Vt. Stat. tit. 8 § 3301

Current through L. 2024, c. 185.
Section 3301 - Purposes
(a) Subject to the additional or varied requirements stated in this subchapter, a corporation may be formed pursuant to the general corporation law to do any and all insurance and reinsurance comprised in any one of the following numbered subdivisions:
(1) "Life insurance," which is insurance on human lives. The business of life insurance includes also the granting of endowment benefits, additional benefits in event of death or dismemberment by accident or accidental means, additional benefits in event of the insured's disability, and optional modes of settlement of proceeds of life insurance. Life insurance does not include workers' compensation coverages.
(2) "Health insurance," which is insurance of human beings against bodily injury, disablement, or death by accident or accidental means, or the expense thereof, or against disablement or expense resulting from sickness, and every insurance appertaining thereto. Health insurance does not include workers' compensation coverages.
(3) "Casualty insurance," which includes:
(A) "Vehicle insurance." Insurance against loss of or damage to any land vehicle or aircraft or any draft or riding animal or to property while contained therein or thereon or being loaded or unloaded therein or therefrom, from any hazard or cause, and against any loss, liability, or expense resulting from or incidental to ownership, maintenance, or use of any such vehicle, aircraft, or animal; and provision of medical, hospital, surgical, disability benefits to injured persons, and funeral and death benefits to dependents, beneficiaries, or personal representatives of persons killed, irrespective of legal liability of the insured, when issued as an incidental coverage with or supplemental to insurance on the vehicle, aircraft, or animal.
(B) "Automobile guaranty." Insurance of the mechanical condition or freedom from defective or worn parts or equipment, of motor vehicles.
(C) "Liability insurance." Insurance against legal liability for the death, injury, or disability of any human being, or for damage to property; and provision of medical, hospital, surgical, disability benefits to injured persons, and funeral and death benefits to dependents, beneficiaries, or personal representatives of persons killed, irrespective of legal liability of the insured, when issued as an incidental coverage with or supplemental to liability insurance.
(D) "Workers' compensation." Insurance of the obligations accepted by, imposed upon, or assumed by employers under law for death, disablement, or injury of employees.
(E) "Burglary and theft." Insurance against loss or damage by burglary, theft, larceny, robbery, forgery, fraud, vandalism, malicious mischief, confiscation, or wrongful conversion, disposal or concealment, or from any attempt at any of the foregoing, including supplemental coverage for medical, hospital, surgical, and funeral expense incurred by the named insured or any other person as a result of bodily injury during the commission of a burglary, robbery, or theft by another; also insurance against loss of or damage to monies, coins, bullion, securities, notes, drafts, acceptances, or any other valuable papers and documents, resulting from any cause.
(F) "Personal property floater." Insurance upon personal effects against loss or damage from any cause, under a personal property floater.
(G) "Glass." Insurance against loss or damage to glass, including its lettering, ornamentation, and fittings.
(H) "Boiler and machinery." Insurance against any liability and loss or damage to property or interest resulting from accidents to or explosions of boilers, pipes, pressure containers, machinery, or apparatus, and to make inspection of and issue certificates of inspection upon boilers, machinery, and apparatus of any kind, whether or not insured.
(I) "Leakage and fire extinguishing equipment." Insurance against loss or damage to any property or interest caused by the breakage or leakage of sprinklers, hoses, pumps, and other fire extinguishing equipment or apparatus, water pipes or containers, or by water entering through leaks or openings in buildings, and insurance against loss or damage to such sprinklers, hoses, pumps, and other fire extinguishing equipment or apparatus.
(J) "Credit." Insurance against loss or damage resulting from failure of debtors to pay their obligations to the insured.
(K) "Malpractice." Insurance against legal liability of the insured, and against loss, damage, or expense incidental to a claim of such liability, and including medical, hospital, surgical, and funeral benefits to injured persons, irrespective of legal liability of the insured, arising out of the death, injury, or disablement of any person or arising out of damage to the economic interest of any person, as the result of negligence in rendering expert, fiduciary, or professional service.
(L) "Congenital defects." Insurance against congenital defects in human beings.
(M) "Livestock insurance." Insurance against loss or damage to livestock and services of a veterinary for such animals.
(N) "Elevator." Insurance against loss of or damage to any property of the insured, resulting from the ownership, maintenance, or use of elevators, except loss or damage by fire, and to make inspections of and issue certificates of inspection upon elevators.
