Ariz. Admin. Code § 14-2-510

Current through Register Vol. 30, No. 40, October 4, 2024
Section R14-2-510 - Administrative and Hearing Requirements
A. Customer service complaints
1. Each utility shall make a full and prompt investigation of all service complaints made by its customers, either directly or through the Commission.
2. The utility shall respond to the complainant and/or the Commission representative within five working days as to the status of the utility investigation of the complaint.
3. The utility shall notify the complainant and/or the Commission representative of the final disposition of each. Upon request of the complainant or the Commission representative, the utility shall report the findings of its investigation in writing.
4. Each utility shall keep a record of all written service complaints received which shall contain, at a minimum, the following data:
a. Name and address of complainant
b. Date and nature of the complaint
c. Disposition of the complaint
d. A copy of any correspondence between the utility, the customer, and/or the Commission.
5. This record shall be maintained for a minimum period of one year and shall be available for inspection by the Commission.
B. Customer bill disputes
1. Any utility customer who disputes a portion of a bill rendered for utility service shall pay the undisputed portion of the bill and notify the utility's designated representative that such unpaid amount is in dispute prior to the delinquent date of the bill.
2. Upon receipt of the customer notice of dispute, the utility shall:
a. Notify the customer within five working days of the receipt of a written dispute notice.
b. Initiate a prompt investigation as to the source of the dispute.
c. Withhold disconnection of service until the investigation is completed and the customer is informed of the results.
3. Once the customer has received the results of the utility's investigation, the customer shall submit payment within five working days to the utility for any disputed amounts. Failure to make full payment shall be grounds for termination of service. Prior to termination inform the customer of his right of appeal to the Commission.
C. Commission resolution of service and/or bill disputes
1. In the event a customer and utility cannot resolve a service and/or bill dispute, the customer shall file a written statement of dissatisfaction with the Commission; by submitting such notice to the Commission, the customer shall be deemed to have filed an informal complaint against the utility.
2. Within 30 days of the receipt of a written statement of customer dissatisfaction related to a service or bill dispute, a designated representative of the Commission shall endeavor to resolve the dispute by correspondence and/or telephone with the utility and the customer. If resolution of the dispute is not achieved within 20 days of the Commission representative's initial effort, the Commission shall hold an informal hearing to arbitrate the resolution of the dispute. The informal hearing shall be governed by the following rules:
a. Each party may be represented by legal counsel, if desired.
b. All such informal hearings may be recorded or held in the presence of a stenographer.
c. All parties will have the opportunity to present written or oral evidentiary material to support the positions of the individual parties.
d. All parties and the Commission's representative shall be given the opportunity for cross-examination of the various parties.
e. The Commission's representative will render a written decision to all parties within five working days after the date of the informal hearing. Such written decision of the arbitrator is not binding on any of the parties and the parties will still have the right to make a formal complaint to the Commission.
3. The utility may implement normal termination procedures if the customer fails to pay all bills rendered during the resolution of the dispute by the Commission.
D. Notice by utility of responsible officer or agent
1. Each utility shall file with the Commission a written statement containing the name, address (business, residence and post office) and telephone numbers (business and residence) of at least one officer, agent or employee responsible for the general management of its operations as a utility in Arizona.
2. Each utility shall give notice, by filing a written statement with the Commission, of any change in the information required herein within five days from the date of any such change.
E. Time-frames for processing applications for Certificates of Convenience and Necessity
1. This rule prescribes time-frames for the processing of any application for a Certificate of Convenience and Necessity issued by the Arizona Corporation Commission pursuant to this Article. These time-frames shall apply to applications filed on or after the effective date of this rule.
2. Within 30 calendar days after receipt of an application for a new Certificate of Convenience and Necessity, or to amend or change the status of any existing Certificate of Convenience and Necessity, staff shall notify the applicant, in writing, that the application is either administratively complete or deficient. If the application is deficient, the notice shall specify all deficiencies.
