Wis. Stat. § 73.03

Current through Acts 2023-2024, ch. 272
Section 73.03 - Powers and duties defined

It shall be the duty of the department of revenue, and it shall have power and authority:

(1) To have and exercise general supervision over the administration of the assessment and tax laws of the state, over assessors, boards of review, supervisors of equalization, and assessors of incomes, and over the county boards in the performance of their duties in making the taxation district assessment, to the end that all assessments of property be made relatively just and equal at full value and that all assessments of income may be legally and accurately made in substantial compliance with law.
(2) To confer with, advise and direct assessors, boards of review and county boards of assessment as to their duties under the statutes.
(2a) To prepare and publish, in electronic form and on the Internet, assessment manuals. The manual shall discuss and illustrate accepted assessment methods, techniques and practices with a view to more nearly uniform and more consistent assessments of property at the local level. The manual shall be amended by the department from time to time to reflect advances in the science of assessment, court decisions concerning assessment practices, costs, and statistical and other information considered valuable to local assessors by the department. The manual shall incorporate standards for the assessment of all types of renewable energy resource systems used in this state as soon as such systems are used in sufficient numbers and sufficient data exists to allow the formulation of valid guidelines. The manual shall incorporate standards, which the department of revenue and the state historical society of Wisconsin shall develop, for the assessment of nonhistoric property in historic districts and for the assessment of historic property, including but not limited to property that is being preserved or restored; property that is subject to a protective easement, covenant or other restriction for historic preservation purposes; property that is listed in the national register of historic places in Wisconsin or in this state's register of historic places and property that is designated as a historic landmark and is subject to restrictions imposed by a municipality or by a landmarks commission. The manual shall incorporate general guidelines about ways to determine whether property is taxable in part under s. 70.1105 and examples of the ways that s. 70.1105 applies in specific situations. The manual shall state that assessors are required to comply with s. 70.32(1g) and shall suggest procedures for doing so. The manual or a supplement to it shall specify per acre value guidelines for each municipality for various categories of agricultural land based on the income that could be generated from its estimated rental for agricultural use, as defined by rule, and capitalization rates established by rule. The manual shall include guidelines for classifying land as agricultural land, as defined in s. 70.32(2) (c) 1g, and guidelines for distinguishing between land and improvements to land. The cost of the development, preparation, and Internet publication of the manual and of revisions and amendments to it shall be paid from the appropriation under s. 20.566(2) (bm).
(3) To direct proceedings, actions and prosecutions to be instituted to enforce the laws relating to the penalties, liabilities and punishment of public officers, persons, and officers or agents of corporations for failure or neglect to comply with the provisions of the statutes governing the return, assessment and taxation of property; and to cause complaints to be made against assessors, members of boards of review, assessors of incomes, and members of county boards, or other assessing or taxing officers, to the proper circuit judge for their removal from office for official misconduct or neglect of duty.
(4) To require district attorneys to assist in the commencement and prosecution of actions and proceedings for penalties, forfeitures, removals and punishment for violations of the laws of the state in respect to the assessment and taxation of property, in their respective counties.
(5) To collect annually from town, city, village, county, and other public officers information regarding the assessment of property, and any other information that may be necessary in the work of the department, in the form and upon forms that the department shall prescribe. All public officers shall properly complete and promptly return to the department all forms received from the department under this subsection.
(5g) To examine all town, village, city, and county records for any purposes that are considered necessary by the department.
(5r) To publish annually the information collected under subs. (5) and (5g), with any compilations, analyses, or recommendations that the department determines are necessary.
(6) In its discretion to inspect and examine or cause an inspection and examination of the records of any town, city, village, or county officer whenever such officer shall have failed or neglected to return properly the information as required by sub. (5), within the time set by the department of revenue. Upon the completion of such inspection and examination the department of revenue shall transmit to the clerk of the town, city, village, or county a statement of the expenses incurred by the department of revenue to secure the necessary information. Duplicates of such statements shall be filed in the office of the secretary of administration. Within 60 days after the receipt of the above statement, the same shall be audited, as other claims of towns, cities, villages, and counties are audited, and shall be paid into the state treasury, in default of which the same shall become a special charge against such town, city, village, or county and be included in the next apportionment or certification of state taxes and charges, and collected with interest at the rate of 10 percent per year from the date such statements were certified by the department, as other special charges are certified and collected.
(7) The officers responsible for the furnishing of the information collected pursuant to this section shall be jointly and severally liable for any loss the town, city, village or county may suffer through their delinquency; and no payment shall be made them for salary, or on any other accounts, until the cost of such inspection and examination as provided above shall have been paid into the town, city, village or county treasury.
(8) To require individuals, partnerships, limited liability companies, companies, associations and corporations to furnish information concerning their capital, funded or other debt, current assets and liabilities, value of property, earnings, operating and other expenses, taxes and all other facts which may be needful to enable the department to ascertain the value and the relative burdens borne by all kinds of property in the state.
(9) To summon witnesses to appear and give testimony, and to produce records, books, papers and documents relating to any matter which the department shall have authority to investigate or determine.
(10) To cause the deposition of witnesses residing within or without the state or absent therefrom, to be taken, upon notice to the interested party, if any, in like manner that depositions of witnesses are taken in civil actions pending in the circuit court, in any matter which the department shall have authority to investigate or determine.
(11) To visit the counties in the state, unless prevented by other necessary official duties, for the investigation of the work and the methods adopted by local assessors, county assessors, boards of review, supervisors of equalization and county boards, in the assessment, equalization and taxation of property. The department of revenue and its district supervisory staff shall assist the county assessor in carrying out the assessor's duties.
(12) To carefully examine into all cases where evasion or violation of the laws for assessment and taxation of property is alleged, complained of or discovered, and to ascertain wherein existing laws are defective or are improperly or negligently administered.
