A.C.A. § 24-7-301 (as amended by Acts 418 of 1997, 866 of 1999, and 97 of 2007)
A.C.A. § 24-7-301 provides that the general administration and responsibility for the proper operation of the Arkansas Teacher Retirement System and for making effective the provisions of the Teacher Retirement laws are vested in the Board of Trustees of 15 persons. The Bank Commissioner, the Treasurer of the State, the Auditor of the State, and the Commissioner of the Department of Education serve as ex officio trustees. Eleven (11) members serve as elected trustees, seven (7) who are active members of the System with at least five (5) years of actual service In force, one (1) who is a member of a racial ethnic group and is either an active or retirant member, and three (3) who are retirant members.
For these purposes, participants in the Teacher Deferred Retirement Plan (T-DROP) will be considered active members. The active and retirant trustees shall be elected in accordance with such rules and regulations as the Board shall from time to time adopt to govern such elections.
Active members employed in positions requiring state licensure, but not administrators' licenses, will elect these trustees. Such members must NOT be employed in positions as school administrators (superintendent, assistant superintendent, principal, vice principal, president, chancellor, or director of a state Institution of higher education, community/technical college, or vocational center/ cooperative of employed by an ATRS-covered agency In a position Grade 24 and above.
These trustees will be elected by members employed as school administrators (superintendent, assistant superintendent, principal, vice principal, president, chancellor, or director of a state institution of higher education, community/technical college, or vocational center/cooperative) or employed by an ATRS-covered agency in a position Grade 24 and above.
This member trustee shall be elected by members who are employed in positions not requiring state teaching licensure or are employed by an ATRS-covered agency In a position Grade 16 and below.
There shall be one (1) member trustee of a minority racial ethnic group who is either an active or a retired member of the System. This member trustee shall be elected by the active and retired membership of the System.
There shall be three (3) retirant member trustees who receive an annuity paid by the System. These trustees shall be elected by the retired membership of the System. Retirant trustees must reside in Arkansas.
A vacancy will occur if the trustee position becomes vacant due to one of the following:
Position #1 (1st Congressional District)
Position #2 (2nd Congressional District)
Position #3 (3rd Congressional District)
Position #4 (4th Congressional District)
Position #5 (Administrator - Superintendent only)
Position #6 (Administrator)
Position #7 (Nonlicensed)
Position #8 (Minority)
Position #9 (Retirant)
Position #10 (Retirant)
Position #11 (Retirant)
Active ATRS members (includes T-DROP participants) who are employed in the congressional district. Such members must also be employed in positions that require a state teaching license or employed by an ATRS-covered agency In a position between Grades 17-23. Such members must not be employed in positions as school administrators (superintendent, assistant superintendent, principal, vice principal, president, chancellor, or director of a state institution of higher education, community/technical college, or vocational center/cooperative) or employed In an ATRS-covered position Grade 24 and above.
Active ATRS members (includes T-DROP participants) employed as school administrators (superintendent, assistant superintendent, principal, vice principal, president, chancellor, or director of a state institution of higher education, community/technical college, or vocational center/cooperative), or employed by an ATRS-covered employer in a position Grade 24 or above.
Active ATRS members (includes T-DROP participants) employed as school administrators (superintendent, assistant superintendent, principal, vice principal, president, chancellor, or director of a state institution of higher education, community/technical college, or vocational center/cooperative) or employed by an ATRS-covered employer in a position Grade 24 or above.
Active ATRS members (includes T-DROP participants) employed in positions that do not require a state teaching license (includes school secretaries, school bus drivers, school cafeteria and maintenance workers) or employed by an ATRS-covered agency In a position Grade 16 and below.
Active ATRS members (includes T-DROP participants), and retirant members receiving an annuity paid by ATRS.
ATRS retirant members receiving an annuity paid by ATRS.
Survivors of ATRS members who receive benefits from the System are not eligible to participate in the election of Board of Trustee members. (Revised November 18, 1997.)
