Cal. Code Regs. tit. 11 § 1052

Current through Register 2024 Notice Reg. No. 41, October 11, 2024
Section 1052 - Requirements for Course Certification (Refer to Commission Regulation 1059 for Basic Course Certification Requirements)
(a) Instructor-Led Training

Every instructor-led training course submitted to POST for certification, including those presented in a classroom setting or delivered online (i.e., live webinars) but excluding basic courses certified under Commission Regulation 1059, shall be evaluated in accordance with the following factors:

(1) Development of course was approved by regional consultant based on an established ongoing, unmet training need;
(2) Course Content;
(3) Expanded course outline; Certification I and II will include a statement of purpose. Certification I will require second level of detail, Certification II will require third level of detail or learning objectives and minimum topics. A sufficient level of detail must be included to sufficiently explain the course content.
(4) Hours of Instruction;
(5) Qualifications of Instructors, Coordinators, and/or Academy Staff (reference Regulations 1070 and 1071 for minimum training standards);
(A) Individuals shall not be permitted to instruct in a POST-certified course if the person has become ineligible to hold office as a peace officer pursuant to Section 1029 of the Government Code, or, if their peace officer certification:
1. Is currently suspended by either the Commission or the Executive Director of POST (shall only apply during the period of suspension),
2. Has been revoked by the Commission, or
3. Was voluntarily surrendered to the Commission.
(B) If an immediate temporary suspension does not result in a Commission action, the individual may be reinstated as an eligible instructor in a POST-certified course upon reinstatement of their certification.
(6) Target audience and number of trainees;
(7) Physical Facilities Appropriate for the Training;
(8) Methods of Course Presentation;
(9) Learning activities, if applicable (e.g., table-top exercises, role playing, scenarios) or other means of assessing student learning (e.g., cognitive or manipulative skills test);
(A) Provide brief description of any learning activity (as defined in Commission Regulation 1001) that may be used during each course presentation.
(B) Training presenters shall have the flexibility to select any of the learning activities they described as required in subsection 1052(9)(A) during a course presentation, provided the course content is delivered as certified.
(C) Training presenters may introduce new learning activities not referenced/described during the initial course certification process to enhance learning. Any new learning activity introduced into the course curriculum on other than a temporary basis shall be added to the expanded course outline and submitted to POST staff for approval of the course modification.
(D) Each training presenter of POST-certified courses involving the manipulative skills training shall implement a formal written safety policy. Training presenters shall at all times develop and implement safety policies for courses when applicable or when student safety is involved. Training presenters shall refer to the POST Guidelines for Student Safety in Certified Courses 2024, herein incorporated by reference, for clarification and requirements. The POST regional consultant shall review and approve safety policies.
1. Training shall at all times be conducted in a manner designed to minimize any risk of injury and to promote student, staff, and instructor safety.
2. The POST Regional Consultant shall be notified in writing within five (5) business days when an injury requiring more than basic first aid occurs during training.
(10) Methods of assessing student learning, if applicable (e.g., learning activities demonstrations, testing, teach backs)
(11) Availability of staff to administer and properly oversee the course
(12) Process for student evaluation of the course
(13) Projected course cost and tuition per student
(14) Instructor/trainee ratios
(15) Provisions for student safety, if applicable (refer to POST Guidelines for Student Safety for Certified Courses 2024)
(b) Instructor-led Training Course Certification Request Training presenters have the option to submit an instructor-led training course to POST for a Certification I or Certification II request. Conferences, agency specific courses, and courses not financially subsidized by POST, in whole or part, including student per diem or travel, may be submitted as a Certification I request. Any course may be submitted as a Certification II request. Legislatively mandated courses, courses financially subsidized by POST, in whole or part, perishable skills courses, and manipulative skills courses shall be submitted as a Certification II request. The following information, provided to POST via EDI, shall constitute a complete course certification request for instructor-led training and for the instructor-led portion of a blended learning course:
(1) Course Administration Information collected via EDI shall consist of the following:
(A) Agency submitting request
(B) Course information
1. Course title
2. Course number
3. Course hours
4. Secondary course title
5. Course description
6. Fiscal year
7. If the course is a variable format course
8. Participating agencies and target audience
9. If the course is specifically job related for dispatchers
10. Estimated annual trainees
11. If course is to be published in the course catalog
(C) Mandated information
1. Do you want to request perishable skills approval?
2. Does this course meet a legislative mandate?
3. Does this course meet a Commission Regulation training mandate?
(D) Course information details
1. Does this course require standardized curriculum?
2. Does this course revisit content from prior course(s)? (i.e., refresher course)
3. Is this an update course? (i.e., material changes over time)
4. Does this course require a safety policy? (e.g., Arrest and Control, Firearms)
5. Are there subventions or college financial support?
6. Does this course require prerequisite(s)? (e.g., Basic Course)
7. Does this course have enrollment restrictions?
8. Project(s) description (if required)
9. Is there a college affiliation?
10. Semester or quarter indicator
11. Number of units granted
(E) Presentation information
1. Maximum enrollment for each presentation
2. Maximum number of presentations per year
3. Indicate course on-site/off-site presentations
4. Course address(es)
5. Number and size of classroom facilities
6. Presentation methods (indicate all techniques used)
7. Training aids
8. Methods of assessing learning goals and objectives (indicate all methods used)
(F) Financial information
1. Indicate POST Reimbursement Plan (refer to Commission Regulation 1015(c))
2. Non-reimbursable tuition
(G) General information
1. Course coordinator name
2. Course coordinator telephone
3. Email
(2) Course instructor resume, shall be completed by the course presenter for each instructor assigned to instruct in any POST certified/ approved course. The Presenter Approval section of the resume shall be completed for each instructor of a "Specialized Training Subject", listed in Commission Regulation 1070 in compliance with Commission Regulation 1082, and who has been evaluated and met the instructor training requirements. The course instructor resume information collected via EDI shall consist of the following:
(A) Course title
(B) Presenter submitting resume
(C) Personal information
2. Instructor's name (first, middle, last, suffix)
3. Current occupation
4. Current employer (primary)
5. Highest degree obtained
6. Year obtained
7. Major
8. Education/teaching credential
9. College/university granting degree (including city and state)
10. Professional licenses or certificates
11. Law enforcement experience or other experience including any directly related to this instructional assignment (e.g., patrol, SWAT, traffic), and number of years
(D) Instructor experience (courses taught)
(E) Course information
1. Subjects instructor teaches in this course (e.g., Firearms, Legal Update)
(F) Instructor development training
1. Instructor development training including that which is specific to this course
a. Course title
b. Course control number (or presenter name if not POST-certified)
c. Total hours
d. Date completed
e. Specialized subjects listed in Commission Regulation 1070(b) or 1070(c)
(G) Presenter approval
1. Presenter/designee (person authorized to approve instructor)
a. Name (first, middle, last)
2. Presenter contact information
a. Office phone
b. Cell phone
c. Fax
d. Email
(3) Certification I expanded course outline shall minimally include: presenter name, presenter identification number, course name or title on each page, page numbers, revision date, statement of purpose, and subject topics to the second level of detail to sufficiently indicate technical information in the subject areas.

