Cal. Code Regs. tit. 5 § 80067.3

Current through Register 2024 Notice Reg. No. 41, October 11, 2024
Section 80067.3 - PK-3 Early Childhood Education Specialist Instruction Teaching Performance Expectations (TPEs)
(a) TPE 1: Engaging and Supporting All Young Children in Learning. Candidates will:
(1) Demonstrate knowledge of the range and characteristics of typical and atypical child development from birth to age eight, including competencies related to developmental progression (e.g., cognitive, social, emotional, linguistic, and physical) and use that knowledge to engage and support all children in learning.
(2) Demonstrate and use knowledge about children's assets, including their prior experiences and interests, funds of knowledge, language, and sociocultural backgrounds, to engage and support them in learning.
(3) Demonstrate and apply knowledge of the integral role and effects of children's interpersonal relationships (e.g., peers, school staff, parents/guardians, community) and cultural factors (e.g., traditions, beliefs) to engage and support them in learning.
(4) Connect learning to meaningful and relevant contexts in the lives of children and facilitate both child and teacher-initiated active learning experiences which engage children's interests to deepen and extend their learning.
(5) Engage and collaborate in partnership with families/guardians to support children's development and learning in a culturally responsive, respectful, and interactive manner.
(6) Monitor children's active engagement in learning and adjust activities and tasks as needed to provide access to the full range of the curriculum for all children.
(7) Promote children's thinking (e.g., creative, concrete, abstract, critical) through developmentally appropriate activities, including play-based learning activities, that provide opportunities for children to engage in effective expression, inquiry, problem solving, and reflection on their learning.
(b) TPE 2: Creating and Maintaining Effective Environments for Children's Development and Learning. Candidates will:
(1) Create effective, developmentally appropriate, and culturally responsive learning environments (e.g., routines, classroom norms/expectations, physical space, access to materials and equipment) that promote all children's development and learning.
(2) Create a positive classroom climate by building rapport and a caring relationship with children and showing respect for children's perspectives, identities, and home languages, providing assistance when needed, recognizing their work and accomplishments.
(3) Communicate and collaborate effectively with peers, colleagues, specialists, families/guardians, and community service providers to support children's development and learning.
(4) Promote positive relationships and effective learning for all children by creating culturally and linguistically responsive, flexible learning environments and establishing classroom routines, procedures, expectations, and norms with children, in partnership with families/guardians.
(5) Nurture children's positive and developmentally appropriate: social behavior, self-regulation, and social emotional development, including emotional literacy by modeling and using respectful language to communicate and encourage positive student-to-student and student-to-teacher interactions.
(6) Establish, maintain, and monitor inclusive learning environments that are safe (e.g., physically and emotionally) and foster a caring community where each child is treated fairly and respectfully by adults and peers by using positive interventions and supports (e.g., restorative justice, peer collaboration, developmentally appropriate conflict resolution practices).
(7) Identify and access resources that provide inclusive support for all children, including those who have experienced trauma inside or outside of school (e.g., homelessness, foster care, serious medical needs, exposure to violence, abuse).
(c) TPE 3: Understanding and Organizing Core Curriculum for Children's Learning. Candidates will:
(1) Demonstrate knowledge of most current state adopted standards and use that knowledge to organize curriculum and create developmentally appropriate play-based activities, cross disciplinary activities/lessons, both child-led and teacher guided activities to promote all children's learning.
(2) Use subject specific pedagogy in accordance with the most current Preschool Learning Foundations, state standards and frameworks within and across the core curriculum, including a focus on language, literacy, and mathematics.
(3) Consult, collaborate, and/or co-teach with other educators to provide and support opportunities for children to learn and demonstrate their knowledge of the core curriculum.
(4) Set individualized goals and objectives for content learning and make appropriate instructional adaptations to promote access to the core curriculum for all children.
(5) Promote core curriculum knowledge in all children, including monolingual and multi-lingual children, children with disabilities and children with other learning needs, by adapting the curriculum, implementing differentiated instruction, and providing explicit support for vocabulary and academic language development.
(6) Remove barriers to development and learning and provide access through instructional strategies which include, but are not limited to, the following:
(A) using developmentally appropriate instructional technology,
(B) applying principles of Universal Design for Learning (UDL): multiple means of engagement, representation, and action and expression,
(C) using Multi-Tiered System of Supports (MTSS), including assistive technology
(7) Model and promote critical digital literacy and digital citizenship where developmentally appropriate by applying the principles of the internationally recognized International Society of Technology in Education (ISTE) standards to engage children and support multiple ways to demonstrate their learning.
