12 C.F.R. § 1278.4

Current through September 30, 2024
Section 1278.4 - Merger application
(a)Contents of application. Any two or more Banks that wish to merge shall submit to FHFA a merger application that addresses all material aspects of the proposed merger. As provided in § 1202.8 of this chapter, a Bank may submit separately any portions of the application that it believes contain confidential or privileged trade secrets or commercial or financial information, which portions will be handled in accordance with FHFA's Freedom of Information Act regulations set forth in part 1202 of this chapter. The application shall include, at a minimum, the following:
(1) A written statement that includes-
(i) A summary of the material features of the proposed merger;
(ii) The reasons for the proposed merger;
(iii) The effect of the proposed merger on the Constituent Banks and their members;
(iv) The proposed Effective Date, the proposed acquisition date for purposes of accounting for the transaction under GAAP, if that date is to be different from the Effective Date (including the reasons for designating a different acquisition date), and the Record Date established by each Constituent Bank's board of directors;
(v) If the Constituent Banks contemplate that the proposed merger will be one of two or more related transactions, a summary of the material features of any related transactions and the bearing that the consummation of, or failure to consummate, the related transactions is expected to have upon the proposed merger;
(vi) If not addressed by the merger agreement, the Banks' proposal for the ultimate size and composition of the board of directors for the Continuing Bank and their plan for reducing the board to its ultimate size and composition, as well as the names of the persons proposed to serve as directors and senior executive officers of the Continuing Bank immediately after the merger;
(vii) A description of all proposed material operational changes including, but not limited to, reductions in the existing staffs of the Constituent Banks (to the extent such information is known), whether and how Bank operations will be combined, and whether any Constituent Bank will continue to operate as a branch of the Continuing Bank;
(viii) Information demonstrating that the Continuing Bank will comply with all applicable capital requirements after the Effective Date;
(ix) A statement explaining all officer and director indemnification provisions; and
(x) An undertaking that the Constituent Banks will continue to disclose all material information, and update all items of the application, as appropriate;
(2) A copy of the executed merger agreement and a certified copy of the resolution of the board of directors of each Constituent Bank authorizing the merger agreement;
(3) A copy of the proposed organization certificate of the Continuing Bank;
(4) A copy of the proposed bylaws of the Continuing Bank;
(5) A copy of the proposed capital structure plan of the Continuing Bank;
(6) The most recent annual audited Financial Statements, and any interim quarterly financial statements for the year-to-date, for each Constituent Bank; and
(7) Pro forma Financial Statements for the Continuing Bank as of the date of the most recent statement of condition supplied under paragraph (a)(6) of this section, and forecasted pro forma Financial Statements for each of at least two years following such date.
(b)Additional information. FHFA may require the Constituent Banks to submit any additional information FHFA deems necessary to evaluate the proposed merger. If FHFA has determined a merger application to be complete as provided in paragraph (c) of this section, FHFA may require the Constituent Banks to submit additional information only with respect to matters derived from or prompted by the materials already submitted, or matters of a material nature that were not reasonably apparent previously, including matters concealed by the Constituent Banks or relating to developments that arose after the determination of completeness. If the Constituent Banks fail to provide the additional information in a timely manner, the Director may deem the failure to provide the required information as grounds to deny the application.
(c)Completion of application. Within 30 days of the receipt of a merger application, FHFA shall determine whether the application is complete and whether FHFA has all information necessary for the Director to evaluate the proposed merger.
(1) If FHFA determines that the application is complete and that it has all information necessary to evaluate the proposed merger, it shall so inform the Constituent Banks in writing.
(2) If FHFA determines that the application is incomplete, or that it requires additional information in order to evaluate the application, it shall so inform the Constituent Banks in writing, and shall specify the number of days within which the Constituent Banks must provide any additional information or materials. Within 15 days of receipt of the additional information or materials, FHFA shall inform the Constituent Banks in writing whether the merger application is complete.

12 C.F.R. §1278.4