(13) To investigate the tax systems of other states and countries and to formulate and recommend such legislation as may be deemed expedient to prevent evasion of assessment and tax laws and to secure just and equal taxation and improvement in the system of taxation in the state.
(15) To consult and confer with the governor of the state upon the subject of taxation, the administration of the laws in relation thereto and the progress of the work of the department, and to furnish the governor from time to time such assistance and information as the governor may require.
(17) To disseminate from time to time, in such manner as shall best be calculated to attract general public attention, facts and data concerning public expenditures, sources of revenue, responsibility for levies, the value and relative tax burdens borne by different classes of property, and other useful and valuable information concerning the subject of taxation and public finance.
(18) To exercise and perform such further powers and duties as may be granted to or imposed upon the department by law.
(19) To annually publish the findings of any assessment ratio studies conducted.
(20) To investigate all delinquent personal property, death and income or franchise taxes and surtaxes in the state and the possibility of the collection of them and to require taxing officials, including town treasurers, county treasurers, sheriffs and district attorneys, to institute proceedings, actions and prosecutions for the collection of delinquent taxes so that the amount of delinquent taxes shall be reduced to the minimum. In carrying out this subsection the department of revenue may examine or cause to be examined by any agent, employee or representative designated by it for that purpose, any books, papers, records or memoranda of any corporation, limited liability company, partnership or individual bearing upon the collection of any delinquent taxes and may require the attendance of the officials of any corporation or limited liability company or of any other person having knowledge in the premises and may take testimony and require proof material for their information upon any matter that they deem of value for the purpose of enforcing the payment of delinquent taxes. The department of revenue may also perform other duties and adopt other procedures that may be necessary to carry out this subsection and direct that proceedings, actions and prosecutions be instituted to enforce the laws relating to the collection of delinquent taxes of every kind. To this end, the department of justice shall, upon the request of the department of revenue, conduct such actions, proceedings or prosecutions or assist the local town, city, village or county officials in them or assist the district attorneys.
(22) To appear by its counsel and represent the state in all matters before the tax appeals commission. Except as provided in ch. 72 and in s. 76.08(1), the department of justice shall provide legal counsel to appear for the department in all courts, but with the consent of the attorney general a member of the staff of the department may appear for the department.
(24) To administer and enforce chs. 125 and 139.
(25) To settle and dispose of tax cases or issues pending before the tax appeals commission when, in the judgment of the department of revenue, such action is warranted in the best interests of the state; and, with the approval of the attorney general, to settle and dispose of tax cases or issues pending in the courts.
(26) To enter into reciprocal agreements with the appropriate official in any other state having a similar law relating to information obtained from returns as authorized by s. 71.78(3).
(27) With regard to taxes and fees administered by the department, to write off from the records of the department tax, fee, and economic development surcharge liabilities, following a determination by the secretary of revenue that they are not collectible. Taxes written off under this subsection remain legal obligations.
(28) To enter into contracts to collect delinquent Wisconsin taxes. The department shall allocate a portion of the amounts collected under ch. 78 through those contracts to the appropriation under s. 20.566(1) (hm) to pay contract and court costs. The department shall allocate the remainder of those collections to the transportation fund under s. 25.40. The department shall allocate a portion of the amount collected under chs. 71, 72, 77 and 139 through those contracts to the appropriation under s. 20.566(1) (hm) to pay contract and court costs. The department shall allocate the remainder of those collections to the general fund.
(28d) To enter into a contract to participate in the multistate tax commission audit program. The department shall allocate a portion of the amount collected under chs. 71 and 77 through the contract to the appropriation under s. 20.566(1) (hn) to pay the fees necessary to participate in the multistate tax commission audit program. The department shall allocate the remainder of such collections to the general fund.
(28e) To participate as a member state of the streamlined sales tax governing board which administers the agreement, as defined in s. 77.65(2) (a), and includes having the governing board enter into contracts that are necessary to implement the agreement on behalf of the member states, and to allocate a portion of the amount collected under ch. 77 through the agreement to the appropriation under s. 20.566(1) (ho) to pay the dues necessary to participate in the governing board. The department shall allocate the remainder of such collections to the general fund.
(28m) To enter into contracts for database and data processing services for audits of occasional sales of motor vehicles.
(29) To provide on income tax forms a place for taxpayers to indicate the school district in which they reside and information that will assist persons in identifying the correct school district.
(30) To analyze the data provided under sub. (29), after consultation with the department of public instruction and the legislative fiscal bureau, and to notify the presiding officers of the houses of the legislature and the cochairpersons of the joint committee on finance of the results of the analysis.
(31) To compile and to furnish to the clerks of all taxation districts the information required under s. 74.09.
(33m) To collect, as taxes under ch. 71 are collected, from each person who owes to the department of revenue delinquent taxes, fees, interest or penalties, a fee for each delinquent account equal to $35 or 6.5 percent of the taxes, fees, interest and penalties owed as of the due date specified in the assessment, notice of amount due or notice of redetermination on that account, whichever is greater. The department of revenue shall deposit into the general fund as general purpose revenue-earned all fees collected under this subsection.
(33p) To collect, as taxes under ch. 71 are collected, from each person who owes to the department of revenue delinquent taxes, fees, interest or penalties, a $20 fee for each delinquent taxpayer who enters into an agreement with the department of revenue to pay in installments the taxpayer's delinquent taxes, including fees, interest or penalties and to collect costs incurred to the department of revenue for court actions that are related to the collection of delinquent taxes. The department of revenue shall deposit into the general fund as general purpose revenue-earned all fees and costs collected under this subsection.
(34) To extend any deadline in regard to the taxes it administers for persons designated in section 7508 (a) of the internal revenue code for the length of time specified in that section.