A.C.A. § 24-7-302
During the month of November prior to the year in which a trustee is to be elected, a notice of such election shall be submitted to the Arkansas Association of Educational Administrators (AAEA), the Arkansas Education Association (ABA), the Arkansas State Employees Association (ASEA), the Arkansas Retired Teachers Association (ARTA), and the ATRS website. The System shall also publish a Public Notice in the Arkansas Democrat-Gazette, which will run for at least five (5) days. This announcement shall include the trustee position number and description of the position for which the election is to be held, a listing of counties if election is for a congressional district, voter qualifications/eligibility to vote, the procedure for nominating a candidate, and an announcement indicating that nominating petitions can be obtained from the Teacher Retirement System.
A.CA § 24-7-302
The regular election schedule will be as follows:
[ BLACK DIAMOND SUIT ] Deadline for nomination: January 15
[ BLACK DIAMOND SUIT ] Drawing for ballot position: February 1
[ BLACK DIAMOND SUIT ] Ballots mailed: March 15
[ BLACK DIAMOND SUIT ] Deadline for ballots to be returned: April 15
[ BLACK DIAMOND SUIT ] Results certified: April 20
If no candidate receives a majority of votes, a run-off will be held between the two candidates receiving the highest number of votes. The schedule for the run-off will be as follows:
[ BLACK DIAMOND SUIT ] Run-off ballots mailed: May 1
[ BLACK DIAMOND SUIT ] Deadline for ballots to be returned: June 1
[ BLACK DIAMOND SUIT ] Results certified: June 5
If one of the above fixed dates is on a weekend or holiday, the above procedures will occur on the next regular work day following such weekend or holiday.
If a candidate receives a majority of the votes cast on the first ballot, he/she will be considered qualified to assume office on July 1. If a run-off is necessary, the candidate receiving the majority of the votes cast will be considered qualified and will assume office on July 1.
A challenge of any ATRS trustee election shall be directed to the ATRS Executive Director within 10 calendar days of the certification of the results of the election in question. The Executive Director will issue a recommendation in writing within 10 calendar days. The Executive Director's recommendation may be appealed to the Board of Trustees within 10 additional days. The Board of Trustees will take action on the appeal within 10 days of its receipt. The challenger will pay expenses incurred by the Retirement System as a result of an election being challenged, unless the Board upholds the challenger's assertion.
The terms of Position No. 6 (Administrator), Position No. 7 (Nonlicensed), and Position No. 8 (Minority), shall commence on January 1, 1998, and shall expire June 30, 2003.
A.C.A. §24-2-410
The Board of Trustees is responsible for the prudent investment of funds and to maintain a proper allocation of the System's investment assets. The Board of Trustees, in conjunction with its advisors, shall set and adjust the System's asset allocation ranges as necessary to provide an optimal allocation to obtain its target returns.
The asset allocation ranges established by the Board represent the Board's judgment of a portfolio mix that provides the greatest risk/return value. Allowing the portfolio to exceed the Board limits strays from the financial discipline, which the Board believes will-over time-provide the appropriate risk-adjusted return to the Retirement System.
The Executive Director is responsible to rebalance among the allowable asset classes and individual portfolios at such time that any of the asset classes falls outside of the designated range. The Executive Director will monitor the asset values by classification and for each investment manager on a monthly basis, based on month-end data provided by the custodian bank. The Executive Director shall submit a report to the Board detailing the movement of funds necessary to carry out that rebalancing at the next scheduled meeting following the completion of such transactions.
Whenever the minimum or maximum range on any major asset class has been exceeded, a transfer of funds will occur so as to bring the actual allocation within the prescribed range. Since many alternative, timberland, and real estate investments are not liquid and valuations may be estimates or appraisals and may be time-lagged, the Executive Director shall use best efforts to use commitments, capital calls, capital contributions, and distributions to rebalance such investments.
Normal plan cash flows should be used to the extent possible to rebalance. Interest, dividends, and plan contributions should be used to the extent possible to fund asset classes that are below their target. Withdrawals should be made from asset classes that are above their target.
Adopted: October 7, 2003
Amended: February 11, 2008
088.00.08 Ark. Code R. 001