10 C.F.R. § 1046.16

Current through September 30, 2024
Section 1046.16 - SPO physical readiness qualification standards and procedures
(a)General. Employers must ensure SPOs have access to their applicable physical readiness standard and the provisions of this part. Employers must also inform SPOs of their rights associated with the physical readiness requirements.
(1) All SPO applicants must satisfy the applicable physical readiness standard for their assigned position and must physically demonstrate the physical training and knowledge, skills, and abilities set out in paragraph (g) of this section, as required for their assigned position before beginning active duty in that position.
(2) All incumbent SPOs must re-qualify every year according to their applicable readiness standard, pursuant to paragraphs (d)(1), (f), or (g) of this section. Re-qualification must occur no earlier than 30 days prior to and no later than 30 days following the SPOs anniversary date. The actual date of re-qualification does not affect the anniversary date under this section.
(3) All qualification and re-qualification activities must be conducted under the supervision of personnel knowledgeable of DOE physical readiness program requirements as approved by the local ODFSA.
(b)Physical readiness training program. SPOs must maintain physical readiness standards on a continuing basis. Each SPO must engage in a year-round physical readiness training program consistent with paragraph (c)(2) and (3) of this section to:
(1) Achieve and maintain the cardio-respiratory and musculoskeletal fitness necessary to safely perform, without posing a direct threat to self or others, all essential functions of normal and emergency PF duties at any time; and
(2) Enable the individual SPO to pass (on an annual basis) the applicable SPO physical readiness standard without any undue risk of physical injury.
(c)Training program requirements.
(1) The training program must include the following elements:
(i) Activities with appropriate durations specific to the physical readiness standard, which appropriately address aerobic, agility, flexibility, and strength conditioning.
(ii) Instruction on techniques and exercises designed to ensure SPOs can safely rise quickly from the prone position, and if required by qualification standard, transition into a run.
(iii) Appropriate warm-up and cool down activities designed by exercise physiologists to support injury free workouts and physical readiness testing.
(2) An SPO physical readiness training and maintenance program must be developed by the employing organization in consultation with the PPMD and the local ODFSA.
(3) After initial training and qualification, each SPO must participate in the physical readiness training and maintenance program on a continuing basis. The physical readiness maintenance program must be based on assessment of the individual SPO's physical readiness levels and be tailored to the individual SPO's physical readiness maintenance requirements and improvement needs. Whether training is conducted on or off site, the SPO's participation must be documented.
(4) Assessments of an SPO's level of physical readiness must be conducted at least semiannually by personnel knowledgeable of DOE requirements. The results of the assessments must be provided to the Designated Physician. The assessments must include recognized assessment standard values for aerobic capacity (e.g., American College of Sports Medicine [http://www.acsm.org/], Cooper Fitness Institute [http://www.cooperinstitute.org/], or Rockport Walk Protocol [available online from a variety of Web sites]). Though not a qualification, the assessment report must include an evaluation of the SPO's level of physical readiness and provide recommendations for maintenance requirements and improvement needs, if any. Ability to summon appropriate medical emergency response with the capability of responding within a reasonable time must be available at the assessment site. An individual trained in cardio-pulmonary resuscitation and automatic external defibrillator equipment must be present.
(5) No additional training or time extension to meet the standards is permitted except for unusual circumstances based on a temporary medical or physical condition as certified by the PPMD that causes the SPO to be unable to satisfy the physical readiness standards within the required time period without suffering undue physical harm. An SPO who fails to re-qualify must be removed from armed SPO status and must participate in a remedial physical readiness training program, as specified in paragraphs (g)(8) and (9) of this section.
(6) An SPO may be required to demonstrate the ability to meet the applicable physical readiness qualification standard during a Headquarters or field audit/inspection/survey or other similar activity, as directed by the local ODFSA. Failure to meet the physical readiness standard must be treated as if the SPO failed the first attempt during routine qualification, and the procedures of paragraphs (g)(5) and (8) of this section apply. An SPO who fails to demonstrate the standard must be removed from armed status.
(7) Employees must notify the employer when the requirements of the training program cannot be successfully completed on a recurring basis (e.g., exercises cannot be completed and/or completed within time limits several times in a row due to injury and/or conditioning issues).
(8) When a physical readiness deficiency is first identified, the employer must provide the SPO access to remedial training or, based upon PPMD evaluation validating the medical need, to a work hardening or rehabilitation program.
(d)Physical readiness standards for SPOs. Any failure, at any time, by an SPO to physically demonstrate ability to meet the required physical readiness standard, must result in temporary removal from being authorized to perform the functions of that standard. The physical readiness standards for SPOs are as follows:
(1)Fixed Post Readiness Standard (FPRS). This qualification standard applies to all SPOs. Regardless of an SPO's physical readiness category, the FPRS must be physically demonstrated every year by all SPOs.
