12 C.F.R. § 1240.36

Current through September 30, 2024
Section 1240.36 - [Effective 1/1/2026] Derivative contracts
(a)Exposure amount for derivative contracts. An Enterprise must calculate the exposure amount or EAD for all its derivative contracts using the standardized approach for counterparty credit risk (SA-CCR) in paragraph (c) of this section for purposes of standardized total risk-weighted assets. An Enterprise must apply the treatment of cleared transactions under § 1240.37 to its derivative contracts that are cleared transactions and to all default fund contributions associated with such derivative contracts for purposes of standardized total risk-weighted assets.
(b)Methodologies for collateral recognition.
(1) An Enterprise may use the methodologies under § 1240.39 to recognize the benefits of financial collateral in mitigating the counterparty credit risk of repo-style transactions, eligible margin loans, collateralized OTC derivative contracts and single product netting sets of such transactions.
(2) An Enterprise must use the methodology in paragraph (c) of this section to calculate EAD for an OTC derivative contract or a set of OTC derivative contracts subject to a qualifying master netting agreement.
(3) An Enterprise must also use the methodology in paragraph (d) of this section to calculate the risk-weighted asset amounts for CVA for OTC derivatives.
(c)EAD for derivative contracts -
(1)Options for determining EAD. An Enterprise must determine the EAD for a derivative contract using SA-CCR under paragraph (c)(5) of this section. The exposure amount determined under SA-CCR is the EAD for the derivative contract or derivatives contracts. An Enterprise must use the same methodology to calculate the exposure amount for all its derivative contracts. An Enterprise may reduce the EAD calculated according to paragraph (c)(5) of this section by the credit valuation adjustment that the Enterprise has recognized in its balance sheet valuation of any derivative contracts in the netting set. For purposes of this paragraph (c)(1), the credit valuation adjustment does not include any adjustments to common equity tier 1 capital attributable to changes in the fair value of the Enterprise's liabilities that are due to changes in its own credit risk since the inception of the transaction with the counterparty.
(2)Definitions. For purposes of this paragraph (c), the following definitions apply:
(i)End date means the last date of the period referenced by an interest rate or credit derivative contract or, if the derivative contract references another instrument, by the underlying instrument, except as otherwise provided in this paragraph (c).
(ii)Start date means the first date of the period referenced by an interest rate or credit derivative contract or, if the derivative contract references the value of another instrument, by underlying instrument, except as otherwise provided in this paragraph (c).
(iii)Hedging set means:
(A) With respect to interest rate derivative contracts, all such contracts within a netting set that reference the same reference currency;
(B) With respect to exchange rate derivative contracts, all such contracts within a netting set that reference the same currency pair;
(C) With respect to credit derivative contracts, all such contracts within a netting set;
(D) With respect to equity derivative contracts, all such contracts within a netting set;
(E) With respect to a commodity derivative contract, all such contracts within a netting set that reference one of the following commodity categories: Energy, metal, agricultural, or other commodities;
(F) With respect to basis derivative contracts, all such contracts within a netting set that reference the same pair of risk factors and are denominated in the same currency; or
(G) With respect to volatility derivative contracts, all such contracts within a netting set that reference one of interest rate, exchange rate, credit, equity, or commodity risk factors, separated according to the requirements under paragraphs (c)(2)(iii)(A) through (E) of this section.
(H) If the risk of a derivative contract materially depends on more than one of interest rate, exchange rate, credit, equity, or commodity risk factors, FHFA may require an Enterprise to include the derivative contract in each appropriate hedging set under paragraphs (c)(2)(iii)(A) through (E) of this section.
(3)Credit derivatives. Notwithstanding paragraphs (c)(1) and (2) of this section:
(i) An Enterprise that purchases a credit derivative that is recognized under § 1240.38 as a credit risk mitigant for an exposure is not required to calculate a separate counterparty credit risk capital requirement under this section so long as the Enterprise does so consistently for all such credit derivatives and either includes or excludes all such credit derivatives that are subject to a master netting agreement from any measure used to determine counterparty credit risk exposure to all relevant counterparties for risk-based capital purposes.
(ii) An Enterprise that is the protection provider in a credit derivative must treat the credit derivative as an exposure to the reference obligor and is not required to calculate a counterparty credit risk capital requirement for the credit derivative under this section, so long as it does so consistently for all such credit derivatives and either includes all or excludes all such credit derivatives that are subject to a master netting agreement from any measure used to determine counterparty credit risk exposure to all relevant counterparties for risk-based capital purposes.