3. Staff may terminate an application if the applicant does not remedy all deficiencies within 60 calendar days of the notice of deficiency.
4. After receipt of a corrected application, staff shall notify the applicant within 30 calendar days if the corrected application is either administratively complete or deficient. The time-frame for administrative completeness review shall be suspended from the time the notice of deficiency is issued until staff determines that the application is complete.
5. Within 150 days after an application is deemed administratively complete, the Commission shall approve or reject the application.
6. For purposes of A.R.S. § 41-1072 et seq., the Commission has established the following time-frames:
a. Administrative completeness review time-frame: 30 calendar days,
b. Substantive review time-frame: 150 calendar days,
c. Overall time-frame: 180 calendar days.
7. If an applicant requests, and is granted, an extension or continuance, the appropriate time-frames shall be tolled from the date of the request during the duration of the extension or continuance.
8. During the substantive review time-frame, the Commission may, upon its own motion or that of any interested party to the proceeding, request a suspension of the time- frame rules.
F. Filing of rules and regulations
1. Each utility shall file with the Commission tariffs which are in compliance with the rules and regulations promulgated by the Arizona Corporation Commission within 120 days of the adoption of such rules by the Commission.
2. Any proposed changes to the tariffs on file with the Commission shall be accompanied by a statement of justification supporting the proposed change in tariff.
3. Any proposed change to the tariffs on file with the Commission shall not be effective until reviewed and approved by the Commission, except as provided for by law.
G. Accounts and records
1. Each utility shall keep general and auxiliary accounting records reflecting the cost of its properties, operating income and expense, assets and liabilities, and all other accounting and statistical data necessary to give complete and authentic information as to its properties and operations.
2. Each utility shall maintain its books and records in conformity with the Uniform Systems of Accounts for Class A, B, C and D Telephone Utilities as adopted and amended by the Federal Communications Commission or, for telephone cooperatives, as promulgated by the Rural Electrification Administration.
3. A utility shall produce or deliver in this state any or all of its formal accounting records and related documents requested by the Commission. It may, at its option, provide verified copies of original records and documents.
4. All utilities shall submit an annual report to the Commission on a form prescribed by it. The annual report shall be filed on or before the 15th day of April for the preceding calendar year. Reports prepared by a certified or licensed public accountant on the utility, if any, shall accompany the annual report.
5. All utilities shall file with the Commission a copy of all reports required by the Securities and Exchange Commission.
6. All utilities shall file with the Commission a copy of all annual reports required by the Federal Communications Commission and in addition, for telephone cooperatives, annual reports required by the Rural Electrification Administration.
H. Maps. All utilities shall file with the Commission a map or maps clearly setting forth the location and extent of the area or areas they hold under approved certificates of convenience and necessity, in accordance with the Cadastral (Rectangular) Survey of the United States Bureau of Land Management, or by metes and bounds with a starting point determined by the aforesaid Cadastral Survey.
I. Variations, exemptions of Commission rules and regulations. Variations or exemptions from the terms and requirements of any of the rules included herein (Title 14, Chapter 2, Article 5) shall be considered upon the verified application of an affected party to the Commission setting forth the circumstances whereby the public interest requires such variation or exemption from the Commission rules and regulations. Such application will be subject to the review of the Commission, and any variation or exemption granted shall require an order of the Commission. In case of conflict between these rules and regulations and an approved tariff or order of the Commission, the provisions of the tariff or order shall apply.
J. Prior agreements. The adoption of these rules by the Commission shall not affect any agreements entered into between the utility and customers or other parties who, pursuant to such contracts, arranged for the extension of facilities in a provision of service prior to the effective date of these rules.

Ariz. Admin. Code § R14-2-510

Adopted effective March 2, 1982 (Supp. 82-2). Amended effective December 31, 1998, under an exemption as determined by the Arizona Corporation Commission (Supp. 98-4). Amended to correct subsection numbering (Supp. 99-4).