(i) The standard requires sufficient agility and range of motion to: Assume, maintain, and recover from the variety of cover positions associated with effective use of firearms at entry portals and similar static environments to include prone, standing, kneeling, and barricade positions; use site-specific deadly and intermediate force weapons and employ weaponless self-defense techniques; effect arrests of suspects and place them under restraint, e.g., with handcuffs or other physical restraint devices; and meet any other measure of physical readiness necessary to perform site-specific essential functions as prescribed by site management and approved by the respective program office.
(ii) A stand-alone qualification test which requires the demonstration of all of the required elements (both general and site-specific, if applicable) must be developed and maintained by each site and approved by the ODFSA. This qualification test can be used for annual qualification, or sites may choose to document an SPO's ability to meet specific elements of the standard during annual refresher training sessions and/or during weapons qualification activities. All elements of this standard must be demonstrated annually in the aggregate.
(iii) The results must be provided to the Designated Physician prior to the annual medical examination. Inability to physically demonstrate the FPRS requirements must result in temporary loss of SPO status. Remedial training must be provided pursuant to the requirements of paragraph (g)(8) of this section.
(2)Basic Readiness Standard (BRS). In addition to demonstrating the FPRS requirements as stated in paragraph (d)(1) of this section, the BRS qualification consists of a one-half mile run with a maximum qualifying time of 4 minutes 40 seconds and a 40-yard dash from the prone position in 8.5 seconds or less, and any other site-specific measure of physical readiness necessary to perform essential functions as prescribed by site management and approved by the respective program office. The running elements and other site-specific measures of the BRS must be demonstrated on the same day.
(3)Advanced Readiness Standard (ARS). In addition to demonstrating the FPRS requirements as stated in paragraph (d)(1) of this section, the ARS qualification consists of a one mile run with a maximum qualifying time of 8 minutes 30 seconds, and a 40-yard dash from the prone position in 8.0 seconds or less, and any other site-specific measure of physical readiness necessary to perform site-specific essential functions as prescribed by site management and approved by the respective program office. The running elements and other site-specific measures of the ARS must be demonstrated on the same day.
(e)Revisions to Physical Readiness Standards. The Department may revise the physical readiness standards or establish new standards consistent with the Administrative Procedure Act and other applicable law.
(f)Evaluation and documentation for BRS and ARS SPOs. Two distinct determinations must be made by the Designated Physician for BRS and ARS SPOs. First, a medical examination that meets the requirements of § 1046.13(g) must be conducted. A written determination must be made whether the SPO is medically certified for SPO duties without being a danger to self or others. This includes being able to attempt to physically demonstrate the applicable physical readiness standard. Given a favorable medical clearance determination, the second determination assesses the SPO's physical readiness capability by comparing the SPO's current examination results, medical history, normative data, past qualifying times, and the results of physical assessments. The Designated Physician's evaluation and documentation that an incumbent BRS or ARS SPO has reasonable expectation of meeting the appropriate physical readiness standard is deemed to have met the annual physical readiness qualification requirement without having to take the appropriate BRS or ARS test unless the SPO is randomly selected pursuant to paragraph (f)(7) of this section. Physician extenders (e.g., physician's assistants, certified occupational health nurses, or nurse practitioners) and exercise physiologists may perform appropriate elements of the physical examination and the physical assessments required in paragraph (b)(4) of this section. However, both the medical clearance determination and the formal physical readiness capability evaluation must be made by the Designated Physician without delegation. A site standard form must be used, and pertinent negatives must be documented on the form. The following procedures apply regarding the Designated Physician's evaluation and documentation that an incumbent BRS or ARS SPO has a reasonable expectation of meeting the appropriate physical readiness standard.
(1) Evaluation of BRS and ARS SPOs must include consideration of past medical history and normative data when available for individuals deemed to be physically capable. The following criteria must be evaluated: Cardiac function to include resting pulse rate and pulse recovery after exertion; neuromuscular function to include assessments of strength, range/freedom of motion, and movement without pain. While they are not required to be used or intended to be the sole determining criterion, for Designated Physicians using metabolic equivalents (METS) data the following values may be included in the overall process to determine if an individual SPO has a reasonable expectation of being able to physically demonstrate the appropriate physical readiness standard.
(i) For BRS SPOs a METS value of seven or greater would be a positive indicator of sufficient aerobic capacity to successfully demonstrate the half mile run associated with the BRS.
(ii) For ARS SPOs a METS value of 12 or greater would be a positive indicator of sufficient aerobic capacity to successfully demonstrate the mile run associated with the ARS.