(35) To deny a portion of a credit claimed under s. 71.07(2dm) or (2dx), 71.28(1dm), (1dx), or (4) (am), 71.47(1dm), (1dx), or (4) (am), or 76.636 if granting the full amount claimed would violate a requirement under s. 238.385 or s. 560.785, 2009 stats., or would bring the total of the credits granted to that claimant under all of those subsections over the limit for that claimant under s. 238.368, 238.395(2) (b), or 238.397(5) (b) or s. 560.768, 2009 stats., s. 560.795(2) (b), 2009 stats., or s. 560.797(5) (b), 2009 stats.
(35m) To deny a portion of a credit claimed under s. 71.07(3g), 71.28(3g), or 71.47(3g), if granting the full amount claimed would violate a requirement under s. 238.23 or s. 560.96, 2009 stats., or would bring the total of the credits claimed under ss. 71.07(3g), 71.28(3g), and 71.47(3g) over the limit for all claimants under s. 238.23(2) or s. 560.96(2), 2009 stats.
(36) To estimate revenues under subch. VII of ch. 77 and submit to the governor, the joint committee on finance and the chief clerk of each house of the legislature for distribution under s. 13.172(2), not later than November 20 of each even-numbered year, a report of its estimate of those revenues for the current biennium and the following biennium.
(37) To make refunds in connection with motor vehicles returned to the manufacturers by a consumer, as provided under s. 218.0171(2) (e) and (f).
(38) To require each operator of a swap meet, flea market, craft fair or similar event, as defined by rule, to report to the department the name, address, social security number and, if available, the seller's permit number of each vendor selling merchandise at the swap meet, flea market, craft fair or similar event that he or she operates. If any operator fails to comply with the requirements under this subsection, the department of revenue, after notifying that operator of its intent to do so, shall impose a penalty of $200 for the first failure and $500 for each subsequent failure. The department shall assess and collect the penalties under this subsection as it assesses and collects additional income and franchise taxes.
(40m) To include on the form on which a homestead credit is claimed information about the property tax deferral program.
(45) To direct the assessor of any taxation district to deny specific claims for property tax exemption or to terminate specific existing property tax exemptions prospectively. After receiving such direction, the assessor shall enter the property on the next assessment roll.
(47) To absolve a taxpayer of liability for interest and penalties if the taxpayer shows that the liability resulted because he or she relied on an erroneous, written statement made by an employee of the department acting in an official capacity and that the taxpayer had given the employee adequate and accurate information.
(48) To provide the public with information concerning the availability of the earned income tax credit, and the availability of the federal earned income tax credit under section 32 of the internal revenue code, under criteria, and with a description of the methods that the department uses to provide the information, that the department shall promulgate as rules.
(49) To appoint a farmland advisory council that shall do the following:
(a) Advise the department of revenue on the supplement to the assessment manual's guidelines for assessing agricultural land, and on rules to implement use-value assessment of agricultural land and to reduce expansion of urban sprawl.
(c) Annually report to the legislature on the usefulness of use-value assessment as a way to preserve farmland and to reduce the conversion of farmland to other uses.
(d) Recommend a method to adjust the shared revenue formula and other formulas one factor of which is equalized value to compensate counties, municipalities and school districts that are adversely affected by use-value assessment.
(dg) Calculate the federal land bank's 5-year average capitalization rate and per-acre values based on estimated income generated from rental for agricultural use.
(dm) Carry out its duties in cooperation with the strategic growth task force of the governor's land use council.
(e) Include the following members:
1. The secretary of revenue, who shall serve as chairperson.
2. An agribusiness person.
3. A person knowledgeable about agricultural lending practices.
4. An agricultural economist employed by the University of Wisconsin System.
5. A mayor of a city that has a population of more than 40,000.
6. An expert in the environment.
7. A nonagricultural business person.
8. A professor of urban studies.
9. A farmer.
(50) With the approval of the joint committee on finance, to establish fees for obtaining a business tax registration certificate, which, except as provided in s. 73.0302, is valid for 2 years, and for renewing that certificate and, except as provided in ss. 73.0302 and 73.0303, shall issue and renew those certificates if the person who wishes to obtain or renew a certificate does all of the following:
(a) Applies on a form that the department prescribes.
(b) Sets forth the name under which the applicant intends to operate, the location of the applicant's place of operations and the other information that the department requires.
(c) In the case of an applicant who is an individual and who has a social security number, sets forth the social security number of the applicant or, in the case of an applicant who is an individual and who does not have a social security number, submits a statement made or subscribed under oath or affirmation that the applicant does not have a social security number. The form of the statement shall be prescribed by the department of children and families. A certificate issued in reliance upon a false statement submitted under this paragraph is invalid.
(d) In the case of a sole proprietor, signs the form or, in the case of other persons, has an individual who is authorized to act on behalf of the person sign the form, or, in the case of a single-owner entity that is disregarded as a separate entity under section 7701 of the Internal Revenue Code, the person is the owner. If an owner elects under s. 77.58(3) (a) to file a separate electronic return for each of the owner's disregarded entities, each disregarded entity shall obtain a certificate under this subsection. Any person who may register under this subsection may designate an agent, as defined in s. 77.524(1) (ag), to register with the department under this subsection in the manner prescribed by the department. In this paragraph, "sign" has the meaning given in s. 77.51(17r).
(50b) To waive the fee established under sub. (50) for applying for and renewing the business tax registration certificate, if the person who is applying for or renewing the certificate is not required for purposes of ch. 77 to hold such a certificate.
(50m) To enter into a memorandum of understanding with the department of children and families under s. 49.857. The department of revenue shall suspend, refuse to issue or refuse to renew any certificate issued under sub. (50) as provided in the memorandum of understanding entered into under s. 49.857. Notwithstanding ss. 71.78 and 77.61(5), the department of revenue shall disclose to the department of children and families the social security number of any applicant for a certificate issued under sub. (50) as provided in the memorandum of understanding.
