Cal. Code Regs. tit. 15 § 3999.367

Current through Register 2024 Notice Reg. No. 41, October 11, 2024
Section 3999.367 - Dental Care
(a) Access to Dental Care.
(1) Patients shall have equal access to dental services by:
(A) Submitting a CDCR 7362, Health Care Services Request Form, requesting dental care for which ducated face-to-face triage encounters shall be scheduled to have specific complaints addressed.
(B) Unscheduled dental encounters for emergency and urgent dental services.
(C) Referral from other health care providers, ancillary, and custodial staff.
(D) Receiving a Dental Priority Classification (DPC) based on clinical findings and radiographs.
(2) During a facility lockdown or modified program, dental staff shall coordinate with the clinic Registered Nurse, patient appointment schedulers, and custody staff to facilitate continuity of care.
(A) A lockdown or modified program shall not prevent the completion of scheduled dental encounters, and custody personnel shall escort the patient to the dental clinic, subject to security concerns.
(B) In facilities or housing units on modified program or lockdown status, a system shall be maintained to provide patients access to health care services.
(3) If a patient's scheduled appointment for Urgent Care, as defined in subsection (f)(2)(A), is cancelled or rescheduled by dental staff or if a patient unintentionally fails a dental appointment for Urgent Care as defined in subsection (f)(2)(A), the dentist shall see the patient within one calendar day. For all other dental care needs, the dentist shall see the patient within 35 calendar days of the cancelled appointment or unintentional failure, or consistent with the timeframe associated with the original DPC assigned at the date of diagnosis, whichever is shorter.
(4) If a patient's appointment for a face-to-face triage or limited problem focused exam encounter is cancelled or rescheduled by the dental clinic, or if a patient unintentionally fails a face-to-face triage or limited problem focused exam encounter, then the patient shall be seen by a dentist for a face-to-face triage or limited problem focused exam encounter within three business days.
(b) Continuity of Care. Patients shall be provided ongoing dental care in accordance with their DPC as described in subsection (f). Dentists shall review internal consultation reports, medical and oral pathology lab reports, and reports from outside the facility that are the outcome of a Department or contracted dentist ordering the analysis within seven business days of receipt of the report(s) from the dental clinic and inform patients of the result(s) within three business days of reviewing the report(s).
(c) The Department shall operate in accordance with the California Dental Practice Act, division 2, chapter 4 of the Business and Professions Code (commencing with section 1600), and ensure that all patient protection provisions of the Act are in force.
(d) Dental Program Organizational Structure. The dental program shall maintain a regional administrative structure organized into four regions which shall include a Regional Dental Director and program compliance staff consisting of clinical and non-clinical reviewers. Each region shall monitor quality of care and dental program policy compliance at the institutions.
(e) Examination and treatment rooms for dental care shall be large enough to accommodate the equipment and fixtures needed to deliver adequate dental services.
(f) Dental Priority Classification. Patients shall be assigned a DPC at the Reception Center Screening, at the time of their comprehensive dental examination at their endorsed institution, and after each face-to-face triage, limited problem focused exam, or treatment encounter. This DPC shall be reviewed and appropriately modified after each dental encounter. Patients shall be provided equal access to dental services based upon the occurrence of disease, significant malfunction, or injury and medical necessity in accordance with the degree of urgency of a patient's dental needs.
(1) Emergency Care. Any dental condition for which evaluation and treatment are immediately necessary, as determined by health care staff, to prevent death, severe or permanent disability, or to alleviate or lessen disabling pain. Emergency dental treatment shall be available on a 24 hour, seven day per week basis. Patients are eligible for Emergency Care regardless of time remaining on their sentence and regardless of their plaque index score.
(2) Urgent Care.
(A) Patients with a dental condition of sudden onset or in severe pain which prevents the patient from carrying out essential activities of daily living. Treatment shall be initiated within one calendar day from the date of diagnosis.
(B) Patients requiring treatment for a sub-acute hard or soft tissue condition that is likely to become acute without early intervention. Treatment shall be initiated within 30 calendar days from the date of diagnosis.
(C) Patients requiring early treatment for any unusual hard or soft tissue pathology. Treatment shall be initiated within 60 calendar days from the date of diagnosis.