(4)Equity derivatives. An Enterprise must treat an equity derivative contract as an equity exposure and compute a risk-weighted asset amount for the equity derivative contract under § 1240.51 . In addition, if an Enterprise is treating the contract as a covered position under subpart F of this part, the Enterprise must also calculate a risk-based capital requirement for the counterparty credit risk of an equity derivative contract under this section.
(5)Exposure amount.
(i) The exposure amount of a netting set, as calculated under this paragraph (c), is equal to 1.4 multiplied by the sum of the replacement cost of the netting set, as calculated under paragraph (c)(6) of this section, and the potential future exposure of the netting set, as calculated under paragraph (c)(7) of this section.
(ii) Notwithstanding the requirements of paragraph (c)(5)(i) of this section, the exposure amount of a netting set subject to a variation margin agreement, excluding a netting set that is subject to a variation margin agreement under which the counterparty to the variation margin agreement is not required to post variation margin, is equal to the lesser of the exposure amount of the netting set calculated under paragraph (c)(5)(i) of this section and the exposure amount of the netting set calculated under paragraph (c)(5)(i) as if the netting set were not subject to a variation margin agreement.
(iii) Notwithstanding the requirements of paragraph (c)(5)(i) of this section, the exposure amount of a netting set that consists of only sold options in which the premiums have been fully paid by the counterparty to the options and where the options are not subject to a variation margin agreement is zero.
(iv) Notwithstanding the requirements of paragraph (c)(5)(i) of this section, the exposure amount of a netting set in which the counterparty is a commercial end-user is equal to the sum of replacement cost, as calculated under paragraph (c)(6) of this section, and the potential future exposure of the netting set, as calculated under paragraph (c)(7) of this section.
(v) For purposes of the exposure amount calculated under paragraph (c)(5)(i) of this section and all calculations that are part of that exposure amount, an Enterprise may elect to treat a derivative contract that is a cleared transaction that is not subject to a variation margin agreement as one that is subject to a variation margin agreement, if the derivative contract is subject to a requirement that the counterparties make daily cash payments to each other to account for changes in the fair value of the derivative contract and to reduce the net position of the contract to zero. If an Enterprise makes an election under this paragraph (c)(5)(v) for one derivative contract, it must treat all other derivative contracts within the same netting set that are eligible for an election under this paragraph (c)(5)(v) as derivative contracts that are subject to a variation margin agreement.
(vi) For purposes of the exposure amount calculated under paragraph (c)(5)(i) of this section and all calculations that are part of that exposure amount, an Enterprise may elect to treat a credit derivative contract, equity derivative contract, or commodity derivative contract that references an index as if it were multiple derivative contracts each referencing one component of the index.
(6)Replacement cost of a netting set -
(i)Netting set subject to a variation margin agreement under which the counterparty must post variation margin. The replacement cost of a netting set subject to a variation margin agreement, excluding a netting set that is subject to a variation margin agreement under which the counterparty is not required to post variation margin, is the greater of:
(A) The sum of the fair values (after excluding any valuation adjustments) of the derivative contracts within the netting set less the sum of the net independent collateral amount and the variation margin amount applicable to such derivative contracts;
(B) The sum of the variation margin threshold and the minimum transfer amount applicable to the derivative contracts within the netting set less the net independent collateral amount applicable to such derivative contracts; or
(C) Zero.
(ii)Netting sets not subject to a variation margin agreement under which the counterparty must post variation margin. The replacement cost of a netting set that is not subject to a variation margin agreement under which the counterparty must post variation margin to the Enterprise is the greater of:
(A) The sum of the fair values (after excluding any valuation adjustments) of the derivative contracts within the netting set less the sum of the net independent collateral amount and variation margin amount applicable to such derivative contracts; or
(B) Zero.
(iii)Multiple netting sets subject to a single variation margin agreement. Notwithstanding paragraphs (c)(6)(i) and (ii) of this section, the replacement cost for multiple netting sets subject to a single variation margin agreement must be calculated according to paragraph (c)(10)(i) of this section.
(iv)Netting set subject to multiple variation margin agreements or a hybrid netting set. Notwithstanding paragraphs (c)(6)(i) and (ii) of this section, the replacement cost for a netting set subject to multiple variation margin agreements or a hybrid netting set must be calculated according to paragraph (c)(11)(i) of this section.
(7)Potential future exposure of a netting set. The potential future exposure of a netting set is the product of the PFE multiplier and the aggregated amount.
(i)PFE multiplier. The PFE multiplier is calculated according to the following formula:

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(A) V is the sum of the fair values (after excluding any valuation adjustments) of the derivative contracts within the netting set;
(B) C is the sum of the net independent collateral amount and the variation margin amount applicable to the derivative contracts within the netting set; and
(C) A is the aggregated amount of the netting set.
(ii)Aggregated amount. The aggregated amount is the sum of all hedging set amounts, as calculated under paragraph (c)(8) of this section, within a netting set.
(iii)Multiple netting sets subject to a single variation margin agreement. Notwithstanding paragraphs (c)(7)(i) and (ii) of this section and when calculating the potential future exposure for purposes of adjusted total assets, the potential future exposure for multiple netting sets subject to a single variation margin agreement must be calculated according to paragraph (c)(10)(ii) of this section.
(iv)Netting set subject to multiple variation margin agreements or a hybrid netting set. Notwithstanding paragraphs (c)(7)(i) and (ii) of this section and when calculating the potential future exposure for purposes of adjusted total assets, the potential future exposure for a netting set subject to multiple variation margin agreements or a hybrid netting set must be calculated according to paragraph (c)(11)(ii) of this section.
(8)Hedging set amount -
(i)Interest rate derivative contracts. To calculate the hedging set amount of an interest rate derivative contract hedging set, an Enterprise may use either of the formulas provided in paragraphs (c)(8)(i)(A) and (B) of this section:
(A) Formula 1 is as follows:

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(B) Formula 2 is as follows:

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Where in paragraphs (c)(8)(i)(A) and (B) of this section:

(1)AddOnTB1IR is the sum of the adjusted derivative contract amounts, as calculated under paragraph (c)(9) of this section, within the hedging set with an end date of less than one year from the present date;
(2)AddOnTB2IR is the sum of the adjusted derivative contract amounts, as calculated under paragraph (c)(9) of this section, within the hedging set with an end date of one to five years from the present date; and
(3)AddOnTB3IR is the sum of the adjusted derivative contract amounts, as calculated under paragraph (c)(9) of this section, within the hedging set with an end date of more than five years from the present date.
(ii)Exchange rate derivative contracts. For an exchange rate derivative contract hedging set, the hedging set amount equals the absolute value of the sum of the adjusted derivative contract amounts, as calculated under paragraph (c)(9) of this section, within the hedging set.
(iii)Credit derivative contracts and equity derivative contracts. The hedging set amount of a credit derivative contract hedging set or equity derivative contract hedging set within a netting set is calculated according to the following formula:

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(A) k is each reference entity within the hedging set.
(B) K is the number of reference entities within the hedging set.
(C)AddOn(Refk) equals the sum of the adjusted derivative contract amounts, as determined under paragraph (c)(9) of this section, for all derivative contracts within the hedging set that reference reference entity k.
(D) [RHO]k Pkequals the applicable supervisory correlation factor, as provided in table 2 to paragraph (c)(11)(ii)(B)(2).
(iv)Commodity derivative contracts. The hedging set amount of a commodity derivative contract hedging set within a netting set is calculated according to the following formula:

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(A) k is each commodity type within the hedging set.
(B) K is the number of commodity types within the hedging set.
(C)AddOn (Typek) equals the sum of the adjusted derivative contract amounts, as determined under paragraph (c)(9) of this section, for all derivative contracts within the hedging set that reference commodity type.
(D)P equals the applicable supervisory correlation factor, as provided in table 2 to paragraph (c)(11)(ii)(B)(2).
(v)Basis derivative contracts and volatility derivative contracts. Notwithstanding paragraphs (c)(8)(i) through (iv) of this section, an Enterprise must calculate a separate hedging set amount for each basis derivative contract hedging set and each volatility derivative contract hedging set. An Enterprise must calculate such hedging set amounts using one of the formulas under paragraphs (c)(8)(i) through (iv) that corresponds to the primary risk factor of the hedging set being calculated.
(9)Adjusted derivative contract amount -
(i)Summary. To calculate the adjusted derivative contract amount of a derivative contract, an Enterprise must determine the adjusted notional amount of derivative contract, pursuant to paragraph (c)(9)(ii) of this section, and multiply the adjusted notional amount by each of the supervisory delta adjustment, pursuant to paragraph (c)(9)(iii) of this section, the maturity factor, pursuant to paragraph (c)(9)(iv) of this section, and the applicable supervisory factor, as provided in table 2 to paragraph (c)(11)(ii)(B)(2).
(ii)Adjusted notional amount.
(1) For an interest rate derivative contract or a credit derivative contract, the adjusted notional amount equals the product of the notional amount of the derivative contract, as measured in U.S. dollars using the exchange rate on the date of the calculation, and the supervisory duration, as calculated by the following formula:

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(i) S is the number of business days from the present day until the start date of the derivative contract, or zero if the start date has already passed; and
(ii) E is the number of business days from the present day until the end date of the derivative contract.
(2) For purposes of paragraph (c)(9)(ii)(A)(1) of this section:
(i) For an interest rate derivative contract or credit derivative contract that is a variable notional swap, the notional amount is equal to the time-weighted average of the contractual notional amounts of such a swap over the remaining life of the swap; and
(ii) For an interest rate derivative contract or a credit derivative contract that is a leveraged swap, in which the notional amount of all legs of the derivative contract are divided by a factor and all rates of the derivative contract are multiplied by the same factor, the notional amount is equal to the notional amount of an equivalent unleveraged swap.
(1) For an exchange rate derivative contract, the adjusted notional amount is the notional amount of the non-U.S. denominated currency leg of the derivative contract, as measured in U.S. dollars using the exchange rate on the date of the calculation. If both legs of the exchange rate derivative contract are denominated in currencies other than U.S. dollars, the adjusted notional amount of the derivative contract is the largest leg of the derivative contract, as measured in U.S. dollars using the exchange rate on the date of the calculation.
(2) Notwithstanding paragraph (c)(9)(ii)(B)(1) of this section, for an exchange rate derivative contract with multiple exchanges of principal, the Enterprise must set the adjusted notional amount of the derivative contract equal to the notional amount of the derivative contract multiplied by the number of exchanges of principal under the derivative contract.
(1) For an equity derivative contract or a commodity derivative contract, the adjusted notional amount is the product of the fair value of one unit of the reference instrument underlying the derivative contract and the number of such units referenced by the derivative contract.
(2) Notwithstanding paragraph (c)(9)(ii)(C)(1) of this section, when calculating the adjusted notional amount for an equity derivative contract or a commodity derivative contract that is a volatility derivative contract, the Enterprise must replace the unit price with the underlying volatility referenced by the volatility derivative contract and replace the number of units with the notional amount of the volatility derivative contract.
(iii)Supervisory delta adjustments.
(A) For a derivative contract that is not an option contract or collateralized debt obligation tranche, the supervisory delta adjustment is 1 if the fair value of the derivative contract increases when the value of the primary risk factor increases and -1 if the fair value of the derivative contract decreases when the value of the primary risk factor increases.
(1) For a derivative contract that is an option contract, the supervisory delta adjustment is determined by the following formulas, as applicable:

Table 1 to Paragraph (c)(9)(iii)(B)(1)-Supervisory Delta Adjustment for Options Contracts