(d) TPE 4: Planning Instruction and Designing Developmentally Appropriate Learning Experiences for All Children. Candidates will:
(1) Plan activities and lessons that build on what children know, accommodate children's developmental needs and learning preferences and provide opportunities for large group, small group, and individual hands-on learning experiences.
(2) Ensure opportunities for both teacher- and child-initiated experiences that are engaging for young children and that contribute to children's content knowledge, language development, and social, emotional growth.
(3) Provide learning experiences, including those that may be informed by parents/guardians, that incorporate and help validate children's backgrounds (e.g., cultural, linguistic, ethnic, economic, gender), as well as their diverse learning preferences, skills, and levels of social development to meet children's individual needs.
(4) Provide opportunities for children to express their needs and to successfully participate in activities/lessons based on education plans (e.g., Individualized Education Plan and 504 plans) within the general education classroom setting to promote learning and social, emotional development.
(5) Integrate movement, kinesthetic activities, and other types of multisensory experiences within activities/lessons to support the development of different dimensions of children's development.
(6) Use digital tools and learning technologies across learning environments as appropriate to create new content and provide personalized and integrated technology-rich activities/lessons to engage children in learning, promote digital literacy, and offer multiple means for children to demonstrate their learning.
(7) Plan and adapt developmentally, linguistically, and culturally responsive learning activities/lessons, instructional materials, and resources for all children including mono- and multi-lingual learners to provide access to the core curriculum.
(8) Apply information based on observation as well as information that may be provided by parents/guardians about children's current levels of development, language proficiency, cultural background, content-specific learning goals and needs, and assessment data to plan and implement daily learning activities.
(e) TPE 5: Assessing and Documenting Children's Development and Learning. Candidates will:
(1) Demonstrate and apply knowledge of the purposes, characteristics, and appropriate uses of different types of assessments (e.g., diagnostic, informal, formal, progress-monitoring, formative, summative, and performance) to design and administer culturally responsive, developmentally and linguistically appropriate classroom assessments, including use of scoring rubrics, and use the results to help plan and modify instruction and to document children's learning over time.
(2) Assess each child's learning and development as part of an ongoing cycle of observation, analysis, documentation, planning, implementation, and reflection.
(3) Analyze and interpret formative and summative assessment data to determine children's progress toward meeting learning goals.
(4) Apply assessment data and information from children's IEP, and/or 504 plans to establish learning goals and to differentiate and adapt instruction.
(5) Collaborate with specialists to interpret assessment results from formative and summative assessments to appropriately identify monolingual-and multilingual children, as well as children with language or other disabilities.
(6) Guide and monitor children in developmentally appropriate self-assessment to help them reflect on their learning goals and progress and to provide children with opportunities to revise or reframe their work based on assessment feedback.
(7) Communicate assessment information in an appropriate and timely manner to assist families/guardians in understanding children's progress in meeting social, emotional, content-specific, and language development goals.
(f) TPE 6: Developing as a Professional Early Childhood Educator. Candidates will:
(1) Reflect on one's own practice and use this information to improve teaching and learning in the ECE context.
(2) Exhibit and support acceptance and fairness toward all children, families/guardians, and colleagues to mitigate implicit and explicit biases and the ways they could negatively affect teaching and learning.
(3) Demonstrate professional responsibility for learning environments, including responsibility for the learning outcomes of all children along with appropriate concerns and policies regarding the privacy, health, and safety of children.
(4) Act with integrity in an honest and ethical manner with children's and families/guardians' well-being as a central concern. Comply with all laws concerning professional responsibilities, professional conduct, and moral fitness (i.e., mandated reporting, use of social media, and digital platforms).
(5) Co-plan, co-teach, and communicate effectively with colleagues, mentors, and/or specialists in the early childhood setting to reflect on practices and gain feedback about one's own effectiveness in meeting children's learning needs.
(g) TPE 7: Effective Literacy Instruction for PK-3 Settings. Candidates will:
(1) Plan and implement evidence-based literacy instruction appropriate to children's age, grade, and development (including children's linguistic, cognitive, and social strengths) that is grounded in an understanding of California's English Language Arts and Literacy Standards, English Language Development Standards, and Preschool Learning Foundations; the themes of the English Language Arts/English Language Development Framework (Foundational skills, Meaning Making, Language Development, Effective Expression, and Content Knowledge) and their integration; and the Preschool Curriculum Framework.
