12 C.F.R. § 1240.34

Current through September 30, 2024
Section 1240.34 - Multifamily mortgage exposures
(a)Definitions. Subject to any additional instructions set forth on Table 1 to this paragraph (a), for purposes of this section:

Acquisition debt-service-coverage ratio (acquisition DSCR) means, with respect to a multifamily mortgage exposure, the amount equal to:

(i) The net operating income (NOI) (or, if not available, the net cash flow) of the multifamily property that secures the multifamily mortgage exposure, at the time of the acquisition by the Enterprise (or, if not available, at the time of the underwriting or origination) of the multifamily mortgage exposure; divided by
(ii) The scheduled periodic payment on the multifamily mortgage exposure (or, if interest-only, fully amortizing payment), at the time of the acquisition by the Enterprise (or, if not available, at the time of the origination) of the multifamily mortgage exposure.

Acquisition loan-to-value (acquisition LTV) means, with respect to a multifamily mortgage exposure, the amount, determined as of the time of the acquisition by the Enterprise (or, if not available, at the time of the underwriting or origination) of the multifamily mortgage exposure, equal to:

(i) The unpaid principal balance of the multifamily mortgage exposure; divided by
(ii) The value of the multifamily property securing the multifamily mortgage exposure.

Affordable unit means a unit within a property securing a multifamily mortgage exposure that can be rented by occupants with income less than or equal to 80 percent of the area median income where the property resides.

Debt-service-coverage ratio (DSCR) means, with respect to a multifamily mortgage exposure:

(i) The acquisition DSCR of the multifamily mortgage exposure if the loan age of the multifamily mortgage exposure is less than 6; or
(ii) The MTMDSCR of the multifamily mortgage exposure.

Government subsidy means that the property satisfies both of the following criteria:

(i) At least 20 percent of the property's units are restricted to be affordable units per a regulatory agreement, recorded use restriction, a housing-assistance payments contract, or other restrictions codified in loan agreements; and
(ii) The property benefits from one of the following government programs:
(A) Low Income Housing Tax Credits (LIHTC);
(B) Section 8 project-based rental assistance;
(C) Section 515 Rural Rental Housing Loans; or
(D) State/Local affordable housing programs that require the provision of affordable housing for the life of the loan.

Interest-only (IO) means a multifamily mortgage exposure that requires only payment of interest without any principal amortization during all or part of the loan term.

Loan age means the number of scheduled payment dates since the origination of the multifamily mortgage exposure.

Loan term means the number of years until final loan payment (which may be a balloon payment) under the terms of a multifamily mortgage exposure.

LTV means, with respect to a multifamily mortgage exposure;

(i) The acquisition LTV of the multifamily mortgage exposure if the loan age of the multifamily mortgage exposure is less than 6, or
(ii) The MTMLTV of the multifamily mortgage exposure.

Mark-to-market debt-service coverage ratio (MTMDSCR) means, with respect to a multifamily mortgage exposure, the amount equal to-

(i) The net operating income (or, if not available, the net cash flow) of the multifamily property that secures the multifamily mortgage exposure, as reported on the most recently available property operating statement; divided by
(ii) The scheduled periodic payment on the multifamily mortgage exposure (or, for interest-only, fully amortizing payment), as reported on the most recently available property operating statement.

Mark-to-market loan-to-value (MTMLTV) means, with respect to a multifamily mortgage exposure, the amount equal to:

(i) The unpaid principal balance of the multifamily mortgage exposure; divided by
(ii) The current value of the property security the multifamily mortgage exposure, estimated using either:
(A) The acquisition property value adjusted using a multifamily property value index; or
(B) The property value estimated based on net operating income and capitalization rate indices.

Multifamily adjustable-rate exposure means a multifamily mortgage exposure that is not, at that time, a multifamily fixed-rate exposure.