(O) "Entertainments." Insurance indemnifying the producer of any motion picture, television, radio, theatrical, sport, spectacle, entertainment, or similar production, event, or exhibition against loss from interruption, postponement, or cancellation thereof due to death, accidental injury, or sickness of performers, participants, directors, or other principals.
(P) "Failure to file certain instruments." Insurance against loss resulting from failure to file or record written instruments affecting the title of or creating a lien upon personal property.
(Q) "Miscellaneous." Insurance against any other kind of loss, damage, or liability properly a subject of insurance and not within any other kind of insurance as defined in this chapter, if such insurance is not disapproved by the commissioner as being contrary to law or public policy; provision of medical, hospital, surgical, and funeral benefits, and of coverage against accidental death or injury, as incidental to and part of other insurance as stated under subdivisions (3)(A), (C), (E), (H), (K), and (N) of this subsection shall for all purposes be deemed to be the same kind of insurance to which it is so incidental, and shall not be subject to provisions of this code applicable to life or health insurances.
(4) "Marine and transportation insurance," which includes insurance against any and all kinds of loss or damage to:
(A) Vessels, craft, aircraft, cars, automobiles, and vehicles of every kind, as well as all goods, freights, cargoes, merchandise, effects, disbursements, profits, money, bullion, precious stones, securities, choses in action, evidences of debt, valuable papers, bottomry and respondentia interests, and all other kinds of property and interests therein, in respect to, appertaining to, or in connection with any and all risks or perils of navigation, transit, or transportation, including war risks, on or under any seas or other waters, on land or in the air, or while being assembled, packed, crated, baled, compressed, or similarly prepared for shipment or while awaiting shipment or during delays, storage, transshipment, or reshipment incident thereto, including marine builder's risks and all personal property floater risks.
(B) A person or to property in connection with or appertaining to a marine, inland marine, transit, or transportation insurance, including liability for loss of or damage to either, arising out of or in connection with the construction, repair, operation, maintenance, or use of the subject matter of the insurance (but not including life insurance or surety bonds or insurance against loss by reason of bodily injury to the person arising out of the ownership, maintenance, or use of automobiles).
(C) Precious stones, jewels, jewelry, gold, silver, and other precious metals, whether used in business or trade or otherwise and whether in the course of transportation or otherwise.
(D) Bridges, tunnels, and other instrumentalities of transportation and communication (excluding buildings, their furniture and furnishings, fixed contents, and supplies held in storage) unless fire, tornado, sprinkler leakage, hail, explosion, earthquake, riot or civil commotion, or both, are the only hazards to be covered; piers, wharves, docks, and slips, excluding the risks of fire, tornado, sprinkler leakage, hail, explosion, earthquake, riot or civil commotion, or both, other aids to navigation and transportation, including dry docks and marine railways.
(5) "Marine protection and indemnity insurance," which is insurance against, or against legal liability of the insured for, loss, damage, or expense arising out of, or incident to, the ownership, operation, chartering, maintenance, use, repair, or construction of a vessel, craft, or instrumentality in use in ocean or inland waterways, including liability of the insured for personal injury, illness, or death or for loss of or damage to the property of another person.
(6) "Wet marine and transportation insurance," which is that part of marine and transportation insurance that includes only:
(A) Insurance upon vessels, crafts, hulls, and of interests therein or with relation thereto.
(B) Insurance of marine builder's risks, marine war risks and contracts or marine protection and indemnity insurance.
(C) Insurance of freights and disbursements pertaining to a subject of insurance coming within this section.
(D) Insurance of personal property and interests therein, in the course of exportation from or importation into any country, and in the course of transportation coastwise or on inland waters, including transportation by land, water, or air from point of origin to final destination, in respect to, appertaining to, or in connection with any and all risks or perils of navigation, transit, or transportation, and while being prepared for and while awaiting shipment, and during delays, storage, transshipment, or reshipment incident thereto.
(7) "Property insurance," which is insurance on real or personal property of every kind and of every interest therein, whether on land, water, or in the air, against loss or damage from any and all hazard or cause, and against loss consequential upon such loss or damage, other than noncontractual legal liability for such loss or damage. Property insurance does not include title insurance, as defined in subdivision (9) of this subsection.
(8) "Surety insurance," which includes:
(A) "Fidelity insurance," which is insurance guaranteeing the fidelity of persons holding positions of public or private trust.
