12 C.F.R. § 1263.18

Current through September 30, 2024
Section 1263.18 - Determination of appropriate Bank district for membership
(1) An institution eligible to be a member of a Bank under the Bank Act and this part may be a member only of the Bank of the district in which the institution's principal place of business is located, except as provided in paragraph (a)(2) of this section. A member shall promptly notify its Bank in writing whenever it relocates its principal place of business to another State and the Bank shall inform FHFA in writing of any such relocation.
(2) An institution eligible to become a member of a Bank under the Bank Act and this part may be a member of the Bank of a district adjoining the district in which the institution's principal place of business is located, if demanded by convenience and then only with the approval of FHFA.
(b)Principal place of business. Except as otherwise designated in accordance with this section, the principal place of business of an institution is the State in which the institution maintains its home office established as such in conformity with the laws under which the institution is organized and from which the institution conducts business operations.
(c)Designation of principal place of business -
(1) A member or an applicant for membership may request in writing to the Bank in the district where the institution maintains its home office that a State other than the State in which it maintains its home office be designated as its principal place of business. Within 90 calendar days of receipt of such written request, the board of directors of the Bank in the district where the institution maintains its home office shall designate a State other than the State where the institution maintains its home office as the institution's principal place of business, provided that, all of the following criteria are satisfied:
(i) At least 80 percent of the institution's accounting books, records, and ledgers are maintained, located or held in such designated State;
(ii) A majority of meetings of the institution's board of directors and constituent committees are conducted in such designated State; and
(iii) A majority of the institution's five highest paid officers have their place of employment located in such designated State.
(2) Written notice of a designation made pursuant to paragraph (c)(1) of this section shall be sent to the Bank in the district containing the designated State, FHFA, and the institution.
(3) The notice of designation made pursuant to paragraph (c)(1) of this section shall include the State designated as the principal place of business and the Bank of which the subject institution is eligible to be a member.
(4) If the board of directors of the Bank in the district where the institution maintains its home office fails to make the designation requested by the member or applicant pursuant to paragraph (c)(1) of this section, then the member or applicant may request in writing that FHFA make the designation.
(d)Transfer of membership.
(1) In the case of a member whose principal place of business has been designated as a State located in another Bank district in accordance with paragraph (c) of this section, or in the case of a member that has relocated its principal place of business to a State in another Bank district, the transfer of membership from one Bank to another Bank shall not take effect until the Banks involved reach an agreement on a method of orderly transfer.
(2) In the event that the Banks involved fail to agree on a method of orderly transfer, FHFA shall determine the conditions under which the transfer shall take place.
(e)Effect of transfer. A transfer of membership pursuant to this section shall be effective for all purposes, but shall not affect voting rights in the year of the transfer and shall not be subject to the provisions on termination of membership set forth in section 6 of the Bank Act (12 U.S.C. 1426 ) or §§ 1263.26 and 1263.27 , nor the restriction on reacquiring Bank membership set forth in § 1263.30 .
(f)Insurance companies and CDFIs.
(1) For an insurance company or CDFI that cannot satisfy the requirements of paragraphs (b) or (c) of this section for designating its principal place of business, a Bank shall designate as the principal place of business the geographic location from which the institution actually conducts the predominant portion of its business activities.
(2) A Bank may deem an institution to conduct the predominant portion of its business activities in a particular State if any two of the following three factors are present:
(i) The institution's largest office, as measured by the number of employees, is located in that State;
(ii) A plurality of the institution's employees are located in that State; or
(iii) The places of employment for a plurality of the institution's senior executives are located in that State.
(3) If a Bank cannot designate a State as the principal place of business under paragraph (f)(1) of this section, and cannot otherwise identify a geographic location from which the institution actually conducts the predominant portion of its business activities, it shall designate the State of domicile or incorporation as the principal place of business for that institution.
(4) For purposes of paragraph (f)(2) of this section, the term "senior executive" means all officers at or above the level of "senior vice president" and includes the positions of president, executive vice president, chief executive officer, chief financial officer, chief operating officer, general counsel, as well as any individuals who perform functions similar to those positions whether or not the individual has an official title.
(g)Records. A Bank designating the principal place of business for a member under this section shall document the bases for its determination in writing and shall include that documentation in the membership digest and application file for the institution that are required under § 1263.2 .

12 C.F.R. §1263.18

81 FR 3277, 1/20/2016