet its duty to serve each of the three underserved markets. Plan activities and objectives may cover a single year or multiple years.
(b)Term of Plan. Each Enterprise's Plan must cover a period of three years.
(c)Effective date of Plans. Where an underserved market in a Plan receives a Non-Objection from FHFA by December 1 of the prior year, the effective date for that underserved market in the Plan will be January 1 of the first evaluation year for which the Plan is applicable. Where an underserved market in a Plan does not receive a Non-Objection from FHFA by December 1 of the prior year, the effective date for that underserved market in the Plan will be as determined by FHFA.
(d)Plan content. -
(1)Consideration of minimum number of activities. The Enterprises must consider and address in their Plans a minimum number of Statutory Activities or Regulatory Activities for each underserved market. The minimum number will be determined by FHFA and stated in the Evaluation Guidance as provided for in § 1282.36(d) . An Enterprise will select the specific Statutory Activities or Regulatory Activities to address in its Plan under this requirement. For the activities selected by the Enterprise, the Enterprise must address in its Plan either how it will undertake the activities and related objectives, or the reasons why it will not undertake the activities. The statutory programs in § 1282.34(c)(5) and (c)(6) are excluded for this purpose.
(2)Additional Activities. An Enterprise may also include in its Plan Additional Activities eligible to serve an underserved market. For the Additional Activities included by the Enterprise, the Enterprise must address in its Plan how it will undertake the activities and related objectives.
(3)Residential economic diversity activities. If an Enterprises chooses to undertake a residential economic diversity activity for extra credit under § 1282.36(c)(3) , the Enterprise must describe the activity and related objectives in its Plan.
(e)Objectives. Each Statutory Activity, Regulatory Activity, and Additional Activity in an Enterprise's Plan must comprise one or more objectives, which are the specific action items that the Enterprises will identify for each activity. Each objective must meet all of the following requirements:
(1)Strategic. Directly or indirectly maintain or increase liquidity to an underserved market;
(2)Measurable. Provide measurable benchmarks, which may include numerical targets, that enable FHFA to determine whether the Enterprise has achieved the objective;
(3)Realistic. Be calibrated so that the Enterprise has a reasonable chance of meeting the objective with appropriate effort;
(4)Time-bound. Be subject to a specific timeframe for completion by being tied to Plan calendar year evaluation periods; and
(5)Tied to analysis of market opportunities. Be based on assessments and analyses of market opportunities in each underserved market, taking into account safety and soundness considerations.
(f)Evaluation areas. Each Plan objective must meet at least one of the evaluation areas set forth in § 1282.36(b) . An Enterprise must designate in its Plan the one evaluation area under which each Plan objective will be evaluated.
(g)Plan procedures. -
(1)Submission of proposed Plans. -
(i)First proposed Plan. An Enterprise's first proposed Plan must be submitted to FHFA within 90 days after FHFA posts the proposed Evaluation Guidance on FHFA's Web site pursuant to § 1282.36(d)(3) .
(ii)Subsequent proposed Plans. For subsequent proposed Plans after the first Plan, FHFA will provide timelines 300 days before the termination date of the Plan in effect, or a later date if additional time is necessary, for proposed Plan submission, public input periods, and Non-Objection to an underserved market in a Plan. Unless otherwise directed by FHFA, each Enterprise must submit a proposed Plan to FHFA at least 210 days before the termination date of the Enterprise's Plan in effect.
(2)Posting of proposed Plans. As soon as practical after an Enterprise submits its proposed Plan to FHFA for review, FHFA will post the proposed Plan on FHFA's Web site, with any confidential and proprietary data and information omitted.
(3)Public input. -
(i) For the first proposed Plans, the public will have 60 days from the date the proposed Plans are posted on FHFA's Web site to provide input on the proposed Plans.
(ii) The Enterprises' subsequent proposed Plans will be available for public input pursuant to the timeframe and procedures established by FHFA.
(4)Enterprise review. Each Enterprise may, in its discretion, make revisions to its proposed Plan based on the public input.
(5)FHFA review. -
(i)FHFA review of first proposed Plans. FHFA will review each Enterprise's first proposed Plan and inform the Enterprise of any FHFA comments on the proposed Plan within 60 days from the end of the public input period on the proposed Plan, or such additional time as may be necessary. The Enterprise must address FHFA's comments, as appropriate, through revisions to its proposed Plan pursuant to the timeframe and procedures established by FHFA.
(ii)FHFA review of subsequent proposed Plans. For subsequent proposed Plans after the first proposed Plans, FHFA will establish a timeframe and procedures for FHFA review, comments, and any required Enterprise revisions.
(iii)Designation of Statutory Activity or Regulatory Activity. FHFA may, in its discretion, designate in the Evaluation Guidance one Statutory Activity or Regulatory Activity in each underserved market that FHFA will significantly consider in determining whether to provide a Non-Objection to that underserved market in a proposed Plan.
(iv)FHFA Non-Objections to underserved markets in a proposed Plan. After FHFA is satisfied that all of its comments on an underserved market in a proposed Plan have been addressed, FHFA will issue a Non-Objection for that underserved market in the Plan.
(6)Effective date of an underserved market in a Plan. Where an underserved market in a Plan receives a Non-Objection from FHFA by December 1 of the prior year, the effective date for that underserved market in the Plan will be January 1 of the first evaluation year for which the Plan is applicable. Where an underserved market in a Plan does not receive a Non-Objection from FHFA by December 1 of the prior year, the effective date for that underserved market in the Plan will be as determined by FHFA.
(7)Posting of an underserved market section in a Plan. As soon as practicable after FHFA issues a Non-Objection to an underserved market in a Plan, that section of the Plan will be posted on the Enterprise's and FHFA's respective Web sites, with any confidential and proprietary data and information omitted.
(h)Modification of a Plan. At any time after implementation of a Plan, an Enterprise may request to modify its Plan during the three-year term, subject to FHFA Non-Objection of the proposed modifications. FHFA may also require an Enterprise to modify its Plan during the three-year term. FHFA and the Enterprise may seek public input on proposed modifications to a Plan if FHFA determines that public input would assist its consideration of the proposed modifications. If a Plan is modified, the modified Plan, with any confidential and proprietary information and data omitted, will be posted on the Enterprise's and FHFA's respective Web sites.

12 C.F.R. §1282.32

81 FR 96294, 1/30/2017