(D) Patients are eligible for Urgent Care regardless of time remaining on their sentence and regardless of their plaque index score.
(3) Interceptive Care.
(A) Patients with advanced caries or advanced periodontal pathology requiring the use of intermediate therapeutic or palliative agents or restorative materials, mechanical debridement, or surgical intervention.
(B) Patients who are edentulous or essentially edentulous, or who have no posterior teeth in occlusion, requiring a complete or removable partial denture.
(C) Patients with moderate or advanced periodontitis requiring non-surgical periodontal treatment (scaling and root planing).
(D) Patients requiring restoration of essential physiologic relationships.
(E) Treatment shall be initiated within 120 calendar days from the date of diagnosis.
(F) Patients must have over six months remaining on their sentence within the Department at the time Interceptive Care is initiated and are eligible regardless of their plaque index score.
(4) Routine Rehabilitative Care.
(A) Patients with an insufficient number of posterior teeth to masticate a regular diet (seven or fewer occluding natural or artificial teeth), requiring a maxillary or mandibular partial denture, or with one or more missing anterior teeth resulting in the loss of anterior dental arch integrity, requiring an anterior partial denture.
(B) Patients with carious or fractured dentition requiring restoration with definitive restorative materials or transitional crowns.
(C) Patients with gingivitis requiring routine prophylaxis or mild periodontitis requiring scaling and root planing.
(D) Patients requiring definitive root canal treatment for anterior teeth, which are restorable with available restorative materials. The patient's overall dentition must fit the following conditions:
1. The retention of the tooth is necessary to maintain the integrity of the dentition.
2. The tooth has adequate periodontal support and a good prognosis for long-term retention and restorability.
3. The tooth is restorable using American Dental Association (ADA) and Department approved methods and materials and does not require extensive restoration including either a pin or post retained core build up.
4. There is adequate posterior occlusion, either from natural dentition or a dental prosthesis, to provide protection against traumatic occlusal forces.
(E) Patients with non-vital, non-restorable erupted teeth requiring extraction.
(F) Treatment shall be initiated within one year from the date of diagnosis.
(G) Patients must have at least 12 months remaining on their sentence within the Department at the time Routine Rehabilitative Care is initiated and, with the exception of treatment for periodontal pathology, must maintain an acceptable level of oral hygiene which shall be measured and evaluated by the use of the plaque index score. A plaque index score of 20 percent or less represents an acceptable level of oral hygiene.
(5) No dental care needed. Patients not appropriate for inclusion in Emergency, Urgent, Interceptive, Routine Rehabilitative, or Special Dental Needs Care.
(6) Special Dental Needs Care. Patients with special dental needs including patients requiring dental care that is a deviation from treatment policy as well as treatments that may require a contracted specialist or that cannot be accomplished at the institution.
(g) Reception Centers.
(1) Within 60 calendar days of a patient's arrival at a Reception Center (RC), a dentist shall perform a dental screening for patients who qualify. Patients who received a dental screening at an RC or a comprehensive dental examination at their endorsed institution within the past six months need not receive a new RC dental screening except as determined by the treating dentist. This includes patients who have paroled and are rearrested as well as those who transfer from one RC to another.
(2) Incarcerated persons remaining on RC status at an RC for 180 calendar days or longer shall be notified within 10 business days after completion of the 180th day that they are eligible to receive an initial comprehensive dental examination performed by a dentist according to the terms described in subsection (h)(1).
(3) Dental treatment provided to RC patients shall be limited to the treatment of Emergency and Urgent Care dental conditions, as defined in subsections (f)(1) and (f)(2). Patients who remain on RC status in an RC for 90 calendar days or longer may submit a CDCR 7362 to request Interceptive Care, as defined in subsection (f)(3), excluding prosthetics. Upon receipt of a CDCR 7362, the dentist shall exercise professional judgment in considering treatment for an Interceptive Care condition for the patient.
(h) Endorsed Institution.
(1) Within 10 business days of arrival at their endorsed institution, all patients shall be notified that they are eligible to receive an initial comprehensive dental examination performed by a dentist who shall formulate and document a dental treatment plan.
