12 C.F.R. § 208.3

Current through August 31, 2024
Section 208.3 - Application and conditions for membership in the Federal Reserve System
(a)Applications for membership and stock.
(1) State banks applying for membership in the Federal Reserve System shall file with the appropriate Federal Reserve Bank an application for membership in the Federal Reserve System and for stock in the Reserve Bank, in accordance with this part and § 262.3 of the Rules of Procedure, located at 12 CFR 262.3 .
(2)Board approval. If an applying bank conforms to all the requirements of the Federal Reserve Act and this section, and is otherwise qualified for membership, the Board may approve its application subject to such conditions as the Board may prescribe.
(3)Effective date of membership. A State bank becomes a member of the Federal Reserve System on the date its Federal Reserve Bank stock is credited to its account (or its deposit is accepted, if it is a mutual savings bank not authorized to purchase Reserve Bank stock) in accordance with the Board's Regulation I (12 CFR part 209).
(b)Factors considered in approving applications for membership. Factors given special consideration by the Board in passing upon an application are:
(1)Financial condition and management. The financial history and condition of the applying bank and the general character of its management.
(2)Capital. The adequacy of the bank's capital in accordance with § 208.4 , and its future earnings prospects.
(3)Convenience and needs. The convenience and needs of the community.
(4)Corporate powers. Whether the bank's corporate powers are consistent with the purposes of the Federal Reserve Act.
(c)Expedited approval for eligible banks and bank holding companies -
(1)Availability of expedited treatment. The expedited membership procedures described in paragraph (c)(2) of this section are available to:
(i) An eligible bank; and
(ii) A bank that cannot be determined to be an eligible bank because it has not received CAMELS compliance or CRA ratings from a bank regulatory authority, if it is controlled by a bank holding company that meets the criteria for expedited processing under § 225.14(c) of Regulation Y (12 CFR 225.14(c) ) .
(2)Expedited procedures. A completed membership application filed with the appropriate Reserve Bank will be deemed approved on the fifteenth day after receipt of the complete application by the Board or appropriate Reserve Bank, unless the Board or the appropriate Reserve Bank notifies the bank that the application is approved prior to that date or the Board or the appropriate Federal Reserve Bank notifies the bank that the application is not eligible for expedited review for any reason, including, without limitation, that:
(i) The bank will offer banking services that are materially different from those currently offered by the bank, or by the affiliates of the proposed bank;
(ii) The bank or bank holding company does not meet the criteria under § 208.3(c)(1) ;
(iii) The application contains a material error or is otherwise deficient; or
(iv) The application raises significant supervisory, compliance, policy or legal issues that have not been resolved, or a timely substantive adverse comment is submitted. A comment will be considered substantive unless it involves individual complaints, or raises frivolous, previously considered, or wholly unsubstantiated claims or irrelevant issues.
(d)Conditions of membership -
(1)Safety and soundness. Each member bank shall at all times conduct its business and exercise its powers with due regard to safety and soundness. Each member bank shall comply with the Interagency Guidelines Establishing Standards for Safety and Soundness prescribed pursuant to section 39 of the FDI Act (12 U.S.C. 1831p-1 ), set forth in appendix D-1 to this part, and the Interagency Guidelines Establishing Information Security Standards prescribed pursuant to sections 501 and 505 of the Gramm-Leach-Bliley Act (15 U.S.C. 6801 and 6805 ) and section 216 of the Fair and Accurate Credit Transactions Act of 2003 (15 U.S.C. 1681w ), set forth in appendix D-2 to this part.
(2)General character of bank's business. A member bank may not, without the permission of the Board, cause or permit any change in the general character of its business or in the scope of the corporate powers it exercises at the time of admission to membership.
(3)Compliance with conditions of membership. Each member bank shall comply at all times with this Regulation H ( 12 CFR part 208 ) and any other conditions of membership prescribed by the Board.
(e)Waivers -
(1)Conditions of membership. A member bank may petition the Board to waive a condition of membership. The Board may grant a waiver of a condition of membership upon a showing of good cause and, in its discretion, may limit, among other items, the scope, duration, and timing of the waiver.
(2)Reports of affiliates. Pursuant to section 21 of the Federal Reserve Act (12 U.S.C. 486 ), the Board waives the requirement for the submission of reports of affiliates of member banks, unless such reports are specifically requested by the Board.
(f)Voluntary withdrawal from membership. Voluntary withdrawal from membership becomes effective upon cancellation of the Federal Reserve Bank stock held by the member bank, and after the bank has made due provision to pay any indebtedness due or to become due to the Federal Reserve Bank in accordance with the Board's Regulation I ( 12 CFR part 209 ).

12 C.F.R. §208.3

Reg. H, 63 FR 37637, July 13, 1998, as amended at 63 FR 58620, Nov. 2, 1998; 66 FR 8634, Feb. 1, 2001; 69 FR 77617, Dec. 28, 2004; 78 FR 62282, Oct. 11, 2013; 80 FR 70672, Nov. 16, 2015