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(2) As used in the formulas in table 1 to paragraph (c)(9)(iii)(B)(1):
(i) E is the standard normal cumulative distribution function;
(ii) P equals the current fair value of the instrument or risk factor, as applicable, underlying the option;
(iii) K equals the strike price of the option;
(iv) T equals the number of business days until the latest contractual exercise date of the option;
(v) [LAMBDA] equals zero for all derivative contracts except interest rate options for the currencies where interest rates have negative values. The same value of [LAMBDA] must be used for all interest rate options that are denominated in the same currency. To determine the value of [LAMBDA] for a given currency, an Enterprise must find the lowest value L of P and K of all interest rate options in a given currency that the Enterprise has with all counterparties. Then, [LAMBDA] is set according to this formula:

[LAMBDA] = max{-L + 0.1%, 0}; and

(vi) [SIGMA] equals the supervisory option volatility, as provided in table 2 to paragraph (c)(11)(ii)(B)(2).
(1) For a derivative contract that is a collateralized debt obligation tranche, the supervisory delta adjustment is determined by the following formula:

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(2) As used in the formula in paragraph (c)(9)(iii)(C)(1) of this section:
(i) A is the attachment point, which equals the ratio of the notional amounts of all underlying exposures that are subordinated to the Enterprise's exposure to the total notional amount of all underlying exposures, expressed as a decimal value between zero and one; [1]
(ii) D is the detachment point, which equals one minus the ratio of the notional amounts of all underlying exposures that are senior to the Enterprise's exposure to the total notional amount of all underlying exposures, expressed as a decimal value between zero and one; and
(iii) The resulting amount is designated with a positive sign if the collateralized debt obligation tranche was purchased by the Enterprise and is designated with a negative sign if the collateralized debt obligation tranche was sold by the Enterprise.
(iv)Maturity factor.
(1) The maturity factor of a derivative contract that is subject to a variation margin agreement, excluding derivative contracts that are subject to a variation margin agreement under which the counterparty is not required to post variation margin, is determined by the following formula:

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Where Margin Period of Risk (MPOR) refers to the period from the most recent exchange of collateral covering a netting set of derivative contracts with a defaulting counterparty until the derivative contracts are closed out and the resulting market risk is re-hedged.

(2) Notwithstanding paragraph (c)(9)(iv)(A)(1) of this section:
(i) For a derivative contract that is not a client-facing derivative transaction, MPOR cannot be less than ten business days plus the periodicity of re-margining expressed in business days minus one business day;
(ii) For a derivative contract that is a client-facing derivative transaction, cannot be less than five business days plus the periodicity of re-margining expressed in business days minus one business day; and
(iii) For a derivative contract that is within a netting set that is composed of more than 5,000 derivative contracts that are not cleared transactions, or a netting set that contains one or more trades involving illiquid collateral or a derivative contract that cannot be easily replaced, MPOR cannot be less than twenty business days.
(3) Notwithstanding paragraphs (c)(9)(iv)(A)(1) and (2) of this section, for a netting set subject to more than two outstanding disputes over margin that lasted longer than the MPOR over the previous two quarters, the applicable floor is twice the amount provided in paragraphs (c)(9)(iv)(A)(1) and (2) of this section.
(B) The maturity factor of a derivative contract that is not subject to a variation margin agreement, or derivative contracts under which the counterparty is not required to post variation margin, is determined by the following formula:

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Where M equals the greater of 10 business days and the remaining maturity of the contract, as measured in business days.