(2) The designated physician may medically certify the BRS or ARS SPO for SPO duties and document that the SPO has a reasonable expectation of meeting the appropriate physical readiness standard. In this case, the SPO is deemed to have met the annual physical readiness qualification requirement without having to take the appropriate BRS or ARS test, unless the SPO is randomly selected pursuant to paragraph (f)(7) of this section.
(3) The designated physician may indicate the BRS or ARS SPO meets medical standards for SPO duties, but also indicate that the SPO does not appear to have the physical capability to pass the appropriate physical readiness test. In this case, the file must be immediately forwarded to the PPMD for review.
(4) If the PPMD concurs with the Designated Physician that the SPO does not have a reasonable expectation of being able to meet the readiness standard, the SPO may request to attempt to demonstrate the appropriate physical readiness test, which must be accomplished successfully within 30 days of the date of the medical certification for the SPO to remain in status. If the SPO chooses not to attempt to demonstrate the readiness standard, then the SPO must be removed immediately from duties associated with that physical readiness standard. Should the SPO fail to meet the standard, the retesting process described below in paragraph (g) of this section must be followed. Ultimate return to duties associated with that standard would require following the new hire process of medical clearance for SPO duties and then physically demonstrating the readiness standard which had not been met.
(5) Should the PPMD determine that the SPO does appear to have a reasonable expectation of meeting the appropriate physical readiness standard, the SPO is deemed to have met the annual qualification requirement for the appropriate physical readiness standard.
(6) The Designated Physician may find that the SPO cannot be medically certified for SPO duties. In this case, the SPO must be removed from armed status with appropriate PPMD review and medical intervention recommendations.
(7) Each year, 10 percent of the BRS and ARS SPO populations (supervisors included) at each site must be randomly selected by the employer and physically tested pursuant to paragraph (g) of this section. At the beginning of the testing year as established by each site, the site must ensure that a sufficient number of individuals and alternates are selected in one drawing to ensure that the 10 percent testing requirement can be achieved even though some SPOs selected may not receive a reasonable expectation determination for the Designated Physician as identified in paragraph (f)(2) of this section. Once 10 percent of the SPOs successfully demonstrating the standard has been achieved, the remaining alternates are not required to be physically tested unless they do not receive a reasonable expectation determination. The identity of an individual as a selectee for testing shall be kept confidential by the employer in a manner that ensures this information does not become known to the selected individual, the PPMD, and the Designated Physician until after the individual SPO has been deemed to have a reasonable expectation of meeting the appropriate physical readiness standard pursuant to paragraphs (f)(2) or (5) of this section. The selected individuals must successfully complete the applicable physical readiness standard to retain SPO status. During a given year's testing, at least 90 percent of those tested in each physical readiness category must meet the requirements.
(i) Should the passing percentage of those randomly selected and attempting to physically demonstrate the standard in a particular physical readiness category at a particular site drop below 90 percent (on the first attempt) then all SPOs in that category at that site must be tested on their ability to physically demonstrate the standard. The following parameters apply.
(A) All percentages are based upon first attempts.
(B) The total population of SPOs (supervisors included) in that physical readiness category at the beginning of that testing year at that site must be used to determine the percentage thresholds.
(C) The 100 percent testing of SPOs in that category must commence immediately upon the failure that renders achievement of a 90 percent success rate mathematically impossible for that readiness category during that testing year. The date of this failure will establish the anniversary date of the new testing year.
(D) An insufficient number of randomly selected individuals and alternates available to constitute the 10 percent selection criterion represents a failure to achieve the 90 percent threshold. Identification of additional randomly selected individuals for that testing year is not authorized.
(ii) The 100 percent testing described in paragraph (f)(8)(i) of this section must continue for a minimum of 365 days. With a 95 percent successful demonstration rate of the standard over the year, 10 percent testing may return at the beginning of the new testing year.
(iii) Should 95 percent successful demonstration not be achieved in the 365 days of 100 percent testing, the 100 percent testing described in paragraph (f)(8)(i) of this section must continue for the next 365 days under the conditions specified in paragraphs (f)(8)(i)(A) through (D) of this section. This process must be repeated until 95 percent successful demonstration is achieved.
(g)Physical testing for BRS and ARS SPOs. The following procedures apply to an individual physically demonstrating the physical readiness standards for applicants and incumbent SPOs.
(1) Incumbent BRS and ARS SPOs randomly selected for physical testing pursuant to paragraph (f) of this section in any given year shall physically meet the applicable physical readiness standard within 30 days of their anniversary date.
(2) Incumbent SPOs shall physically meet the applicable physical readiness standard prior to their assignment to duties which require a more stringent standard.
(3) All newly hired SPOs must physically meet the most stringent standard required at the site.