Certification II expanded course outline shall minimally include: presenter name, presenter identification number, course name or title on each page, page numbers, revision date, statement of purpose, subject topics to the third level of detail or learning objectives and minimum topics to sufficiently indicate the technical information in the subject areas, student activities, and methods for assessing student learning. A generic outline example is as follows:

Presenter Name, Presenter Identification Number

Course Name or Title

Page Number

(A) Course Purpose
(B) Topic 1 or Section 1
1. First Subtopic/Section Content
a. Content Breakdown (Not required for Certification I)
b. Content Breakdown (Not required for Certification I)
2. Second Subtopic/Section Content
a. Content Breakdown (Not required for Certification I)
b. Content Breakdown (Not required for Certification I)
(C) Topic 2 or Section 2
1. First Subtopic/Section Content
a. Content Breakdown (Not required for Certification I)
b. Content Breakdown (Not required for Certification I)
2. Second Subtopic/Section Content
a. Content Breakdown (Not required for Certification I)
b. Content Breakdown (Not required for Certification I)
(4) Hourly distribution schedule must indicate the total number of hours per course presentation, total number of days of class, and the total number of days per week. If the course includes legislatively mandated hours, then the hourly distribution schedule must illustrate how the mandate has been met. (Refer to Commission Regulation 1081)
(5) Course safety policies and procedures for courses when applicable (refer to POST Guidelines for Student Safety in Certified Courses 2024 for clarification and sample policies) must minimally address:

Presenter Name, Presenter Identification Number

Course Name or Title

Page Number

(A) Rules of safety and conduct
1. General rule
2. Course specifics
3. Site specific rules
(B) Reporting and handling injuries
1. Minor injuries
2. Major injuries
(C) Ratios of instructional staff to students
(D) Address, phone number, and contact person for each training site
(E) Name, location, and phone number of nearest emergency medical facility for each training site.
(6) A course budget is required when POST provides reimbursement for training or training presentation; however, a course budget is not required when the total course tuition per student is $125 or less per day of instruction and the reimbursement is limited to subsistence, commuter lunch, and travel.
(7) Course budget information collected via EDI shall consist of the following (reference Commission Regulation 1054):
(A) Course title
(B) Presenter
(C) Site indicator: onsite or offsite
(D) Services
1. Instruction (name, hours, rate, high cost justification)
2. Coordination
a. General (name, course hours, rate per 8 hours)
b. Presentation - onsite (name, hours, rate, high cost justification)
3. Clerical (name, hours, rate)
(E) Travel
1. Coordinators
2. Instructors
(F) Indirect costs as defined in Commission Regulation 1054(j)
(G) Supplies and equipment
1. Books/pamphlets/handouts (description, quantity, item cost)
2. Certificates (description, quantity, item cost, cost)
3. Notebooks (description, quantity, item cost, cost)
4. Paper/office supplies (description, quantity, item cost, cost)
5. Printing/reproduction (description, number of pages, rate per page, number of students, cost)
6. Equipment (item, specific cost)
(H) Support costs
1. Course facility costs (e.g., item, cost)
2. Miscellaneous [item cost (e.g., room rental, telephone, postage)]
(I) Subventions
1. Course facility costs (e.g., item, grants, gifts, FTES)
2. Type (e.g., cash, equipment, services)
(c) Course Certification Review
(1) Presenters should allow a minimum of 60 days for staff to approve the course certification request. Approval must be granted via EDI prior to the presentation of the course. If the request is incomplete, the presenter will be required to make the necessary changes in accordance with Commission Regulation 1052 and resubmit the course via EDI. This may extend the time required to complete the course certification process.
(2) POST will notify the requestor via EDI of the decision to approve or disapprove certification of a course.
(3) Any requestor not satisfied with a certification action may submit an appeal in accordance with Commission Regulation 1058.
(d) Modifications to Course Certification

All courses shall be presented as certified. Course presenters shall submit via EDI modification(s) to the budget, course content, total course hours, instructors, location, and/or number of presentations a minimum of 45 days in advance of a course presentation. Approval of the modification must be granted via EDI prior to the presentation of the course. CPT credit will not be awarded to students attending courses presented prior to modification approval.

(e) Courses for which POST has established minimum curriculum and/or hourly requirements must comply with those requirements at the time of the certification request and any subsequent presentations. (See Commission Regulation(s) 1081, 1082, and any training specifications referenced in Commission Procedure D-1, which have been incorporated into regulation by reference.) An exception would be a course pilot presentation that is determined to meet amended curriculum, hourly, and/or course certification requirements, in which case, POST certification and presentation approval may be granted. In addition to meeting the amended curriculum, hourly, and/or course certification requirements, a pilot presentation must meet any additional requirements set forth in Commission Regulations 1052, 1054, 1055, 1056, and 1059. Any course attendee who has successfully completed a POST-certified pilot presentation shall receive credit for the training (thus satisfying the training mandate) even though the training occurred prior to the adoption of the training mandate or required curriculum/hours. POST has established the following process for approval and implementation of a pilot presentation:
(1) Any interested person may submit a request for a pilot presentation, in writing, to the Executive Director. Each request shall minimally include the purpose, fiscal impact, desired outcome, implementation plan, and evaluation method of the pilot presentation;
(2) POST Staff will determine whether a pilot presentation will be implemented based on the following factors:
(A) The proposed pilot presentation meets stakeholder needs;
(B) The proposed pilot presentation has statewide applicability;
(C) The proposed pilot presentation is not tailored to one specific group/agency, and;
(D) The cost to run the proposed pilot presentation, if any;
(3) Initial approval of a pilot presentation must be granted by the Executive Director with final approval granted by the Commission;
(4) Once approved, any POST-certified presenter may conduct a pilot presentation on a voluntary basis. The pilot presentation will not exceed 18 months;
(5) At the end of the pilot presentation, all data collected will be presented to the Commission and a decision shall be made regarding implementation of the amended curriculum, hourly, and/or course certification requirements.
(f) No course shall be certified which restricts attendance to a single agency, unless the purpose of the course is to improve that agency and attendance by non-agency personnel would jeopardize the success of the course.
(g) The presenter of a POST-certified course shall review all audio-visual training materials and publicly broadcasted material prior to use as a training resource. The review of this material shall emphasize the avoidance of materials that depict situations, tactics, and procedures that could lead a trainee to take inappropriate actions on the job.
(1) For the purposes of this regulation, "audio-visual training materials" are defined as audio tapes, CD-ROM discs, computer animations, digitized audio, and video files, DVD discs, films, slides, videotapes, web-based, and other similar media.
(h) Training presented in conjunction with association meetings or conferences presented by associations may be certified subject to the requirements set forth in Commission Regulation 1052, along with the following conditions:
(1) Training presented by an association or in conjunction with an association meeting or conferences presented by associations shall not be certified if attendance is restricted to association members, unless justification is provided to POST.
(2) Conference training shall be certified as non-reimbursable.
(3) Training conferences do not require a budget attachment (as defined in Commission Regulation 1054).
(4) Training Conference fees shall not include membership fees for non-members.
(i) Single-track Training