(51) To revoke all permits, licenses and certificates that the department has issued to a person who fails timely to renew a certificate under sub. (50), and to reissue those permits, licenses and certificates if the person renews the certificate under sub. (50).
(51b) To revoke all permits, licenses, and certificates that the department has issued to a person for up to 10 years for violating s. 71.83(6) (b).
(a) To enter into agreements with the Internal Revenue Service that provide for offsetting state tax refunds against federal tax obligations; and to charge a fee up to $25 per transaction for such offsets; and offsetting federal tax refunds against state tax obligations, and collecting the offset cost from the debtor, if the agreements provide that setoffs under ss. 71.93 and 71.935 occur before the setoffs under those agreements.
(b) To enter into agreements with the federal department of the treasury that provide for offsetting state payments against federal nontax obligations; and to charge a fee up to $25 per transaction for such offsets; and offsetting federal payments, as authorized by federal law, against state tax and nontax obligations, and collecting the offset cost from the debtor, if the agreements provide that setoffs under par. (a) and ss. 71.93 and 71.935 occur before the setoffs under this paragraph. The agreement shall provide that the federal department of the treasury may deduct a fee from each administrative offset and state payment offset. For purposes of this paragraph "administrative offset" is any offset of federal payments to collect state debts and "state payment offset" is any offset of state payments to collect federal nontax debts.
(52m) To enter into agreements with other states that provide for offsetting state tax refunds against tax and nontax obligations of other states, and of the local governmental units within those states, and offsetting tax refunds of other states against state tax and nontax obligations, if the agreements provide that setoffs under ss. 71.93 and 71.935 occur before the setoffs under those agreements.
(52n) To enter into agreements with federally recognized tribes located in this state that provide for offsetting state tax refunds against tribal obligations and to charge a fee up to $25 per transaction to the debtor for the administrative costs of such setoffs. The administrative costs collected under this subsection shall be credited to the appropriation under s. 20.566(1) (h). Setoffs under ss. 71.93, 71.935, and 73.03(52) shall occur before setoffs under this subsection. Any legal proceeding to contest a setoff under this subsection shall be brought against the tribe under the process established by the tribe.
(53) To enter into agreements with direct marketers about the collection of state and local sales taxes and use taxes.
(54) To publish instructional material that provides information to persons who wish to object to valuations under s. 70.47 and to make available that material to taxation districts.
(55) To provide or approve suitable training sessions at suitable times and instructional material for board of review members.
(56) To work with the Internal Revenue Service and the University of Wisconsin-Extension to undertake a program that accomplishes all of the following:
(a) Promotes volunteering among the state's financial and legal professionals in the volunteer income tax assistance program.
(b) Provides training for the volunteers.
(c) Assists individuals who are eligible to participate in the volunteer income tax assistance program and who reside in rural and underserved areas.
(57) To create, and update, a manual on the tax incremental finance program under s. 66.1105. The manual shall contain the rules relating to the program, common problems faced by cities and villages under the program, possible side effects of the use of tax incremental financing, and any other information the department determines is appropriate. The department may consult with, and solicit the views of, any interested person while preparing or updating the manual.
(a) Notwithstanding any provision of ss. 178.1141 to 178.1145, 179.1141 to 179.1145, 180.1161, 181.1161, and 183.1041 to 183.1045, to treat, for state tax purposes, the conversion of a business entity to another form of business entity under s. 178.1141, 179.1141, 180.1161, 181.1161, or 183.1041 in the same manner as the conversion is treated for federal tax purposes.
(b) Notwithstanding any provision of ss. 178.1121 to 178.1125, 179.1121 to 179.1125, 180.1101, 180.11012, 180.11031 to 180.1106, 181.1101 to 181.11055, and 183.1021 to 183.1025, to treat, for state tax purposes, the merger of a business entity with one or more business entities under s. 178.1121, 179.1121, 180.1101, 181.1101, or 183.1021 in the same manner as the merger is treated for federal tax purposes.
(c) Notwithstanding any provision of ss. 178.1131 to 178.1135, 179.1131 to 179.1135, 180.1102, 180.11021, 180.11032, 180.1105, 180.1106, 181.1131 to 181.1135, and 183.1031 to 183.1035, to treat, for state tax purposes, an interest exchange under s. 178.1131, 179.1131, 180.1102, 181.1131, or 183.1031 in the same manner as the interest exchange is treated for federal tax purposes.
(d) Notwithstanding any provision of ss. 178.1151 to 178.1155, 179.1151 to 179.1155, 180.1171 to 180.1175, 181.1171 to 181.1175, and 183.1051 to 183.1055, to treat, for state tax purposes, a domestication under s. 178.1151, 179.1151, 180.1171, 181.1171, or 183.1051 in the same manner as the domestication is treated for federal tax purposes.
(59) To enforce ss. 945.03(2m) and 945.04(2m).
(60) To enforce s. 945.05(1m), in cases in which the department determines that the video gambling machine involved is likely to be used in connection with a violation of s. 945.03(2m) or 945.04(2m).
(61) To do all of the following related to the Uniform Sales and Use Tax Administration Act:
(a) Certify compliance with the agreement, as defined in s. 77.65(2) (a).
(b) Pursuant to the agreement, as defined in s. 77.65(2) (a), certify certified service providers, as defined in s. 77.51(1g), and certified automated systems, as defined in s. 77.524(1) (am).