(2) When dental staff becomes aware that a patient has transferred to their endorsed institution, without undergoing an RC dental screening, dental staff at the receiving institution shall schedule the patient for a face-to-face triage encounter to see if the patient has any Emergency or Urgent Care dental conditions, as defined in subsections (f)(1) and (f)(2), respectively. Dental staff shall also follow the process regarding comprehensive dental examination eligibility notification outlined in subsection (h)(1).
(3) When a treatment plan is proposed, the patient shall be provided an explanation of its advantages and disadvantages.
(4) Each patient's dental health history shall be documented at the time of the initial comprehensive dental examination, signed by the patient, and witnessed by the dentist. Such history shall be available and reviewed at each dental visit.
(5) Patients with a plaque index score above 20 percent or who refuse oral hygiene instruction shall receive only Emergency Care, Urgent Care, Interceptive Care, and Special Dental Needs Care, as these terms are described in subsections (f)(1), (f)(2), (f)(3), and (f)(5), respectively.
(i) Re-examination. After the initial comprehensive dental examination, patients at their endorsed institution shall be notified that they are eligible to receive a periodic comprehensive dental examination by a dentist as follows:
(1) Every 2 years (biennially), up to the age of 50.
(2) Annually starting at the age of 50 and regardless of age if the patient is diagnosed with diabetes, HIV, or seizure disorder.
(j) Medical Emergencies in the Dental Clinic. The Department shall ensure that emergency medical services are provided in the dental clinic as necessary.
(k) In the provision of dental treatment, Department dentists shall monitor patients with the following conditions and shall adhere to the appropriate protocols.
(1) Hypertension.
(2) Anticoagulant therapy.
(3) Infective endocarditis risk.
(4) Prosthetic cardiac valve.
(5) Total joint replacement.
(7) Bisphosphonate therapy.
(8) Diabetes.
(9) Pregnancy.
(l) Institution Orientation and Self Care.
(1) Patients at an endorsed institution shall receive a baseline plaque index score as well as oral hygiene instruction at the time of their comprehensive dental examination and treatment plan formulation.
(2) Incarcerated persons shall be allowed to brush their teeth at least once a day within the facility's security guidelines and encouraged to brush after meals.
(3) Incarcerated persons shall be allowed to use dental floss or flossers once a day within the facility's security guidelines.
(m) Periodontal Disease Program. The Department shall maintain a periodontal disease program for the diagnosis and treatment of periodontal disease. Periodontal treatment:
(1) Shall be available to patients based on the presence of a comprehensive dental examination with a treatment plan, prior completion of Urgent Care dental treatment as defined in subsection (f)(2), and regardless of time remaining on their sentence.
(2) Shall consist of non-surgical scaling and root planing.
(n) Dental Restorative Services. The Department shall provide patients with dental restorative services utilizing ADA and Department approved dental restorative materials. Dental restorative services shall be limited to the restoration of carious teeth with enough structural integrity to provide long-term stability.
(o) Root Canal Therapy.
(1) Endodontics, or root canal therapy, shall only be performed on the upper and lower six anterior teeth for a patient who meets the criteria pursuant to subsection (f)(4)(D)1.-4.
(2) Posterior root canal therapy may be considered pursuant to section 3999.365(a) if all the following conditions are met:
(A) Conditions listed in subsections (f)(4)(D)1.-4.
(B) The tooth in question is vital to the patient's chewing ability.
(C) The tooth in question is essential as a support tooth for an existing removable cast partial denture or is necessary as a support tooth on a proposed removable cast partial denture for that arch.
(D) Treatment must be approved by the Dental Authorization Review (DAR) Committee and the Dental Program Health Care Review Committee prior to initiating the procedure.
(3) Root canal therapy shall not be performed when extraction of the tooth is appropriate due to non-restorability, periodontal involvement, or when the tooth can easily be replaced by an addition to an existing or proposed prosthesis in the same arch.
(p) Oral Surgery. A full range of necessary oral surgery procedures including biopsies shall be available to patients regardless of time remaining on their sentence. Any medically necessary oral surgery procedure that cannot be accomplished at the local institution shall be made available by referring the patient to contracted oral surgeons, or to outside facilities.
