11 C.F.R. § 9008.10

Current through August 31, 2024
Section 9008.10 - Documentation of disbursements; net outstanding convention expenses

In addition to the requirements set forth at 11 CFR 102.9(b) , the convention committee must include as part of the evidence of convention expenses the following documentation:

(a) For disbursements in excess of $200 to a payee, either:
(1) A receipted bill from the payee that states the purpose of the disbursement; or
(2) If such a receipted bill is not available, the following documents;
(i) A canceled check negotiated by the payee; plus
(ii) One of the following documents generated by the payee-a bill, invoice, voucher or contemporaneous memorandum that states the purpose of the disbursement;
(iii) Where the documents specified at paragraph (a)(2)(ii) of this section are not available, a voucher or contemporaneous memorandum from the committee that states the purpose of the disbursement;
(3) If neither a receipted bill nor the supporting documentation specified in paragraph (a)(2) (ii) or (iii) of this section is available, a canceled check negotiated by the payee that states the purpose of the disbursement.
(4) Where the supporting documentation required above is not available, the committee may present a canceled check and collateral evidence to document the convention expense. Such collateral evidence may include but is not limited to:
(i) Evidence demonstrating that the disbursement is part of an identifiable program or project which is otherwise sufficiently documented, such as a disbursement which is one of a number of documented disbursements relating to the operation of a committee office;
(ii) Evidence that the disbursement is covered by a preestablished written committee policy, such as a daily travel expense policy.
(b) For all other disbursements:
(1) If from the petty cash fund, a record that states the full name and mailing address of the payee and the amount, date and purpose of the disbursement; or
(2) A canceled check which has been negotiated by the payee and states the identification of the payee, and the amount and date of the disbursement.
(c) For purposes of this section, payee means the person who provides the goods or services to the committee in return for the disbursement, except that an individual will be considered a payee under this section if he or she receives $2,000 or less advanced for travel and/or subsistence and if he or she is the recipient of the goods or services purchased.
(d) For purposes of this section, the term purpose means the full name and mailing address of the payee, the date and amount of the disbursement, and a brief description of the goods or services purchased.
(e) Upon the request of the Commission the convention committee shall supply an explanation of the connection between the disbursement and the convention.
(f) The committee shall retain records with respect to each disbursement and receipt, including bank records, vouchers, worksheets, receipts, bills and accounts, journals, ledgers, fundraising solicitation material, accounting systems documentation, and any related material documenting campaign receipts and disbursements, for a period of three years pursuant to 11 CFR 102.9(c) , and shall present these records to the Commission on request.
(g)Net outstanding convention expenses. A convention committee that is eligible to receive payments under 11 CFR 9008.3 shall file, no later than sixty days after the last day of the convention, a statement of that committee's net outstanding convention expenses. The convention committee shall file a revised statement of net outstanding convention expenses which shall reflect the financial position of the convention committee as of the end of the ninth month following the last day of the convention. The revised statement shall be filed no later than 30 calendar days after the end of the ninth month following the last day of the convention, and shall be accompanied by the interim repayment, if required under 11 CFR 9008.12(b)(5)(ii) . The committee's net outstanding convention expenses under this section equal the difference between paragraphs (g) (1) and (2) of this section:
(1) The total of:
(i) All outstanding obligations for convention expenses as of 45 days after the last day of the convention; plus
(ii) An estimate of the amount of convention expenses that will be incurred after the 45th day and before the end of the ninth month following the last day of the convention; plus
(iii) An estimate of necessary winding down costs; less
(2) The total of:
(i) Cash on hand as of 45 days after the last day of the convention, including: all receipts dated on or before that date; currency; balances on deposit in banks, savings and loan institutions, and other depository institutions; traveler's checks; certificates of deposit; treasury bills; and any other committee investments valued at fair market value;
(ii) The fair market value of capital assets and other assets on hand; and
(iii) Amounts owed to the committee in the form of credits, refunds of deposits, returns, receivables, or rebates of convention expenses; or a commercially reasonable amount based on the collectibility of those credits, returns, receivables or rebates.
(3) The amount submitted as the total of outstanding convention obligations under paragraph (g)(1) of this section shall not include any accounts payable for non-convention expenses nor any amounts determined or anticipated to be required as a repayment under 11 CFR 9008.12 or any amounts paid to secure a surety bond under 11 CFR 9008.14(c) .