(c) Consistent with the agreement, as defined in s. 77.65(2) (a), establish performance standards and eligibility criteria for a seller that sells tangible personal property, or items, property, or goods under s. 77.52(1) (b), (c), or (d), or taxable services in at least 5 states that are signatories to the agreement, as defined in s. 77.65(2) (a); that has total annual sales revenue of at least $500,000,000; that has a proprietary system that calculates the amount of tax owed to each taxing jurisdiction in which the seller sells tangible personal property, or items, property, or goods under s. 77.52(1) (b), (c), or (d) or taxable services; and that has entered into a performance agreement with the states that are signatories to the agreement, as defined in s. 77.65(2) (a). For purposes of this paragraph, "seller" includes an affiliated group of sellers using the same proprietary system to calculate the amount of tax owed in each taxing jurisdiction in which the sellers sell tangible personal property, or items, property, or goods under s. 77.52(1) (b), (c), or (d), or taxable services.
(d) Issue a tax identification number to a person who claims an exemption under subch. III or V of ch. 77 and who is not required to register with the department for the purposes of subch. III or V of ch. 77 and establish procedures for the registration of such a person.
(e) Maintain a database that is accessible to sellers and certified service providers, as defined in s. 77.51(1g), that indicates whether items defined in accordance with the agreement, as defined in s. 77.65(2) (a), are taxable or nontaxable.
(f) Maintain a database that is accessible to sellers and certified service providers, as defined in s. 77.51(1g), and available in a downloadable format approved by the governing board of the agreement, as defined in s. 77.65(2) (a), that indicates tax rates, taxing jurisdiction boundaries, and zip code or address assignments related to the administration of taxes imposed under subchs. III and V of ch. 77. The database shall be provided at no cost and be available to sellers and certified service providers, as defined in s. 77.51(1g), no later than the first day of the month prior to the first day of the calendar quarter.
(g) Set forth the information that the seller shall provide to the department for tax exemptions claimed by purchasers and establish the manner in which a seller shall provide such information to the department.
(h) Provide monetary allowances, in addition to the retailer's discount provided under s. 77.61(4) (c), to certified service providers, as defined in s. 77.51(1g), and sellers that use certified automated systems, as defined in s. 77.524(1) (am), or proprietary systems, pursuant to the agreement, as defined in s. 77.65(2) (a).
(62) To prepare and maintain a list of all persons who owe delinquent taxes, including interest, penalties, fees, and costs, to the department, in excess of $5,000, which are unpaid for more than 90 days after all appeal rights have expired; to post the names of persons from this list on the Internet at a site that is created and maintained by the department for this purpose; and to distribute the posted information to Internet search engines so the information is searchable. The Internet site shall list the name, address, type of tax due, and amount of tax due, including interest, penalties, fees, and costs for each person who has one of the delinquent taxpayer accounts, and the Internet site shall contain a special page for the persons who have the 100 largest delinquent taxpayer accounts. Except as otherwise provided in this subsection, the department shall update the Internet site on a quarterly basis, and shall send the updates to the Internet search engines. The department may not post on the Internet or distribute to Internet search engines the name of any person who has reached an agreement or compromise with the department, or the department of justice, under s. 71.92 and is in compliance with that agreement, regarding the payment of delinquent taxes, or the name of any person who is protected by a stay that is in effect under the Federal Bankruptcy Code; the Internet posting and Internet search engines shall be updated each business day, as defined in s. 562.01(3m), to comply with these prohibitions.
(64) To post on the Internet a list of every person who has had a seller's permit revoked under s. 77.52(11). The Internet site shall list the real name, business name, address, revocation date, type of tax due, and amount due, including interests, penalties, fees, and costs, for each person who has had a seller's permit revoked under s. 77.52(11). The department shall update the Internet site periodically to add revoked permits and to remove permits that are no longer revoked or for which the permit holder has made sufficient arrangements with the department so that the permit holder may be issued a monthly seller's permit. The department shall update the Internet site quarterly to remove revoked permits for entities that have been out of business for at least one year.
(a) To enter into agreements with federally recognized American Indian tribes or bands in this state to collect, remit, and provide refunds of the following taxes for activities that occur on tribal lands or are undertaken by tribal members outside of tribal lands:
1. Income taxes imposed under subch. I of ch. 71.
2. Withholding taxes imposed under subch. X of ch. 71.
3. Sales and use taxes under subch. III of ch. 77.
4. Motor vehicle fuel taxes imposed under subch. I of ch. 78.
5. Beverage taxes imposed under subch. I of ch. 139.
(b) For purposes of this subsection, all tax and financial information disclosed during negotiations, or exchanged pursuant to a final agreement, between the department and a federally recognized American Indian tribe or band in this state is subject to the confidentiality provisions under ss. 71.78 and 77.61(5).
(c) The department shall submit a copy of each agreement negotiated under this subsection to the joint committee on finance no later than 30 days after the agreement is signed by the department and the tribe or band.
(67) To submit a request for a supplement under s. 16.515 for administering the debt collection program under s. 71.93(8) (b) that includes a detailed plan for implementing the program, a listing of agencies and other entities that would participate in the program, an estimate of the amount of debt collections under the program, and the fees that the debtors would pay under the program.
(68) At the request of the Wisconsin Employment Relations Commission, as provided under s. 111.91(3q), to determine the average annual percentage change in the U.S. consumer price index for all urban consumers, U.S. city average, as determined by the federal department of labor, for the 12 months immediately preceding the request from the Wisconsin Employment Relations Commission.
(a) To, effective on January 1, 2014, implement a program to register businesses for purposes of s. 71.05(25) and (26). A business shall register electronically with the department each year for which the business desires registration.
(b) A business may register under this subsection if, in the business's taxable year ending immediately before the date of the businesses registration, all of the following apply:
1. The business has at least 2 full-time employees and the amount of payroll compensation paid by the business in this state is equal to at least 50 percent of the amount of all payroll compensation paid by the business. An employee of a professional employer organization, as defined in s. 202.21(5), or a professional employer group, as defined in s. 202.21(4), who is performing services for a client is considered an employee solely of the client for purposes of this subdivision.
