12 C.F.R. § 1240.205

Current through September 30, 2024
Section 1240.205 - Market risk disclosures
(a)Scope. An Enterprise must make timely public disclosures each calendar quarter, where for the purpose of these disclosure requirements timely means no later than 10 business days after an Enterprise files its corresponding Annual Report on SEC Form 10-K at the end of a fiscal year or its corresponding Quarterly Report on SEC Form 10-Q at the end of other calendar quarters. If a significant change occurs, such that the most recent reporting amounts are no longer reflective of the Enterprise's capital adequacy and risk profile, then a brief discussion of this change and its likely impact must be provided as soon as practicable thereafter. Qualitative disclosures that typically do not change each quarter may be disclosed annually, provided any material changes are disclosed as soon as practicable thereafter, and no later than the end of the next calendar quarter, where for the purpose of these disclosure requirements a material change means a change such that the omission or misstatement of which could change or influence the assessment or decision of a user relying on that information for the purpose of making investment decisions. If an Enterprise believes that disclosure of specific commercial or financial information would prejudice seriously its position by making public certain information that is either proprietary or confidential in nature, the Enterprise is not required to disclose these specific items but must disclose more general information about the subject matter of the requirement, together with the fact that, and the reason why, the specific items of information have not been disclosed.
(b)Location. The Enterprise's management may provide all of the disclosures required by this section in one place on the Enterprise's public website or may provide the disclosures in more than one public financial report or other regulatory reports, provided that the Enterprise publicly provides a summary table specifically indicating the location(s) of all such disclosures.
(c)Disclosure policy. The Enterprise must have a formal disclosure policy approved by the board of directors that addresses the Enterprise's approach for determining its market risk disclosures. The policy must address the associated internal controls and disclosure controls and procedures. The board of directors and senior management must ensure that appropriate verification of the disclosures takes place and that effective internal controls and disclosure controls and procedures are maintained. The Chief Risk Officer and the Chief Financial Officer of the Enterprise must attest that the disclosures meet the requirements of this subpart, and the board of directors and senior management are responsible for establishing and maintaining an effective internal control structure over the disclosures required by this section.
(d)Quantitative disclosures.
(1) For each material portfolio of covered positions, the Enterprise must provide timely public disclosures of the following information at least quarterly:
(i) Exposure amounts for each product type included in covered positions as described in § 1240.202 ; and
(ii) Risk-weighted assets for each product type included in covered positions as described in § 1240.202 .
(2) In addition, the Enterprise must disclose publicly the aggregate amount of on-balance sheet and off-balance sheet securitization positions by exposure type at least quarterly.
(e)Qualitative disclosures. For each material portfolio of covered positions as identified using the definitions in § 1240.202 , the Enterprise must provide timely public disclosures of the following information at least annually after the end of the fourth calendar quarter, or more frequently in the event of material changes for each portfolio:
(1) The composition of material portfolios of covered positions;
(2) The Enterprise's valuation policies, procedures, and methodologies for covered positions including, for securitization positions, the methods and key assumptions used for valuing such positions, any significant changes since the last reporting period, and the impact of such change;
(3) The characteristics of the internal models used for purposes of this subpart;
(4) A description of the approaches used for validating and evaluating the accuracy of internal models and modeling processes for purposes of this subpart;
(5) For each market risk category (that is, interest rate risk, credit spread risk, equity price risk, foreign exchange risk, and commodity price risk), a description of the stress tests applied to the positions subject to the factor;
(6) The results of the comparison of the Enterprise's internal estimates for purposes of this subpart with actual outcomes during a sample period not used in model development; and
(7) A description of the Enterprise's processes for monitoring changes in the market risk of securitization positions, including how those processes differ for resecuritization positions.

12 C.F.R. §1240.205

87 FR 33434, June 2, 2022
87 FR 33429, 8/1/2022