(4)Capital assets. For purposes of this section, the term capital asset means any property used in the operation of the convention whose purchase price exceeded $2000 when acquired by the committee. Property that must be valued as capital assets under this section includes, but is not limited to, office equipment, furniture, vehicles and fixtures acquired for use in the operation of the convention, but does not include property defined as "other assets" under 11 CFR 9008.10(g)(5). A list of all capital assets shall be maintained by the committee, which shall include a brief description of each capital asset, the purchase price, the date it was acquired, the method of disposition and the amount received in disposition. The fair market value of capital assets may be considered to be the total original cost of such items when acquired less 40%, to account for depreciation. If the committee wishes to claim a higher depreciation percentage for an item, it must list that capital asset on the statement separately and demonstrate, through documentation, the fair market value of each such asset.
(5)Other assets. The term other assets means any property acquired by the committee for use in raising funds or as collateral for loans. "Other assets" must be included on the committee's statement of net outstanding convention expenses if the aggregate value of such assets exceeds $5000. The value of "other assets" shall be determined by the fair market value of each item as of 45 days after the last day of the convention, unless the item is acquired after this date, in which case the item shall be valued on the date it is acquired. A list of other assets shall be maintained by the committee, which shall include a brief description of each such asset, the fair market value of each asset, the method of disposition and the amount received in disposition.
(6)Collectibility of accounts receivable. If the committee determines that an account receivable of $500 or more, including any credit, refund, return or rebate, is not collectible in whole or in part, the committee shall demonstrate through documentation that the determination was commercially reasonable. The documentation shall include records showing the original amount of the account receivable, copies of correspondence and memoranda of communications with the debtor showing attempts to collect the amount due, and an explanation of how the lesser amount or full write-off was determined.
(7)Winding down costs. The term winding down costs means:
(i) Costs associated with the termination of the convention such as complying with the post-convention requirements of the Act and other necessary administrative costs associated with winding down the convention, including office space rental, staff salaries and office supplies; and
(ii) Costs incurred by the convention committee prior to 45 days after the last day of the convention for which written arrangements or commitment was made on or before that date.
(8)Review of convention committee statement. The Commission will review the statement filed by each convention committee under this section. The Commission may request further information with respect to statements filed pursuant to 11 CFR 9008.10 during the audit of that committee under 11 CFR 9008.11 .
(h)Production of computer information -
(1)Categories of computerized information to be provided. If the convention committee maintains or uses computerized information containing any of the categories of data listed in paragraphs (h)(1)(i) through (h)(1)(iv) of this section, the committee shall provide computerized magnetic media, such as magnetic tapes or magnetic diskettes, containing the computerized information at the times specified in paragraph (h)(2) of this section:
(i) Information required by law to be maintained regarding the committee's receipts or disbursements;
(ii) Records used to reconcile bank statements;
(iii) Records relating to the acquisition, use and disposition of capital assets; and
(iv) Any other information that may be used during the Commission's audit to review the committee's receipts, disbursements, loans, debts, obligations, or bank reconciliations.
(2)Time for Production. If the committee maintains or uses computerized information containing any of the data listed in paragraph (h)(1) of this section, the Commission generally will request such information prior to commencement of audit fieldwork. Such request will be made in writing. The committee shall produce the computerized information no later than 15 calendar days after service of such request. During or after audit fieldwork, the Commission may request additional or updated computerized information which expands the coverage dates of computerized information previously provided. During or after audit fieldwork, the Commission may also request additional computerized information which was created by or becomes available to the committee that is of assistance in the Commission's audit. The committee shall produce the additional or updated computerized information no later than 15 calendar days after service of the Commission's request.
(3)Organization of computerized information and technical specifications. The computerized magnetic media shall be prepared and delivered at the committee's expense and shall conform to the technical specifications, including file requirements, described in the Federal Election Commission's Computerized Magnetic Media Requirements for Title 26 Candidates/Committees Receiving Federal Funding. The data contained in the computerized magnetic media provided to the Commission shall be organized in the order specified by the Computerized Magnetic Media Requirements.
(4)Additional materials and assistance. Upon request, the committee shall produce documentation explaining the computer system's software capabilities, such as user guides, technical manuals, formats, layouts and other materials for processing and analyzing the information request. Upon request, the committee shall also make available such personnel as are necessary to explain the operation of the computer system's software and the computerized information prepared or maintained by the committee.

11 C.F.R. § 9008.10

59 FR 33616, 6/29/1994, as amended at 68 FR 47416, 8/8/2003