(C) For purposes of paragraph (c)(9)(iv) of this section, if an Enterprise has elected pursuant to paragraph (c)(5)(v) of this section to treat a derivative contract that is a cleared transaction that is not subject to a variation margin agreement as one that is subject to a variation margin agreement, the Enterprise must treat the derivative contract as subject to a variation margin agreement with maturity factor as determined according to (c)(9)(iv)(A) of this section, and daily settlement does not change the end date of the period referenced by the derivative contract.
(v)Derivative contract as multiple effective derivative contracts. An Enterprise must separate a derivative contract into separate derivative contracts, according to the following rules:
(A) For an option where the counterparty pays a predetermined amount if the value of the underlying asset is above or below the strike price and nothing otherwise (binary option), the option must be treated as two separate options. For purposes of paragraph (c)(9)(iii)(B) of this section, a binary option with strike K must be represented as the combination of one bought European option and one sold European option of the same type as the original option (put or call) with the strikes set equal to 0.95 * K and 1.05 * K so that the payoff of the binary option is reproduced exactly outside the region between the two strikes. The absolute value of the sum of the adjusted derivative contract amounts of the bought and sold options is capped at the payoff amount of the binary option.
(B) For a derivative contract that can be represented as a combination of standard option payoffs (such as collar, butterfly spread, calendar spread, straddle, and strangle), an Enterprise must treat each standard option component as a separate derivative contract.
(C) For a derivative contract that includes multiple-payment options, (such as interest rate caps and floors), an Enterprise may represent each payment option as a combination of effective single-payment options (such as interest rate caplets and floorlets).
(D) An Enterprise may not decompose linear derivative contracts (such as swaps) into components.
(10)Multiple netting sets subject to a single variation margin agreement -
(i)Calculating replacement cost. Notwithstanding paragraph (c)(6) of this section, an Enterprise shall assign a single replacement cost to multiple netting sets that are subject to a single variation margin agreement under which the counterparty must post variation margin, calculated according to the following formula:

Replacement Cost = max {[SIGMA]NSmax { VNS; 0}- max { CMA; 0}; 0}

+ max {[SIGMA]NSmin { VNS; 0}- min { CMA; 0}; 0}


(A) NS is each netting set subject to the variation margin agreement MA;

VNS is the sum of the fair values (after excluding any valuation adjustments) of the derivative contracts within the netting set NS; and

(B) CMA is the sum of the net independent collateral amount and the variation margin amount applicable to the derivative contracts within the netting sets subject to the single variation margin agreement.
(ii)Calculating potential future exposure. Notwithstanding paragraph (c)(5) of this section, an Enterprise shall assign a single potential future exposure to multiple netting sets that are subject to a single variation margin agreement under which the counterparty must post variation margin equal to the sum of the potential future exposure of each such netting set, each calculated according to paragraph (c)(7) of this section as if such nettings sets were not subject to a variation margin agreement.
(11)Netting set subject to multiple variation margin agreements or a hybrid netting set -
(i)Calculating replacement cost. To calculate replacement cost for either a netting set subject to multiple variation margin agreements under which the counterparty to each variation margin agreement must post variation margin, or a netting set composed of at least one derivative contract subject to variation margin agreement under which the counterparty must post variation margin and at least one derivative contract that is not subject to such a variation margin agreement, the calculation for replacement cost is provided under paragraph (c)(6)(i) of this section, except that the variation margin threshold equals the sum of the variation margin thresholds of all variation margin agreements within the netting set and the minimum transfer amount equals the sum of the minimum transfer amounts of all the variation margin agreements within the netting set.
(ii)Calculating potential future exposure.
(A) To calculate potential future exposure for a netting set subject to multiple variation margin agreements under which the counterparty to each variation margin agreement must post variation margin, or a netting set composed of at least one derivative contract subject to variation margin agreement under which the counterparty to the derivative contract must post variation margin and at least one derivative contract that is not subject to such a variation margin agreement, an Enterprise must divide the netting set into sub-netting sets (as described in paragraph (c)(11)(ii)(B) of this section) and calculate the aggregated amount for each sub-netting set. The aggregated amount for the netting set is calculated as the sum of the aggregated amounts for the sub-netting sets. The multiplier is calculated for the entire netting set.
(B) For purposes of paragraph (c)(11)(ii)(A) of this section, the netting set must be divided into sub-netting sets as follows:
(1) All derivative contracts within the netting set that are not subject to a variation margin agreement or that are subject to a variation margin agreement under which the counterparty is not required to post variation margin form a single sub-netting set. The aggregated amount for this sub-netting set is calculated as if the netting set is not subject to a variation margin agreement.
(2) All derivative contracts within the netting set that are subject to variation margin agreements in which the counterparty must post variation margin and that share the same value of the MPOR form a single sub-netting set. The aggregated amount for this sub-netting set is calculated as if the netting set is subject to a variation margin agreement, using the MPOR value shared by the derivative contracts within the netting set.