2. The value of real and tangible personal property owned or rented and used by the business in this state is equal to at least 50 percent of the value of all real and tangible personal property owned or rented and used by the business.
(c) The department may adopt rules for the administration of this subsection.
(d) For each year beginning after December 31, 2013, the department shall compile a list of businesses registered under this subsection and shall make the list available to the public at the department's Internet site.
(a) To estimate the amount of additional revenue reported to the department from the taxes imposed under subch. III of ch. 77 as a result of the United States Supreme Court decision that expands the state's authority to require out-of-state retailers and marketplace providers, as defined in s. 77.51(7i), to collect and remit the taxes imposed under subch. III of ch. 77 on purchases by Wisconsin residents during the following periods:
1. Beginning on October 1, 2018, and ending on September 30, 2019.
2. Beginning on October 1, 2019, and ending on September 30, 2020.
1. After the department makes the estimation under par. (a) 1., the department shall determine how much the 1st and 2nd individual income tax rates listed in each bracket under s. 71.06 may be reduced for the taxable year beginning after December 31, 2018, and before January 1, 2020, in order to decrease individual income tax revenue by the amount estimated under par. (a) 1. For purposes of this paragraph, the tax rate reductions shall be calculated so that 50 percent of the estimation under par. (a) 1. is used to reduce the 1st individual income tax rate listed in each bracket and the remaining 50 percent is used to reduce the 2nd individual income tax rate listed in each bracket.
2. After the department makes the estimation under par. (a) 2., the department shall determine how much the 1st and 2nd individual income tax rates listed in each bracket under s. 71.06 may be reduced for the taxable year beginning after December 31, 2019, and before January 1, 2021, in order to decrease individual income tax revenue by the amount estimated under par. (a) 2. For purposes of this paragraph, the tax rate reductions shall be calculated so that 50 percent of the estimation under par. (a) 2. is used to reduce the 1st individual income tax rate listed in each bracket and the remaining 50 percent is used to reduce the 2nd individual income tax rate listed in each bracket.
1. No later than October 20, 2019, the secretary of revenue shall certify and report the determinations made under pars. (a) 1. and (b) 1. to the secretary of the department of administration, the governor, the joint committee on finance, and the legislative audit bureau and specify with that certification and report that the new tax rates take effect for the taxable year beginning after December 31, 2018, and before January 1, 2020, subject to par. (d) 1.
2. No later than October 20, 2020, the secretary of revenue shall certify and report the determinations made under pars. (a) 2. and (b) 2. to the secretary of the department of administration, the governor, the joint committee on finance, and the legislative audit bureau and specify with that certification and report that the new tax rates take effect for the taxable year beginning after December 31, 2019, and before January 1, 2021, and for each taxable year thereafter, subject to par. (d) 2.
1. The legislative audit bureau shall review the determinations reported under par. (c) 1. and report its findings to the joint legislative audit committee and the joint committee on finance no later than November 1, 2019. If the legislative audit bureau's review of the determinations reported under par. (c) 1. results in a different calculation of the tax rates than that made under par. (b) 1., the joint committee on finance shall determine which tax rates to apply to the taxable year beginning after December 31, 2018, and before January 1, 2020, and report its determination to the governor, the secretary of administration, and the secretary of revenue no later than November 10, 2019.
2. The legislative audit bureau shall review the determinations reported under par. (c) 2. and report its findings to the joint legislative audit committee and the joint committee on finance no later than November 1, 2020. If the legislative audit bureau's review of the determinations reported under par. (c) 2. results in a different calculation of the tax rates than that made under par. (b) 2., the joint committee on finance shall determine which tax rates to apply to the taxable year beginning after December 31, 2019, and before January 1, 2021, and to each taxable year thereafter, and report its determination to the governor, the secretary of administration, and the secretary of revenue no later than November 10, 2020.
(72) To indicate in a fiscal estimate prepared by the department under s. 13.093(2) for a bill that affects tax incremental districts or property tax assessments whether the bill will increase or decrease the increment collection for existing tax incremental districts or whether the bill's effect on increment collection for existing tax incremental districts is indeterminate.
(73) To work with the Internal Revenue Service to undertake a pilot and a permanent program that accomplishes all of the following:
(a) Assist the department in a 2-year pilot program to make monthly payments to eligible claimants of the amounts such claimants would otherwise be eligible to claim under the federal earned income tax credit under section 32 of the Internal Revenue Code. The pilot program shall be for taxable years beginning after December 31, 2018, and before January 1, 2021. If the Internal Revenue Service agrees to assist with the pilot program, the Internal Revenue Service and the department shall enter into an agreement describing the responsibilities and duties of each party. If the Internal Revenue Service and the department are unable to reach an agreement on how the pilot program will operate, this subsection does not apply and may not be enforced.
(b) Under the pilot program, the Internal Revenue Service would determine the amount of earned income tax credit that could likely be claimed by 100 randomly selected residents of Wisconsin for taxable year 2019 and taxable year 2020, based on criteria selected by the Internal Revenue Service. The department and the Internal Revenue Service shall make every effort to ensure that each individual or married couple selected will be eligible to claim the credit for those taxable years, and that the credit amount for which he or she will likely be eligible will be in excess of $600 each year. At the beginning of each taxable year, the Internal Revenue Service would forward to the department the total amount of payments those 100 claimants would likely be eligible to claim for that taxable year, specifying the amounts allotted to each claimant. The department shall deposit such amounts in the general fund.