(B) Insurance or guaranty of the obligations of employers under workers' compensation laws.
(C) Insurance guaranteeing the performance of contracts, other than insurance policies, and guaranteeing and executing bonds, undertakings, and contracts of suretyship.
(D) Insurance indemnifying banks, bankers, brokers, financial or monied corporations or associations against loss, resulting from any cause, of bills of exchange, notes, bonds, securities, evidences of debt, deeds, mortgages, warehouse receipts, or other valuable papers, documents, money, precious metals and articles made therefrom, jewelry, watches, necklaces, bracelets, gems, precious and semiprecious stones, including any loss while the same are being transported in armored motor vehicles, or by messenger, but not including any other risks of transportation or navigation; also insurance against loss or damage to such an insured's premises or to his or her furniture, furnishings, fixtures, equipment, safes, and vaults therein, caused by burglary, robbery, theft, vandalism, or malicious mischief, or any attempt thereat.
(9) "Title insurance," which is the certification or guarantee of title or ownership, or insurance of owners of property or others having an interest therein or liens or encumbrances thereon, against loss by encumbrance, or defective titles, or invalidity, or adverse claim to title. A title insurer may also insure the identity, due execution, and validity of any note or bond secured by mortgage or deed of trust and the identity, due execution, validity, and recording of any such mortgage or deed of trust. This definition shall not be deemed to apply to the business of preparing and issuing abstracts of title to or ownership of property or certifying to the validity of documents relative to such titles.
(10) "Multiple line insurance," which is insurance combining on a mandatory basis in a single policy coverage coming within two or more of the kinds of insurance as defined in this chapter, other than title insurance, life insurance, or the granting of annuities, and for either a divisible or an indivisible rate or premium.
(11) "Inland marine insurance" means any insurance that is defined by statute, rule, or general custom as inland marine insurance.
(b) It is intended that certain insurance coverages may come within the definitions of two or more kinds of insurance as defined in this chapter, and the inclusion of such coverage within one definition shall not exclude it as to any other kind of insurance within the definition of which such coverage is likewise reasonably includible. Unless the context requires otherwise, a corporation engaged in the business described in subdivision (a)(1) of this section may also do any and all insurance business comprised in subdivision (a)(2) of this section relating to health insurance and subdivision (a)(3)(D) of this section relating to workers' compensation. A corporation engaged in business comprised in any subdivision except subdivision (a)(1) of this section may do any business comprised in any of the other subdivisions except subdivision (a)(1) of this section, provided the requirements of law are complied with, and provided further that a company not engaged in writing a particular class of insurance on July 1, 1968, shall not write insurance of such class thereafter without approval of the Commissioner after he or she is satisfied that such insurance will be soundly underwritten on the strength of adequate capital and reserves considering the risks insured against and the experience, resources, and responsibility of the underwriter. In addition to any power to engage in any other kind of business besides an insurance business that may be specifically conferred by this part, an insurance company organized under this section may engage in other kinds of business to the extent necessarily or reasonably incidental to the kind or kinds of insurance business that it is authorized to do under this section.
(c) Nothing in this section shall authorize a company to issue a policy of title insurance in this State until the applicant therefor has been notified in writing by such company of all defects in title that will be excluded from coverage under the prospective policy. Such notice shall set forth in descriptive terms the nature of such excluded defects. Upon receipt of such notice, the applicant shall have the option of cancelling his or her application without any liability therefor to said company.
(d) Any corporation or organization that on July 1, 1968 had been organized and was existing under a special charter granted by the General Assembly prior hereto, or had been organized and was existing under insurance laws in effect prior hereto, may continue to do a business of insurance specified in this section and authorized by its charter under the continued supervision of the Commissioner.
(e) The provisions of this title relating to the regulation of the business of insurance shall not apply to activities engaged in by ambulance services and first responder services for which they are licensed by the Department of Health pursuant to 24 V.S.A. chapter 71.

8 V.S.A. § 3301

Amended by 2023 , No. 53, § 11, eff. 6/8/2023.
Amended by 2022 , No. 139, § 12, eff. 5/27/2022.
Added 1967, No. 344 (Adj. Sess.), § 1 (ch. 1, subch. 1, § 1); amended 1981, No. 165 (Adj. Sess.), § 1; 1993, No. 166 (Adj. Sess.), § 1.