12 C.F.R. § 1266.1

Current through September 30, 2024
Section 1266.1 - Definitions

As used in this part:

Advance means a loan from a Bank that is:

(1) Provided pursuant to a written agreement;
(2) Supported by a note or other written evidence of the borrower's obligation; and
(3) Fully secured by collateral in accordance with the Bank Act and this part.

Affiliate means any business entity that controls, is controlled by, or is under common control with, a member.

Capital deficient member means a member that fails to meet its minimum regulatory capital requirements as defined or otherwise required by the member's appropriate federal banking agency, insurer or, in the case of members that are not federally insured depository institutions, state regulator.

Cash equivalents means investments that-

(1) Are readily convertible into known amounts of cash;
(2) Have a remaining maturity of 90 days or less at the acquisition date; and
(3) Are held for liquidity purposes.

CFI member means a member that is a Community Financial Institution, as defined in § 1263.1 of this chapter, except that, for purposes of this part, the member's average of total assets over three years shall be calculated by the Bank:

(1) Based on the average of total assets drawn from the institution's regulatory financial reports (as defined in § 1263.1 of this chapter) filed with its appropriate regulator (as defined in § 1263.1 of this chapter) for the three most recent calendar year-ends; and
(2) Annually, and shall be effective April 1 of each year.

Community development has the same meaning as under the definition set forth in the Community Reinvestment rule for the Federal Reserve System ( 12 CFR part 228 ), Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation ( 12 CFR part 345 ), the Office of Thrift Supervision (12 CFR part 563e ) or the Office of the Comptroller of the Currency ( 12 CFR part 25 ), whichever is the CFI member's primary Federal regulator.

Community development loan means a loan, or a participation interest in such loan, that has as its primary purpose community development, but such loans shall not include:

(1) Any loan or instrument that qualifies as eligible security for an advance under § 1266.7(a) of this part;
(2) Any loan that qualifies as a small agri-business loan, small business loan or small farm loan, under definitions set forth in this section; or
(3) Consumer loans or credit extended to one or more individuals for household, family or other personal expenditures.

Credit union means a credit union as defined in section 101 of the Federal Credit Union Act (12 U.S.C. 1752 ) .

Depository institution means a bank, savings association, or credit union.

Dwelling unit means a single room or a unified combination of rooms designed for residential use by one household.

Improved residential real property means residential real property excluding real property to be improved, or in the process of being improved, by the construction of dwelling units.

Insurer means the FDIC for insured depository institutions, as defined section 3(c)(2) of the Federal Deposit Insurance Act (12 U.S.C. 1813(c)(2) ), and the NCUA for federally-insured credit unions.

Long-term advance means an advance with an original term to maturity greater than five years.

Manufactured housing means a manufactured home as defined in section 603(6) of the Manufactured Home Construction and Safety Standards Act of 1974, as amended (42 U.S.C. 5402(6) ) .

Mortgage-backed security means:

(1) An equity security representing an ownership interest in:
(i) Fully disbursed, whole first mortgage loans on improved residential real property; or
(ii) Mortgage pass-through or participation securities which are themselves backed entirely by fully disbursed, whole first mortgage loans on improved residential real property; or
(2) An obligation, bond, or other debt security backed entirely by the assets described in paragraph (1)(i) or (ii) of this definition.

Multifamily property means:

(i) Real property that is solely residential and which includes five or more dwelling units; or
(ii) Real property which includes five or more dwelling units with commercial units combined, provided the property is primarily residential.
(2) Multifamily property as defined in this section includes nursing homes, dormitories and homes for the elderly.

Nonresidential real property means real property not used for residential purposes, including business or industrial property, hotels, motels, churches, hospitals, educational and charitable institutions, clubs, lodges, association buildings, golf courses, recreational facilities, farm property not containing a dwelling unit, or similar types of property, except as otherwise determined by the FHFA in its discretion.

One-to-four family property means any of the following:

(1) Real property containing:
(i) One-to-four dwelling units; or
(ii) More than four dwelling units if each unit is separated from the other units by dividing walls that extend from ground to roof, including row houses, townhouses or similar types of property;
(2) Manufactured housing if:
(i) Applicable state law defines the purchase or holding of manufactured housing as the purchase or holding of real property; and
(ii) The loan to purchase the manufactured housing is secured by that manufactured housing;
(3) Individual condominium dwelling units or interests in individual cooperative housing dwelling units that are part of a condominium or cooperative building without regard to the number of total dwelling units therein; or
(4) Real property containing one-to-four dwelling units with commercial units combined, provided the property is primarily residential.