1. The department would develop a method to disperse the federal credit amount to each claimant on a periodic basis.
2. For the test group, based on the amount of federal and state earned income tax credit that each claimant would likely be eligible to receive based on his or her estimated taxable year 2019 and 2020 income tax returns, each claimant would receive one-eleventh of his or her likely federal credit amount each month except for the month following the month in which the claimant receives the credit claimed on his or her tax return, from the department, from the general fund, except that the maximum total amount that each claimant could receive under this subdivision, annually, would be two-thirds of his or her likely credit amount. Any excess amount of federal and state credit for which the claimant is eligible could be claimed for that taxable year on his or her federal income tax return, under s. 71.07(9e), or under the terms of the agreement under par. (a).
3. The department shall also establish a 2nd test group of 100 claimants who are likely to be eligible to claim the earned income tax credit for taxable years 2019 and 2020, who will receive their earned income tax credit after filing their individual income tax returns, and compare their financial stability to that of the other test group.
(d) For taxable years 2019 and 2020, the participants in each of the 2 test groups shall remain the same, to the greatest extent possible.
(e) The department shall develop policies and promulgate rules, if necessary, to ensure that members of each test group are able to continue to claim the credit under s. 71.07(9e) to the extent that they are eligible to do so.
1. Subject to subd. 2., for taxable years beginning after December 31, 2020, the department shall make the pilot program described under par. (b) permanent and applicable to all eligible claimants of the earned income tax credit under s. 71.07(9e) (aj), based on the specifications described under pars. (b) and (c) 2.
2. Subdivision 1. does not apply unless the Internal Revenue Service and the department enter into an agreement describing the responsibilities and duties of each party and an agreement on how the permanent program will operate. If the Internal Revenue Service and the department are unable to reach an agreement on how the permanent program will operate, subd. 1. does not apply and may not be enforced.
(a) To serve notice in any of the following ways, unless otherwise provided by law:
1. By serving notice as a circuit court summons is served.
2. By certified or registered mail.
3. By regular mail, if the intended recipient admits receipt or there is satisfactory evidence of receipt.
4. By electronic transmission if, before the person receives the electronic transmission, the intended recipient consents to receiving such notices electronically.
(b) Any notice transmitted by the department under par. (a) 4. is considered to be received by the intended recipient on the date that the department electronically transmits the information to the person or electronically notifies the person that the information is available to be accessed by the person. Department records of electronic transmission shall constitute appropriate and sufficient proof of delivery and be admissible in any action or proceeding.
(c) For purposes of this subsection, if the intended recipient has appointed another person or entity to act on the intended recipient's behalf as its agent under a power of attorney, then service upon the agent constitutes service upon the intended recipient.
(74) To provide a one-time reduction from the total tax due in a written notice by the department of an audit determination under s. 77.59(2) equal to 10 percent of the additional sales tax imposed under s. 77.52 for each year of the audit period, if the annual gross sales of the person being audited are less than $5,000,000 for each year of the audit period and, at the time that the department sends notification of examination under s. 77.59(2), the department has received all returns required under ch. 77 from the person being audited for the entire audit period. Each person eligible for a reduction under this subsection is entitled to only one such reduction.
(75) To create and maintain a web page on its Internet site to display information relating to general purpose revenues, as defined in s. 20.001(2) (a). The information shall be presented in readily understandable formats that the department determines will provide taxpayers of this state with a useful overview of the amounts of general purpose revenue collected and the purposes for which the amounts are spent. The information shall include visual representations of data relating to the amounts of revenue collected by source and the general purposes for which the amounts are spent. The information shall also include a breakdown of the sources of general purpose revenue by year and other information the department determines is useful for taxpayers in understanding where and how the amounts collected are spent. The department may include information relating to other revenue types defined in s. 20.001(2) if the department determines the information is useful in meeting the purpose of this subsection. The department may work with the department of administration to gather the information described in this subsection.
(76) To submit a report to the joint committee on finance no later than 6 months after the end of each fiscal year, beginning with the 2021-22 fiscal year and ending with the 2025-26 fiscal year, that contains information on the use of contract auditors in the unclaimed property program under ch. 177, including auditor performance results and comments and concerns from those audited regarding the contract auditors. The department shall survey those audited by contract auditors to receive comments and concerns. Before allowing any person to engage in an audit of another person's documents or records, the administrator, as defined in s. 177.01(1), shall post the contract or other agreement with the person on the department's Internet site. The contract or other agreement shall remain posted on the department's Internet site until the contract or other agreement is no longer in effect, is no longer valid, or is superseded or otherwise rescinded. The person may take no action to engage in the audit until the administrator certifies that the person will proceed, even if domiciled in another state, in accordance with Wisconsin statutes and department rules and guidance documents and the administrator concludes there is a reasonable justification for using the person to engage in the audit. The administrator shall actively monitor the person to ensure that the person, even if domiciled in another state, is acting in accordance with such statutes, rules, and guidance documents and shall immediately take corrective action, including rescinding the contract, if the administrator reasonably concludes the person is not acting in accordance with such statutes, rules, and guidance documents.
(77) To annually produce a comparative local government spending report from information received under s. 73.10 and to create and maintain a web page on its Internet site to display the information contained in the report.

Wis. Stat. § 73.03

Amended by Acts 2023 ch, 73,s 11, eff. 12/8/2023.
Amended by Acts 2023 ch, 12,s 153, eff. 7/1/2024.
Amended by Acts 2021 ch, 258,s 9, eff. 4/17/2022.
Amended by Acts 2021 ch, 240,s 13, eff. 4/10/2022.
Amended by Acts 2021 ch, 66,s 1, eff. 1/1/2022.
Amended by Acts 2019 ch, 10,s 10d, eff. 7/5/2019.
Amended by Acts 2019 ch, 10,s 10, eff. 7/5/2019.
Amended by Acts 2019 ch, 10,s 9, eff. 7/5/2019.
Amended by Acts 2019 ch, 10,s 8, eff. 7/5/2019.
Amended by Acts 2019 ch, 10,s 7, eff. 7/5/2019.