(q) Dental Prosthodontics.
(1) When a patient's treatment plan includes a dental prosthesis, the treating dentist shall inform the patient that the prosthesis may not be completed prior to the patient's parole date.
(2) A dental prosthesis shall be constructed only when:
(A) The dentist believes the patient can tolerate it and can be expected to use it on a regular basis.
(B) A patient is edentulous, is missing an anterior tooth, or has seven or fewer upper and lower posterior teeth in occlusion.
(C) All diagnosed preventive, restorative, endodontic, and oral surgery procedures have been completed.
(D) The active therapy phase of periodontal therapy has been completed and the patient is free of periodontal disease or is in periodontal maintenance.
(E) Clinically adequate and diagnostic radiographs are present in the health record prior to initiating dental prosthodontic services.
(F) The patient has an Interceptive Care prosthetic need (e.g., complete denture) and is eligible pursuant to subsection (f)(3); or the patient has a Routine Rehabilitative Care prosthetic need (e.g., partial denture) pursuant to subsection (f)(4). Time requirements are calculated from the date final impressions are taken.
(3) All dental prostheses which are fabricated for patients shall have the patient's last name and CDCR number embedded into the prosthesis for identification purposes.
(r) Removal of orthodontic bands/brackets or arch wires shall be at the discretion of the treating dentist and does not require approval by the DAR Committee.
(s) Within the second trimester of gestation and regardless of their plaque index score, pregnant patients shall receive a comprehensive dental examination, periodontal examination, oral hygiene instruction, and the necessary periodontal treatment in order to maintain periodontal health during the gestation period.
(t) The Department shall utilize a dental hold process when the transfer or transport of a patient is not clinically appropriate. The treating dentist in conjunction with the Supervising Dentist (SD) shall determine if a dental hold should be placed on a patient. When a dental hold has been placed and the patient refuses treatment of the condition that prompted placement of the hold, the SD or treating dentist shall remove the hold and document the incident. A dental hold shall be removed or lifted only by the treating dentist or SD.
(u) Nourishments and supplements may be prescribed for patients who are pregnant, diabetic, immunocompromised, malnourished, or those with dental or oropharyngeal conditions causing difficulty eating regular diets.
(v) Restraints. If a patient requiring dental treatment also requires use of restraint gear, such restraints shall be selected to enable sitting in a dental chair and shall remain in place during the treatment. Exceptions require concurrence of the treating dentist, the escorting officer, and a lieutenant. For pregnant patients, the rules provided in sections 3268.2(b), (d), and (e) concerning the use of restraints shall be followed.

Cal. Code Regs. Tit. 15, § 3999.367

Note: Authority cited: Section 5058, Penal Code. Reference: Sections 3424 and 5054, Penal Code; and Perez, et al. v. Cate, et al., USDC no. 3:05-cv-05241-JSW (No. Cal.).

Note: Authority cited: Section 5058, Penal Code. Reference: Sections 3424 and 5054, Penal Code; and Perez, et al. v. Cate, et al., (No. C05-05241 JSW), U.S. District Court, Northern District of California.

1. New article 6 (section 3999.367) and renumbering and amendment of former section 3355.1 to new section 3999.367 filed 3-12-2019 as an emergency; operative 3-12-2019 (Register 2019, No. 11). Pursuant to Penal Code section 5058.3, a Certificate of Compliance must be transmitted to OAL by 8-19-2019 or emergency language will be repealed by operation of law on the following day.
2. Certificate of Compliance as to 3-12-2019 order transmitted to OAL 8-14-2019 and filed 9/24/2019 (Register 2019, No. 39).
3. Amendment of section and Note filed 10-28-2021; operative 1/1/2022 (Register 2021, No. 44). Filing deadline specified in Government Code section 11349.3(a)extended 60 calendar days pursuant to Executive Order N-40-20 and an additional 60 calendar days pursuant to Executive Order N-71-20.
4. Change without regulatory effect amending subsections (g)(2) and (l)(2)-(3) filed 7-1-2024 pursuant to section 100, title 1, California Code of Regulations (Register 2024, No. 27).