Residential housing finance assets means any of the following:

(1) Loans secured by residential real property;
(2) Mortgage-backed securities;
(3) Participations in loans secured by residential real property;
(4) Loans or investments providing financing for economic development projects for targeted beneficiaries;
(5) Loans secured by manufactured housing, regardless of whether such housing qualifies as residential real property;
(6) Any loans or investments which FHFA, in its discretion, otherwise determines to be residential housing finance assets; and
(7) For CFI members, and to the extent not already included in categories (1) through (6), small business loans, small farm loans, small agri-business loans, or community development loans.

Residential real property means:

(1) Any of the following:
(i) One-to-four family property;
(ii) Multifamily property;
(iii) Real property to be improved by the construction of dwelling units;
(iv) Real property in the process of being improved by the construction of dwelling units;
(2) The term residential real property does not include nonresidential real property as defined in this section.

Savings association means a savings association as defined in section 3(b) of the Federal Deposit Insurance Act, as amended (12 U.S.C. 1813(b) ) .

Small agri-business loans means loans to finance agricultural production and other loans to farmers that are within the legal lending limit of the reporting CFI member, and that are reported on either: Schedule RC-C, Part I, item 3 of the Report of Condition and Income filed by insured commercial banks and FDIC-supervised savings banks; or Schedule SC300, SC303 or SC306 of the Thrift Financial Report filed by savings associations (or equivalent successor schedules).

Small business loans means commercial and industrial loans that are within the legal lending limit of the reporting CFI member and that are reported on either: Schedule RC-C, Part I, item 1.e or Schedule RC-C, Part I, item 4 of the Report of Condition and Income filed by insured commercial banks and FDIC-supervised savings banks; or Schedule SC300, SC303 or SC306 of the Thrift Financial Report filed by savings associations (or equivalent successor schedules).

Small farm loans means loans secured primarily by farmland that are within the legal lending limit of the reporting CFI member, and that are reported on either: Schedule RC-C, Part I, item 1.a. or 1.b. of the Report of Condition and Income filed by insured commercial banks and FDIC-supervised savings banks; or Schedule SC260 of the Thrift Financial Report filed by savings associations (or equivalent successor schedules).

State housing finance agency or SHFA has the meaning set forth in § 1264.1 of this chapter.

State regulator means a state insurance commissioner or state regulatory entity with primary responsibility for supervising a member borrower that is not a federally insured depository institution.

Tangible capital means:

(1) Capital, calculated according to GAAP, less "intangible assets" except for purchased mortgage servicing rights to the extent such assets are included in a member's core or Tier 1 capital, as reported in a member's Report of Condition and Income for members whose primary federal regulator is the FDIC, the OCC, or the FRB.
(2) Capital calculated according to GAAP, less intangible assets, as defined by a Bank for members that are not regulated by the FDIC, the OCC, or the FRB; provided that a Bank shall include a member's purchased mortgage servicing rights to the extent such assets are included for the purpose of meeting regulatory capital requirements. In addition, for those members that are insurance companies and that do not file or otherwise prepare financial statements based on GAAP, Banks may base this calculation on the member's financial statements prepared using Statutory Accounting Principles as implemented by the insurance company member's appropriate state regulator.

Targeted beneficiaries has the meaning set forth in § 952.1 of this title.

12 C.F.R. §1266.1

58 FR 29469, May 20, 1993, as amended at 58 FR 29477, May 20, 1993; 59 FR 2949, Jan. 20, 1994; 62 FR 8871, Feb. 27, 1997; 62 FR 12079, Mar. 14, 1997; 63 FR 35128, June 29, 1998; 63 FR 65545, Nov. 27, 1998; 64 FR 16621, Apr. 6, 1999; 65 FR 8262, Feb. 18, 2000; 65 FR 44428, July 18, 2000; 66 FR 50295, Oct. 3, 2001; 67 FR 12850, Mar. 20, 2002; 75 FR 76622, Dec. 9, 2010; 78 FR 2324, Jan. 11, 2013; 81 FR 76297, Nov. 2, 2016
81 FR 76297, 12/2/2016