Single-track training: All attendees receive the same training at one time.

(1) Each individual training session will be a minimum of two hours. CPT credit may be requested for a keynote speaker less than two hours.
(2) Sessions by keynote speakers will only be certified if the content has been included in the expanded course outline to the second level of detail.
(3) Presenter will submit the Course Certification Request via EDI consistent with Commission Regulation 1052.
(4) Presenter will complete and submit a roster for the conference via EDI consistent with Commission Regulation 1055(g).
(j) Multi-track Training

Multi-track training: attendees can select training from a list of workshops.

(1) Presenter will submit the Course Certification Request via EDI consistent with Commission Regulation 1052.
(2) Each individual workshop shall be named in the expanded course outline to the second level of detail (Refer to subsection 1052(b)).
(3) Presenter is responsible for tracking each trainee's actual attendance at individual workshops. Presenter will submit the conference roster via EDI. The roster shall reflect the workshop number(s) attended and total number of hours of CPT credit for each trainee.
(k) POST Symposiums

POST symposiums are designed to disseminate information or address current and future problems encountered by law enforcement. The Commission may authorize reimbursement for POST symposiums on a Letter of Agreement (LOA) or Training Reimbursement Request (TRR).

(l) The Commission shall only endorse or co-sponsor courses, seminars, or conferences when POST has assisted in planning the event, developing the subject matter or program, and selecting instructors or speakers.

Cal. Code Regs. Tit. 11, § 1052

Note: Authority cited: Sections 13503 and 13506, Penal Code. Reference: Section 13503(e), Penal Code.

Note: Authority cited: Sections 13503 and 13506, Penal Code. Reference: Section 13503(e), Penal Code.