(2) Plan and implement evidence-based literacy instruction appropriate to children's age, grade, and development (including children's linguistic, cognitive, and social strengths) that is grounded in an understanding of Universal Design for Learning; California's Multi-Tiered System of Support (Tier 1 -- Best first instruction, Tier 2 -- Targeted, supplemental instruction, and Tier 3 -- Referrals for intensive intervention); and The California Dyslexia Guidelines, including the definition and characteristics of dyslexia and structured literacy (i.e., instruction for children at risk for and with dyslexia that is comprehensive, systematic, explicit, cumulative, and multimodal and that includes phonology, orthography, phonics, morphology, syntax, and semantics).
(3) Incorporate asset-based pedagogies and inclusive approaches and culturally and linguistically affirming and sustaining practices in literacy instruction, recognizing and incorporating the diversity of children's cultures, languages, dialects, and home communities. Promote children's literacy development in languages other than English in multilingual (dual language and bilingual education) programs.
(4) Provide literacy instruction for all children that is active, motivating, and engaging; responsive to children's age, language and literacy development, and literacy goals; reflective of family engagement, social and emotional learning, and trauma-informed practices; and based on children's assessed learning strengths and needs, analysis of instructional materials and tasks, and identified academic standards. Create literacy environments for young children that encourage active, playful exploration; interaction with others; child-initiated, self-directed activities; and imaginative and dramatic play.
(5) Foundational Skills. Develop children's foundational skills according to standards and expectations specified for children's age and grade. Develop children's skills in print concepts, including letters of the alphabet; phonological awareness, including phonemic awareness; phonics, spelling, and word recognition, including letter-sound, spelling-sound, and sound-symbol correspondences; decoding and encoding; morphological awareness; and text reading fluency, including accuracy, prosody (expression), and rate (as an indicator of automaticity), through instruction that structured and organized as well as direct, systematic, and explicit and that includes practice in connected, decodable text. Create literacy environments that are print rich and that foster interest in print; engage young children actively and deliberately with games, books, poetry, oral storytelling, and songs that draw their attention to print, the manipulation of sounds, and alphabet letters. Provide instruction in text reading fluency that emphasizes spelling and syllable patterns, semantics, morphology, and syntax. Advance children's progress in the elements of foundational skills, language, and cognitive skills that support them as they read and write increasingly complex disciplinary texts with comprehension and effective expression.
(6) Meaning making. Engage children in meaning making by building on prior knowledge and using age-appropriate literary and informational texts (print, digital, and oral) that are appropriately complex and that mirror children's backgrounds, including their cultures, languages, genders, and abilities. Engage children in questioning and discussion to develop their literal and inferential comprehension, including the higher-order cognitive skills of reasoning, perspective taking, and critical listening, speaking, reading, and writing. Engage children in reading, listening, speaking, writing, and viewing closely to draw information from texts, ask and answer questions, and support analysis, reflection, and research. Ensure that literacy experiences for young children include reading aloud, modeling, and assisting children in making predictions, retelling and reenacting, and responding to and generating questions about stories, picture books, and other texts.
(7) Language Development. Promote children's oral and written language development by providing rich exposure to and experience with varied forms of language and responding attentively to children's language use. Develop children's language by attending to vocabulary knowledge and use, grammatical structures (e.g., syntax), and discourse-level understandings as children listen, speak, read, and write with comprehension and effective expression. Create environments that foster oral and written language development, including discipline-specific academic language. Enhance language development by engaging children in the creation of diverse print, oral, digital, and multimedia texts. Conduct instruction that leverages children's existing linguistic repertoires, including home languages and dialects, and that accepts and encourages translanguaging.
(8) Effective Expression. Develop children's effective expression as they discuss, present, write, and use language conventions. Engage children in a range of formal and informal collaborative discussions, including extended conversations in which multiple conversational turns are taken, and writing for varied purposes, audiences, and contexts. Develop young children's early writing skills by prompting them to share ideas, information, and stories using their developing knowledge of how print works. Teach children in ways appropriate for their age and development to plan, develop, provide feedback to peers, revise using peer and teacher feedback, edit, and produce their own writing and oral presentations in various genres, drawing on the modes of opinion, information, and narration. In transitional kindergarten and beyond, teach children letter formation/printing and related language conventions, such as capitalization and punctuation, in conjunction with applicable decoding skills. Develop children's use of keyboarding, technology, and multimedia, as appropriate, and fluency in spelling, handwriting, and other language conventions to support writing and presentations.