Multifamily fixed-rate exposure means a multifamily mortgage exposure that, at that time, has an interest rate that may not then increase or decrease based on a change in a reference index or other methodology, including:

(i) A multifamily mortgage exposure that has an interest rate that is fixed over the life of the loan; and
(ii) A multifamily mortgage exposure that has an interest rate that may increase or decrease in the future, but is fixed at that time.

Net cash flow means, with respect to a multifamily mortgage exposure, the amount equal to:

(i) The net operating income of the multifamily mortgage exposure; minus
(ii) Reserves for capital improvements; minus
(iii) Other expenses not included in net operating income required for the proper operation of the multifamily property securing the multifamily mortgage exposure, including any commissions paid to leasing agents in securing renters and special improvements to the property to accommodate the needs of certain renters.

Net operating income means, with respect to a multifamily mortgage exposure, the amount equal to:

(i) The rental income generated by the multifamily property securing the multifamily mortgage exposure; minus
(ii) The vacancy and property operating expenses of the multifamily property securing the multifamily mortgage exposure.

Original amortization term means the number of years, determined as of the time of the origination of a multifamily mortgage exposure, that it would take a borrower to pay a multifamily mortgage exposure completely if the borrower only makes the scheduled payments, and without making any balloon payment.

Original loan size means the dollar amount of the unpaid principal balance of a multifamily mortgage exposure at origination.

Payment performance means the payment status of history of a multifamily mortgage exposure, assigned pursuant to the instructions set forth on table 1 to this paragraph (a).

Supplemental mortgage exposure means any multifamily fixed-rate exposure or multifamily adjustable-rate exposure that is originated after the origination of a multifamily mortgage exposure that is secured by all or part of the same multifamily property.

Unpaid principal balance (UPB) means the outstanding loan amount of a multifamily mortgage exposure.

Table 1 to Paragraph (a)-Permissible Values and Additional Instructions

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(b)Risk weight -
(1)In general. Subject to paragraphs (b)(2) and (3) of this section, an Enterprise must assign a risk weight to a multifamily mortgage exposure equal to:
(i) The base risk weight for the multifamily mortgage exposure as determined under paragraph (c) of this section; multiplied by
(ii) The combined risk multiplier for the multifamily mortgage exposure as determined under paragraph (d) of this section.
(2)Minimum risk weight. Notwithstanding the risk weight determined under paragraph (b)(1) of this section, the risk weight assigned to a multifamily mortgage exposure may not be less than 20 percent.
(3)Loan groups. If a multifamily property that secures a multifamily mortgage exposure also secures one or more supplemental mortgage exposures:
(i) A multifamily mortgage exposure-specific base risk weight must be determined under paragraph (c) of this section using for each of these multifamily mortgage exposures a single DSCR and single LTV, both calculated as if all of the multifamily mortgage exposures secured by the multifamily property were consolidated into a single multifamily mortgage exposure; and
(ii) A multifamily mortgage exposure-specific combined risk multiplier must be determined under paragraph (d) of this section based on the risk characteristics of the multifamily mortgage exposure (except with respect to the loan size multiplier, which would be determined using the aggregate unpaid principal balance of these multifamily mortgage exposures).
(c)Base risk weight -
(1)Multifamily fixed-rate exposure. The base risk weight for a multifamily fixed-rate exposure is set forth on table 2 to this paragraph (c)(1).

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(2)Multifamily adjustable-rate exposure. The base risk weight for a multifamily adjustable-rate exposure is set forth on table 3 to this paragraph (c)(2).

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(d)Combined risk multiplier. The combined risk multiplier for a multifamily mortgage exposure is equal to the product of each of the applicable risk multipliers set forth on

Table 4 to Paragraph (d)-Multifamily Risk Multipliers

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1 If a multifamily mortgage exposure is collateralized by multiple properties, calculate a weighted average government subsidy multiplier by assigning a 0.6 multiplier to each property with a government subsidy and 1.0 multiplier to each property without a government subsidy, and using the total number of units in a property as weights.

12 C.F.R. §1240.34

85 FR 82198, 2/16/2021; 88 FR 83478, 4/1/2024