Cal. Code Regs. tit. 14 § 15229

Current through Register 2024 Notice Reg. No. 40, October 4, 2024
Section 15229 - Baseline Analysis for Military Base Reuse Plan EIRs

When preparing and certifying an EIR for a plan for the reuse of a military base, including when utilizing an Environmental Impact Statement pursuant to Section 21083.5 of the Public Resources Code, the determination of whether the reuse plan may have a significant effect on the environment may, at the discretion of the lead agency, be based upon the physical conditions which were present at the time that the federal decision for the closure or realignment of the base or reservation became final. These conditions shall be referred to as the "baseline physical conditions." Impacts which do not exceed the baseline physical conditions shall not be considered significant.

(a) Prior to circulating a draft EIR pursuant to the provisions of this Section, the lead agency shall do all of the following, in order:
(1) Prepare proposed baseline physical conditions, identify pertinent responsible and trustee agencies and consult with those agencies prior to the public hearing required by subdivision (a)(2) as to the application of their regulatory authority and permitting standards to the proposed baseline physical conditions, the proposed reuse plan, and specific, planned future nonmilitary land uses of the base or reservation. The affected agencies shall have not less than 30 days prior to the public hearing to review the proposed baseline physical conditions and the proposed reuse plan and to submit their comments to the lead agency.
(2) Hold a public hearing at which is discussed the federal EIS prepared for, or being prepared for, the closure or realignment of the military base or reservation. The discussion shall include the significant effects on the environment, if any, examined in the EIS, potential methods of mitigating those effects, including feasible alternatives, and the mitigative effects of federal, state, and local laws applicable to future nonmilitary activities. Prior to the close of the hearing, the lead agency shall specify whether it will adopt any of the baseline physical conditions for the reuse plan EIR and identify those conditions. The lead agency shall specify particular baseline physical conditions, if any, which it will examine in greater detail than they were examined in the EIS. Notice of the hearing shall be given pursuant to Section 15087. The hearing may be continued from time to time.
(3) Prior to the close of the hearing, the lead agency shall do all of the following:
(A) Specify the baseline physical conditions which it intends to adopt for the reuse plan EIR, and specify particular physical conditions, if any, which it will examine in greater detail than were examined in the EIS.
(B) State specifically how it intends to integrate its discussion of the baseline physical conditions in the EIR with the reuse planning process, taking into account the adopted environmental standards of the community, including but not limited to, the adopted general plan, specific plan or redevelopment plan, and including other applicable provisions of adopted congestion management plans, habitat conservation or natural communities conservation plans, air quality management plans, integrated waste management plans, and county hazardous waste management plans.
(C) State the specific economic or social reasons, including but not limited to, new job creation, opportunities for employment of skilled workers, availability of low and moderate-income housing, and economic continuity which support selection of the baseline physical conditions.
(b) An EIR prepared under this section should identify any adopted baseline physical conditions in the environmental setting section. The baseline physical conditions should be cited in discussions of effects. The no-project alternative analyzed in an EIR prepared under this section shall discuss the conditions on the base as they exist at the time of preparation, as well as what could be reasonably expected to occur in the foreseeable future if the reuse plan were not approved, based on current plans and consistent with available infrastructure and services.
(c) All public and private activities taken pursuant to or in furtherance of a reuse plan for which an EIR was prepared and certified pursuant to this section shall be deemed to be a single project. A subsequent or supplemental EIR shall be required only if the lead agency determines that any of the circumstances described in Section 15162 or 15163 exist.
(d) Limitations:
(1) Nothing in this section shall in any way limit the scope of review or determination of significance of the presence of hazardous or toxic wastes, substances, and materials, including but not limited to, contaminated soils and groundwater. The regulation of hazardous or toxic wastes, substances, and materials shall not be constrained by this section.
(2) This section does not apply to hazardous waste regulation and remediation projects undertaken pursuant to Chapter 6.5 (commencing with Section 25100) or Chapter 6.8 (commencing with Section 25300) of Division 20 of the Health and Safety Code or pursuant to the Porter-Cologne Water Quality Control Act (Water Code Section 13000, et seq.)
(3) All subsequent development at the military base or reservation shall be subject to all applicable federal, state, or local laws, including but not limited to, those relating to air quality, water quality, traffic, threatened and endangered species, noise, and hazardous or toxic wastes, substances, or materials.
(e) "Reuse plan" means the initial plan for the reuse of military base adopted by a local government, including a redevelopment agency or joint powers authority, in the form of a general plan, general plan amendment, specific plan, redevelopment plan, or other planning document. For purposes of this section, a reuse plan also shall include a statement of development policies, a diagram or diagrams illustrating its provisions, including a designation of the proposed general distribution, location, and development intensity for housing, business, industry, open space, recreation, natural resources, public buildings and grounds, roads, and other transportation facilities, infrastructure, and other categories of proposed uses, whether public or private.
(f) This section may be applied to any reuse plan EIR for which a notice of preparation is issued within one year from the date that the federal record of decision was rendered for the military base or reservation closure or realignment and reuse, or prior to January 1, 1997, whichever is later, but only if the EIR is completed and certified within five years from the date that the federal record of decision was rendered.

Cal. Code Regs. Tit. 14, § 15229

1. New section filed 5-27-97; operative 5-27-97 pursuant to Government Code section 11343.4(d) (Register 97, No. 22).
2. Change without regulatory effect amending first paragraph and NOTE filed 10-6-2005 pursuant to section 100, title 1, California Code of Regulations (Register 2005, No. 40).

Note: Authority cited: Section 21083, Public Resources Code. Reference: Section 21083.8.1, Public Resources Code.

1. New section filed 5-27-97; operative 5-27-97 pursuant to Government Code section 11343.4(d) (Register 97, No. 22).
2. Change without regulatory effect amending first paragraph and Note filed 10-6-2005 pursuant to section 100, title 1, California Code of Regulations (Register 2005, No. 40).