(4) SPOs returning after an absence from protective force duties which encompasses their anniversary date must physically meet at least the standard they were required to meet when they left SPO duties, should such a position requiring that standard be available.
(5) Each applicant and incumbent SPO must be medically approved by the Designated Physician within thirty days prior to initial participation in any physical readiness training program and prior to attempting the applicable standard to determine whether the individual can undertake the standard without undue medical risk to the health and safety of the individual. Incumbents also must have successfully completed a physical readiness assessment within thirty days prior to their annual physical examination by the Designated Physician.
(6) Incumbent SPOs must qualify on the applicable standard annually by physically passing the required test if they have not received a reasonable expectation determination as described in paragraph (f) of this section. The testing protocol shall include mandated participation by the SPO being tested in pre-test warm-up and post-test cool-down activities as described in paragraph (c) of this section. The responsible person in charge of the qualification activity must inform the SPO that the attempt will be for qualification. Once this has been communicated by the person in charge, the attempt will constitute a qualification attempt. Ability to summon appropriate medical emergency response with the capability of responding within a reasonable time must be available at the testing site. An individual trained in cardio pulmonary resuscitation and automatic external defibrillator equipment must be present.
(7) Physical readiness re-qualification for randomly selected incumbent SPOs must occur not more than 30 days from the anniversary date. Failure to qualify within 30 days past the anniversary date must result in removal from SPO status for that physical readiness category. Not more than five attempts may be allowed during the 30-day period. All attempts must be made within 30 days of the medical approval required in paragraph (g)(5) of this section.
(8) Remedial training program: If an SPO fails all attempts pursuant to paragraph (g)(7) of this section for reasons other than injury or illness, the PF contractor must offer the SPO the opportunity to participate in a supervised physical readiness remedial training program developed by an exercise physiologist.
(i) Supervision of the physical readiness remedial training program may be accomplished by direct observation of the SPO during the training program by personnel knowledgeable of Department physical readiness program requirements, or by these personnel monitoring the SPO's progress on a weekly basis.
(ii) The remedial training program must be based upon an assessment of the SPO's individual physical readiness deficiencies and improvement needs which precluded the SPO from successfully completing the applicable physical readiness standard.
(iii) The remedial training program must not exceed a period of 30 days.
(9) Re-testing of incumbent SPOs after completion of remedial training program.
(i) Once an SPO has begun a remedial training program, it must be completed before the SPO may attempt the applicable standard.
(ii) Upon completion of the remedial training the ARS/BRS SPO must be offered an assessment using the same process that is used for the required semiannual assessment as required in paragraph (c)(4) of this section. Any deficiencies and improvement needs must be identified to the SPO.
(iii) The SPO has seven days from the completion date of the remedial training program to meet the applicable physical readiness qualification standard. Only one attempt during this seven-day period may be made unless circumstances beyond the testing organization or participant's control (e.g., severe weather, equipment failure, or injury as determined by the employer) interrupt the attempt. When the attempt is interrupted, the employer may reschedule it within seven days.
(iv) If the SPO meets the standard on the attempt specified in paragraph (f)(9)(iii) of this section, the original anniversary qualification date remains the same.
(v) Failure to meet the standard must result in the SPO being permanently removed from duties requiring ability to meet that physical readiness standard.
(vi) If an SPO requires remedial training during three consecutive annual qualification periods, then a fourth remediation shall not be offered for subsequent failures to achieve the physical readiness standard. The SPO must be permanently removed from duties requiring ability to meet that physical readiness standard.
(10) The physical readiness standards set forth in this part may not be waived or exempted. Additional time, not to exceed six months, may be granted on a case-by-case basis for those individuals who, because of a temporary medical condition or physical injury certified by the Designated Physician, are unable to satisfy the physical readiness standards within the required period without suffering injury. Additional time totaling more than one year may not be granted. When additional time is granted:
(i) The granting of such time does not eliminate the requirement for the incumbent SPO to be removed from that SPO physical readiness standard status during the time extension.
(ii) When additional time is granted because of an inability to qualify without a certified medical condition or injury, the PF member is not entitled to temporary removal protection benefits. Granting additional time due to deconditioning is not authorized.
(iii) Upon completion of the additional time period and requisite physical readiness training, as applicable, the incumbent SPO must be assessed using the same process that is used for the semiannual assessment as required in paragraph (c)(4) of this section if the results indicate the SPO is ready to take the test. The test must be taken within 30 days of medical clearance as described in § 1046.13(g) .
(iv) For a duration exceeding three months, the SPO's original anniversary qualification date may be revised at the discretion of the employer to reflect the most recent date that the SPO qualified under the applicable standard, which will become the new anniversary qualification date.

10 C.F.R. §1046.16