Amended by Acts 2019 ch, 10,s 6, eff. 7/5/2019.
Amended by Acts 2019 ch, 10,s 5, eff. 7/5/2019.
Amended by Acts 2019 ch, 10,s 4, eff. 7/5/2019.
Amended by Acts 2019 ch, 10,s 3, eff. 7/5/2019.
Amended by Acts 2018 ch, 368,s 14, eff. 12/16/2018.
Amended by Acts 2018 ch, 368,s 13, eff. 12/16/2018.
Amended by Acts 2018 ch, 358,s 8, eff. 4/18/2018.
Amended by Acts 2018 ch, 324,s 21, eff. 4/18/2018.
Amended by Acts 2018 ch, 270,s 2, eff. 4/12/2018.
Amended by Acts 2017 ch, 59,s 1162n, eff. 9/23/2017.
Amended by Acts 2017 ch, 59,s 1162m, eff. 9/23/2017.
Amended by Acts 2017 ch, 59,s 1162, eff. 9/23/2017.
Amended by Acts 2015 ch, 295,s 8, eff. 7/1/2016.
Amended by Acts 2015 ch, 295,s 7, eff. 7/1/2016.
Amended by Acts 2015 ch, 254,s 8, eff. 3/3/2016.
Amended by Acts 2015 ch, 216,s 36, eff. 3/3/2016.
Amended by Acts 2015 ch, 55,s 2470c, eff. 7/14/2015.
Amended by Acts 2015 ch, 55,s 2467b, eff. 7/14/2015.
Amended by Acts 2013 ch, 54,s 13, eff. 11/9/2013.
Amended by Acts 2013 ch, 20,s 1460d, eff. 7/2/2013.
Amended by Acts 2013 ch, 20,s 1459, eff. 7/2/2013.
Amended by Acts 2013 ch, 20,s 1458, eff. 7/2/2013.
Amended by Acts 2013 ch, 20,s 1457, eff. 7/2/2013.
Amended by Acts 2013 ch, 20,s 1456, eff. 7/2/2013.
Amended by Acts 2013 ch, 20,s 1454, eff. 7/2/2013.
1971 c. 40, 215; 1973 c. 90; 1975 c. 39; 1977 c. 143; 1977 c. 196 s. 130 (7); 1977 c. 313; 1979 c. 34; 1979 c. 110 s. 60 (13); 1979 c. 221, 350; 1981 c. 20; 1981 c. 79 s. 18; 1983 a. 275 s. 15 (4); 1983 a. 524; 1983 a. 538 s. 269 (3); 1985 a. 12, 29, 273; 1987 a. 4, 27, 186; 1987 a. 312 s. 17; 1987 a. 328, 378, 399; 1989 a. 31; 1989 a. 56 s. 259; 1989 a. 74, 335; 1991 a. 39, 219, 313, 316; 1993 a. 16, 112, 205, 490; 1995 a. 27 ss. 3434g to 3440m, 9145 (1); 1995 a. 209, 233; 1997 a. 27, 35, 191, 237, 252; 1999 a. 9, 31, 185; 2001 a. 16, 44, 104, 107, 109; 2003 a. 33, 127; 2005 a. 25, 259; 2007 a. 20, 86; 2009 a. 2, 28, 180, 401; 2011 a. 10, 32, 257.

The supreme court in Metropolitan Associates v. City of Milwaukee, 2011 WI 20, held the amendment of sub. (2a) by 2007 Wis. Act 86 to be unconstitutional and severed from the remainder of the statute. Prior to the amendment by Act 86, sub. (2a) read:

(2a) To prepare and publish, in electronic form and on the Internet, assessment manuals. The manual shall discuss and illustrate accepted assessment methods, techniques and practices with a view to more nearly uniform and more consistent assessments of property at the local level. The manual shall be amended by the department from time to time to reflect advances in the science of assessment, court decisions concerning assessment practices, costs, and statistical and other information considered valuable to local assessors by the department. The manual shall incorporate standards for the assessment of all types of renewable energy resource systems used in this state as soon as such systems are used in sufficient numbers and sufficient data exists to allow the formulation of valid guidelines. The manual shall incorporate standards, which the department of revenue and the state historical society of Wisconsin shall develop, for the assessment of nonhistoric property in historic districts and for the assessment of historic property, including but not limited to property that is being preserved or restored; property that is subject to a protective easement, covenant or other restriction for historic preservation purposes; property that is listed in the national register of historic places in Wisconsin or in this state's register of historic places and property that is designated as a historic landmark and is subject to restrictions imposed by a municipality or by a landmarks commission. The manual shall incorporate general guidelines about ways to determine whether property is taxable in part under s. 70.1105 and examples of the ways that s. 70.1105 applies in specific situations. The manual shall state that assessors are required to comply with s. 70.32(1g) and shall suggest procedures for doing so. The manual or a supplement to it shall specify per acre value guidelines for each municipality for various categories of agricultural land based on the income that could be generated from its estimated rental for agricultural use, as defined by rule, and capitalization rates established by rule. The manual shall include guidelines for classifying land as agricultural land, as defined in s. 70.32(2) (c) 1g., and guidelines for distinguishing between land and improvements to land. The cost of the development, preparation, and Internet publication of the manual and of revisions and amendments to it shall be paid from the appropriation under s. 20.566(2) (bm).

The Department of Revenue's construction of a tax law in an official technical information memorandum estopped the department from collecting a tax. DOR v. Family Hospital, 105 Wis. 2d 250, 313 N.W.2d 828 (1982). The Department of Revenue's subpoena authority does not permit it to take possession of subpoenaed records for more than one business day; however, the department may repeatedly subpoena records until its investigation is completed. State v. Kielisch, 123 Wis. 2d 125, 365 N.W.2d 904 (Ct. App. 1985).