(9) Content Knowledge. Promote children's content knowledge by engaging children in literacy instruction, in all pertinent content areas, that integrates reading, writing, listening, and speaking in discipline-specific ways, including through printed and digital texts and multimedia; discussions; experimentation; hands-on explorations; and wide and independent reading and read alouds and by providing choices that reflect and expand their interests. Teach children to navigate increasingly complex literary and informational texts relevant to the discipline, research questions of interest, and convey knowledge in a variety of ways. Promote digital literacy and the use of technology, including the ability to find, evaluate, use, share, analyze, create, and communicate digital resources safely and responsibly, and foster digital citizenship.
(10) Monitor children's progress in literacy development using formative assessment practices, ongoing progress monitoring, and diagnostic techniques that inform instructional decision making as described in § 80067.3(e). Understand how to use screening to determine children's literacy profiles and identify potential reading and writing difficulties, including children's risk for dyslexia and other literacy-related disabilities. Understand how to appropriately assess and interpret results for English learner students. If indicated, collaborate with families and guardians as well as with teachers, specialists, other professionals, and administrators from the school or district to facilitate comprehensive assessment for disabilities in English and as appropriate in the home language; plan and provide supplemental instruction in inclusive settings; and initiate referrals for children who need more intensive support.
(11) Provide instruction in English language development (ELD) for children identified as English learner students based on an understanding of comprehensive ELD, which includes both integrated and designated ELD and is part of Tier 1 instruction. Understand how integrated and designated ELD are related and how designated ELD is taught in connection with (rather than isolated from) content areas and topics. Use ELA/literacy standards, Preschool Learning Foundations, or other content standards and ELD standards adopted by the state board of education under Education Code sections 51002, 51226, and 60605 in tandem to plan instruction that attends to children's literacy profiles, levels of English language proficiency, and prior educational experiences. Provide ELD instruction that builds on children's cultural and linguistic assets and develops children's abilities to use English purposefully, interact in meaningful ways, and understand how English works across the disciplines.
(h) TPE 8: Effective Mathematics Instruction in a PK-3 Setting. Candidates will:
(1) Plan and implement mathematics instruction appropriate to children's age, grade, and developmental levels (including children's linguistic, cognitive, social and emotional strengths and learning needs) that is grounded in an understanding of California's Mathematics Standards and Framework and the Preschool Learning Foundations and Curriculum Framework.
(2) Provide learning opportunities, consistent with Universal Design for Learning principles, for children to develop knowledge related to:
(A) number and operations, including counting and cardinality
(B) mathematical thinking and understanding relationships
(C) algebra and functions
(D) measurement and data analysis
(E) geometry, as described in the California's Mathematics Standards and the Preschool Learning Foundations.
(3) Provide a secure environment for children to take intellectual risks, foster positive attitudes toward mathematics and encourage student curiosity, academic discourse, and persistence in solving mathematical problems.
(4) Consistent with California's Standards for Mathematical Practice adopted by the state board of education under Education Code sections 51002, 51226, and 60605, develop children's abilities according to their individual developmental levels, linguistic, cognitive, social and emotional strengths and learning needs, to:
(A) make sense of problems and persevere in solving them
(B) reason abstractly and quantitatively
(C) construct viable arguments and critique the reasoning of others
(D) model with mathematics
(E) use appropriate tools strategically
(F) attend to precision
(G) look for and make use of structure
(H) look for and express regularity in repeated reasoning
(I) make and test conjectures to solve problems; and
(J) recognize relationships within and among concepts.
(5) Differentiate and provide developmentally appropriate instruction and tasks to meet individual children's learning needs and engage children in self-initiated as well as teacher-led learning activities, including play-based activities, that use manipulatives and other tools to solve problems.
(6) Observe and interpret children's strategies in solving problems and ask thought-provoking questions that lead to deeper understanding (e.g., analysis, synthesis, evaluation). Provide follow-up activities and ensure access to manipulatives and other tools, including education technology to further develop and build on children's mathematical thinking.
(7) Support respectful child-to-child interactions as students engage with their classmates to figure out ways to solve problems and explain or show how they arrived at their solution and provide ways for children to demonstrate their ability to construct mathematical arguments based on sound reasoning and relevant evidence.
(8) Support all children to develop the academic language of mathematics, ensuring access for all children to the content of mathematics appropriate to grade level expectations and encourage parents/guardians to use the home language to talk about mathematics (especially numbers, arithmetic, spatial relations, and patterns) and share with children where mathematics is used in the home and the community.

Cal. Code Regs. Tit. 5, § 80067.3

Note: Authority cited: Section 44225, Education Code. Reference: Sections 44256(c), 44259.7, 44265, 44265.5, 44227.7 and 44373, Education Code.

1. New section filed 2-7-2024; operative 4/1/2024 (Register 2024, No. 6).