1. New section filed 3-25-91; operative 4-24-91 (Register 91, No. 16).
2. New subsections (g)-(g)(4) filed 7-14-93; operative 7-14-93 pursuant to Government Code section 11346.2(d) (Register 93, No. 29).
3. Amendment of subsection (d) and new subsections (d)(1)-(2) filed 5-12-94; operative 5-29-94 (Register 94, No. 19).
4. New subsections (b)-(b)(4) and subsection relettering filed 10-28-96; operative 11-27-96 (Register 96, No. 44).
5. Amendment of subsections (d), (g), (h)(2) and (h)(3) filed 1-22-2001; operative 2-21-2001 (Register 2001, No. 4).
6. Amendment of subsections (a)(1) and (a)(2), new subsection (b)(5) and amendment of subsection (d) filed 7-17-2001; operative 7-1-2002 (Register 2001, No. 29).
7. Amendment of subsection (d) filed 4-7-2003; operative 5-7-2003 (Register 2003, No. 15).
8. Amendment filed 7-27-2006; operative 8-26-2006 (Register 2006, No. 30).
9. New subsections (c)(6)-(7), new document POST Basic Courses Test Administration and Security Guidelines 2009 (incorporated by reference) and new final paragraph filed 10-28-2008; operative 1-1-2009 (Register 2008, No. 44).
10. Amendment of subsection (c) and subsections thereof filed 12-29-2010; operative 1-1-2011 pursuant to Government Code section 11343.4 (Register 2010, No. 53).
11. Amendment of subsections (c)(12)-(13), redesignation and amendment of document POST Basic Courses Test Administration and Security Guidelines 2009 as POST Basic Courses Test Management and Security Protocols 2012 (incorporated by reference) and amendment of final paragraph filed 4-3-2012; operative 5-3-2012 (Register 2012, No. 14).
12. Change without regulatory effect amending subsections (a)-(b)(10), (c)(9) and (i) filed 11-26-2012 pursuant to section 100, title 1, California Code of Regulations (Register 2012, No. 48).
13. Amendment of document POST Basic Courses Test Management and Security Protocols 2014 (incorporated by reference) and amendment of subsection (c)(13) and last paragraph filed 6-5-2014; operative 10/1/2014 (Register 2014, No. 23).
14. Amendment of subsections (c)(13) and (i)(4) and the document, POST Basic Courses Test Management and Security Protocols (incorporated by reference) filed 2-24-2016; operative 4/1/2016 (Register 2016, No. 9).
15. Amendment filed 9-22-2016; operative 1/1/2017 (Register 2016, No. 39).
16. Amendment of subsections (f)(11) and (n) and amendment of POST Basic Courses Test Management and Security Protocols 2018 (incorporated by reference) filed 6-18-2018; operative 7/1/2018 pursuant to Government Code section 11343.4(b)(3) (Register 2018, No. 25).
17. Amendment filed 4-24-2019; operative 7/1/2019 (Register 2019, No. 17).
18. Amendment of subsections (a)(9)(B) and (g) and new subsections (g)(1)-(5) filed 4-24-2019; operative 7/1/2019 (Register 2019, No. 17).
19. Amendment of subsection (b)(6), new subsection (b)(7) and redesignation of former subsections (b)(6)(A)-(I) as subsections (b)(7)(A)-(I) filed 1-15-2020; operative 4/1/2020 (Register 2020, No. 3).
20. New subsections (a)(9)(D)1.-2., amendment of subsection (b)(3), new subsection (b)(5)(D), repealer and new subsection (f)(2)(D), new subsection (f)(2)(E), amendment of subsections (f)(3), (f)(4), (f)(5) and (f)(7), new subsection (f)(8), subsection renumbering and amendment of subsection (g) filed 2-12-2020; operative 4/1/2020 (Register 2020, No. 7).
21. Governor Newsom issued Executive Order N-63-20 (2019 CA EO 63-20), dated May 7, 2020, which suspended prohibitions on online Basic Academy training courses, due to the COVID-19 pandemic.
22. Amendment of document, POST Guidelines for Student Safety in Certified Courses (incorporated by reference) and amendment of subsections (a)(9)(D), (a)(15), (b)(5), (f)(1)(I)4., (f)(1)(O) and (f)(2)(E) filed 6-16-2020; operative 10/1/2020 (Register 2020, No. 25).
23. Amendment of section heading and subsection (a), repealer of subsections (f)-(f)(14), subsection relettering and amendment of newly designated subsections (f) and (m) filed 12-31-2020; operative 4/1/2021 pursuant to Government Code section 11343.4(b)(3) (Register 2021, No. 1). (Filing deadline specified in Government Code section 11349.3(a) extended 60 calendar days pursuant to Executive Order N-40-20.)
24. Amendment filed 10-15-2021; operative 1/1/2022 (Register 2021, No. 42). Filing deadline specified in Government Code section 11349.3(a) extended 60 calendar days pursuant to Executive Order N-40-20 and an additional 60 calendar days pursuant to Executive Order N-71-20.
25. Repealer of subsections (e)-(e)(1)(C)2. and subsection relettering filed 1-13-2022; operative 4/1/2022 (Register 2022, No. 2).
26. Amendment of subsection (d) filed 6-20-2022; operative 10/1/2022 (Register 2022, No. 25).
27. New subsections (a)(5)(A)-(B) filed 4-25-2023; operative 4/25/2023 pursuant to Government Code section 11343.4(b)(3) (Register 2023, No. 17).
28. Amendment of subsections (a)(9)(D), (a)(15) and (b)(5) filed 2-27-2024; operative 4/1/2024 (Register 2024, No. 9).