Table 2 to Paragraph (c)(11)(ii)(B)(2)-Supervisory Option Volatility, Supervisory Correlation Parameters, and Supervisory Factors for Derivative Contracts

Asset class Category Type Supervisory option volatility (percent) Supervisory correlation factor (percent) Supervisory factor 1 (percent)
Interest rateN/AN/A50N/A0.50
Exchange rateN/AN/A15N/A4.0
Credit, single nameInvestment gradeN/A100500.46
Speculative gradeN/A100501.3
Sub-speculative gradeN/A100506.0
Credit, indexInvestment GradeN/A80800.38
Speculative GradeN/A80801.06
Equity, single nameN/AN/A1205032
Equity, indexN/AN/A758020

1 The applicable supervisory factor for basis derivative contract hedging sets is equal to one-half of the supervisory factor provided in this table 2, and the applicable supervisory factor for volatility derivative contract hedging sets is equal to 5 times the supervisory factor provided in this table 2.

(d)Credit valuation adjustment (CVA) risk-weighted assets-
(1)In general. With respect to its OTC derivative contracts, an Enterprise must calculate a CVA risk-weighted asset amount for its portfolio of OTC derivative transactions that are subject to the CVA capital requirement using the simple CVA approach described in paragraph (d)(5) of this section.
(2) [Reserved]
(3)Recognition of hedges.
(i) An Enterprise may recognize a single name CDS, single name contingent CDS, any other equivalent hedging instrument that references the counterparty directly, and index credit default swaps (CDSind) as a CVA hedge under paragraph (d)(5)(ii) of this section or paragraph (d)(6) of this section, provided that the position is managed as a CVA hedge in accordance with the Enterprise's hedging policies.
(ii) An Enterprise shall not recognize as a CVA hedge any tranched or nth -to-default credit derivative.
(4)Total CVA risk-weighted assets. Total CVA risk-weighted assets is the CVA capital requirement, KCVA, calculated for an Enterprise's entire portfolio of OTC derivative counterparties that are subject to the CVA capital requirement, multiplied by 12.5.
(5)Simple CVA approach.
(i) Under the simple CVA approach, the CVA capital requirement, KCVA, is calculated according to the following formula:

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A = [SIGMA]i 0.75 * wi2 * (Mi * EADitotal - Mihedge * Bi)2

(A) wi = the weight applicable to counterparty i under table 3 to paragraph (d)(5)(ii);
(B) Mi = the EAD-weighted average of the effective maturity of each netting set with counterparty i (where each netting set's effective maturity can be no less than one year.)
(C)EADitotal = the sum of the EAD for all netting sets of OTC derivative contracts with counterparty i calculated using the standardized approach to counterparty credit risk described in paragraph (c) of this section. When the Enterprise calculates EAD under paragraph (c) of this section, such EAD may be adjusted for purposes of calculating EADitotal by multiplying EAD by (1-exp(-0.05 * Mi))/(0.05 * Mi), where "exp" is the exponential function.
(D)Mihedge = the notional weighted average maturity of the hedge instrument.
(E) Bi = the sum of the notional amounts of any purchased single name CDS referencing counterparty i that is used to hedge CVA risk to counterparty i multiplied by (1-exp(-0.05 * Mihedge))/(0.05 * Mihedge).
(F) Mind = the maturity of the CDSind or the notional weighted average maturity of any CDSind purchased to hedge CVA risk of counterparty i.
(G) Bind = the notional amount of one or more CDSind purchased to hedge CVA risk for counterparty i multiplied by (1-exp(-0.05 * Mind))/(0.05 * Mind)
(H) wind = the weight applicable to the CDSind based on the average weight of the underlying reference names that comprise the index under table 3 to paragraph (d)(5)(ii).
(ii) The Enterprise may treat the notional amount of the index attributable to a counterparty as a single name hedge of counterparty i (Bi,) when calculating KCVA, and subtract the notional amount of Bi from the notional amount of the CDSind . An Enterprise must treat the CDSind hedge with the notional amount reduced by Bi as a CVA hedge.

Table 3 to Paragraph (d)(5)(ii)-Assignment of Counterparty Weight

Internal PD (in percent)Weight wi (in percent)

12 C.F.R. §1240.36

85 FR 82198, 2/16/2021; 88 FR 83481, 1/1/2026